Mods that are reported as working with Versions 2.50 to 4.3x

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Mods that are reported as working with Versions 2.50 to 4.3x

Post by NZ-Wanderer »

INFO: Due to me using different colors in this list, the best board style for viewing this list is "Classic THQ Default" which you can change in your profile if you so wish :)

List last updated Saturday 27th February 2021 @ 09:55

NOTE: This list is ONLY for Versions 2.50 and up, do NOT use it for earlier versions, as you may break things in your game..
NOTE1: Once you have tested with the latest version drop a message to let me know what can be updated please so I can keep the list updated :)
NOTE2: If a version number is missing (eg: 3.50), it means all mods from that version worked fine for the next (eg:3.52)

In the links, if I could not find a Egosoft forum link, I used either Steam or Nexus ones.
In some Steam and Nexus Links I have used the persons name that is on Nexus or Steam, if this is not your name on Egosoft and you want it changed to Ego name please let me know..


NOTE: Mac and Linux users, there is now a list for you started up which will help you determine what is compatible or not for your systems.. - You can find it here

For those interested in (Debug)ging there is now included a (Debug) color for listings, this is mainly useful for those that (Debug) things, everyone else can ignore the colors :)
- They are:

(Debug) nobody has looked into the (Debug)log for this Mod yet.
(Debug) Only the really unavoidable Messages are in a (Debug)log with this Mod on starting the Game.
(Debug) Contains avoidable (Debug)log Messages, but these are not constantly spamming the (Debug)log.
(Debug) (Debug)log is constantly Spammed by unnecesary Messages and therefore unusable for finding other Errors.

Or a combination of the above colors if it can be in two categories :)

NOTE: Full description of this is at the bottom of this message (thanks UniTrader)

Version 4.1x - 4.3x Mods

Game Starts
(Debug) 4.30 - Argon Privateer Start (Eightbal1)
(Debug) 4.10 - New systems pack (Van-Fim)
(Debug) 4.30 - Transcend - Lost Colony (Observe)

System Changes
(Debug) 4.30 - Beaumont System (John Colman)
(Debug) 4.30 - Blue Light System (John Colman)
(Debug) 4.30 - Harmony of Perpetuity System (John Colman)
(Debug) 4.30 - Improved Vanilla Clusters (John Colman)
(Debug) 4.30 - Pandoras Nebula System (John Colman)
(Debug) 4.30 - Treasure Chest System (John Colman)

Universe Changes/Graphics
(Debug) 4.30 - Erloschene Hoffnung (SirFrancisDrake)
(Debug) 4.30 - Herschel's Gift (SirFrancisDrake)
(Debug) 4.30 - Hiigaran Crossroads Cluster (Exavier724)
(Debug) 4.30 - Out of my way Glitches (Zerga)
(Debug) 4.10 - Proper Ice Belt in Vapour Stream (nidaren)
(Debug) 4.10 - Proper Ice Belt in Vapour Stream (no nebula) (nidaren)
(Debug) 4.30 - Re Art World XR (aspbazi)
(Debug) 4.30 - REspace / DLC Teladi Outpost (aspbazi)
(Debug) 4.30 - Smaller Sun for DeVries (Rubini)
(Debug) 4.30 - X-Rebirth Lost Sectors (KrYcHokE)

Combat Extensions
(Debug) 4.30 - Better AutoAim (w.evans)
(Debug) 4.30 - Boarding Options (Clownmug/camus)
(Debug) 4.30 - Combat enhancement scripts (beaver1981)
(Debug) 4.30 - Combat Ranks and Bailout (euclid)
(Debug) 4.30 - Entern mit Flottensupport (Fleet-Supported Boarding) (Marvin Martian)
(Debug) 4.30 - Epic Capital Ship Shields (w.evans)
(Debug) 4.30 - Marine Rebalance Mod (w.evans)
(Debug) 4.30 - Mercenary (Andy_MB)
(Debug) 4.30 - Miscellaneous IZ Combat Tweaks (w.evans)
(Debug) 4.30 - Miscellaneous OOZ Combat Tweaks (w.evans)

