X³: TC and AP - Linux support thread

Ask here if you experience technical problems with X³: Terran Conflict, X³: Albion Prelude or X³: Farnham's Legacy.

Moderators: timon37, Moderators for English X Forum

Posts: 53549
Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: X³: TC and AP - Linux support thread

Post by CBJ »

Sorry, but I'm struggling to understand what the problem is. As Steam support have already told you, you DO have the Linux version installed, and should be able to just click Play in the Steam client to play. There may be a 0-byte X3TC.exe file in the game folder, but that's just a placeholder and does nothing.
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri, 25. Sep 20, 11:59

Re: X³: TC and AP - Linux support thread

Post by Alfil »

CBJ wrote: Fri, 25. Sep 20, 14:41 Sorry, but I'm struggling to understand what the problem is. As Steam support have already told you, you DO have the Linux version installed, and should be able to just click Play in the Steam client to play. There may be a 0-byte X3TC.exe file in the game folder, but that's just a placeholder and does nothing.
Что ж, извиняюсь, видимо я все таки идиот, раз обратил внимание на состав папки, и не обратил на содержимое этих файлов.
Остается вопрос как все таки запустить игру.
При старте как с кнопки "играть" так и через терминал появляется окошко Steam "подготовка к запуску" и все, игра закрывается
Терминал выдает только это:

steam steam://rungameid/2820
Running Steam on linuxmint 20 64-bit
STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
Pins up-to-date!
Steam client's requirements are satisfied
/home/alfil/.steam/debian-installation/ubuntu12_32/steam -nominidumps -nobreakpad steam://rungameid/2820

Если есть уже готовое решение - ткните в него носом - я не обижусь )

Порывшись в папках steam нашел логи, там есть такой текст:

ExecCommandLine: "'/home/alfil/.steam/debian-installation/ubuntu12_32/steam' '-nominidumps' '-nobreakpad' 'steam://rungameid/2820'"
ExecuteSteamURL: "steam://rungameid/2820"
Could not connect to X session manager: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported
Could not connect to X session manager: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported
GameAction [AppID 2820, ActionID 16] : LaunchApp changed task to ProcessingInstallScript with ""
GameAction [AppID 2820, ActionID 16] : LaunchApp changed task to SynchronizingCloud with ""
GameAction [AppID 2820, ActionID 16] : LaunchApp changed task to SiteLicenseSeatCheckout with ""
GameAction [AppID 2820, ActionID 16] : LaunchApp changed task to CreatingProcess with ""
GameAction [AppID 2820, ActionID 16] : LaunchApp waiting for user response to CreatingProcess ""
GameAction [AppID 2820, ActionID 16] : LaunchApp continues with user response "CreatingProcess"
Opted-in Controller Mask for AppId 2820: 0
Game update: AppID 2820 "", ProcID 29574, IP
ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/alfil/.steam/debian-installation/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/alfil/.steam/debian-installation/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/alfil/.steam/debian-installation/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
Starting app 2820
>>> Adding process 29574 for game ID 2820
GameAction [AppID 2820, ActionID 16] : LaunchApp changed task to WaitingGameWindow with ""
>>> Adding process 29575 for game ID 2820
>>> Adding process 29576 for game ID 2820
ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/alfil/.steam/debian-installation/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
GameAction [AppID 2820, ActionID 16] : LaunchApp changed task to Completed with ""
>>> Adding process 29577 for game ID 2820
>>> Adding process 29578 for game ID 2820
>>> Adding process 29579 for game ID 2820
>>> Adding process 29580 for game ID 2820
>>> Adding process 29581 for game ID 2820
ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/alfil/.steam/debian-installation/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
./X3TC_config: lib/libz.so.1: version `ZLIB_1.2.9' not found (required by /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpng16.so.16)
Game removed: AppID 2820 "", ProcID 29574
Uploaded AppInterfaceStats to Steam
Exiting app 2820
No cached sticky mapping in ActivateActionSet.

Вопрос решен установкой в качестве параметра запуска LD_PRELOAD=/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libz.so.1 %command%
Спасибо что на первое сообщение ответили оперативно и заставили исходить из того, что уже есть на компьютере )
Posts: 53549
Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: X³: TC and AP - Linux support thread

Post by CBJ »

Just to confirm, does that solution mean you can now play the game? :)
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri, 25. Sep 20, 11:59

Re: X³: TC and AP - Linux support thread

Post by Alfil »

CBJ wrote: Fri, 25. Sep 20, 18:32 Just to confirm, does that solution mean you can now play the game? :)
Да. на место пилота еще не садился, но игра запустилась.
Posts: 53549
Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: X³: TC and AP - Linux support thread

Post by CBJ »

Great! Hope you enjoy the game. :)
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue, 9. Oct 07, 18:30

Re: X³: TC and AP - Linux support thread

Post by SergioSPk »

Farnham's Legacy Steam Ubuntu 20.04
Run -> New game -> Farnham's Legacy -> any start -> crash
Run -> New game -> Tutorial -> Fly shcool -> working
I couldn't find steam log, so here's the terminal exhaust

Code: Select all

../X3/s_linux/sdl2/sio.cpp : main : 1250 : dPStub: atexit (_quit);
 *** X3FL version 1.3 (Nov  4 2021 17:33:06) ***
../X3/s_linux/init.cpp : XMenuInit : 254 : dStub
Found lang.dat with ID 7
../X3/s_linux/simd_float.cpp : lgp_get_cpu_flags : 12 : dStub
ERROR: CPUID is not supported, can't detect CPU features
Trying to continue anyway with minimal settings
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; no appID found.
Either launch the game from Steam, or put the file steam_appid.txt containing the correct appID in your game folder.
SteamStats::RequestStats() failed, Steam API not enabled
Video category:
Monitor Idx = 0
Width = 1280
Height = 800
Bits Per Pixel = 32
Vertical Sync = 0
Border Less = 0
Texture Quality = 0
Shader Quality = 0
View Distance = 0
AA Mode = -1
AF Mode = -1
Gamma = 127
Frame Finish = 0
Hack FPS Replace Text = 0
Lower AQC FrameRate = 10.000000
Upper AQC FrameRate = 25.000000
Memory = 128
Audio category:
Master Volume = 255
SFX Volume = 255
Voice Volume = 205
Music Volume = 215
Input category:
Mouse Grab = 1
Joy Index = 0
Joy 1X Src = 0
Joy 1Y Src = 1
Joy 2X Src = 2
Joy 2Y Src = 3
Joy Rudder Src = 5
Joy Throttle Src = 4
Joy TriggerL Src = 6
Joy TriggerR Src = 7
Joy 1X Scale = 1.000000
Joy 1Y Scale = 1.000000
Joy 2X Scale = 1.000000
Joy 2Y Scale = 1.000000
Joy Rudder Scale = 1.000000
Joy Throttle Scale = 1.000000
Joy TriggerL Scale = 1.000000
Joy TriggerR Scale = 1.000000
Joy Button0 Src = 0
Joy Button1 Src = 1
Joy Button2 Src = 2
Joy Button3 Src = 3
Joy Button4 Src = 4
Joy Button5 Src = 5
Joy Button6 Src = 6
Joy Button7 Src = 7
Joy Button8 Src = 8
Joy Button9 Src = 9
Joy Button10 Src = 10
Joy Button11 Src = 11
Joy Button12 Src = 12
Joy Button13 Src = 13
Joy Button14 Src = 14
Joy Button15 Src = 15
Joy Button16 Src = 16
Joy Button17 Src = 17
Joy Button18 Src = 18
Joy Button19 Src = 19
Joy Button20 Src = 20
Joy Button21 Src = 21
Joy Button22 Src = 22
Joy Button23 Src = 23
Joy Button24 Src = 24
Joy Button25 Src = 25
Joy Button26 Src = 26
Joy Button27 Src = 27
Joy Button28 Src = 28
Joy Button29 Src = 29
Other category:
Capture Folder = screenshots
Profile = default
Player Logo Number = 0
Player Logo Name = (null)
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 211 : dPStub: Setting D3DF_ALPHATRANS to true without test

