[SCR] adv. Product Chaser v1.10 (updated 12/01/09)

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[SCR] adv. Product Chaser v1.10 (updated 12/01/09)

Post by wildlynx »

Search for it ->Memorize it ->Send for it

Q1. Are you irritated when you search for a special ware or ship type?

Q2. Are you wasting your time to pick up a specific ware in ware-selecting menu when you search for it?

Q3. How many times have you repeated the action "Choosing the Sector and the Station" in order to reach there?

Q4. Do you usually forget your previous order that you sent your ship at a station to buy a specific ware?

Answer : Here is the solution.
  • The adv. Product Chaser will make you FREE

DOWNLOAD : [adv. Product Chaser v1.10]

■ Basic Functions

1. This script can search for a specific ware or ship type within sectors you've visited.

(If u want to search in sectors your properties exist, u can change through option. See OPTIONS label below)

2. This script manages favorite wares you've searched for

3. With list of the ware you searched for, you can send your ships directly
without station-selecting process "Choosing the Sector and the Station"

4. This script manages and reports your orders. You can check your ship order. For example, what your ship is navigating for?, which ware your ship is sent to buy?.
mostlikely wrote:Very nicely done.. I must say the script has allot of little details (ie. sending multiple ships with 1 search command or showing idle/active ships) that gives it that extra 'shine'.
elayeth wrote:In my opinion - awesome script. Thank a lot.
I do not understand why devs make it so difficult to find wares.

■ Requirements

Only required Cycrow's Plugin Manager to install this script

■ How to install, activate and uninstall

1. Install this script package using Plugin Manager.

2. You need "Trade Command Software MK2" to activate command "adv. Product Chaser".

3. Uninstall this script using Plugin Manager.

■ Process Overview
[ external image ]

■ Description

1. Let's suppose, you want to know which station sells "1 GJ Shield".
You may use other command to do this, but it will search for the ware within sectors where your properties exist.
This script will search for the ware within sectors you've visited.
I designed this script on this condition.
In era of X3, there will be a lot of information especially for earning money. So even if u don't have any satellite at a specific sector, you can get information through network, so called "Allied universal trading network" and I think the minimum requirement is "MK3" which provides Sector Trade & Universe Trade.
But MK3 is the equipment that is difficut to get. So I down-grade the requirement.
Anyway click the command "Trade->adv. Product Chaser"
[ external image ]

2. If you click the command, next menu will appear like this.
Here are 3+1 options to choose.
[ external image ]
- 1st one is "Select Ware" menu to search for a specific ware.
- 2nd one is "Select Ship Type" menu to search for a specific ship type.
- 3rd one is "Select Favorite.." menu to select the ware or ship type which you've searched for
- 4th one is "Get ship list at adv. Product Chaser" menu to check your previous order status. (refer to label 6 below)

3. The next step is here.
  • 3-1. Select ware menu to choose a specific ware. (ex. if you want to choose 2 GJ Shield)
[ external image ]

  • 3-2. Select ship type menu to choose a specific ship type. (ex. if you want to choose Nova Raider)
[ external image ]

  • 3-3. Select favorite...menu to choose one you've searched for.
    The adv. Product Chaser will automatically manage your favorite wares or ship types which you've searched for.
[ external image ]

4. You will receive the incoming message which contains the list of "1 GJ Shield"
There are 21 stations you can dock at. (only docking possible stations)
[ external image ]

5. Just click one row of the list above, and you will get "Select Ship" menu.
  • 5-1. If you want to send your ship "TP Angel" to that station, select your ship "TP Angel"
    That's all. You've sent your ship for that station without station-selecting process "Choosing the Sector and the Station"
    Automatically, your "TP Angel" will start to "Jump to station" for that station you chose before.
    If the selected ship cannot jump, it will execute the command "Move to position and continue..."
[ external image ]
  • In "Incoming Message" list, if you choose a small station (ex. not shipyard and equipment dock, etc) ,
    "Select Ship" menu will not show your huge ships. (ex. M1, M2, TL, M7 class ship)
  • 5-2. You may want to send your another ship "M7 Aegir" to another station among stations in the previous message.
    Ok. Choose another station in the list, the next "Select Ship" menu will pop up.
    Over and Over, You can send your ships with that incoming message.
    After all, If you click [OK] button that message will disappear.
[ external image ]
  • "!" symbol represents "This ship stat is [None] or [Idle]"
    "@" symbol represents "This ship is working for other command you ordered"
    "^" symbol represents "This ship can jump"
    "--" symbol represents "This ship cannot jump"

