[MOD] Complex Cleaner v4.09 / Modular Complexes (TC 3.2 / AP 1.1)

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[MOD] Complex Cleaner v4.09 / Modular Complexes (TC 3.2 / AP 1.1)

Post by Gazz »

English / Deutsch / Français / Italian textfile included

X3TC Mod based on X3:TC v3.2 data. (which is structurally identical to 2.7 data)
X3AP Mod based on X3:AP v1.1 data.

Complex too big? FPS too low? Don't like italian food?

1.[ external image ] 2.[ external image ] 3.[ external image ] 4.[ external image ]
  1. This is a complex I scripted in merely for the picture.
    (A real load test is further down, in the 2nd post.)
    There are 20 Biogas L, 15 Crystal Fab M, 10 SPP M.
  2. The same complex crunched. (Model by KilleRTidE)
    Note that this is one station in the game. It's just a big one. =)
    1 + 2 were taken from the exact same position and orientation.
    Note that I had FRAPS running when taking the screenshots.
    A difference of 154 FPS speaks for itself.
    The FPS do not get much lower when the Module Container grows.
  3. The internal wiring is done exteremely efficiently, reducing the number of tubes to an absolute minimum.
  4. Not only does your complex become neater - it is easier to manage, too.
    Imagine having 45 single factories in that list instead of 4.
  5. With CC v3.40 and up the complex connection tubes are also blanked out.
    This is not "the" TCM Tubeless_Complex_Mod but based on the same principle.
    (Because frankly - there is no other way)
    This saves even more CPU-power and avoids collisions.
    The connections are only visible on sector map and gravidar.
This is the first real "complex FPS issue" script/mod that still has working factories with all proper interface items, such as ware storage and production bars.


A Tractor Beam must be on board of the executing ship.

The script has 2 arguments.
  • Command (text) : This is what the script is supposed to do.
    Position (Position) : When things are moved or built somewhere, this is always where they are put.

  • crunch : All unconnected factories and mines in the sector are combined into as few as possible factory modules.

    If this command is run for the first time, the Module Container is built at the position you supplied.
    Watch where you build it. This thing is huge and it is unlikely you can ever move it again.
    On subsequent crunch runs the position argument is ignored and the Factory modules automatically added to an existing Module Container.

    Ships can not dock at a Factory Module. FM can only function as part of a complex.

    You still need to connect the "crunched" Factory Modules. manually. However, it's a whole lot faster to connect 4 Factory Modules instead of 45 single factories. =)

    Factories of every possible type or size will be assimilated into standardized Factory Modules with possible sizes of
    1 (S), 2 (M), 5 (L), 10 (XL), 20, 40, 50, 100, 150, and 200.

    Ore and silicon mines can not be crunched without a small loss. I have seen 1-4 %. This is due to the fact that mines have a variable production output resulting in a "half" factory, which can not be built. More info here.

    You do not have to do any math. That's what the script is for. =)
    Build 26 M-Fabs and the script transforms them into 1x 50, 1x 2.
    2 factories instead of 26.
    And they stay modular and upgradable.
    Add another 9 of those M-Fabs and the script would transform the whole thing into 1x 50 and 1x 20.
    2 factories instead of 35.

    If you are using a Module Container you do not have to position new factories within connection range of the hub any more.
    Randomly drop them somewhere in the sector.
    They are automagically assimilated into the Module Container when you rerun the crunch command.
    Expanding complexes becomes easier than ever before.

    If your complex contains only completely identical factories then crunch can sometimes compress them into a single module. A single module can no longer be made into a complex...
    That's what Ignore is for. Using that you can exclude a station or module from the crunch command and crunch will only compress the remaining stations/modules.
    As a result you always have a a minimum of 2 modules and can rewire them into a complex.

    Important note regarding Ashley's Factories:
    You must not run the crunch command immediately after building one of Ashley's factories.
    They are not completely constructed at this point. Give it 30-60 seconds to finish it's installation.
    Regular factories are fully constructed right after your TL has built them.

    Regarding creative hacking:
    All X3 factories have products, resources, use energy cells in some way, and are producing (or trying to).
    Any station that does not meet all of these criteria is ignored because it apparently isn't intended to be a regular factory.
    Could be additional complex storage, some kind of warehouse, or act as a trading station...