../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 214 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 216 : dPStub: Setting D3DF_MODULATEALPHA to true without test

../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 219 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 221 : dPStub: Setting D3DF_MULTITEXTURE to true without test

../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 224 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/init.cpp : S_GetCPUSpeed : 341 : dStub
No dump, because DEBUG disabled
SB_LoadLocation() loading story file x3config
No dump, because DEBUG disabled
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_InitVideo : 1109 : dPStub: SDL_WM_SetIcon( icon, NULL );
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 211 : dPStub: Setting D3DF_ALPHATRANS to true without test

../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 214 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 216 : dPStub: Setting D3DF_MODULATEALPHA to true without test

../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 219 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 221 : dPStub: Setting D3DF_MULTITEXTURE to true without test

../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 224 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 379 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 382 : glGetString(GL_VENDOR) =		AMD
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 383 : glGetString(GL_RENDERER) =		Radeon RX 580 Series (POLARIS10, DRM 3.35.0, 5.4.0-90-generic, LLVM 13.0.0)
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 384 : glGetString(GL_VERSION) =		4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 21.3.1 - kisak-mesa PPA
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 385 : glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION) =		4.60
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 421 : dPStub: Need to detect if postprocess must be turned off
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 436 : dPStub: Not sure if we don't need to load some LightMaps here?
S_DICreateJoystick() CreateDevice() failed
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
AL lib: (EE) AddFileEntry: Invalid header in /usr/share//openal/hrtf/default-44100.mhr: "MinPHR02"
AL lib: (EE) AddFileEntry: Failed to load /usr/share//openal/hrtf/default-44100.mhr
AL lib: (EE) AddFileEntry: Invalid header in /usr/share//openal/hrtf/default-48000.mhr: "MinPHR02"
AL lib: (EE) AddFileEntry: Failed to load /usr/share//openal/hrtf/default-48000.mhr
../X3/s_linux/init.cpp : Int_OpenAL_Init : 906 : al first err 0
PROGRAM: 19 0x0 RenderPrimitive: compiled
PROGRAM: 0 0x0 scenebuffer: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x0 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x1 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x2 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x3 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x4 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x5 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x6 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x7 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x8 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x9 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0xa BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0xb BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0xc BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0xd BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0xe BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0xf BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x10 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x11 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x12 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x13 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x14 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x15 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x16 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x17 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x20 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x21 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x22 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x23 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x24 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x25 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x26 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 1 0x27 BaseNormalShip: compiled
PROGRAM: 2 0x0 BaseNormalShipBumpOld: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x0 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x1 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x2 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x3 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x4 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x5 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x6 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x7 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x8 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x9 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0xa xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0xb xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0xc xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0xd xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0xe xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0xf xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x10 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x11 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x12 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x13 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x14 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x15 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x16 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x17 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x20 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x21 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x22 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x23 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x24 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x25 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x26 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x27 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x40 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x41 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x42 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x43 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x44 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x45 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x46 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x47 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x48 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x49 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x4a xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x4b xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x4c xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x4d xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x4e xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x4f xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x50 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x51 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x52 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x53 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x54 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x55 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x56 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x57 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x60 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x61 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x62 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x63 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x64 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x65 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x66 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 3 0x67 xt_standard_lighting: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x0 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x1 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x2 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x3 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x4 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x5 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x6 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x7 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x8 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x9 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0xa xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0xb xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0xc xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0xd xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0xe xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0xf xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x10 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x11 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x12 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x13 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x14 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x15 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x16 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x17 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x20 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x21 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x22 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x23 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x24 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x25 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x26 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x27 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x40 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x41 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x42 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x43 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x44 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x45 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x46 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x47 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x48 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x49 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x4a xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x4b xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x4c xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x4d xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x4e xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x4f xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x50 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x51 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x52 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x53 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x54 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x55 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x56 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x57 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x60 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x61 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x62 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x63 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x64 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x65 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x66 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 4 0x67 xt_terraformer: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x0 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x1 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x2 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x3 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x4 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x5 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x6 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x7 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x8 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x9 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0xa xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0xb xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0xc xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0xd xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0xe xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0xf xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x10 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x11 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x12 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x13 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x14 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x15 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x16 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x17 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x20 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x21 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x22 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x23 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x24 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x25 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x26 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x27 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x40 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x41 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x42 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x43 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x44 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x45 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x46 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x47 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x48 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x49 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x4a xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x4b xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x4c xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x4d xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x4e xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x4f xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x50 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x51 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x52 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x53 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x54 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x55 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x56 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x57 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x60 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x61 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x62 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x63 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x64 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x65 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x66 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 5 0x67 xt_standard_lighting_damage: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x0 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x1 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x2 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x3 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x4 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x5 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x6 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x7 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x8 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x9 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0xa boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0xb boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0xc boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0xd boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0xe boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0xf boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x10 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x11 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x12 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x13 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x14 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x15 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x16 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x17 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x20 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x21 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x22 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x23 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x24 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x25 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x26 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 6 0x27 boron: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x0 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x1 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x2 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x3 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x4 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x5 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x6 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x7 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x8 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x9 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0xa paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0xb paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0xc paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0xd paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0xe paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0xf paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x10 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x11 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x12 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x13 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x14 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x15 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x16 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x17 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x20 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x21 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x22 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x23 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x24 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x25 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x26 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 7 0x27 paranid: compiled
PROGRAM: 8 0x0 Asteroid: compiled
PROGRAM: 8 0x1 Asteroid: compiled
PROGRAM: 8 0x2 Asteroid: compiled
PROGRAM: 8 0x3 Asteroid: compiled
PROGRAM: 8 0x8 Asteroid: compiled
PROGRAM: 8 0x9 Asteroid: compiled
PROGRAM: 8 0xa Asteroid: compiled
PROGRAM: 8 0xb Asteroid: compiled
PROGRAM: 8 0x10 Asteroid: compiled
PROGRAM: 8 0x11 Asteroid: compiled
PROGRAM: 8 0x12 Asteroid: compiled
PROGRAM: 8 0x13 Asteroid: compiled
PROGRAM: 8 0x20 Asteroid: compiled
PROGRAM: 8 0x21 Asteroid: compiled
PROGRAM: 8 0x22 Asteroid: compiled
PROGRAM: 8 0x23 Asteroid: compiled
PROGRAM: 9 0x0 Planet: compiled
PROGRAM: 9 0x4 Planet: compiled
PROGRAM: 10 0x0 PlanetHaze: compiled
PROGRAM: 11 0x0 NebulaFog: compiled
PROGRAM: 12 0x0 ZOnly: compiled
PROGRAM: 13 0x0 Particle: compiled
PROGRAM: 14 0x0 Bloom_normalize: compiled
PROGRAM: 15 0x0 Bloom_bloom: compiled
PROGRAM: 16 0x0 Bloom_combine: compiled
PROGRAM: 17 0x0 texenv: compiled
PROGRAM: 18 0x0 adeffects: compiled
PROGRAM: 20 0x0 tag: compiled
J3D_LoadCut2: Loaded embedded body 901000003
J3D_LoadCut2: Loaded embedded body 901000004
J3D_LoadCut2: Loaded embedded body 901300000
J3D_LoadCut2: Loaded embedded body 901300001
J3D_LoadCut2: Loaded embedded body 901300003
J3D_LoadCut2: Loaded embedded body 901400003
J3D_LoadCut2: Loaded embedded body 901400004
J3D_LoadCut2: Loaded embedded body 901400005
J3D_LoadCut2: Loaded embedded body 909900003
J3D_LoadCut2: Loaded embedded body 909900004
J3D_LoadCut2: Loaded embedded body 909900005
No dump, because DEBUG disabled
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4097
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4145
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4161
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4162
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4163
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4169
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4177
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4178
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4191
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4200
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4207
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4209
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4210
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4211
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4212
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4213
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4218
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4228
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4279
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4280
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4281
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4438
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4446
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4700
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4702
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4704
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4706
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 641
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4774
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4775
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 9000
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4906
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 9008
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 9009
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 9010
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 9013
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 9014
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50000
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50001
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50002
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50007
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50008
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50010
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50012
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50013
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50014
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50015
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50016
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50019
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50020
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50021
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50022
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50023
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50024
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50025
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50026
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50027
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50028
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50032
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50033
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50034
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50035
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50036
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50037