6. Most players tend to forget their order as the time goes by. Don't worry about that. Now you can chase your orders.

[ external image ]
Usually adv. Product Chaser manages your order effectively. But if you want to clear waiting-ship list, click [clear waiting]

■ Options (for advanced player)
In order to change adv. Product Chaser options, open "[x-directory]/t/8889-L044.xml" using notepad.

option1 : ware scanning range, '1' or '2'
1. Search for a specific ware in sectors you've visited. (default)
2. Search for a specific ware in sectors your properties exist.

option2 : receive same message when you send your ship using searched list. '1' or '2'
1. Once (useful at early stage)
2. Continuously unless you press ok (default) (useful if you have many freighters)

■ Technical stuff
  • Command slots:
    Command_Type_Trade_47 (447)

    Text files:
    8889-L044 (Page ID 8889)

■ Change Log
  • v1.10 manage and report orders , show jump possibility
    v1.01 first release

  • If there is any problem or question, any reply is welcome
Last edited by wildlynx on Wed, 14. Jan 09, 16:02, edited 13 times in total.
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Post by mostlikely »

Very nicely done.. I must say the script has allot of little details (ie. sending multiple ships with 1 search command or showing idle/active ships) that gives it that extra 'shine'.

If the suggestions below don't sound like a good idea to you 'please' ignore them.

I was wondering if the 'best buys locator' wouldn't be a better requirement as it comes closer to what the script actually does.

At the moment the ships are ordered to fly to their buy location but don't actually buy the product. Maybe for selected ships that have 'Trade Command Software MK1' there could be a final popup with the amount of wares they should buy at arrival?

Also there is no grantee that when the ship arrives products would still be in stock. Maybe sent ships with 'Trade Command Software MK2' could alert the player if this happens (or adjust course)?

At the moment the script searches for the ware within sectors you've visited even if no property is available in that sector, but also knows the price and amount of that ware. Wouldn't it be better if it only detected the price and amount for those sectors where you have property? (a limitation the player could perhaps bypass by having some extra software installed like: bestbuys, trademk1-3 and trade extension or something custom)

Anyways.. I 'will' be using this even if you change nothing to it. ;)
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Post by wildlynx »

Thank u for replying
At the moment the ships are ordered to fly to their buy location but don't actually buy the product. Maybe for selected ships that have 'Trade Command Software MK1' there could be a final popup with the amount of wares they should buy at arrival?

Also there is no grantee that when the ship arrives products would still be in stock. Maybe sent ships with 'Trade Command Software MK2' could alert the player if this happens (or adjust course)?
I cannot convince myself whether i understand the exact meaning you intended because English is not my mother language.
In my guess, when the selected ship arrives the target station, you may get another incomming message. But I think frequent message makes u annoyed. Because I made this script on condition that you want to send ur ships to target station without target selecting process. And I supposed that your ships already furnished "Jumpdrive" and "Energy cells"
So it would not take long time to get there. The special case is when your ship cannot jump. Default action is "move to station " when ship cant jump. I think your poinging out is reasonable.

So at next version I will offer more infomation whether ur ship can jump. when u select your ship
At the moment the script searches for the ware within sectors you've visited even if no property is available in that sector, but also knows the price and amount of that ware. Wouldn't it be better if it only detected the price and amount for those sectors where you have property? (a limitation the player could perhaps bypass by having some extra software installed like: bestbuys, trademk1-3 and trade extension or something custom)
I designed this script on this condition.
In era of X3, there will be a lot of information especially for earning money. So even if u don't have any satellite at a specific sector, you can get information through network, so called "Allied universal trading network" and I think the minimum requirement is "MK3" which provides Sector Trade & Universe Trade.
But MK3 is the equipment that is difficut to get. So I down-grade the requirement.

Later at text file, I will offer the option you mentioned at the software.

Even if the visited sector is my first concept, You can change the option for it. If u are an accustomed user, open "../t/8889-L044.xml" file in your computer and change option 1 from 1 to 2.

Later I will write the possible options on the main page.
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Post by mostlikely »

wildlynx wrote:I cannot convince myself whether i understand the exact meaning you intended because English is not my mother language.
In my guess, when the selected ship arrives the target station, you may get another incomming message.
English is not my mother language, I will try to explain in simpler english.

