[X3AP Bonus Plugin] Satellite Early Warning Network

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[X3AP Bonus Plugin] Satellite Early Warning Network

Post by jlehtone »

Satellite Early Warning Network

Version: 1.21
Scripter: Cycrow
Abbreviation: the SEWN
Thread for development version
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This allows you to link your advanced satellites into a network to report enemy activity in sectors.

Any satellites in your network can be programmed to warn you of enemy attacks, you can set what ships to detect for and what kind of warning it sends


Starting Up

You can access the Satellite Early Warning Network's Configuration menu over the Advanced game settings under Options -> Gameplay or by assigning a key to the "Satellite Early Warning Network"-hotkey under Controls -> Interface -> Extensions.

Network Configuration

As above, you open up the configuration dialog to setup your network. There are various settings available, the top is the global settings for you network with the below section listing the satellites in your network.

First section is the Network Configuration, this is your networks global settings and will be applied to all new satellites

Next section is the list of all satellites in your network (only appears if you have any added). The top option allows you to remove all the satellites. Selecting one of the satellites from this lists open up that satellites configuration.

The Bottom section is a list of all other Advanced Satellites you have. Simply select one to have it added, or choose the top option to add them all.

Global Configuration

The global network settings are applied to all new satellites as well as any that are set to "Global Settings" in thier individual config. To change the settings, just select it.

Detect Ships
This option is used to choose what type of ships the satellite should detect.

Message Type
This is the type of message that should be sent to the player.

Warning Time
This is the time in minutes that each warning message should be sent.

Detect Claimable Ships
This option allows the satellite to detect any ships in range that you can claim.

Wing Protection
This options allows the satellite to call in the help from one of the 4 SEWN wings.

Satellite Configuration

To configure each satelitte, simply select it from your network configuration dialog.

The top info section display details about your satellite including the number of enemy ships its currently detecting (based on your settings)

The next section "Detect Ships" allows you to set the ship type to detect, the global settings will change when ever you change it in your networks configuration.

The "Message Type" section is for how you want messages to be sent to you.

The "General Settings" section as the rest of the config options, this includes the time to send each warning message.

Finally, the commands at the bottom to remove the satellite from the network and to close the menu (pressing Esc also closes). This includes the option "Call For Aid" allowing you to select any one of your wings to jump in and help out. This is seperate to the wing protection which is done automatically.

Warning Messages

There are 3 settings for the warning messages.

The Voice will send a destress call to you from your ships computer with the sector.

The Message will display a message across the bottom of the screen showing the sector and satellite.

The other one is for both the voice message and a saved entry in your log book.

If you have the voice message enabled, you will get the voice "Assistant Required At {SECTOR}" if they have detected claimable ships.


SEWN Wings

There are now 4 new custom wings available for SEWN. These wings will be used for protection in the sectors of enabled satellites.

If the satellites wing protection is on, they will call in one of the wings that is available to help protect the sector.
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Post by Threesixtyci »

Does this bog down the PC, or was that corrected? I remember I tried a similar script for TC, and the more satellites I added, the more it slowed down the PC. But, then again, my PC was pretty weak then, compared to now, so maybe it won't be as big a problem.
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Post by Cycrow »

obviously the more satalites you have, the more work it has to do, as each satalite will be searching for ships.

however, it is much improved over the original TC version
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Post by infy dev »

I found a (minor) bug with SEWN!

if you return a ship to a factory, after mission completion the newly returned ship takes off and heads towards a gate - it's still named like a pilotless ship (e.g. "Pericles Sentinel"), but is mobile and has a named pilot on the info screen. however, SEWN - if configured to find derelict ships, and you happen to have a satellite in that sector - will detect it as "claimable".
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Post by infy dev »

another weird bug:

I entered Grand Exchange and docked with a station. at the time there were a few (hostile) pirates about, possibly attacking another station or maybe a trader. I did not engage in combat of any kind, and all my traders are over in argon space.