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50038
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50039
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50040
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50041
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50042
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 9082
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50043
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 9083
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50044
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50045
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50046
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50047
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50048
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50049
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50050
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50051
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50052
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50053
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50054
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50055
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50056
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50057
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 9098
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50058
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 9099
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50059
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 9100
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50060
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 9101
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 9102
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50062
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50063
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50064
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50065
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50066
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50067
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50068
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50069
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50070
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50071
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50072
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50073
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50074
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50075
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50076
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50077
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50078
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50079
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50080
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50081
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50082
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50083
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50084
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50085
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50086
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50087
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50088
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50089
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50090
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50091
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50092
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50093
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50094
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50095
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50096
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50097
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50098
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50099
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50100
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50101
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50102
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50103
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50104
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50105
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50106
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50107
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50108
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50109
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50110
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50111
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50112
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50113
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50114
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50115
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50116
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50117
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50118
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50119
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50120
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50121
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50122
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50124
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50126
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50128
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50129
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50130
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50131
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50132
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50134
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50135
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50136
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50137
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50138
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50139
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50140
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50141
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50142
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50143
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50144
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50145
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50146
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50147
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50150
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50151
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50152
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50154
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50155
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50156
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50157
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50159
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50160
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50161
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50162
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50164
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50165
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50166
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50167
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50168
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50169
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50170
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50171
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50172
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50174
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50175
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50176
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50177
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50178
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50179
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50180
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50181
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50182
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50183
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50184
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50185
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50187
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50190
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50192
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50194
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50195
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50198
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50199
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50202
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50203
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50204
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50205
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50206
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50208
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50209
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50210
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50211
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50212
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50274
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50275
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50276
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50277
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50278
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50279
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50281
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50282
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50283
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50285
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50287
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50291
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50292
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50295
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50296
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50297
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50298
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50300
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50302
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50303
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50305
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50306
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50307
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50308
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50309
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50310
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50311
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50312
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50313
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50315
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50317
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50318
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50319
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50320
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50321
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50322
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50324
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50325
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50326
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50328
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50330
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50332
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50333
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50334
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50335
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50336
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50338
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50339
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50340
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50341
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50342
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50344
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50345
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50346
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50347
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50349
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50350
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50351
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50352
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50353
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50355
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50357
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50358
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50359
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50360
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50361
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50363
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50364
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50365
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50367
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50369
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50371
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50372
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50375
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50376
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50378
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50380
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50381
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50382
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50383
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50385
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50387
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50388
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50389
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50391
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50393
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50395
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50396
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50398
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50399
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50401
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50402
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50405
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50409
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50411
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50413
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50416
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50420
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50421
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50422
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50426
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50428
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50430
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50432
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50434
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50435
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50436
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50439
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50440
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50442
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50445
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50448
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50451
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50452
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50454
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50472
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50483
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50485
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50488
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50490
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50493
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50496
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50498
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50499
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50500
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50502
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50503
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50504
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50507
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50508
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50509
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50511
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50512
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50515
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50516
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50517
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50518
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50519
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50520
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50521
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50523
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50525
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50526
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50533
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50534
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50535
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50536
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50537
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50539
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50540
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50541
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50542
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50544
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50545
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50546
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50547
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50553
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50554
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50555
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50556
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50559
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50560
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50562
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50564
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50566
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50568
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50570
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50571
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50572
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J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50574
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50575
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50576
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50577
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50578
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50579
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50580
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50581
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50582
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50583
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50584
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50585
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50586
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50587
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50588
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50589
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50590
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50591
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50592
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50593
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50594
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50595
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50596
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50598
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50599
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50601
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50602
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50603
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50604
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50605
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50606
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50607
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50608
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50609
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50610
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50611
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50612
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50613
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50614
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50616
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50617
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4026
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4064
[TC_MemoryFlush] freed 0, released 0 of 0 cached textures
MOV_FreeVoices() 0 pages with total 0 voices entries freed.
SB_LoadLocation() loading story file x3intro
X_CopyStringN() string 'Дозаправка топлива ' shorter than len 37
max char height=14 (user supplied font height=13)
max char height=27 (user supplied font height=24)
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 3)
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 3)
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 3)
[mpegvideo @ 0xb545da0] max_analyze_duration 5000000 reached at 5000000
[mpegvideo @ 0xb545da0] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 3)
../X3/s_linux/s3d.cpp : S_3DCleanAndOptimizeMesh : 3217 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : W_RectFill : 1430 : dStub
J3D_LoadCut2: Loaded embedded body 830000001
J3D_LoadCut2: Loaded embedded body 830000002
ST_LoadCut() cut 8300 loaded
ST_StartFromIndex(8300, 1) found starttime 0, endtime 4000
Switching to Camera Camera01
Error opening movie stream: 830
Error opening movie stream: 830
Failed loading movie 830
Failed stoping movie 830
ST_UnloadCut() cut 8300 start
ST_UnloadCut() starting unload cut 8300, numinst=3
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 8300
No dump, because DEBUG disabled
[TC_MemoryFlush] freed 5, released 0 of 5 cached textures
MOV_FreeVoices() 156 pages with total 11627 voices entries freed.
No dump, because DEBUG disabled
[TC_MemoryFlush] freed 0, released 0 of 0 cached textures
MOV_FreeVoices() 0 pages with total 0 voices entries freed.
SB_LoadLocation() loading story file x3intro
X_CopyStringN() string 'Дозаправка топлива ' shorter than len 37
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 16)
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 16)
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 16)
[mpegvideo @ 0xb72cf20] max_analyze_duration 5000000 reached at 5000000
[mpegvideo @ 0xb72cf20] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 16)
J3D_LoadCut2: Loaded embedded body 831000001
J3D_LoadCut2: Loaded embedded body 831000002
ST_LoadCut() cut 8310 loaded
ST_StartFromIndex(8310, 1) found starttime 0, endtime 13000
Switching to Camera Camera01
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 20)
../X3/s_linux/s3d.cpp : RenderInit : 11936 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/s3d.cpp : CheckVisibility : 15567 : dPStub: What SHOULD this be, no documentation Ive found shows [] operators for this - Confirmed it is the nth float so 8 would be m[1][3]