When using your script you do this:
-adv. Product.Chaser
-Select product type (ware,shiptype,favorite)
-Select ware/shiptype/favorite
-Incoming message: Select station
-Select ship
Then the scripts does:
-Send ship to station.

I suggest the following:
-adv. Product.Chaser
-Select product type (ware,shiptype,favorite)
-Select ware/shiptype/favorite
-Incoming message: Select station
-Select ship
-Select amount to buy
Then the script does:
-Send ship to station
-ship buys ware from station. (if possible)

wildlynx wrote: So at next version I will offer more infomation whether ur ship can jump. when u select your ship
That's a good idea.
wildlynx wrote: In era of X3, there will be a lot of information especially for earning money. So even if u don't have any satellite at a specific sector, you can get information through network, so called "Allied universal trading network" and I think the minimum requirement is "MK3" which provides Sector Trade & Universe Trade.
You are right.. I forgot about the "Allied universal trading network".
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Post by wildlynx »

I suggest the following:
-adv. Product.Chaser
-Select product type (ware,shiptype,favorite)
-Select ware/shiptype/favorite
-Incoming message: Select station
-Select ship
-Select amount to buy
Then the script does:
-Send ship to station
-ship buys ware from station. (if possible)
Thanks mostlikely for ur easy explanation.
Now I fully understand your intention.
As to ur suggestion, I think it will be possible.

But I cant guarantee the integrity. In some case the player need more reputation to buy it or need money, the ware is out of stock, , not enough space, etc.

How about this one?
Most players tend to forget their order as the time goes by.
So, the adv. PC will memorize the order.
And if you select other menu (like this: Trade->adv. Product Chaser->Get ordered list), you will get the listed ships you've sent and are waiting your decision. (like this: Your ship1 -wating for energy cells at station1 in sector2)
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Post by mostlikely »

That is a good idea...

I asked because I usually forget :oops:
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Post by wildlynx »


I updated this script as your request.

I want for you to be contented with this version.
♣ I just wanted to play X3 more effectively. ♣
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Post by elayeth »

In my opinion - awesome script. Thank a lot.
I do not understand why devs make it so difficult to find wares.
Thanks man! :)
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Post by Creston »

This sounds excellent. Downloaded and will give it a try tonight :)

Thanks for your work!

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Post by RogueTrader »

This is a great script and is saving me loads of time searching for the hard to find wares for my fleet.

I have one question / suggestion though. Is it possible for the number of jumps the factory is on the first screen to be based on the ship calling the command. I know that on the second screen when you select the ship, the number of jumps is there, but when you use one ship to do the collecting, it is nice to know which factory to pick first.

I hope this is possible.

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Post by amirite »

I was just coming in here to post the previous comment. That'd be super.
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Post by LancerDancer »

awesome script,Thanks 4 ur work!
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Post by ezra-r »

looks great, if you want to buy 10x2GJ shield for example, will it keep looking and looking with the selected ship until the complete order is fulfilled or it just works with 1xware?


nevermind, the big picture hadnt loaded and I wasnt sure how it worked, now i know.
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Post by ezra-r »

after a few hours playing I cant live without it now, thumbs up!!!
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Post by -Sumo- »

Hi wildlynx,

your script is absolutely perfect for those (like me) that like to be marchant in the x universe.

Ego is preparing the first Bonus pack and i think this script could be perfect to be inserted in the pack.
There's a problem, we cannot suggest to put the script into the bonus pack, as only the author can ask to ego to be tested and inserted.

So, pls, if you go here: http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php? ... c&start=15 and ask to add your script, that could be perfect.
Will you?

i have already prepared the italian translation for it, so that step would already be done ;)

i hope you'll do it.
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Post by Vayeate »

Hiya, i tried downloading your script, but all i got was the filefront homepage. so it seems the link is broken.
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Post by psytae »

this looks great can you please repost the link since file front seems to ahve removed your file.
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Post by deanblee »

I would love to get this script. Is it possible for anyone to host it as the original link is now dead ?

Many thanks.
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Post by Predator02 »

Yeah, I'd like to get this script again too, but the link is dead.
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Post by shiner421 »

I dont know what the deal is, but for me that link is no good, I cannot download this script. is there another link I can use?

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