    Factories with multiple products (possible in XTM) are ignored because they cannot function correctly in a complex.

    No Bug:
    With very large complexes, some ware amounts (usually EC) will no longer display correctly. The display window is too short so the value is cut off.
    The display on the ware transfer interface is not limited like that.
  • drop : In the selected sector, all your TL unload all factories from their cargo bays and build them at random positions.
    You can be OOS.
    You do not have to watch any pretty videos.

    And I mean factories. No mines, shipyards, trading stations and whatnot.
  • hub : A Complex Hub is moved to the position you supply.
    If there is more than one hub in the sector you must target the one you want from your own ship.
    If there is only one hub, the script assumes that you want to move the hub.

    If there is only 1 hub and there also is a Module Container in the sector, then special rules apply.
    If you set the position extremely close to the MC then the hub is put in a relatively safe standard position below the MC instead.
    If you set it too far, the hub is placed in the direction you set but still within 19 km of the MC. This way you can still connect more factory modules because the connection range of a complex tube is 20 km.

    north : Complex Hub is rotated so the docking clamps point north (X3 standard)
    south : ...
    east : ...
    west : ...
    up : ...
    down : ...
    If there is more than 1 hub in the sector, the one you want is defined by the position you set.
  • relocate : The Module Container of this sector relocates itself to the new position.
    The MC is big. Really big. Don't expect it to move like an M5.
  • fps : Show current FPS in a message window. A quick way to see how well this works. =)
  • ver or version : Report script version to your logbook.
  • check : CC will verify it's own mod at every version upgrade.
    This command forces the check.
    If you add any other mod (as a fake patch) on top of the CC mod, you can use this command to see if CC is still alive and happy with this installation.
  • ignore : Personally Target one of your stations and run this command on some properly equiped ship. (skip the "Position" argument).
    CC will ignore this station or module on subsequent "crunches".
    Repeat the command for this particular station to remove the ignore flag.

    Regardless of what you had targeted, ignore will always tag all currently ignored stations in sector with a "[ i ]".
    This is purely for your information and can be deleted/renamed at will.
    So if you use ignore without a station targeted, all the script does is check all stations and add the text tag where needed.
There is also a station command "Complex Cleaner Self Destruct".
Do I need to explain this?

Old Complex Cleaner v1.08 features (additional text options):
They still work but don't play in the same league as far as FPS savings go. In fact, they can reduce FPS in some cases.
They can run for several minutes on a larger complex.
They do not affect complex modules, only uncrunched factories.
  • clear : All connected Fabs are moved further out in the sector to a position you supply. If this position is within 100 km of the sector center (or inside a planet...) it is ignored and a safe position is found.
    Note that the player ship must be in the same sector when the command is given but you are free to leave immediately afterwards.
  • restore : All unconnected Fabs are recalled.
    This will be necessary when a hub is destroyed.
    The destination is either a complex hub or if none is supplied, the position.
    Only about 70 Fabs can be recalled at one time because huge safety margins are required to place objects like SPP XL or mines.

[ external image ] Download: Complex Cleaner packed by DrBullwinkle for the Plugin Manager. (See link for installation instructions.)

[ external image ]Download: ZIP file (for manual installation. Includes all files.)

The download contains the improved mod version by ThalonMook. He added the missing nav meshes to the module container objects. As a result, auto pilots can now properly detect and avoid those objects.

Scripts for the complex builder: ComplexCleaner, Super Tractor, Factory Complex Constructor

Aegyen wrote:The Complex Cleaner commands are found in the Customs commands on the command console of your ship. If, you have the tractor beam on board. The command is at the top of the list and the is highlighted like "Complex Cleaner".

The commands you use (arguments) are the ones you found in the instructions. For example, you drop all the stations you need for a spaceweed complex in the sector you want to build it in. Randomly drop them anywhere. Run CC from the custom commands on the ship you have the tractor beam (TB) installed on. This will bring up a menu asking for input. Type in crunch. You will be asked for a postion on the sector map, This is where the Module Container will be! You will get a message that will say CC has crunched the factories down to a certain number (eg, CC has reduced the number of stations by 4). Looking in your sectormap, you will see the stations have been converted, and renamed to (FACT) Energy Cells, for example. You will also see the the station (in blue) Module Container 1. All the (FACT)s are now inside this.