../X3/s_linux/s3d.cpp : RenderExit : 11975 : dStub
ST_UnloadCut() cut 8310 start
ST_UnloadCut() starting unload cut 8310, numinst=3
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 8310
No dump, because DEBUG disabled
[TC_MemoryFlush] freed 5, released 0 of 5 cached textures
MOV_FreeVoices() 156 pages with total 11627 voices entries freed.
No dump, because DEBUG disabled
[TC_MemoryFlush] freed 0, released 0 of 0 cached textures
MOV_FreeVoices() 0 pages with total 0 voices entries freed.
SB_LoadLocation() loading story file x3intro
X_CopyStringN() string 'Дозаправка топлива ' shorter than len 37
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 2855)
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 2855)
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 2855)
[mpegvideo @ 0xb6bf140] max_analyze_duration 5000000 reached at 5000000
[mpegvideo @ 0xb6bf140] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 2855)
../X3/s_linux/sys_sfx.cpp : S_SFXSetEAXRoom : 1100 : dStub
ST_LoadCut() cut 6004 loaded
ST_StartFromIndex(6004, 1) found starttime 0, endtime 12000
Switching to Camera Camera01
Sent CutEvent t=0 fadein 1000
Sent CutEvent t=11000 fadeout 1000
ST_UnloadCut() cut 6004 start
ST_UnloadCut() starting unload cut 6004, numinst=2
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 6004
No dump, because DEBUG disabled
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 7004
[TC_MemoryFlush] freed 5, released 0 of 5 cached textures
MOV_FreeVoices() 156 pages with total 11627 voices entries freed.
No dump, because DEBUG disabled
[TC_MemoryFlush] freed 0, released 0 of 0 cached textures
MOV_FreeVoices() 0 pages with total 0 voices entries freed.
SB_LoadLocation() loading story file x3intro
X_CopyStringN() string 'Дозаправка топлива ' shorter than len 37
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 48945)
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 48945)
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 48945)
[mpegvideo @ 0xa79c4c0] max_analyze_duration 5000000 reached at 5000000
[mpegvideo @ 0xa79c4c0] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 48945)
ST_LoadCut() cut 948 loaded
Warning!  Some triangles have zero area!
Warning!  Some triangles have zero area!
ERROR: Unable to load texture 'textures\F:\SRC\X3.5\[Assets]\Terran\x3.5 Textures\Textures\envmap', using dummy texture!
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 49815)
No dump, because DEBUG disabled
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 4678
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 948
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 969
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50502
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50503
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50506
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50509
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 50512
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 1950
[TC_MemoryFlush] freed 233, released 1 of 234 cached textures
MOV_FreeVoices() 156 pages with total 11627 voices entries freed.
No dump, because DEBUG disabled
[TC_MemoryFlush] freed 0, released 0 of 0 cached textures
MOV_FreeVoices() 0 pages with total 0 voices entries freed.
SB_LoadLocation() loading story file x3intro
X_CopyStringN() string 'Дозаправка топлива ' shorter than len 37
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 60717)
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 60717)
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 60717)
[mpegvideo @ 0xa735d80] max_analyze_duration 5000000 reached at 5000000
[mpegvideo @ 0xa735d80] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 60717)
../X3/s_linux/sys_sfx.cpp : S_SFXSetEAXRoom : 1100 : dStub
ST_LoadCut() cut 6004 loaded
ST_StartFromIndex(6004, 1) found starttime 0, endtime 12000
Switching to Camera Camera01
Sent CutEvent t=0 fadein 1000
Sent CutEvent t=11000 fadeout 1000
ST_UnloadCut() cut 6004 start
ST_UnloadCut() starting unload cut 6004, numinst=2
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 6004
No dump, because DEBUG disabled
J3D_FreeCut() freeing cut 7004
[TC_MemoryFlush] freed 5, released 0 of 5 cached textures
MOV_FreeVoices() 156 pages with total 11627 voices entries freed.
No dump, because DEBUG disabled
[TC_MemoryFlush] freed 0, released 0 of 0 cached textures
MOV_FreeVoices() 0 pages with total 0 voices entries freed.
SB_LoadLocation() loading story file x3intro
X_CopyStringN() string 'Дозаправка топлива ' shorter than len 37
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 107155)
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 107155)
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 107155)
[mpegvideo @ 0xb548e00] max_analyze_duration 5000000 reached at 5000000
[mpegvideo @ 0xb548e00] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 107155)
J3D_LoadCut2: Loaded embedded body 810000001
J3D_LoadCut2: Loaded embedded body 810000002
ST_LoadCut() cut 8100 loaded
ST_StartFromIndex(8100, 1) found starttime 0, endtime 201336
Switching to Camera Camera01
movloadmovie success: reply=1 (1 / 107159)
munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer
Аварийный останов (стек памяти сброшен на диск)
Posts: 53549
Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: X³: TC and AP - Linux support thread

Post by CBJ »

The log tells you what to do. If the file isn't there then it is probably worth doing a full file verification using the Steam client.
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu, 8. Aug 13, 13:52

Re: X³: TC and AP - Linux support thread

Post by entux »


I'm trying to get X3TC (Steam) to run but the game won't open. Only the launcher works. I've only once tried to replace the libz.so.1 with a symlink to the one in my system.

The following is what I get if I try and run it from the console:

Code: Select all

nt@eNTi $ ./X3TC_main 
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/sio.cpp : main : 1250 : dPStub: atexit (_quit);
../X3/s_linux/init.cpp : XMenuInit : 254 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/simd_float.cpp : lgp_get_cpu_flags : 12 : dStub
ERROR: CPUID is not supported, can't detect CPU features
Trying to continue anyway with minimal settings
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 2820
Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID:  Caching Steam ID:  76561198195729411 [API loaded no]
Video category:
Monitor Idx = 0
Width = 2560
Height = 1440
Bits Per Pixel = 32
Vertical Sync = 0
Border Less = 1
Texture Quality = 2
Shader Quality = 2
AA Mode = 3
AF Mode = 4
Gamma = 127
Frame Finish = 0
Hack FPS Replace Text = 0
Lower AQC FrameRate = 10.000000
Upper AQC FrameRate = 25.000000
Memory = 128
Audio category:
Master Volume = 255
SFX Volume = 255
Voice Volume = 205
Music Volume = 215
Input category:
Mouse Grab = 1
Joy Index = 0
Joy 1X Src = 0
Joy 1Y Src = 1
Joy 2X Src = 2
Joy 2Y Src = 3
Joy Rudder Src = 5
Joy Throttle Src = 4
Joy TriggerL Src = 6
Joy TriggerR Src = 7
Joy 1X Scale = 1.000000
Joy 1Y Scale = 1.000000
Joy 2X Scale = 1.000000
Joy 2Y Scale = 1.000000
Joy Rudder Scale = 1.000000
Joy Throttle Scale = 1.000000
Joy TriggerL Scale = 1.000000
Joy TriggerR Scale = 1.000000
Joy Button0 Src = 0
Joy Button1 Src = 1
Joy Button2 Src = 2
Joy Button3 Src = 3
Joy Button4 Src = 4
Joy Button5 Src = 5
Joy Button6 Src = 6
Joy Button7 Src = 7
Joy Button8 Src = 8
Joy Button9 Src = 9
Joy Button10 Src = 10
Joy Button11 Src = 11
Joy Button12 Src = 12
Joy Button13 Src = 13
Joy Button14 Src = 14
Joy Button15 Src = 15
Joy Button16 Src = 16
Joy Button17 Src = 17
Joy Button18 Src = 18
Joy Button19 Src = 19
Joy Button20 Src = 20
Joy Button21 Src = 21
Joy Button22 Src = 22
Joy Button23 Src = 23
Joy Button24 Src = 24
Joy Button25 Src = 25
Joy Button26 Src = 26
Joy Button27 Src = 27
Joy Button28 Src = 28
Joy Button29 Src = 29
Other category:
Mod Name = (null)
Capture Folder = screenshots
Profile = default
Player Logo Number = 0
Player Logo Name = (null)
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 211 : dPStub: Setting D3DF_ALPHATRANS to true without test