(Debug) 4.30 - Argon Centaur 1.02 (SirFrancisDrake)
(Debug) 4.30 - Argon Heavy Centaur 1.0 (SirFrancisDrake)
(Debug) 4.30 - Argon Titan 1.01 (SirFrancisDrake)
(Debug) 4.30 - deca 1.0 (SirFrancisDrake)
(Debug) 4.30 - Paladin Zerstörer V1.01 (SirFrancisDrake)
(Debug) 4.30 - Split Gepard (Acinonyx) 1.01 (SirFrancisDrake)
(Debug) 4.30 - Split Panther 1.0 (SirFrancisDrake)
(Debug) 4.30 - Split Python 1.0 (SirFrancisDrake)
(Debug) 4.30 - Terran Kyoto 1.01 (SirFrancisDrake)
(Debug) 4.30 - Terran Osaka 1.01 (SirFrancisDrake)
(Debug) 4.30 - Vacana Ltd. Schiffe V2.0 - AddOn für Herschels Geschenk (SirFrancisDrake)

Fleet Management
(Debug) 4.30 - Advanced Renaming (UniTrader)
(Debug) 4.30 - Carrier & MoreCarriers (Fighters land on Arawn, Suls & Chaser) (German Forum) (Marvin Martian)

Trading Management / Trading
(Debug) 4.10 - Extra Surplus Info (jth)
(Debug) 4.30 - Galaxy Station Range (YorrickVander)
(Debug) 4.30 - Manager Account Sharing (UniTrader)
(Debug) 4.10 - MitchTech Station Logistics (wysiwyg)
(Debug) 4.30 - Trade Menu Cargo Hold Filter (blackmilan)
(Debug) 4.30 - Tradestation Network (Marvin Martian)
(Debug) 4.30 - Trade Relations (w_evans)
(Debug) 4.30 - UT CaC (Command and Control) (UniTrader)
(Debug) 4.30 - Yet Another Trader (YAT V2 Not for versions before 4.0) (YorrickVander)

HUD / Interface Changes
(Debug) 4.30 - Capital Ship Bridge (Litauen / Armodeus)
(Debug) 4.30 - Equip drones at the shipyard - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - Green Mouse Cursors (oliverjanda)
(Debug) 4.30 - Enhanced Money Transfer (wysiwyg)
(Debug) 4.30 - Improved Object Menu (MegaJohnny)
(Debug) 4.30 - Log Everything (Juggernaut93)
(Debug) 4.30 - Menu transaction patch - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - Mods Options - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - Number of ships and stations - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - Observation Deck (42parsec)
(Debug) 4.30 - Old zones icon - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - Orange Mouse Cursor (Claos)
(Debug) 4.30 - Ship Building Menu - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - Sidebar Extension (Phipsz)
(Debug) 4.30 - Tactical Map (MegaJohnny)

NPC Changes
(Debug) 4.30 - AutoCrew (pref)
(Debug) 4.30 - AutoTrain (pref)
(Debug) 4.30 - Co Pilot Convo (YorrickVander)
(Debug) 4.30 - Crew Fix OnFired (aladinaleks)
(Debug) 4.30 - Criminals don't walk in Xenon space - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - Don't shoot non-combat drones - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - Give me some Cloth please! (minimal Version) (eMYNOCK)
(Debug) 4.30 - Give us more Cloth please! (Regular Version) (eMYNOCK)
(Debug) 4.30 - Npcs Gain Xp (oliverjanda)
(Debug) 4.30 - QuickPlatformsPopulate - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - Show me your Faction Please (Phipsz)
(Debug) 4.30 - SkunkEngineer - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - Show skills (StormMagi)
(Debug) 4.30 - - Simoom's Galactic Dress Code - NPC Appearance Overhaul (Simoom)
(Debug) 4.10 - Yisha texture replacement (Bac9)
(Debug) 4.30 - Yorrick's Yisha (YorrickVander)

Convenience Changes / Interaction
(Debug) 4.30 - AvoidFoO - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - Don't follow me - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - Exploration Light (NodusCursorius)
(Debug) 4.30 - Ignore locked relation drop - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - LongJumps - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - Max upgrades by default - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - Quiet Money Autotransfer - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - Remove tips from the log - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - Shortname Generator - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - Show Balance (Litauen)
(Debug) 4.30 - Stations Ignore Mission Targets (w_evans)

(Debug) 4.30 - Better Station Scan Mode (Rubini)
(Debug) 4.10 - Fusion Reactors Optimized (nidaren)
(Debug) 4.30 - Improved Log - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.10 - Scaldis Cargo Fix (nidaren)
(Debug) 4.10 - Titurel Engine Fix (nidaren)
(Debug) 4.30 - Trader Menu Fix - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - WarehouseMinersFix - eliseeff / Steam

Sound and Video Mods

(Debug) 4.30 - Craft Missiles (oliverjanda)
(Debug) 4.30 - Craft Virtual Seminars (oliverjanda)