Now take your 1st complex kit, and connect 2 of the (FACT) stations (use the 'Drop' command in the special commands section of the console), you will be asked for a position again, this is where the Complex Hub will be! Using complex construction kits for the rest, connect the remaining (FACT) stations to your complex hub. You have now built the basic setup.

I read somewhere, maybe the manual, maybe this thread (I am getting old, details fuzz), to position the Module container very low in the sector (eg, -25.0 on the y-axis) and to position the complex hub above that (eg, -5.0 on the y-axis) to allow for room for future Module growth. This looks, and has worked very well for me so far. You can reposition the hub by using the hub command from the CC control. When 'hub' is entered as the command, you will be asked for a position again, in the sector map, and this will be it's new position. If you place it beyond 20km from the Module Container (say above it) the command will put it 19km from the Module automatically. This is due to the limit of the length of the tube, that is allowed. This works perfectly.

Say you want the complex hub to point north (example), then run the 'north' command from the CC console.

One important thing! If you, in the process of dropping stations in the sector you are building this complex in, build mines, and do Not, want them in the Module Container, before you 'crunch', target each mine, and run the CC command 'ignore' on each one. On the sector map, after you have run that command, you will see each mine has been renamed with an (i) following it. CC will always ignore those in future crunches, unless you run the 'ignore' command on them again. You can rename them, to get rid of the (i), CC will remember them, and it will reappear if you later 'ignore' future mines/stations.

Hope this helps!

In short - copy the contents of the ZIP file into the TC main folder.

For v3 a mod has to be installed for the new features to work.

Unlike most scripts CC uses a delayed installation.
It will install not on the first but the second time you load a game.
Without that X3 would crash on installation in some cases.

This mod does not require you to start a new game.

If you don't run any other mod, simply activate "Complex Cleaner" as "the" mod when you start X3 from it's launcher window.
(the mod files have been placed in the apropriate folders for that)
If you do select mod package at the X3 launcher window, this mod overrides all fake patches.
Use this feature with caution.

To install the mod as a "fake patch":
mods\Complex Cleaner.CAT + .DAT files must be placed in your X3 folder and renamed so that their numbers seamlessly follow the existing CAT/DAT files in there and end up as the highest number.

Right: Cat/Dat 10, 11, 12, 13
Wrong: Cat/Dat 10, 11, 12, Complex Cleaner

If you do select mod package at the X3 launcher window, this mod overrides all fake patches.
Use this feature with caution.

Combining Mods
Complex Cleaner mods TFactories.txt
It will be incompatible to any other mod that touches TFactories.txt unless you combine the mods.

This is done by copy/pasting the CC stations to the end of the other TFactories.txt.
Also adjust the number in the first line. This is the number of entries = lines.

The CC TFactories.txt contains 20 "placeholder" stations. These can be overwritten with stations from other mods without upsetting existing CC complexes in your game.
Just make sure the "other mod" stations are on the line number they belong to and that the real CC stations (anything but placeholders) end up on the same line number as before.

If you don't have existing CC complexes, yet, or if there is not enough placeholder space to "peacefully" combine the two mods - never fear!
Just copy/paste all the CC stations to the end of the other mod's TFactories.txt and call it good.
(Also adjust the number in the first line. This is the number of entries = lines.)
Even with existing CC complexes in your savegame, CC will automatically convert them when you load the game.
(Which is pretty cool!)

To actually get at the types\TFactories.txt file (it will be inside a CAT/DAT file) you will need Doubleshadow's Mod Manager.

Tech Stuff
Limitations - on the old clear / recall commands:
A maximum of 1000 huge factories (SPP XL, Mines) plus 3000 other Fabs can so be cleared out of your sector.
If a complex hub should be destroyed you can recall a maximum of 72 factories to the sector center (for reconnecting) at one time.

Resources used:
Textfile: 7021
Task ID 7021 on the executing ship

If you do not like the text commands, feel free to edit them in t\7021-**.xml.