../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 214 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 216 : dPStub: Setting D3DF_MODULATEALPHA to true without test

../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 219 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 221 : dPStub: Setting D3DF_MULTITEXTURE to true without test

../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 224 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/init.cpp : S_GetCPUSpeed : 341 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_InitVideo : 1109 : dPStub: SDL_WM_SetIcon( icon, NULL );
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 211 : dPStub: Setting D3DF_ALPHATRANS to true without test

../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 214 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 216 : dPStub: Setting D3DF_MODULATEALPHA to true without test

../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 219 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 221 : dPStub: Setting D3DF_MULTITEXTURE to true without test

../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 224 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 379 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 382 : glGetString(GL_VENDOR) =		NVIDIA Corporation
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 383 : glGetString(GL_RENDERER) =		NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER/PCIe/SSE2
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 384 : glGetString(GL_VERSION) =		4.6.0 NVIDIA 525.60.11
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 385 : glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION) =		4.60 NVIDIA
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 421 : dPStub: Need to detect if postprocess must be turned off
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 436 : dPStub: Not sure if we don't need to load some LightMaps here?
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu, 8. Aug 13, 13:52

Re: X³: TC and AP - Linux support thread

Post by entux »

Is this game no longer supported on linux systems? I'm trying to run it completely without mods. Can I do something to get more debug information?

Code: Select all

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0xf7fc6549 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0xf7fc6549 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xf6689667 in __pthread_kill_implementation (threadid=threadid@entry=4135888640, signo=signo@entry=6, no_tid=no_tid@entry=0) at pthread_kill.c:43
#2  0xf66896ef in __pthread_kill_internal (signo=6, threadid=4135888640) at pthread_kill.c:78
#3  0xf6635677 in __GI_raise (sig=6) at ../sysdeps/posix/raise.c:26
#4  0xf661e126 in __GI_abort () at abort.c:79
#5  0x0814f32d in ?? ()
#6  0x0816f3f5 in ?? ()
#7  0x08053e01 in ?? ()
#8  0x080538c8 in ?? ()
#9  0x080516c3 in ?? ()
#10 0xf661f119 in __libc_start_call_main (main=main@entry=0x8051660, argc=argc@entry=1, argv=argv@entry=0xffffd1a4) at ../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58
#11 0xf661f1ed in __libc_start_main_impl (main=0x8051660, argc=1, argv=0xffffd1a4, init=0x818ec80, fini=0x818ecf0, rtld_fini=0xf7fcc950 <_dl_fini>, stack_end=0xffffd19c) at ../csu/libc-start.c:381
#12 0x08051701 in ?? ()

Code: Select all

$ ldd ./X3TC_main 
	linux-gate.so.1 (0xf7edf000)
	libSDL2-2.0.so.0 => lib/libSDL2-2.0.so.0 (0xf7daf000)
	libz.so.1 => /usr/lib32/libz.so.1 (0xf7d65000)
	libxml2.so.2 => lib/libxml2.so.2 (0xf7c09000)
	libavformat.so.53 => lib/libavformat.so.53 (0xf7b13000)
	libavcodec.so.53 => lib/libavcodec.so.53 (0xf7000000)
	libavutil.so.51 => lib/libavutil.so.51 (0xf7ae8000)
	libswscale.so.2 => lib/libswscale.so.2 (0xf6fb0000)
	libopenal.so.1 => lib/libopenal.so.1 (0xf6f17000)
	libcrypto.so.1.0.0 => lib/libcrypto.so.1.0.0 (0xf6d3b000)
	libGLEW.so.1.13 => lib/libGLEW.so.1.13 (0xf6c9d000)
	libGL.so.1 => /usr/lib32/libGL.so.1 (0xf6c32000)
	libvorbisfile.so.3 => lib/libvorbisfile.so.3 (0xf7adb000)
	libjpeg.so.8 => lib/libjpeg.so.8 (0xf6bdb000)
	librt.so.1 => /usr/lib32/librt.so.1 (0xf7ad6000)
	libsteam_api.so => lib/libsteam_api.so (0xf7aa0000)
	libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6 (0xf6800000)
	libm.so.6 => /usr/lib32/libm.so.6 (0xf6b0a000)
	libgcc_s.so.1 => /usr/lib32/libgcc_s.so.1 (0xf6ae5000)
	libc.so.6 => /usr/lib32/libc.so.6 (0xf6400000)
	libpthread.so.0 => /usr/lib32/libpthread.so.0 (0xf6ae0000)
	libdl.so.2 => /usr/lib32/libdl.so.2 (0xf6adb000)
	libbz2.so.1.0 => lib/libbz2.so.1.0 (0xf6aca000)
	libGLdispatch.so.0 => /usr/lib32/libGLdispatch.so.0 (0xf6a4e000)
	libGLX.so.0 => /usr/lib32/libGLX.so.0 (0xf67c5000)
	libvorbis.so.0 => lib/libvorbis.so.0 (0xf6791000)
	libogg.so.0 => lib/libogg.so.0 (0xf6a46000)
	/lib/ld-linux.so.2 => /usr/lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0xf7ee1000)
	libX11.so.6 => /usr/lib32/libX11.so.6 (0xf663f000)
	libxcb.so.1 => /usr/lib32/libxcb.so.1 (0xf63d4000)
	libXau.so.6 => /usr/lib32/libXau.so.6 (0xf6a41000)
	libXdmcp.so.6 => /usr/lib32/libXdmcp.so.6 (0xf6a3a000)
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu, 8. Aug 13, 13:52

Re: X³: TC and AP - Linux support thread

Post by entux »

Anyone who can help or should I just give up? The game is old... I understand if you don't want to debug some random Linux distro issues. But at least tell me THAT.
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu, 8. Aug 13, 13:52

Re: X³: TC and AP - Linux support thread

Post by entux »

So after trying to reverse engineer this I've come across something. It looks like the game is hanging in an infinte loop and simply runs out of memory and then crashes? ChatGPT suggested an issue with threading judging by the initial backtrace. Maybe there's some weird race condition going on?

Code: Select all

f7fd172e	389	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd1731	392	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd1737	389	in dl-lookup.c
393	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd173d	393	in dl-lookup.c
395	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd1747	397	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd174d	395	in dl-lookup.c
403	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd1756	400	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd175a	400	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd175c	400	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd175e	403	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd1760	403	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd1762	403	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd1767	403	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd1769	403	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd176b	403	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd176e	403	in dl-lookup.c
502	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd1778	502	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd177b	502	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd177d	502	in dl-lookup.c
359	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd1787	359	in dl-lookup.c
362	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd1791	362	in dl-lookup.c
366	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd1797	366	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd1799	366	in dl-lookup.c
370	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd17ab	370	in dl-lookup.c
374	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd17b1	374	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd17b8	374	in dl-lookup.c
380	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd16f6	380	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd16fa	380	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd16fc	380	in dl-lookup.c
384	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd1701	384	in dl-lookup.c
385	in dl-lookup.c
388	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd1714	388	in dl-lookup.c
0xf7fd1716	388	in dl-lookup.c
80	../sysdeps/generic/ldsodefs.h: Bad file descriptor.
0xf7fd1721	80	in ../sysdeps/generic/ldsodefs.h
389	dl-lookup.c: Directory not empty.
Posts: 15
Joined: Tue, 16. May 23, 15:43

Re: X3AP Linux - Issue with planets & "flare" textures

Post by Finaltwist »

duozerk wrote: Thu, 25. Feb 16, 23:08 Hello,

I recently installed X3AP for Linux (through steam).
Everything in the game seems to be working well (thus far) but I seem to have a big issue with what I assume to be some textures; specifically the clouds textures on all planets and what I assume to be some sort of semi-transparent "glare" texture when looking at remote stars.