Gameplay Changes and/or Cheats
(Debug) 4.30 - Add M/S Ships Class (aladinaleks)
(Debug) 4.30 - Advanced station rename - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - Armed Scaldis (Lander1979
(Debug) 4.30 - auswerfbarer Targon-Sucher/droppable Targon Tracer (Marvin Martian)
(Debug) 4.30 - AutoLooter (euclid)
(Debug) 4.30 - Auto Resupply (iforgotmysocks)
(Debug) 4.30 - Black Legion (iforgotmysocks)
(Debug) 4.10 - Build Titurel (nidaren)
(Debug) 4.10 - Build Titurel - Higher Requirements (nidaren)
(Debug) 4.30 - Builder Ship Speed (aladinaleks)
(Debug) 4.30 - Camera and Zoom (aladinaleks) / (No version limitation.)
(Debug) 4.30 - Canteran Handmade Technologies (eMYNOCK)
(Debug) 4.30 - Canteran ship pack (beaver1981)
(Debug) 4.30 - Cargo Dron Plus (aladinaleks)
(Debug) 4.30 - Cheat Menu X Rebirth (aladinalrks)
(Debug) 4.30 - Copperhead Split Destroyer (iforgotmysocks)
(Debug) 4.30 - DeVries Builder Ship Upgrade (eMYNOCK/alexalsp)
(Debug) 4.30 - DifficultyHack (w.evans)
(Debug) 4.30 - DOShortcuts (iforgotmysocks)
(Debug) 4.10 - Ency-Mod (Commodore MJ Fire)
(Debug) 4.30 - Faster Missiles (oliverjanda)
(Debug) 4.30 - Enemy Give Missions (DeadMor0z)
(Debug) 4.30 - Fighter Repairs (iforgotmysocks)
(Debug) 4.30 - Fly-by Claiming (Assailer)
(Debug) 4.30 - Fly-by InfoScan (Assailer)
(Debug) 4.30 - Fly-by Looting (Assailer)
(Debug) 4.30 - Fly-by Repair (Assailer)
(Debug) 4.30 - God Mode for Capital Ships (aladinaleks) / (No version limitation.)
(Debug) 4.30 - God Mode for Player Stations (aladinaleks) / (No version limitation.)
(Debug) 4.30 - God Mode for Player Ships and Station (aladinaleks) / (No version limitation.)
(Debug) 4.30 - Hacking as a Service (Marvin Martian)
(Debug) 4.30 - Hunter Ships (aladinaleks)
(Debug) 4.30 - Inventory Craft Items Marked (Loltak)
(Debug) 4.30 - Kit Fix (aladinaleks)
(Debug) 4.10 - Ledda Industrial Construction Shop (nidaren)
(Debug) 4.10 - Ledda Ship Tech Fab Fusion Reactors (nidaren)
(Debug) 4.30 - More Crew (Euclid)
(Debug) 4.30 - Neutral Pods (iforgotmysocks)
(Debug) 4.30 - No Jump Fuel for Player Ships (Escaflow)
(Debug) 4.30 - Omicron Ship Upgrades & Fixes (H.E.I.N.Z)
(Debug) 4.30 - Open Map Universe (aladinaleks)
(Debug) 4.30 - Paranid Odysseus (Lander1979)
(Debug) 4.30 - Paranid Zeus (Lander1979)
(Debug) 4.30 - Player Engineer (iforgotmysocks)
(Debug) 4.10 - Player Jump (Euclid)
(Debug) 4.10 - Player Shipyards and more (BlackRain)
(Debug) 4.30 - Project TOBS (Project Teladi Outpost Builder Ships) (eMYNOCK)
(Debug) 4.30 - Redesign Ships - (aladinaleks)
(Debug) 4.30 - RelationTalks (iforgotmysocks)
(Debug) 4.30 - Repair Docks For Capship (camus)
(Debug) 4.30 - Reparaturdienst/Repairservice (Marvin Martian)
(Debug) 4.30 - Shadyguy's devices - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 - Ship Recycling (jth)
(Debug) 4.30 - Show Resources (DeadMor0z)
(Debug) 4.30 - Shipyard and Player Shipyard - Ship Recycling (jth)
(Debug) 4.30 - Slightly More Useful Plot Station (SMUPS)(w.evans)
(Debug) 4.30 - Small Talk Hack (w.evans)
(Debug) 4.30 - Some Ships (Marvin Martian)
(Debug) 4.30 - Standard Player Shipyards (aladinaleks)
(Debug) 4.30 - Station Engineers (w.evans)
(Debug) 4.30 - Station Production Limiting (jth)
(Debug) 4.30 - Station Recycle or Destroy (jth)
(Debug) 4.10 - Stronger Ship Hulls (nidaren)
(Debug) 4.30 - Super Transport (aladinaleks)
(Debug) 4.30 - Temp Zone Station Builder (euclid)
(Debug) 4.30 - Toride Builder Ships (eMYNOCK) (*HoL required)
(Debug) 4.30 - Traitor ROV many mines (aladinalrks)
(Debug) 4.30 - Upgrade All Button (lenjoj)
(Debug) 4.30 - Xenon Hunt 3 (aladinaleks)