Original (Reunion) development thread
Last edited by Gazz on Wed, 21. Nov 12, 15:50, edited 51 times in total.
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Post by Gazz »

I did a load test now. See what this thing can do...

This is my ahh... test complex.

200 Wheat Farm M
200 Cattle Ranch M
200 Lasertower Factories
200 Crystal Fab M
200 SPP M
200 Rimes Fact M
200 Space Fuel Still M
200 Chip Plant

1600 Factories Total look like...
[ external image ]
a mess.

Okay, to be honest the CC conversion locked up the computer for like 20 sec. =)
[ external image ]

... and here we go!
[ external image ]

[ external image ] . [ external image ]

A "1600" station complex - 54 FPS.

Before this test I had 55 FPS in the sector.

Granted, if your complex is much bigger you may not get such a result. It might be around 50 FPS.
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Post by Gazz »

The setup is now smarter than ever and it finds it's modded factories anywhere in TFactories.txt.

That way it can be adapted to any possible mod without altering the script.
Just a copy/paste, appending the factory objects to the end of whatever TFactories exists.

For the Reunion version I had ended up with 3 or 4 different versions.
Now all it takes is asking nicely so that modder XZY pastes those few entries somewhere into his TFactories file.
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Post by Graxster »

This looks awesome! I have two issues so far though:

The original thread says you need a tractor beam, but this script (I looked at the setup script) requires a High Energy Plasma Thrower. Not a big deal, but confusing at first.

Second issue is probably me not understanding the way this works. I had a SPP and an Ore Mine. I crunched. This gave me 4 factories: Ore Mine A, Ore Mine B, Energy Cells, and Module. I began connecting them with construction kits, and when I made the last connection everything exploded.


Edit: I think I found the error/problem. You have to not connect the "Module Complex" to anything.

Edit 2: Working great! I do have one SUGGESTION though. Makes a nice menu for TC. :D

Edit 3: Ok, some major problems with this.

1. After having a Complex running for a while, I built a SPP in the same sector. I selected Complex Cleaner from the menu, and as soon as I did, my other Complex fell apart, and all the factories started dying (ie: their hull % was slowly going down as if they were being attacked) until everything was destroyed and I had tons of wares floating in space.

2. After installing the script, I get a really annoying "BEEP" every 30 seconds or so, no matter what sector I'm in.

3. I didn't have a chance to test this since my Complex fell apart, but it merged 2 factories into one. ie: I had 2 Shield Production facility 2gj. These were now 1 factory, and I didn't have the opportunity to see if it produced 2 shields at the end of the production cycle or not.
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Post by Methel »

You came through on my request!
If it was medically possible I would offer to have your babies.

Seems like this needs a little love first though, HEPT needed is pretty much just the weapon masks changing, and not really that bad a bug.
Self destructing complexes though...
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Post by pewpew »

There is a collision problem which will destroy the entire complex after some time if you stay IS.
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Post by Gazz »

Graxster wrote:Second issue is probably me not understanding the way this works. I had a SPP and an Ore Mine. I crunched. This gave me 4 factories: Ore Mine A, Ore Mine B, Energy Cells, and Module. I began connecting them with construction kits, and when I made the last connection everything exploded.
More information, please!
Were these in a complex at this time? In more than one?
1. After having a Complex running for a while, I built a SPP in the same sector. I selected Complex Cleaner from the menu, and as soon as I did, my other Complex fell apart, and all the factories started dying (ie: their hull % was slowly going down as if they were being attacked) until everything was destroyed and I had tons of wares floating in space.
Hmmkay, so crunch did touch connected factories?
I did not allow it to...

I did test this and it works for me. It does exactly what it's supposed to do.
I can not reproduce what you describe. Either RTFM or tell me how exactly I can reproduce that.

What does work is using the CC the "intended" way.
Have only unconnected factories in the sector, crunch them all.
No collision issues, no nothing.

Version 3.26 released.

"Traktor Beam" + station strengths corrected.

Mod updated
Last edited by Gazz on Sun, 23. Nov 08, 14:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gazz »

pewpew wrote:There is a collision problem which will destroy the entire complex after some time if you stay IS.
Aren't you being a leeeeetle vague there?