Screenshots, planet issue:


"Glare" issue:


I assume the root cause is the same for both.
My system information: Debian Jessie amd64; NVidia Geforce 660M (and also an intel card, running the game through it has the same issue, see below).
The game is the very latest steam version, unmodded. The bonus pack is installed (through innoextract due to the lack of a linux port).
My graphic drivers are also the very latest, proprietary nvidia ones (the 9th February 361.28 release); installed in an attempt at fixing the issue - was previously using ~6 months old drivers with the same issue.
What I have tried:
  • Changing all graphics parameters (including the greyed out AA one through config.yaml, resolution, glow, etc.); running the game windowed as well; to no effect.
  • Updating my graphic drivers (no results).
  • Starting a new game with a different start script (the screenshots above come from a Humble Merchant one) - no result.
  • Checking the files integrity in steam (everything OK, no anomaly).
  • Running the game through my Intel card (I have optimus) instead of the nvidia one; the game runs fine but has the same issue.
  • Checking the "Run previous version" checkbox.
  • Launching the game directly with steam closed (still going through testandlaunch).
  • Launching X3AP_main and X3AP_main_b11 (I assume this stands for "build11") directly without going through the config tool first (with or without going through testandlaunch).
  • Out of despair, I also tried tweaking LD_LIBRARY_PATH to use some system libraries instead of the steam/game ones (tried that for libGL* libs such as libGLEW) - no results either.
  • Launching X3TC without AP; same issue.
None of it worked.
The fact that the issue occurs even with the intel card makes me suspect some sort of texture compression issue, perhaps ? note that in some systems, the planet looks mostly OK but a slight upper cloud layer is messed up the same way - weird lines instead of clear texture.
Also note on the above screenshots that on most planets, only part of the planet shows the issue.

I should also add that I played X3: Reunion years ago (the LGP preorder boxset - also participated in the LGP beta at the time) and I never saw such an issue through hundreds of hours of game time - this probably has low relevance though, since I suppose X3TC/AP improved on the graphics and the issue probably occurs on one of those improvements ?

In any case, this is a big issue for me because it completely breaks immersion; I'm also afraid some other texture issues will show up later in game (I only played for about an hour right now - no combat, for example). I was ecstatic when I discovered that X3TC not only was released for Linux, but that X3AP had been released as well, and I'd really like to be able to play this game.

Does anyone have any suggestion / tweaks I could try, or an idea of where this issue could come from ? even some sort of graphics improval mod that would replace those textures may be a solution, maybe ? or possibly converting the problematic texture to another format that the game could understand as well ?

Thanks in advance !

[Edit] Forgot to add, I also tried searching for similar issues on Google to no effect; and also tried looking through this very topic for similar issues with no results either (a "search topic" feature on this forum would be a great addition, by the way). Finally, I also looked extensively through the game log (stdout & stderr) but nothing seems out of order - no "unable to load texture" or really any error message that seems relevant.

[Edit2] Updated my forum profile to link to my steam account to prove ownership of the games in case this is required.

[Edit3] I have performed a more extensive search on the forums and it seems to be the exact same issue as another forum user, Gligli, reported previously: http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php? ... 68#4482968; however, there was never any follow up. I did send a PM to that user just in case. At least I know I'm not alone !
Hi all, having this exact issue.

I am running an older computer with intel integrated graphics, debian with all latest open source drivers for the card. This issue appears regardless of what I do, which x3 game I play. Also, the initial post says to install LIBTXC_DXTN however this package appears to be deprecated and no longer available (as it is unnecessesary apparently). I tried deleting/renaming /lib/libz.so.1 and /lib/libpng12.so.1 per the suggested fix mentioned after the post above and that did not fix the lines on the planets issue.

I know this is an old game, so ill play with the graphics glitch if i need to and suck it up, but posting here in case someone knows a possible fix to the issue.
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'Airstrike' Ivanov
Posts: 201
Joined: Sat, 29. Sep 07, 01:36

Re: X³: TC and AP - Linux support thread

Post by 'Airstrike' Ivanov »

Hello! Wanted to report a problem I've recently been encountering with the native TC/AP/FL client.

Code: Select all

./X3AP_config: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib32/libtiff.so.6: undefined symbol: jpeg12_write_raw_data, version LIBJPEG_8.0
The issue appears to stem from an update of the system-wide libtiff/lib32-libtiff library from 4.5.1 to 4.6.0 - In my case, I was able to downgrade the packages to the 4.5 version without issue.
Wanted to post it here so other people can find the solution to the problem or otherwise look into other solutions.

For Arch, this was the quick solution:

Code: Select all

sudo pacman -U https://archive.archlinux.org/packages/l/lib32-libtiff/lib32-libtiff-4.5.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst https://archive.archlinux.org/packages/l/libtiff/libtiff-4.5.1-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
using Arch, KDE Plasma 6 beta 1
Kernel 6.6.4-zen1-1-zen on Wayland
Ryzen 9 7950X CPU, 64GB DDR5-6000 RAM, 24GB RX 7900 XTX GPU.
You can find me here.
Steam Groups: Terran Conflict | Reunion | X2 | X-GOLD | (NEW!) X Rebirth
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri, 11. Feb 05, 15:08

No gamepad input on Stemdeck native x3 tc

Post by Utdenwiede »


I recently tried to get x3 to work on my steam deck.
The native gog version launches without any problems.
Using the mouse and the keyboard there seem to be no problems.

But I would like to play with the game controllers of the steam deck.
The launcher is able to detect the joystick with no problems. it even recognizes any inputs. After the game is launched all controls are gone.

Any ideas what could cause the launcher to detect the gamepad and simultaneously prevent the game from using it?
Posts: 96
Joined: Sat, 8. Jan 05, 21:31

Re: X³: TC and AP - Linux support thread

Post by BarFly »


i want to run a fresh installed X3 TC game via Steam on Linux Kubuntu 22.04. It starts gets me into the game , fine, but it does not offer me to run it with my joystick. The Joystick and the throttle are both recognized from Linux and 'jstest' is showing me that all the buttons and axes are working well. But when i start the game it does not show me any joystick to chose, just mouse and keyboard and a xbox gamepad, which i don't own and never will own one. I remember that i had run X3TC with steam a couple of years before with joystick, just without throttle. I don't remember which distribution i used then.
It would be real nice if i would get any help.
Right now i istall X3TC on W10 to cross check if the joystick/throttle works. In the settings it works perfect.
I also have problems with foundation under Linux, there i can fly with my joystick but how to change the key settings. Ok, that belongs to another board here.
Ciao BarFly
Posts: 96
Joined: Sat, 8. Jan 05, 21:31

