[SCR] [X3:TC/AP] [v1.9.8.12] [03/23/14] Galaxy Explorer

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Post by gnasirator »

Good job!
If you like I can add the fix in and release a new version on page #1.

Can you copy&paste the modified lines in here?
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Post by soulmata »

I noticed this is modifying the stock script "!ship.cmd.jump.std.pck"

I wanted to compare the differences between the original and the modified one, but I seem to be unable to extract the modified one. Normally I can extract the XML from .pck but not the one from this script. Might anyone know how, and/or know the differences in the version this script provides?
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Post by gnasirator »

Hmm, I usually opened .pck files directly in the X3 editor ingame.
After modifying them, they were converted into an .xml copy.

Maybe try that. I just checked my own backups but I also only have the .pck left and no game installation at hand. Let me know if you find out - it's been quite a while :)
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Re: [SCR] [X3:TC/AP] [v1.9.8.12] [03/23/14] Galaxy Explorer

Post by Anghus »

I cannot get this to work.

1. I am playing X3TC
2. There was no .spk file in the download so I used the .exe to install the mod
3. I also downloaded the second file (Satellite Spawn Mod) and put the .xml file in the script directory
4. Started the game and cannot find the configuration menu nor the explore galaxy command
5. The ship I am using does have Explorer Command Software (not Exploration Command Software, perhaps that is a typo?)

I am a scripting noob. All other mods I have installed using the plugin manager. Please help me figure out what I did wrong.
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Re: [SCR] [X3:TC/AP] [v1.9.8.12] [03/23/14] Galaxy Explorer

Post by gnasirator »

I'd love to but frankly, I haven't touched the game for a couple years and have simply forgotten how to help you - sorry :)
I know it's been developed on & for AP but I've tried to keep it compatible to TC so it should work.

can you check whether all script files installed into the right folder? the .exe is just a self-extracting .rar archive. you can open it with winrar / 7zip? and extract alle files manually if you want to.

have you checked under additional ship commands?
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Re: [SCR] [X3:TC/AP] [v1.9.8.12] [03/23/14] Galaxy Explorer

Post by Anghus »

Thank you gnasirator. There is nothing at all under Additional Ship Commands. I think I am going to uninstall the game entirely and try again with AP instead of TC. If that doesn't work I'll just explore manually. Thanks for all your contributions to the game!
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Re: [SCR] [X3:TC/AP] [v1.9.8.12] [03/23/14] Galaxy Explorer

Post by gnasirator »

okay and make sure to find & buy the exploration command software or however it was called.
I think it's part of the vanilla game if I remember correctly ...
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Re: [SCR] [X3:TC/AP] [v1.9.8.12] [03/23/14] Galaxy Explorer

Post by hairyhermit »

I can also confirm not working in AP with everything in place I still have no configuration menu. Have no others running except mars.
Always works fine for me in XTC. Hoping I can figure it out in AP.

Anyone have the .spk?
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Re: [SCR] [X3:TC/AP] [v1.9.8.12] [03/23/14] Galaxy Explorer

Post by X2-Illuminatus »

Works fine for me. Did you install the script to the addon folder? Do you have the Explorer Command Software installed in your ship?
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Re: [SCR] [X3:TC/AP] [v1.9.8.12] [03/23/14] Galaxy Explorer

Post by hairyhermit »

yes. although I notice that on the first page under the OP the link to the explorer command software goes to a German (?) language forum page. I've got the explorer software, ive had no problem using the script on XTC.

Now im playing AP and I cant get this one to work, Universe Explorers works, but that script gets my explorers killed constantly.
I did notice that installing galaxy explorers over universe explorers (using that scripts provided .exe) removes the start command from the Navigation command menu (for "start galaxy explorer") whereas the galaxy explorer satellite deploy command remains.
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Re: [SCR] [X3:TC/AP] [v1.9.8.12] [03/23/14] Galaxy Explorer

Post by Virtuos »

Might be a bit of a strech since the Creator wasn't online for years.. but im using the Mod in FL, like 95% of it works fine.. im just getting random messages in my "Message Log" by "Unknown" with the Text: FLRET_OK anyone had the same problem and has a fix, or knows a workaround for Galaxy Explorers?

[EDIT] - Well, with abit of digging i found out that the message comes from the Script "plugin.explore.scanRoids.run" (which should send me a log message of how many Roids are getting scanned).. welp, for now i just disable the Roid scanning i guess :)
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Re: [SCR] [X3:TC/AP] [v1.9.8.12] [03/23/14] Galaxy Explorer

Post by Cycrow »

The message commands were changed in FL, they added an additional argument. You should be able to fix it by finding the message commands then adding the new FL ones and adjusting the arguments to match

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