[MOD] FLRGE - Realspace Galaxy Expansion for Farnham's Legacy (v 1.2) - 03/2022

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[MOD] FLRGE - Realspace Galaxy Expansion for Farnham's Legacy (v 1.2) - 03/2022

Post by Realspace »

DOWNLOAD FROM NEXUS:https://www.nexusmods.com/x3terranconflict/mods/118/

Features in brief:

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Here is what I've done more in details:

1) Taking all my old visual stuff from TC Conflict, AP, Rebirth and X4, I made new visual improvements specifically for FL by modifying all stars, nebulae and planets. All. But I did not only change them, I used them in more logical manner by Implementing any change step by step during the galaxy expansion, I'll talk later. I added about 200 new planets and planetary sceneries, in addition to making all the vanilla ones so detailed you want to land on them :-) As in my old mods, dreamy nebulae covering a moon are no more (with some exceptions), still I think I managed to keep them visually amazing and less pixelated than vanilla ones

2) changed the ship's behaviour (but did not alter the ships, nor added new ones, to keep vanilla friendly), in a way they do better in the expanded galaxy. All ships move at least 2x faster (so missiles and bullets) but I touched the engine tunings in a way that small fighters keep having a quick acceleration, while other ships are slowly accelerating but can reach decent speed (sectors are bigger, btw).

X3's physics is weird, there is always some friction as in the air but the almost instant accelerations (up to crazy 20G for the M5, I calculated!) don't let it show. When you eliminate engine tunings...it shows. Ships keep going on a vector that derives from the ship's frontal nose but not from the vector the ship was following befor turning. It's like drifting but in a glue...well, we can live with that. Bc big ships can't rotate that quick to see it.

Anyway the big difference is now in the maneuverability and acceleration, in favor of smaller ships, that are faster anyway. More shields for bigger ships. Faster bullets indeed are lethal for big bulky ships. That's all, no op ships whatsoever. I followed the X philosophy so for istance Teladi always aim for bigger hangar also in smaller ships but a bit less performance and maneuverability, etc.

2b) Jumpdrive is very expensive and is XL stuff, to be used by carriers or M2/M7s (Gates are limited to system to system jump anyway)

3) the core of the mod, I've changed and expanded the entire galaxy in this manner:

a) every sector is at least 2x bigger

b) every sector expands in the 3rd direction too, you know, up and down. But it follows a logic: trade stations are close to the height of the gates, while factories are close to resources.
Let's say you can go through the sector without entering the factories' "orbit". Since jump is very limited it helps to travel at a reasonable speed if you are not interested in that specific sector but just flying by. This helps enlarging the sectors without putting things too far away, still they look much bigger.

c) the orbital sectors' logic has been largely expanded, there are more core+beta/gamma/etc sectors now. They are connected through accelerators or hyperdrive points. I added new sectors too but mostly as orbital sectors for some core ones that are lacking...you know, the poor Family Why, why have they not at least a beta sector? :D

d) all alpha sectors coincide with the lower orbit, they usually are the final point of any travel. There is always an orbital planet scenery there and, again, stations are spread accordingly, shipyards are close to the planet, the other ones at higher orbits. No more repeated planets, every alpha sector has one single unique planet.

e) in all alpha sectors or other main ones there are many more trade stations . This simulates the economic demand from planets and opens more trade opportunity. It also makes travelling to a lower orbit a viable option that makes sense and profit, not just for show

f) the galaxy is made of clusters. A cluster can have one or more solar system, but mostly only one. And every cluster is one nebula scenery and usually one race dominated. To make this realism more apparent I modified the 749 bod (Galaxy layout) to show this logic, so alpha/beta etc sectors are oc very close to each other, but also they are closer to other sectors of the same system, all together being far from other systems (I think it seems more complicated than it is, I'll show a picture of it).

the peripheric sectors are where gates are (imagine the solar system, a gate would be near Jupiter or further away, not close to the Earth) so they work as jump points that are strategically important for each race, while inner sectors are (relatively) safe from incursions. These sectors are where the most battles will happen (pirates seem to like to put hidden bases very far away behind a moon, in those sectors. They like to collect the remnants from those battles :-) Also some threasure is to be found, if you adventure there, hundreds of kms outside the map.. ) Inner sectors is where economy works, thanks to the big demand from planets.

g) each single sector is coherent, any planet has a sense to be there, either is it the orbital version, or is it the remoter one, but same planet (there are some "mistakes" in vanilla FL due to the lacking vanilla planetary sceneries at disposal, but I created new ones). Sectors that are in the same system can have different planets oc, but I looked for having less habitable ones. Planets in the universe are mostly gas giants, so I created new models of them. No more lonely moons, they can be habitable oc but are orbiting some bigger planet. I tried to keep this at a logical (visual) distance when possible, considering the limitation of X3's sector's space

f) many AP sectors are back, Borons...to the east...They have orbital subsectors too. Argons and Split too. Xenons and Khaak have their own system

e) since jumping around is not what this mod helps to do, there are a LOT more connections but you have to discover them, close to the suns