What is it colliding with?
Certainly not it's own factories.

Have you even read the description, especially the parts marked as IMPORTANT in RED and BOLD?

Graxster wrote:3. I didn't have a chance to test this since my Complex fell apart, but it merged 2 factories into one. ie: I had 2 Shield Production facility 2gj. These were now 1 factory, and I didn't have the opportunity to see if it produced 2 shields at the end of the production cycle or not.
That's what it does...
If you build enough of those it will merge up to 200 Shield Production facility 2GJ into 1 factory module.
Does wonders for FPS, savegame size, loading time - even reduces hardcoded background (production) tasks because it reduces the number of factories.
Also results in other (trading) scripts using less CPU time because they check far fewer factories.

It's simply the most massive CPU/FPS boost you can get for a game with large complexes.

One thing that does require more testing are mine complexes.
Does the total output / hour stay the same after the crunch with both ore and silicon mines?
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Post by Graxster »

Gazz wrote:
Graxster wrote:Second issue is probably me not understanding the way this works. I had a SPP and an Ore Mine. I crunched. This gave me 4 factories: Ore Mine A, Ore Mine B, Energy Cells, and Module. I began connecting them with construction kits, and when I made the last connection everything exploded.
More information, please!
Were these in a complex at this time? In more than one?
Never mind on that one, that was my mistake.
1. After having a Complex running for a while, I built a SPP in the same sector. I selected Complex Cleaner from the menu, and as soon as I did, my other Complex fell apart, and all the factories started dying (ie: their hull % was slowly going down as if they were being attacked) until everything was destroyed and I had tons of wares floating in space.
Hmmkay, so crunch did touch connected factories?
I did not allow it to...

What does work is using the CC the "intended" way.
Have only unconnected factories in the sector, crunch them all.
No collision issues, no nothing.
So after I crunch the first time, I have to uncrunch to add more factories? No, they weren't "connected factories", they were new factories. ie: I crunched, then added a new unconnected factory to the sector, selected the crunch command and the previously crunched factories "un-crunched" by themselves, and exploded.

And what is that annoying "beep" sound? lol

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Post by Gazz »

Graxster wrote:So after I crunch the first time, I have to uncrunch to add more factories? No, they weren't "connected factories", they were new factories. ie: I crunched, then added a new unconnected factory to the sector, selected the crunch command and the previously crunched factories "un-crunched" by themselves, and exploded.
The reason for that is actually in the descritption. Even marked as important in bold and red.
I marked it as such because it's kinda like... important. Okay?

And what is that annoying "beep" sound? lol
I thought I had disabled that? Or are you not using the current version?
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Post by fud »

This could be a lot of fun with Ashley's XXL fabs....

Awesome mate. :)
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Post by Gazz »

The main difference there is the scale.

Ashley's Mod introduced double or quad sized factories for most or all factories in the game. That already was a big help.
Alas it got a bit bulky because of the huge number of factory types he had to create (like 700?) since he made them all purchasable.

CC will build variable size versions of every standard factory (or mine) in the game up to XXXXXXL.
Where XL = 10, XXXXXXL = 200.
If you mod or script a Hamster Breeding Factory, CC will work with that just as well as with every vanilla factory.

For all that I use a total of 18 extra station entries. The rest is math.
Keeps the game files lean and easy to manage.

However, it will never appeal to the FCC fans who like to build their complexes in the shape of a petunia or the George Washington Monument.
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Post by fud »


So there'll be a running/adaptable setup script library for all the resources then? That would make the Hub missions a little more bearable, having an XXXXXXL chip plant (or two). :)

That's awesome.

I know Ashley spent A LOT of time writing all the library/setup scripts.

I took her mod and expanded it for my own greedy uses. The GPPC XXL fabs made great storage units for excess e-cells, since they held about 6 million, each.
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Post by Gazz »

fud wrote:So there'll be a running/adaptable setup script library for all the resources then? That would make the Hub missions a little more bearable, having an XXXXXXL chip plant (or two). :)
No, there is not.
Nothing has to run in the background, watching over factory resources.
That's Ashley's concept. (and a maintainance nightmare)
Oh, it worked. But OMG - so much work!

