[SCRIPT] NPC Bailing Addon v1.7.8 [2010-09-21]

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[SCRIPT] NPC Bailing Addon v1.7.8 [2010-09-21]

Post by ThisIsHarsh »

NPC Bailing Addon

:arrow: This plugin allows for NPC vs. NPC battles to cause pilots of small and large (if enabled) craft to bail.

:arrow: Required: Community Configuration Menu by Cycrow

:arrow: Required: JSON parser library v1.1 (thread)

:arrow: Download: NPC Bailing Addon

:arrow: Highly recommended: Salvage Claim Software by Cycrow - required for claiming big ships

:arrow: Recommended: Salvage Commands and NPCs - automate salvaging and add NPC salvagers to add competition and help balance this plugin

:arrow: Details:
  • Pilots may bail from their ships during combat when their hull is severely damaged. A pilot's bravado is based on a combination of their morale, aggression and fight skill. The chance of bailing is based on the bravado and the bail rate factor. The amount of hull damage they must suffer before bailing is based on the bravado and the bail hull factor. A higher number indicates higher probability/hull percent. The bail rate and hull factors are configurable through the menu.
  • There are also separate Xenon and Khaak modifier options, allowing you to set a percentage modification of bail rate/hull factors - i.e. 200% means bail twice as often as other race ships, 0% disables bailing, etc.
  • Use the Community Configuration Menu to configure the plugin. Most options should be self explanatory. The option "Non-standard ship bailing", if enabled, could cause unintended side-effects, such as not being able to claim certain abandoned ships without using a third-party plugin.
  • If you have a Bioscanner and Freight scanner installed then you may scan ships for their pilot's bravado rating, which is related to their chance of bailing. This is done by performing a standard freight scan. The pilot's bravado will be reported as a subtitle at the bottom of your HUD.
  • German translation available, thanks to ThalonMook. French translation available, thanks to Emerson d'Anite.
  • For those who are interested, the formula for calculating the probability of bailing and the hull percent at which the pilot bails:
    100 * factor^2 / (factor^2 + bravado)

    Where: "factor" is bail rate or bail hull factor in the menu; "bravado" is fight skill + aggression + morale.

    The same formula is used twice, once for probability of bailing, and again for hull percent at which the pilot bails at.
- Added: Khaak and Xenon modifiers.
- Fixed: Recon Drone bailing.
- Fixed: yet another debug log left in.
- Modified/fixed: handling fighters of bailed carriers.
- Fixed: missing entry in JSON text in French and German language files.
- Fixed: left some debug logging in.
- Added: French translation, thanks to Emerson d'Anite.
- Modified/fixed: additional big ship astronauts of pirate ships will now have a proper name.
- Fixed: infinite loop bug calculating wares where wares could be negative.
- Fixed: issue with waits in signal script causing premature termination.
- Added/modified: more (higher) selections for bail hull and rate factors.
- Added/modified: zero/negative destruct timeout means infinite.
- Added: German tranlation, thanks to ThalonMook.
- Modified/fixed: another effort to reduce NPC ships going red on claim.
- Modified: new menu system.
- Modified: bail rate and hull damage required use separate, configurable, factor.
- Modified/fixed: equipment damage formula for tradeable items didn't work as intended.
- Modified/fixed: added back bravado scanner, with option to disable in config menu.
- Fixed: added exceptions to stop various drones from bailing.
- Fixed: added exception to stop Khaak/Xenon big ships from ejecting crew.
- Fixed: owned/docked ships of bailed carriers will undock and stay that way.
- Modified: allowed Orbital Weapon Platforms to be captured.
- Fixed: attempted relations fix to stop ships turning enemy upon claiming.
- Fixed: ReadText with "Extra" equipment damage option.
- Added: option to stop non-standard ships from bailing.
- Modified: increased wait time until explode to 6 hours (= 36 mins on SETA x10).
- Fixed: 2 hour unclaimed explode wasn't working.
- Fixed: stopped fighter drones and UFOs bailing.
- Modified: default bail rate lowered to 60%.
- Modified: better handling of Extra equipment option.
- Added: big and huge ship bailing with seperate bail rate setting.
- Modifed: configuration menu layout and extra options.
- Fixed: updated to use latest version of Community Configuration Menu.
- Fixed: "Extra" equipment option now works.
- Modified: removed hotkey option.
- Added: more bail rate percentage options.
- Added: "Extra" option for equipment remaining on ship after bail.
- Added: ships will explode after spending 2 hours unclaimed.
- Modified: bail rate now has much higher disparity between the settings.
- Added: Bioscanner scan signal and hotkey to scan ship pilots for bravado (chance of bailing), and report using subtitle .
- Modified: config menu now highlights currently selected option.
- Modified: ship bailing rules modified to use non-linear function and some randomness.
- Modified: attempted fix for some ships not being claimable.
- Initial release.
Last edited by ThisIsHarsh on Mon, 18. Oct 10, 22:56, edited 57 times in total.
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Post by Graxster »