3) There are many other modifications in the Globals:
a) Satellites, scanner, etc. are all longer-range to cope with bigger sectors. Other minor stuff, like docking computer working at closer limit (3000)
b) Dynamic faction relationship has been blunted a bit. It still is dynamic, only less black/white for allies are less affected
c) bestbuy/bestsell range increased to 9 sectors

I had to change some names inside it to make it work with my mod, but all credits for the cockpit go to the author (files 08.cat)
There is a NO-cockpit version of the TShip file inside my mod, if you prefer. Open it with mod manager and rename the file

INSTALL: copy and paste the whole mod inside X3 main folder, where the exes are, or its content inside ADDON2.
Specifically, 06.cat, 07.cat and 08.cat go in addon2, RealspaceFL_Universe goes in MOD folder inside addon2, script and T folders go in the respective folders inside addon2. Activate the mod at start.

My mod largely uses custom music. You have to download this package http://litcube.xtimelines.net/redirect. ... ZoNTQ/view
Or download the additional soundtrack I added in the NEXUS
Last edited by Realspace on Wed, 29. Jun 22, 21:01, edited 59 times in total.
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Re: Realspace Galaxy Expansion [MOD]

Post by Realspace »


0.1 (alpha) first release

Update 1
Added various files from version 1.3 of the game, readapted for the mod. Ships are still from v.1.2
Small modifications in the map

First bug-free final release
A lot of things.... :D

This version resolves the issue with xenons at start
New map, new start needed.
There are much less Hyperdrives to discover but many more free sectors you can conquer and claim by building a station
New skybox
Missions last 2x, fits perfectly with the size of sectors/less jumpgates in the map

Latest version with some more unclaimed sector and more opened gates
Some issue with the name was resolved and other minor changes

Last edited by Realspace on Thu, 10. Mar 22, 21:04, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: [WIP] Realspace Galaxy Expansion

Post by Realspace »

Little update to say that I am close to completion. I've entirelly revised all the graphic aspects of the space, made tens of new planets to be used in each sector, reworked about 80% of the map. I handplace every detail in the map to reach the best fidelity to "realism". I've added many orbital sectors to expand the vanilla concept, just hope it does not interact with the plots. Btw, can somebody tell me how inactive gate are handled in the game, do they reactivate by script? I am movimg some sectors that contain them and creating new connections. I'd like to avoid conflicts in the connections
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Re: [WIP] Realspace Galaxy Expansion

Post by Cycrow »

when you say the inactive gates, do you mean the HSAP, or the actual gates that are inactive ?

for the HSAP, they are simply set to discoverable, they are then activated when the LFL triggers them. This is done via the MD on game start. They always exists, but the inactive ones are not discoverable, so they dont trigger the LFL
the actual gates however never get reactivated (with the exception of the plot one in Holy Vision)
These are mostly there for lore reasons, and most are gates that were active in previous games, but the sector no longer exists
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Re: [WIP] Realspace Galaxy Expansion

Post by Realspace »

I mean the true inactive models, those in special objects. Not the hypergate you added to the editor, I am using them, implementing new orbital sectors following the same logic. As told, I want to make it the most possibly close to vanilla and compatible with the plots, but I still did not play the game 's plots so I make guesses. Another doubt I have is about the xenon hub. But if I remember well from my last ap modding it uses additional connections other than the 4 gates so they should not interfeer with traditional gates, hope so. Bc I am rearranging some sectors, so some cohordinates are changed. Anyway, I think the best thing to do is to finish it and let you try the new map. I am almost done
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Re: [MOD] FLRGE - Realspace Galaxy Expansion for Farnham's Legacy (v 0.1) First release

Post by joelR »

Thanks Realspace! Long time fan of your work!
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Re: [MOD] FLRGE - Realspace Galaxy Expansion for Farnham's Legacy (v 0.1) First release

Post by Realspace »

joelR wrote: Thu, 2. Dec 21, 04:09 Thanks Realspace! Long time fan of your work!
Thank you I appreciate :)
Added the first patch, more compatibility with v.1.3 of the game
https://www.nexusmods.com/x3terranconfl ... ?tab=files
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Re: [MOD] FLRGE - Realspace Galaxy Expansion for Farnham's Legacy (v 0.2) First patch released

Post by Realspace »

I am uploading a new version, don't start a new game yet, there are a lot of issues I addressed in this new version. Also I am facing a very strange issue I think comes form the many sectors added: starting a game makes some sectors or gate disappear. So I reduced the sectors in the map but the problem still happens, not sectors but some gate disappears. It seems related to some shortage of memory in the SAVE file because it happens in late game after some savings

Last edited by Realspace on Wed, 5. Jan 22, 15:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD] FLRGE - Realspace Galaxy Expansion for Farnham's Legacy (v 1.0)

Post by Realspace »

RGE 1.0 is available
You can download only the LAST update if already have the 06.cat and 07.cat
First BUG_FREE version, a final release to me
From now on, only small corrections, if you find some issue please write here