(Debug) 4.30 (Map) - Interactive 3D map (YOYOMAN_MODDER)
(Debug) 4.30 (Map) - Seizewell Galaxy Map of Rebirth (Drow)

(Debug) 4.30 (Editor) - Save game Editor & CAT\DAT explorer\extracter v0.1.14 (nemesis1982)
(Debug) 4.30 (Editor) - Visual XML Editor (Roger L.S. Griffith)
(Debug) 4.30 (Tools) - .xmf/.xac <-> .dae converter (arc_)
(Debug) 4.30 (Tools) - X Rebirth Official Tools (Egosoft)
(Debug) 4.30 (Utility) - XR-utilities pack - eliseeff / Steam
(Debug) 4.30 (Tutorial) - How to Create a Custom Gamestart (Ajpav13)
(Debug) 4.30 (Tutorial) - Working with custom 3D models (Observe)
(Debug) 4.30 (Tutorial) - X Rebirth - Modding Guide (Observe)

Version 4.0x Mods

Game Starts
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 3 - Random Universe (camus)
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 7 - Terran Envoy (Reaperxvii)
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 7 - Terran Rebuild (Reaperxvii)
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 7 - Vanguard Paladin (Reaperxvii)
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 7 - Vanguard Outcast (Reaperxvii)

Universe Changes/Graphics
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 7 - Albion Civil War (Reaperxvii)
(Debug) 4.00 - New Ship Tech Fab - Fusion Reactors (nidaren)
(Debug) 4.00 - New Construction Shop - Reinforced Metal Plating (nidaren)

Combat Extensions
(Debug) 4.00 - Conquest and War in Rebirth! (BlackRain)
(Debug) 4.00 - All those ships belongs to us (Zenchina)

Fleet Management
(Debug) 4.00 - MultiAssignment (Phipsz)

Trading Management / Trading
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 4 - Auto Trader (euclid)
(Debug) 4.00 - Station Push wares (jth)
(Debug) 4.00 - TAF (TheRealBix)

HUD / Interface Changes
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 7 - Albion Pride Remodeled + FoV Change (Skipp)
(Debug) 4.00 - Faction and Player logo (UniTrader)
(Debug) 4.00 - Orange Mouse Cursor (Claos)

NPC Changes
(Debug) 4.00 - Engineer 100% (angel618)
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 2 - NPCs on your stations (BlackRain)
(Debug) 4.00 - Sort Crew (Phipsz)
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 2 - Yisha supervising Hiring and Firing (Litauen)

Convenience Changes / Interaction
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 2 - Mission Computer (cyberfuzzie)
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 2 - Mission Computer Software Removal Tool (cyberfuzzie)

Sound and Video Mods
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 7 - No random sector music (Unbekanntes Feindschiff)
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 2 - SilenceYouAll (pref)

(Debug) 4.00 - Black Market Seminars (Strude)
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 2 - Craft Drones MKx (oliverjanda)

Gameplay Changes and/or Cheats
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 4 HF3 - Automated Emergency Jump (bm01)
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 7 - BlackRains PlayerShipyard Edits V1.1 (Reaperxvii)
(Debug) 4.00 - Build Station Mission (Clownmug/camus)
(Debug) 4.00 - Configurable MassTraffic (chms)
(Debug) 4.00 - Focused Jump Drive (Zenchina)
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 4 Hotfix 3 - Format Thousands (jth)
(Debug) 4.00 - hull x3 skunk (angel618)
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 7 - More Missiles Mod (NovaCameron)
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 2 - New Ship 5 Star Commander (huntjd1)
(Debug) 4.00 - Rare Engines Scan Best (Strude)
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 2 - Realspace Booster fixed for 3.0 (Aranov)
(Debug) 4.00 Beta 7 - Reaper's Ship Pack (Reaperxvii)
(Debug) 4.00 - Simoom's Lantern - Ultimate Cheat Menu (Simoom)