Re: X³: TC and AP - Linux support thread

Post by BarFly »

despite noone is looking at this forum i'm here and try to get answers.
Like i wrote before i play X3TC on Linux Kubuntu 22.04.
I installed X3TC 3 day ago completly new from my Steam account. It works quite fine, i collected the Teladi Toucan and the Split Iguana Vanguard from their 'hidden' positions and because i started with something like 'Humble dealer' (i'm German) i got a Disco and an Argon Mercury. And now i recognise the value of some mods and scripts because the micromanagment is a pain. I remember that i played around 1,000hours with Lucike's Trader and Moskito, Rocket defense etc. and ho much that made the game more playable. The MK3 Trader is no choice because it is a pain when he buys all the useles stuff and destroys the hole market. I remember i had a really living Universe with Lucike's traders and the Hub connecting the East.
And now i want to install that mods on my Linux X3TC but it does not work. The bad thing, a couple of years ago while another try with Linux, it all worked perfect.
Is there a path to my happiness?
I would love to get my Joystick, which btw. works with Windows in X3TC and X4, running, even without the throttle and i would be glad to get the mods running.
Greetings Hans
Ciao BarFly
Posts: 68
Joined: Sun, 25. Oct 09, 14:08

Re: X³: TC and AP - Linux support thread

Post by Quitschi »

Just recently started a new game of X3TC and in the attached savegame there is a Khaak fighter about to engage with a teladi condor as well as a teladi shrike towards the nord gate. If I watch the fight the game crashes, if I look away nothing happens. Thus I assume the game crashes when a specific weapon is fired. I also assume it's not the PPC or the Kyon Emiiters, as I can watch them fire for a bit before the crash happens.
I run the game with gamescope and the following launch options:
"gamescope -h 1080 -H 1440 --mangoapp %command%"
I tried without though and the crash happens nevertheless.
I also tried fiddling with the startup graphic settings but the game still crashed in all combinations I tried.
I have no idea where or whether there is a crash log or what diagnostics one might need also. So if someone needs something else, please just tell me and I'll provide additional infos.
So, if someone has any idea how to troublshoot this issue I would be very grateful.

- savefile
- Steam X3TC 3.4 english
- unmodified game
- game start was humble merchant, but I doubt that matters
- System details:
Operating System: openSUSE Tumbleweed 20240701
KDE Plasma Version: 6.1.1
KDE Frameworks Version: 6.3.0
Qt Version: 6.7.2
Kernel Version: 6.9.7-1-default (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: Wayland
Processors: 12 × 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i5-12400F
Memory: 31,2 GiB of RAM
Graphics Processor: Mesa Intel® Arc
Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
Product Name: Z690 UD DDR4

I also managed to obtain the console output:

Code: Select all

:~> steam steam://rungameid/2820
steam.sh[13156]: Running Steam on opensuse-tumbleweed 20240703 64-bit
steam.sh[13156]: STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
setup.sh[13229]: Steam runtime environment up-to-date!
steam.sh[13156]: Steam client's requirements are satisfied
[2024-07-05 23:22:57] Startup - updater built Jun 20 2024 17:13:49
[2024-07-05 23:22:57] Startup - Steam Client launched with: '~/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam' '-srt-logger-opened' 'steam://rungameid/2820'
07/05 23:22:57 minidumps folder is set to /tmp/dumps
07/05 23:22:57 Init: Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1718904662)/tid(13276)
[2024-07-05 23:22:57] Loading cached metrics from disk (~/.local/share/Steam/package/steam_client_metrics.bin)
[2024-07-05 23:22:57] Using the following download hosts for Public, Realm steamglobal
[2024-07-05 23:22:57] 1. https://client-update.akamai.steamstatic.com, /, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 1000, source = 'update_hosts_cached.vdf'
[2024-07-05 23:22:57] 2. https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com, /client/, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 1, source = 'update_hosts_cached.vdf'
[2024-07-05 23:22:57] 3. https://cdn.steamstatic.com, /client/, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 1, source = 'baked in'
[2024-07-05 23:22:57] Verifying installation...
[2024-07-05 23:22:57] Verification complete
UpdateUI: skip show logo
Steam logging initialized: directory: ~/.local/share/Steam/logs
XRRGetOutputInfo Workaround: initialized with override: 0 real: 0xea720f50
XRRGetCrtcInfo Workaround: initialized with override: 0 real: 0xea71f5f0
CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 57 milliseconds to initialize
Steam Runtime Launch Service: starting steam-runtime-launcher-service
Steam Runtime Launch Service: steam-runtime-launcher-service is running pid 13482
/usr/share/themes/Breeze/gtk-2.0/widgets/entry:70: error: unexpected identifier 'direction', expected character '}'
/usr/share/themes/Breeze/gtk-2.0/widgets/styles:36: error: invalid string constant "combobox_entry", expected valid string constant
BRefreshApplicationsInLibrary 1: 0ms
BuildCompleteAppOverviewChange: 505 apps
RegisterForAppOverview 1: 8ms
RegisterForAppOverview 2: 8ms
chdir "~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/X3 Terran Conflict"
ERROR: ld.so: object '~/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
ERROR: ld.so: object '~/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
console: gamescope version undefined
No CAP_SYS_NICE, falling back to regular-priority compute and threads.
Performance will be affected.
Adding process 13750 for gameID 2820
ATTENTION: default value of option vk_khr_present_wait overridden by environment.
ATTENTION: default value of option vk_khr_present_wait overridden by environment.
vulkan: selecting physical device 'Intel(R) Arc(tm) A770 Graphics (DG2)': queue family 0 (general queue family 0)
vulkan: physical device supports DRM format modifiers
wlserver: [backend/headless/backend.c:67] Creating headless backend
xdg_backend: Seat name: 
vulkan: supported DRM formats for sampling usage:
vulkan:   AR24 (0x34325241)
vulkan:   XR24 (0x34325258)
vulkan:   AB24 (0x34324241)
vulkan:   XB24 (0x34324258)
vulkan:   RG16 (0x36314752)
vulkan:   NV12 (0x3231564E)
vulkan:   AB4H (0x48344241)
vulkan:   XB4H (0x48344258)
vulkan:   AB48 (0x38344241)
vulkan:   XB48 (0x38344258)
vulkan:   AB30 (0x30334241)
vulkan:   AR30 (0x30335241)
vulkan:   XR30 (0x30335258)
wlserver: Running compositor on wayland display 'gamescope-0'
wlserver: [backend/headless/backend.c:17] Starting headless backend
wlserver: Successfully initialized libei for input emulation!
wlserver: [xwayland/sockets.c:64] Failed to bind socket @/tmp/.X11-unix/X0: Address already in use
wlserver: [xwayland/server.c:107] Starting Xwayland on :2
ERROR: ld.so: object '~/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
Adding process 13766 for gameID 2820
ERROR: ld.so: object '~/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
ERROR: ld.so: object '~/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
wlserver: [types/wlr_compositor.c:771] New wlr_surface 0x558cf0db4fb0 (res 0x558cf0f61680)
wlserver: [xwayland/server.c:272] Xserver is ready
pipewire: stream state changed: connecting
pipewire: stream state changed: paused
pipewire: stream available on node ID: 85
xwm: Embedded, no cursor set. Using left_ptr by default.
vblank: Using timerfd.
xdg_backend: PreferredMetadata: Red: 0.64 0.33, Green: 0.3 0.6, Blue: 0.15 0.06, White: 0.3127 0.329, Max Luminance: 200 nits, Min Luminance: 0 nits, Max Full Frame Luminance: 200 nits
josh edid: Patching res 800x1280 -> 1920x1080
pipewire: renegotiating stream params (size: 3840x2160)
Adding process 13777 for gameID 2820
wlserver: [types/wlr_compositor.c:771] New wlr_surface 0x558cf0f1a5c0 (res 0x558cf0f78fd0)
ERROR: ld.so: object '~/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
ERROR: ld.so: object '~/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Warning:          Unsupported maximum keycode 708, clipping.
>                   X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
> Warning:          Could not resolve keysym XF86KbdInputAssistPrevgrou
> Warning:          Could not resolve keysym XF86KbdInputAssistNextgrou
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
xdg_backend: Changed refresh to: 99.901hz
Adding process 13810 for gameID 2820
../X3/s_linux/init.cpp : XMenuInit : 254 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/simd_float.cpp : lgp_get_cpu_flags : 12 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/init.cpp : S_GetCPUSpeed : 341 : dStub
xwm: Unhandled NET_WM_STATE property change: _NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN
wlserver: [types/wlr_compositor.c:771] New wlr_surface 0x558cf0f5dfa0 (res 0x558cf0f593c0)
xwm: got the same buffer committed twice, ignoring.
pipewire: renegotiating stream params (size: 2556x675)
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/sio.cpp : main : 1250 : dPStub: atexit (_quit);
../X3/s_linux/init.cpp : XMenuInit : 254 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/simd_float.cpp : lgp_get_cpu_flags : 12 : dStub
ERROR: CPUID is not supported, can't detect CPU features
Trying to continue anyway with minimal settings
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 2820
Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID:  Caching Steam ID:  76561197980594943 [API loaded no]
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 211 : dPStub: Setting D3DF_ALPHATRANS to true without test