Check you don't have a universe.xml inside map folder in addon2 or the new map (contained in the mod) will be overwritten by the old one contained in the folder
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Re: [MOD] FLRGE - Realspace Galaxy Expansion for Farnham's Legacy (v 1.0) - 01/2022


Has the game start's been fixed so your not swamped by xenon right from the get go. Every game start even custom your ship blows up because 20 or so xenon spawn in and cause the game to end before it starts.
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Re: [MOD] FLRGE - Realspace Galaxy Expansion for Farnham's Legacy (v 1.0) - 01/2022

Post by Realspace »

PHOENIXHEAT wrote: Sun, 9. Jan 22, 16:37 Has the game start's been fixed so your not swamped by xenon right from the get go. Every game start even custom your ship blows up because 20 or so xenon spawn in and cause the game to end before it starts.
yes, check new version (1.1)
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Re: [MOD] FLRGE - Realspace Galaxy Expansion for Farnham's Legacy (v 1.2) - 03/2022

Post by Realspace »

Version 1.2 is available.
I repacked all in one single ZIP, only soundtracks have to be downloaded separately
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Re: [MOD] FLRGE - Realspace Galaxy Expansion for Farnham's Legacy (v 1.2) - 03/2022

Post by daes1 »

really like the mod have two questions though is there a map for this mod online anywhere similar to the rogueys map for fl ap etc?

and ive found and claimed two xeon hub but can only realgn gates at one is this a bug or can you only realign gates at one hub regardless of how many you claim
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Re: [MOD] FLRGE - Realspace Galaxy Expansion for Farnham's Legacy (v 1.2) - 03/2022

Post by Realspace »

Yes only one, the others are pre-connected in order to cross the galaxy from sun to sun. Their logic is planned for incresing map's connection bc jumpdrive is limited. And are often dangerous battle zones.

I don't know of any external map made, I did not make one. What you can do is open the galaxy editor and take a look at the whole map. It is quite big, around 160% the vanilla fl
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Re: [MOD] FLRGE - Realspace Galaxy Expansion for Farnham's Legacy (v 1.2) - 03/2022

Post by daes1 »

thanks for quick reply ill try galaxy editor love the mod btw looks really nice and feels huge map wise still tryna get the hang of FL dynamic reputation
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Re: [MOD] FLRGE - Realspace Galaxy Expansion for Farnham's Legacy (v 1.2) - 03/2022

Post by alexalsp »

Will there be a version for FL 1.3.1 or will this version work? When will there be a version without cockpits? I don't understand why they are needed at all. 90% of players hate them... :gruebel:
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Re: [MOD] FLRGE - Realspace Galaxy Expansion for Farnham's Legacy (v 1.2) - 03/2022

Post by Realspace »

alexalsp wrote: Thu, 18. Aug 22, 08:54 Will there be a version for FL 1.3.1 or will this version work? When will there be a version without cockpits? I don't understand why they are needed at all. 90% of players hate them... :gruebel:
There is a Ships_copy.pck inside the mod. Rename it to Ships.pck after having deleted the current one. This reverts back to NO cockpit, even if is missing the latest rebalancing I made to ships
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Re: [MOD] FLRGE - Realspace Galaxy Expansion for Farnham's Legacy (v 1.2) - 03/2022

Post by Hariwulf »

Would it be possible to get a version focused only on the planets/ nebulas/ visual enhancements?
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Re: [MOD] FLRGE - Realspace Galaxy Expansion for Farnham's Legacy (v 1.2) - 03/2022

Post by sr.geekster69 »

Ok y'all don't laugh, this is my very first post in the Egosoft forums, :P and yet I've played X3 since the beginning of the X Universe, :lol: I love playing XRM the most, my biggest sticking point in even playing that version of X3AP is the dogone file size of the .sav files! And so here we go again, this really awesome expansion adds a whopping 4K to the .sav file :rant: We spend lots of time saving and reloading games all day long, especially if you play 24/7 like I do, taking time to eat and well maybe even sleep once in awhile. I totally love the expansion of your universe, all the awesome graphics and even the cool soundtracks. I've always loved the X Universe for all of its splendor insofar as the artwork, music and theming. I have a deep appreciation for so much of the scripting work that guys do, especially Cycrow! Cycrow is literally genius and I applaud him for even all in help in making Xenon and Paul Wheeler's XRM and FLXRM projects fly as well as they do. So I've tinkered with playing Farnham's Legacy for the last two years and finally embarking upon starting a new game from scratch and leaving my precious XRM empire behind. I thought I would give both the FLXRM and your expansion a try first and I think I've decided to stick with the original game with of course of all Cycrow's genius added in! All I wanted to point out to readers is that often times we have to pay a price for "nice" in this world and here, as nice as this expansion is, you pay a very high price for the size of your .sav files. If having your .sav files 4K heavier than usual does not matter to you, then by all means give this expansion a try! It's extremely nice in many regards and this decision of mine comes after much consideration of how I play the game. If you do try it out, I certainly hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Best regards,

Captain Steve

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