Version 3.x Mods

Game Starts
(Debug) 3.61 - DeVries Freelancer start (YorrickVander)
(Debug) 3.53 - Ivanov's Custom Gamestarts! ('Airstrike' Ivanov)
(Debug) 3.60 - Post-plot game start (Sparky Sparkycorp)
(Debug) 3.53 - Random Freeplay (Clownmug/camus)

Universe Changes/Graphics
(Debug) 3.50 - LessFog (Rubini, enenra and MutantDwarf)
(Debug) 3.53 - New Cluster: Center Stage (Graziah)
(Debug) 3.50 RC1 - Pimp My Skunk (ICO_hr)

Combat Extensions
(Debug) 3.00 - Assault URV Fix (Clownmug/camus)
(Debug) 3.53 - Better Turrets (cicero111)
(Debug) 3.60 - Boarding Plus (Litauen)
(Debug) 3.60 - WORLD WAR X (BlackRain)

Fleet Management
(Debug) 3.00 Beta 3 - MCE (Berserk Knight)
(Debug) 3.20 - UFO - Ultimate Fleet Overhaul (Mad_Joker)

Trading Management / Trading
(Debug) 3.60 - Albion Trade Station (FindolCaleb / populus_silvae)
(Debug) 3.50 - Manager Call (euclid)
(Debug) 3.50 Beta 1 - Safer Trading (Clownmug/camus)

HUD / Interface Changes
(Debug) 3.61 - 5km Scan Range (Tyrant597)
(Debug) 3.61 - Add Jeb Kerman to Skunks Cockpit (Part of Unitraders Silly Little Projects) (Unitrader)
(Debug) 3.00 Beta 7 - ButterRanges (TheRealBix)
(Debug) 3.53 - HUD Only Cockpit (oliverjanda)
(Debug) 3.00 - Just Sell It All (iforgotmysocks)

NPC Changes
(Debug) 3.50 RC1 - Captain AI overhaul (cicero111)
(Debug) 3.60[/color] - Collection: First Person Gameplay Overhaul (UniTrader)
(Debug) 3.52 - Human Resources (Vim Razz)
(Debug) 3.61 - improve drone AI (FIX) (xrook) - NOTE: Requires patching - Improve drone AI mod
(Debug) 3.20 - Manager Fix (From German Forum) (ubuntufreakdragon) (not needed in Rebirth 3.50)
(Debug) 3.10 - Speed Traffic (Angel618)
(Debug) 3.60 - Yisha supervising Hiring and Firing (Litauen)

Convenience Changes / Interaction
(Debug) 3.52 - Betty Plus (Litauen)
(Debug) 3.53 - BettyAI 2015 (J3ANP3T3R)
(Debug) 3.50 - Earn VirtualSeminars by Completing Missions (Rubini)
(Debug) 3.60 - Faster Dialogue (UniTrader)
(Debug) 3.53 - revealthingz (Earth Ultimatum IV)
(Debug) 3.50 - Safe Squad Join (Clownmug/camus)
(Debug) 3.10 - Self sufficient player factories (copperzinc)
(Debug) 3.60 - Shut up Ren (Atrocious)
(Debug) 3.53 - Talking Silent (M0001)

(Debug) 3.60 - Long Range Scanner Update (Frumph)

Sound and Video Mods
(Debug) 3.60 - Bar Music (Himmel)
(Debug) 3.60 - Desexualised clubs (WelshPixie)
(Debug) 3.53 - Radio Silence (Atrocious)
(Debug) 3.60 - Station Announcements (Litauen)