Not a single resource, product, or factory type is hardcoded into my script.

Oh, with the exception of Energy Cells, Ore, and Silicon.
These must have a special status because the game treats the factories/mines differently.
Every factory is expected to "have" EC in some way. Not a major limitation. =)

But if you create an underwear factory or a factory that produces "happy thoughts" from space weed and fuel - CC will work with those, requiring no update to any list or library.
I have a maintainance allergy. =P
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Post by fud »

Interesting indeed...
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Post by Graxster »

Gazz wrote:The reason for that is actually in the descritption. Even marked as important in bold and red.
I marked it as such because it's kinda like... important. Okay?
Well, this is from the link you provided to the original thread:
On subsequent crunch runs the position argument is ignored and the Factory modules automatically added to an existing Module Complex.
If you are using a Module Complex you do not have to position new factories within connection range of the hub any more.
Randomly drop them somewhere in the sector.
They are automagically assimilated into the Module Complex when you rerun the crunch command.
Expanding complexes becomes easier than ever before.
I see nothing there that says I can't drop a new factory and run crunch a second time. In fact, it says exactly the opposite.

If you're referring to this:
You are allowed to connect the Module Complex to the hub but if you do so, it's very likely that the hub will be destroyed the next time you run the crunch command.
The factory modules ( =real producing factories) are the ones you are supposed to connect.
That's exactly what I did. The first time I made one, I made the mistake of connecting the Module Complex, with the resulting explosion. The second time, I just connected all the factory modules and not the Module Complex. I don't know how I can explain it any clearer than that. This is what I did, exactly:

1. Built an Ore Mine.
2. Built a SPP XXL.
3. Ran Crunch.
4. This gave me: 2 Ore and 1 Energy Cell factory modules, plus the Module Complex.
5. I connected only the 2 Ore and 1 Energy Cell factory modules. (not the Module Complex)
6. I built a SPP Medium in the same sector.
7. I selected "crunch" from the menu, and as soon as I did, the previously connected Ore and Energy Cell modules came apart and got destroyed.

So... "expanding complexes becomes easier than ever before" didn't exactly apply in my situation.

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Post by angrysquirrel »

Gazz. Thank you SO MUCH for converting this mod for Terran Conflict! I made a reference to it in anohter complex construction thread. I like yours better because I don't have to worry about aligning my complexes. I just connect them, squish them and send them far away! :) Thanks again!
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Post by Gazz »

Graxster wrote:1. Built an Ore Mine.
2. Built a SPP XXL.
3. Ran Crunch.
4. This gave me: 2 Ore and 1 Energy Cell factory modules, plus the Module Complex.
5. I connected only the 2 Ore and 1 Energy Cell factory modules. (not the Module Complex)
6. I built a SPP Medium in the same sector.
7. I selected "crunch" from the menu, and as soon as I did, the previously connected Ore and Energy Cell modules came apart and got destroyed.
At step 2 I already had a problem. TC does not have a SPP XXL. It must be from another mod you are running. Did you combine the mods? If you did not manually adjust TFactories, the CC should not even work. Either that or your other mod would be overwritten and could not work.
Personally I suspect this as the most likely reason for any misbehaviour.

For now I simulated this by building 2 SPP XL instead.

The rest I did just as in your checklist.

At no point I connected the "Module Complex 1" to anything, just as you said.

I then build additional SPP in the sector, always running crunch afterwards.
At no point did the Complex Hub or any other factory get destroyed.
The new Energy modules just ended up physically inside the Module Complex but unconnected, waiting to be wired up.

Any and all connected factories (whether in "the" complex or in a 2nd complex beside it) were always ignored even if they could have been used to build a bigger combined module.

Works as designed...?

angrysquirrel wrote:I like yours better because I don't have to worry about aligning my complexes. I just connect them, squish them and send them far away! :)
Sorting stuff, aligning stuff - isn't that what man built computers for? =P
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Post by fishface60 »

I see this mod adds a mod to the mod list you select on startup, is there a way to select more than one mod or have I missed the point entirely.
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Post by Gazz »

You can install multiple mods as fake patches.

The link to the description in the first post tells you how.
Hint: it's the link with all those huge red exclamation marks.
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There is no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

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