Sounds awesome! Question: Your description says "pilots of small craft". Exactly what craft? Is it just small fighter craft, or does it include Freighters? IMO, Freighter pilots being attacked by Pirates or Xenon should be the ones who bail most, after all, they're not Military pilots, just merchants.

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Post by ThisIsHarsh »

Since X3TC has Marines for capturing large ships, this plugin only affects small ships (fighters and freighters).
Freighter pilots will indeed bail more often as their morale, etc is often extremely low (that's what happens with prohibition).
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Post by Graxster »

First observations: Looks like it works great! I would suggest (and hope for, hehe) an addition that adds random equipment to the ship. The game's "Force Pilot Eject" removes all shields and upgrades IIRC (and it looks that way so far). The "normal" bailing that comes with the game leaves you random upgrades/shields. Would be nice to see the same here.

I would think you could (for example), have a random % chance that shields will be in cargo, then use <RetVar/If> get max shield type that can be installed, <>get number of shield bays, etc... then maybe a random chance at what shield(s) you might get (ie: a 5mj shield in a ship that can take 25mj shields). Then a random to install cargo bay extensions, rudder, and speed upgrades. Ditto with extensions, though I would set a fairly low max number on this one (like anywhere from 1 to 5). Gives you an opportunity to be disappointed when there's no shields, and jump for joy when you get 2 - 25mj shields, hehe. Oh, and ditto for weapons, especially in fighter craft (love the High Energy Plasma Throwers!).

I know that's alot to ask... what do you think? It's 4 AM, maybe I'm just rambling. :D

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Post by ThisIsHarsh »

Graxster wrote:First observations: Looks like it works great! I would suggest (and hope for, hehe) an addition that adds random equipment to the ship. The game's "Force Pilot Eject" removes all shields and upgrades IIRC (and it looks that way so far). The "normal" bailing that comes with the game leaves you random upgrades/shields. Would be nice to see the same here.

I would think you could (for example), have a random % chance that shields will be in cargo, then use <RetVar/If> get max shield type that can be installed, <>get number of shield bays, etc... then maybe a random chance at what shield(s) you might get (ie: a 5mj shield in a ship that can take 25mj shields). Then a random to install cargo bay extensions, rudder, and speed upgrades. Ditto with extensions, though I would set a fairly low max number on this one (like anywhere from 1 to 5). Gives you an opportunity to be disappointed when there's no shields, and jump for joy when you get 2 - 25mj shields, hehe. Oh, and ditto for weapons, especially in fighter craft (love the High Energy Plasma Throwers!).

I know that's alot to ask... what do you think? It's 4 AM, maybe I'm just rambling. :D

Hmm, I will have to do a little more testing, but I thought the abandoned ship is left with the same equipment as if you caused the bail yourself (which is pretty crap in general). I know NPC ships are better equipped as your ranks increase, so maybe that's a factor in how much equipment is left over.

Saying this, I will consider adding an option to increase the amount of equipment left onboard.

Keep 'em coming!
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Post by lepidosteus »

People will vary greatly on what they think is a fair bail rate.
I don't know how the scripting works in the game, but I guess the best way to solve this wouldn't be to release 50 tweaked versions of the script but rather to give an option allowing to increase/decrease the % of bails.

How often would you say they bail right now ?

I'm very interested in this script since this is such a great gameplay improvement but I'm afraid it would be too high like "half of the ship bails" which would ruin it because I wouldn't be able to stop myself from selling all these ships :roll:
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Post by wolfmanjack321 »

however you do it thanks :)

Been waiting for this
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Post by ThisIsHarsh »

lepidosteus wrote:I don't know how the scripting works in the game, but I guess the best way to solve this wouldn't be to release 50 tweaked versions of the script but rather to give an option allowing to increase/decrease the % of bails.
Use the "Community Configuration Menu" to configure the bail rate.
There is already a % option, the default is 100%, the maximum. You can reduce it in steps of 20% down to a minimum of 20%. Have a play around and let me know which is the best option and if the options are comprehensive enough.