Gameplay Changes and/or Cheats
(Debug) 3.20 RC4 - Awesome Jump Drive FX (Hardcard)
(Debug) 3.50 Beta 1 - BetterHighwayAlphas (Nebogloee)
(Debug) 3.60 - Better Loot Magnet (oliverjanda)
(Debug) 3.50 Beta 1 - Better Speed Control (Mad_Joker)
(Debug) 3.52 - Buy Trade Subscription (ﮒĭζεηŧﯖţoŕм)
(Debug) 3.53 - Canteran Refinery Ship (bradines)
(Debug) 3.53 - Conquer_Mod (Rubini)
(Debug) 3.53 - DangerZones (euclid)
(Debug) 3.50 - Destructible Stations and Capturable Zones (Van-Fim)
(Debug) 3.50 Beta 3 - Disable Collision Damage (GTAVC)
(Debug) 3.60 - Enable XL AND L Ships to dock at XL Docks (UniTrader)
(Debug) 3.50 Beta 2 - Exploration Software (Phipsz)
(Debug) 3.10 - Extra Builder Cargo (dez505)
(Debug) 3.60 - Faster Ships (BlackRain)
(Debug) 3.61 - fly small ships (German Forum) (Marvin Martian)
(Debug) 3.61 - Format Thousands (jth)
(Debug) 3.50 - Heavy Beam overheat reduced (DjordjeDtW)
(Debug) 3.53 - Heavy Laser Overhaul (oliverjanda)
(Debug) 3.60 - Hull Repair Laser (oliverjanda)
(Debug) 3.53 - Katana Mod (Lander1979)
(Debug) 3.53 - Less Highway Traffic (oliverjanda)
(Debug) 3.53 - MIS: Hot Engines (Ginger470)
(Debug) 3.61 - Modder's Skunk Overhaul (xrook)
(Debug) 3.50 Beta 2 - More Immersive Skunk (Ginger47)
(Debug) 3.53 - More Jumps (oliverjanda)
(Debug) 3.00 - Opaque Eventmonitor (Ketraar)
(Debug) 3.60 - Project Fedhelm (eBaracuda)
(Debug) 3.53 - Remove the Boarding/Unboarding Cutscenes (koronus)
(Debug) 3.50 Beta 1 - Repair Laser and New Player controll drone (docwho83)
(Debug) 3.50 Beta 1 - Repair/Welding laser (lyravega) - Egosoft Link
(Debug) 3.52 - Scaldis Rebalance - modifies Cargo bay (Lander1979)
(Debug) 3.50 - Sensible Miners (cicero111)
(Debug) 3.52 - Ship Engineer Repairing Fix (bm01)
(Debug) 3.10 - Skunk Pivot Fix (UniTrader)
(Debug) 3.52 - SkunkTurrets (iforgotmysocks)
(Debug) 3.53 - Squad Jump to me (oliverjanda)
(Debug) 3.61 - Station Production Limiting (jth)
(Debug) 3.10 - Super Booster (balbrock)
(Debug) 3.53 - Super Scanner (balbrock)
(Debug) 3.52 - VR Skill Evaluation (Beans)

(Debug) 3.20 (Library) - LibMJ (Mad_Joker)

Version 2.x Mods

Universe Changes / Graphics
(Debug) 2.50 RC1 - XR_Planets (ICO_hr)
(Debug) 2.50 RC1 - XR_Nebulas (ICO_hr)k

HUD / Interface Changes
(Debug) 2.50 Beta 8 - BK Universal Menu System (Berserk Knight)

NPC Changes
(Debug) 2.50 RC2 - Desexualised Clubs (WelshPixie)
(Debug) 2.50 RC2 - Red Yisha-Suit with pattern (digfeltil)

Sound Mods
(Debug) 2.50 RC2 - Techno Bar SFX (SpacialKatana)
(Debug) 2.50 RC2 - XBTF Automated Interaction System (Himmel)

Gameplay Changes
(Debug) 2.51 - NPC_Bail_Modifier (Tyrant597)
(Debug) 2.50 - Explore and Salvage Early Alpha (iforgotmysocks)
(Debug) 2.50 Beta 9 - Ignore JumpDrive Fuel (Hiiro)
(Debug) 2.50 Beta 9 - ISE comfortable edition (piscisferro)
(Debug) 2.50 RC2 - No Crates (Tyrant597)
(Debug) 2.50 Beta 9 - Titurel Redesign (eBaracuda)

(Debug) 2.50 Beta 9 - Map Reveal (Berserk Knight)
(Debug) 2.50 - Unlocking info and object knowledge (Assailer)

Under Repair :)

3.10 - Astromech Droids (YorrickVander)
2.50 Beta 9 - Butter Missions (TheRealBix)
2.50 Beta 9 - Butter Rewards (TheRealBix)

Not tested/Not working/Not needed

Helpful Directions (Swallen) - Egosoft Link
Lost weapons mod (Reports of this working and not working, so until confirmed definitely they go here :) )(Thanks JESS 246 and iforgotmysocks)
Improved missiles mod (Reports of this working and not working, so until confirmed definitely they go here :) )(Thanks JESS 246 and iforgotmysocks)