SEWN is configured *only* to report claimable ships, and there is an advanced satellite in Grand Exchange that is part of the network. interval time is set to 1 minute.

while docked I spend a few minutes managing some of my ships and whatever, when I hear: "Assistance required - Grand Exchange". checking the message log, it says that SEWN has detected a claimable ship. I save and undock, and between me and the satellite I have most of the sector covered - but there's no claimable ship (there's a crate of 10 mosquito missiles though). I wait for more than a minute, but the message never repeats.

my best guess - since (as far as I know) pilots don't bail unless the player is personally attacking them - is that it detected a ship that was in the process of exploding and somehow thought that it was claimable.
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Post by grinningsphinx »

Could you post more information on how the SEWN wings work? Will they use jump drives to get to said sector, do they return to homebase when all red flags are down?
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Post by Cycrow »

like any ships you can setup auto jump so they will jump in.

After they have finished defending they will dock at thier homebase if theres one set and if you have the resupply set for energy they'll get the required energy to jump again
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Post by Nagittchi »

Is there a way to have the SEWN ONLY detect claimable ships? I dont want to turn it on and have it go off just because of a measly pirate.
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Post by Cycrow »

set detected ships to disabled, and have claimable ships to enabled, and then it'll only warn you about claimable ships
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Post by Probe1 »

Could there possibly be a better way of organizing satellites? Even in a 'normal' game I end up early on having hundreds of advsats, some with different names. I noticed when I used SEWN in Seizewell that I had to jump around the list considerably to find all 8 satellites for that sector.

Just a thought!
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Post by DrBullwinkle »

Probe1 wrote:Could there possibly be a better way of organizing satellites?
Tip: When I deploy a satellite that I want to use with SEWN, I change its name to just "Satellite". The rest of the satellites are still named "Your Advanced Satellite".

This way, when I scan the list of satellites in the SEWN interface, I can instantly spot the satellites that I want for SEWN. It only takes a few seconds to do the rename, and less than that to spot the changed name on the SEWN list.
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Post by Mycu »

Is it posiible to download SEWN AP version only?
I'd like to use it without installing Bonus Pack for AP
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Post by Ketraar »

You can just install SEWN from BonusPack, when installing just deselect everything else.


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Post by Mycu »

Ketraar wrote:You can just install SEWN from BonusPack, when installing just deselect everything else.


So simple answer, so hard to discover... ;)
I've never noticed selectable scripts when installing BP.

Thank you for your help.
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Post by Simoom »

I have a bit of an issue with this script.

I am on friendly terms with the pirates in X3AP, and all the pirate ships are blue to me - but for some reason the SEWN keeps warning me about "enemy ships" even though when I went and opened the sector map, it's always just a bunch of blue pirate ships. It seems to arbitrarily treat all pirate ships as enemies, and since I have satellites in all the pirate sectors, I never get a moment of peace with SEWN on, and had to turn it off within minutes of trying it out.

Is there a way to force SEWN to obey my FF settings?
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Post by Quinch »

A quick question - is it possible to have more than the four custom wings running defence? I see there's a "SEWN: Defending" command for regular wings, but I'm not sure what it does, exactly.

Also, when jumping into a defendable sector, they seem to use a random gate, rather than one that's closest to the enemies. Is there a way to change that?
I wasn't banished to the moon yesterday.
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Post by nap_rz »

also is there a separate SEWN download link? I do not want to install all other scripts... actually I already use boost too.
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Post by galatei_tf »

This is for Albion prelude on Steam - all up2date, so SEWN is coming from the bonus package.
I just found that when I wanted to disable Claim option in SEWN settings, it always resets it back to Yes.
What's more, if I set Claim to No, then remove all satellites, and re-add them, it still thinks the option is Yes after loading from save, and spams me with claimable ships.
The option always gets reset when loading from save. It stays set properly only during session.

Has anybody ever tested it with claim set to no? I know it may be odd to not want to claim ships, but I get a lot of this, and don't want it enabled.
I could just comment out the section in plugin.sewn.running, which detects them, but I'm hopping for better solution.

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Post by Quinch »

Same problem on this end, actually.
I wasn't banished to the moon yesterday.
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Post by galatei_tf »

Couldn't wait, fixed it myself. http://x3-mods.googlecode.com/hg/sewn-f ... fix-v1.zip or individual files under http://x3-mods.googlecode.com/hg/sewn-fix .

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