At 100% I would say almost all ships bail, with varying degrees of hull damage.
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Post by lepidosteus »

Great ! Sorry for misreading, I didn't see it first time.

May I suggest another option to allow the activation of bails for M6+ ships too ? That's not something I will use in my game, but I can see why some people would like to have that - including me one day.
If you do that, I think it would also call for either a 3rd option controlling M6+ bails rate, or a static (big) malus to it.

And if not, well, it's already great as-is !
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Post by ThisIsHarsh »

My thinking on this script was that 'brave' pilots would wait until most of their hull was destroyed before ejecting. Really brave pilots would fight to the death.

(EDIT: Formula previously posted here is no longer valid)
Last edited by ThisIsHarsh on Sun, 26. Oct 08, 15:53, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by ThisIsHarsh »

lepidosteus wrote:Great ! Sorry for misreading, I didn't see it first time.

May I suggest another option to allow the activation of bails for M6+ ships too ? That's not something I will use in my game, but I can see why some people would like to have that - including me one day.
If you do that, I think it would also call for either a 3rd option controlling M6+ bails rate, or a static (big) malus to it.

And if not, well, it's already great as-is !
Yeah, thing is there is the whole Marine boarding parties in X3TC now, which can be done with NPCs. So (to me at least) M6s bailing would seem like less of a fix and more like a cheat. However, if enough people want an option for big ship bailing I will consider it.
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Post by lepidosteus »

In 25+ hours in an heavy military game (almost no trade, engage in a lot of patrol, attacks, etc ...) I've never seen NPC boarding one of their opponents' ships, I actually didn't even know it could happen in the game.

I guess I've not looked well enough.
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Post by ThisIsHarsh »

lepidosteus wrote:In 25+ hours in an heavy military game (almost no trade, engage in a lot of patrol, attacks, etc ...) I've never seen NPC boarding one of their opponents' ships, I actually didn't even know it could happen in the game.

I guess I've not looked well enough.
Hmm NPC vs. Player boarding parties are hinted at in the manual, but I'm not far enough to know if it actually ever happens, let alone NPC vs. NPC.

One thing I ultimately want to do is add NPC salvager ships to compete with. It seems unrealistic the player is the only salvager in the galaxy, given the money to be made. I suppose something similar will have to be done with boarding parties, but that's a much much more complex problem.
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Post by lepidosteus »

As long as I'm spamming your topic: if you have time, it would be nice to add some way to know which bail rate is active.
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Post by ThisIsHarsh »

lepidosteus wrote:As long as I'm spamming your topic: if you have time, it would be nice to add some way to know which bail rate is active.
OK good point and fairly simple to add. I'll change the bail rate options menu to highlight which option is currently active.
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Post by Cycrow »

the "force pilot eject" command is exactly the same as when you cap the ship normal and they eject. It calls the same rountine. So what it leaves will be the same as normal capping.

there is no NPC vs Player boarding, we decided against this as it would most likly annoy the player. However, i did put in the code to make it work, so it would be possible to add it to the game via a mod ;)
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Post by lepidosteus »

I used it for a couple of hours, it works great but there is an issue for me: when I enter a "troubled" sector there are plenty of ships laying around.

Exemple here, I'm set at 20%, I'm in omycron lyrae, i go to treasure chest and there are 2 Buster, 3 Discoverer, 1 Caiman and 1 Demeter already "bailed".

Either I need something to tune the rate down under 20%, or it needs to never let NPC bail if the player isn't in the sector himself.
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Post by Legionnaire »

Another possible way of doing it, would be to perhaps limit the number of NPC v's NPC bails to a certain number per time period.

because in my opinion not having npc's bail unless your in system sort of defeats the purpose of the script.

Also due to the fact of boarding parties i dont think M6's upwards should be allowed to Bail, as with these being military ships the pilots should be aggressive and unlikely to abondon ship, plus the military would quickly run out of pilots for desertion cos abandoning a big ship with hull left would probably be classed as a capital offence.

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Post by milp »

Nice work.

But could you make it more like bail signal extension? With a configuration menu and so that everything bails?

I hate the idea of having to use marines or something. Its just realistic that the crew leaves the ship if its about to be destroyed.
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Post by 999-JAY-999 »

You could get away with the 20% chance if there were other NPC's taking away the ships that bail....

Otherwise there is going to be far too many EASY ships to grab for cash.
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