Shady Slater (Officially Retired)
3.53 RC1 Xenon Hunt (Atrocious) - Egosoft Link (Not supported any more, New Xenon Hunt 2 released above)
3.10 Populate Player Stations (Taken down due to people not bothering reading instructions properly!!!) (YorrickVander) - Egosoft Link
3.53 Engineer Drone Fix (w.evans) - Egosoft Link
3.20 Manager Fix (From German Forum) (ubuntufreakdragon) - Egosoft Link (not needed in Rebirth 3.50)
3.53 OOZ ship build (ubuntufreakdragon) - Egosoft Link
3.60 Clean Sidebar and Main Menu (Olympian) - Steam Link
Recall Player Drones (YorrickVander) - Egosoft Link
Remove spawned trade ship wares v.03 (SilverXarrow) - Egosoft Link
2.51 - Shields for L/XL Larger Ship Hulls (nidaren)

(Debug) Part Explained (By UniTrader)

Black: nobody has looked into the (Debug)log for this Mod yet

Green: Only the really unavoidable Messages are in a (Debug)log with this Mod on starting the Game, like:

Code: Select all

[=ERROR=] Error loading MD file extensions\UTBridgeCommands\md\MainMenu.xml: Ignoring root node 'diff' in XML file 'extensions\UTBridgeCommands\md\MainMenu.xml'.
Yellow: Contains avoidable (Debug)log Messages, but these are not constantly spamming the (Debug)log, like:

Code: Select all

[=ERROR=] LIBXML2: file:///extensions%2FUTXenonInvasions%2Fmd%2FUT_Xenon_Inasions.xml?ext=pck%20xml line 140, error 73: expected '>'

Code: Select all

[=ERROR=] Cannot match path '/aiscript[not(interrupts)]/init' in patch file 'extensions\UTFactionLogos\aiscripts\'. Skipping node.
(the latter one may also count as green since it makes the Mod compatible to both 2.5 and the current version, but i don't want to push this...)

Red: (Debug)log is constantly Spammed by unnecesary Messages and therefore unusable for finding other Errors, like:

Code: Select all

[=ERROR=] Error in AI script move.patrol on entity 0x1fdf0: Property lookup failed: this.$escortgroup 
* Expression: this.$escortgroup
or other Mod-Related Messages

Thanks Sparkey for putting the original list in alphabetical order for me, made my job a lot easier.
Thanks alexalsp, Ajpav13, Andy_MB, Axeface, beaver1981, Birdtable, blackmilan, BlackRain, bm01, Clownmug/camus, CommanderTM, Commodore MJ Fire, CulunTse, cyberfuzzie, darkone264, DeadMor0z, dez505, D.O.S., Earth ultimatum IV, Eightbal1, eMYNOCK, g_BonE, Ginger470, GTAVC, HailedGorion, Hotmail1987, ianrobo75, iforgotmysocks, JESS 246, JFin, jth, John Colman, Juggernaut93, KRM398, Lander1979, Loltak, Marvin Martian, Mazuo, MegaJohnny, Mylo-s, nidaren, NightlinerSGS, NodusCursorius, oliverjanda, Peter Hull, Phipsz, Pref, Rapter215, Reaperxvii, Requiemfang, Ronkhar, sabbede, shdwphnx, Simoom, Solomon Short, Skipp, Sparkey, Spock10, steganox, StormMagi, strude, Tamina, tylitalo, UniTrader, Valathor, Vim Razz, w.evans, werewolves?, wysiwyg, X-Me, xrook, YorrickVander, Zenchina (and anyone else I missed) for help in maintaining this list :)

If anyone has more info on Mods please let me know.
Last edited by NZ-Wanderer on Fri, 26. Feb 21, 21:53, edited 558 times in total.
Link to the list of Mods working in X4-Foundations and also Link to the list of Mods working in X-Rebirth

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Post by LUBEggA »

Hi NZ-Wanderer
Galaxy Station Range 1.1 is also not working with the new beta, manager menu entries (budgets etc.) do not respond anymore.
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Post by YorrickVander »

YAT + Copilot do work, they just require the legacy main menu to be used (game settings > legacy main menu > on). Shady Slater + DeVries Freelancer start also survived :)

Pimp My Skunk, XP_Planets, XR_Nebulas, Radio Silence, Shut up Ren! are fine too.
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Post by YorrickVander »

Galaxy Station Range now fixed and on steam. It only updates if you are running 2.50 so no breakages for non beta folk.
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Post by Earth Ultimatum IV. »

IgnoreFuel works without problems.
I use it since release, never had problems.