../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 214 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 216 : dPStub: Setting D3DF_MODULATEALPHA to true without test

../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 219 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 221 : dPStub: Setting D3DF_MULTITEXTURE to true without test

../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 224 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/init.cpp : S_GetCPUSpeed : 341 : dStub
wlserver: [types/wlr_compositor.c:771] New wlr_surface 0x558cf0f5e540 (res 0x558cf0f66840)
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_InitVideo : 1109 : dPStub: SDL_WM_SetIcon( icon, NULL );
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 211 : dPStub: Setting D3DF_ALPHATRANS to true without test

../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 214 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 216 : dPStub: Setting D3DF_MODULATEALPHA to true without test

../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 219 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 221 : dPStub: Setting D3DF_MULTITEXTURE to true without test

../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_SetDefault3DSettings : 224 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 379 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 382 : glGetString(GL_VENDOR) =               Intel
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 383 : glGetString(GL_RENDERER) =             Mesa Intel(R) Arc(tm) A770 Graphics (DG2)
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 384 : glGetString(GL_VERSION) =              4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 24.1.2
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 385 : glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION) =             4.60
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 421 : dPStub: Need to detect if postprocess must be turned off
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : S_Create3DDevice : 436 : dPStub: Not sure if we don't need to load some LightMaps here?
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
../X3/s_linux/init.cpp : Int_OpenAL_Init : 906 : al first err 0
[mpegvideo @ 0x121e8900] max_analyze_duration 5000000 reached at 5000000
[mpegvideo @ 0x121e8900] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
../X3/s_linux/s3d.cpp : S_3DCleanAndOptimizeMesh : 3217 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/sdl2/svideo.cpp : W_RectFill : 1430 : dStub
[mpegvideo @ 0x122b6b80] max_analyze_duration 5000000 reached at 5000000
[mpegvideo @ 0x122b6b80] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
../X3/s_linux/s3d.cpp : RenderInit : 11936 : dStub
../X3/s_linux/s3d.cpp : CheckVisibility : 15567 : dPStub: What SHOULD this be, no documentation Ive found shows [] operators for this - Confirmed it is the nth float so 8 would be m[1][3]

../X3/s_linux/s3d.cpp : RenderExit : 11975 : dStub
[mpegvideo @ 0x122b6b80] max_analyze_duration 5000000 reached at 5000000
[mpegvideo @ 0x122b6b80] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
[mpeg @ 0x114508e0] max_analyze_duration 5000000 reached at 5000000
[mpeg @ 0x125e2720] max_analyze_duration 5000000 reached at 5000000
Warning!  Some triangles have zero area!
Warning!  Some triangles have zero area!
Warning!  Some triangles have zero area!
Warning!  Some triangles have zero area!
Warning!  Some triangles have zero area!
Warning!  Some triangles have zero area!
Warning!  Some triangles have zero area!
Warning!  Some triangles have zero area!
Warning!  Some triangles have zero area!
Warning!  Some triangles have zero area!
Warning!  Some triangles have zero area!
Warning!  Some triangles have zero area!
[mpegvideo @ 0x21b78080] max_analyze_duration 5000000 reached at 5000000
[mpegvideo @ 0x21b78080] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
[mpegvideo @ 0x21bed6e0] max_analyze_duration 5000000 reached at 5000000
[mpegvideo @ 0x21bed6e0] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/X3 Terran Conflict/testandlaunch: line 32: 13817 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) ./$cmd "$@"
gamescope: children shut down!
(EE) failed to read Wayland events: Broken pipe
Game 2820 created interface STEAMAPPLIST_INTERFACE_VERSION001 / AppList
Game 2820 created interface STEAMAPPS_INTERFACE_VERSION008 / Apps
Game 2820 created interface STEAMHTMLSURFACE_INTERFACE_VERSION_003 / HTMLSurface
Game 2820 created interface STEAMHTTP_INTERFACE_VERSION002 / HTTP
Game 2820 created interface STEAMINVENTORY_INTERFACE_V001 / Inventory
Game 2820 created interface STEAMMUSICREMOTE_INTERFACE_VERSION001 / MusicRemote
Game 2820 created interface STEAMMUSIC_INTERFACE_VERSION001 / Music
Game 2820 created interface STEAMREMOTESTORAGE_INTERFACE_VERSION013 / RemoteStorage
Game 2820 created interface STEAMSCREENSHOTS_INTERFACE_VERSION002 / Screenshots
Game 2820 created interface STEAMUGC_INTERFACE_VERSION008 / UGC
Game 2820 created interface STEAMUNIFIEDMESSAGES_INTERFACE_VERSION001 / UnifiedMessages
Game 2820 created interface STEAMUSERSTATS_INTERFACE_VERSION011 / UserStats
Game 2820 created interface STEAMVIDEO_INTERFACE_V001 / Video
Game 2820 created interface SteamController003 / Controller
Game 2820 created interface SteamFriends015 / Friends
Game 2820 created interface SteamMatchMaking009 / Matchmaking
Game 2820 created interface SteamMatchMakingServers002 / MatchmakingServers
Game 2820 created interface SteamNetworking005 / Networking
Game 2820 created interface SteamUser019 / User
Game 2820 created interface SteamUtils008 / Utils
Game 2820 method call count for IClientUserStats::GetStat : 3
Game 2820 method call count for IClientUserStats::RequestCurrentStats : 1
Game 2820 method call count for IClientUtils::RecordSteamInterfaceCreation : 24
Game 2820 method call count for IClientUtils::GetAppID : 27
Game 2820 method call count for IClientUser::GetSteamID : 2
Uploaded AppInterfaceStats to Steam
Removing process 13810 for gameID 2820
Removing process 13777 for gameID 2820
Removing process 13766 for gameID 2820
Removing process 13750 for gameID 2820
[2024-07-05 23:24:58] Background update loop checking for update. . .
[2024-07-05 23:24:58] Checking for available updates...
[2024-07-05 23:24:58] Downloading manifest: https://client-update.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam_client_ubuntu12?t=2733647286
[2024-07-05 23:24:58] Manifest download: send request
[2024-07-05 23:24:58] Manifest download: waiting for download to finish
[2024-07-05 23:24:59] Manifest download: finished
[2024-07-05 23:24:59] Download skipped: /steam_client_ubuntu12?t=2733647286 version 1718904662, installed version 1718904662, existing pending version 0
[2024-07-05 23:24:59] Nothing to do

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