Also the Configurable MassTraffic works.
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Post by NZ-Wanderer »

Thanks for the replies so far guys :) - First post updated... :)
Last edited by NZ-Wanderer on Tue, 1. Jan 19, 12:25, edited 1 time in total.
Link to the list of Mods working in X4-Foundations and also Link to the list of Mods working in X-Rebirth

NOTE: I play with a modded game, so any reports I make outlining suggestions/problems/bugs/annoyances, are made with mods installed and running.
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Post by Sparky Sparkycorp »

Yet Another Trader updated to v1.0 for 2.50 beta and now on Steam 8)
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Post by NZ-Wanderer »

Sparky Sparkycorp wrote:Update:
Yet Another Trader updated to v1.0 for 2.50 beta and now on Steam 8)
Thank you first post updated :)
Link to the list of Mods working in X4-Foundations and also Link to the list of Mods working in X-Rebirth

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Post by Rapter215 »

Hi NZ-Wanderer

Xenon Hunt (Atrocious) works just fine with 2.50 Beta.
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Post by NZ-Wanderer »

Rapter215 wrote:Hi NZ-Wanderer
Xenon Hunt (Atrocious) works just fine with 2.50 Beta.
Thank you, added to list :)
Link to the list of Mods working in X4-Foundations and also Link to the list of Mods working in X-Rebirth

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Post by YorrickVander »

Station Announcements seems to be working 100%
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Post by birdtable »

Started a new game with fresh install .... Basic start with Skunk ... following mods work fine ... repair laser, show skills and ISE comfortable edition....
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Post by NZ-Wanderer »

Thanks guys, added to list :) :)
Last edited by NZ-Wanderer on Tue, 1. Jan 19, 12:24, edited 1 time in total.
Link to the list of Mods working in X4-Foundations and also Link to the list of Mods working in X-Rebirth

NOTE: I play with a modded game, so any reports I make outlining suggestions/problems/bugs/annoyances, are made with mods installed and running.
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Post by wwdragon »

Needs Sticky!

Would be nice if we had a sticky to show mod comparability for current version out at all times. :wink:
Editing posts since long before I remember.
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Post by UniTrader »

wwdragon wrote:Needs Sticky!

Would be nice if we had a sticky to show mod comparability for current version out at all times. :wink:
when the need arises because this Topic sinks i will sticky it, but currently it sticks itself pretty good ;) didnt sink below the first 10 Topics behind the Stickies since it was opened.

well, ok. will Link it in the Pinned Extension Overview for now ;) think thats a good enough compromise (too many Stickies are not good you know ;) )
if not stated otherwise everything i post is licensed under WTFPL

Ich mache keine S&M-Auftragsarbeiten, aber wenn es fragen gibt wie man etwas umsetzen kann helfe ich gerne weiter ;)

I wont do Script&Mod Request work, but if there are questions how to do something i will GLaDly help ;)
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Post by NZ-Wanderer »

wwdragon wrote:Needs Sticky!
Would be nice if we had a sticky to show mod comparability for current version out at all times. :wink:
Well what I plan to do is maintain this through all version releases, moving all the working ones to the not tested part on each release then moving them back up again once they been checked or updated :)
Link to the list of Mods working in X4-Foundations and also Link to the list of Mods working in X-Rebirth

NOTE: I play with a modded game, so any reports I make outlining suggestions/problems/bugs/annoyances, are made with mods installed and running.
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Post by Ginger470 »

Great thread :) Just tested MIS: Hot Engines and it's working with 2.5 :)
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Post by NZ-Wanderer »

Thanks for that Ginger470, added to list :)

Have also updated a couple more from "not tested" to "working" after playing last night..
Link to the list of Mods working in X4-Foundations and also Link to the list of Mods working in X-Rebirth

NOTE: I play with a modded game, so any reports I make outlining suggestions/problems/bugs/annoyances, are made with mods installed and running.
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Post by birdtable »

Excellent Thread ...especially for new players or for those returning after a break....
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Post by Sparky Sparkycorp »

I had quite a collection of mods installed with 2.5bRC6 last night so perhaps that is the problem but I couldn't get TAF! to work.

Anyone have any ideas? I think they are all listed as compatible with the beta in the OP. Only exception being Sidebar Extendion but that is a prerequisite for YAT so I presume we could add that to the list?

Mods I was using with 2.5bRC6 game:
Faster Ships v1.0
Galaxy Station Range v1.2
Orange Mouse Cursor (1 Apr version)
Player Shipyards v1.1
Populate Player Stations (4 Aug version)
Radio Silence v1.0
Shut Up Ren! v1.0
Station Announcements v1.32
Faster Ships v1.0
Sidebar Extendion (7 Sep version)
TAF! v1.1
World War X v2.0
Yet Another Trader v1.0

TAF! link for reference:

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