[BONUS Plugin] Commodity Logistics Software MK1 04-8-05

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[BONUS Plugin] Commodity Logistics Software MK1 04-8-05

Post by Burianek »

Hi everyone,

A new plugin is available for you to enjoy in the bonus package.

This plugin is a completely redone version of the older SDS script. Many people were having minor problems with the old SDS scripts, and rather than try to continue to rework them, it was felt that it would be better to release a brand new set of scripts with expanded functionality. This will also help us better support the new scripts in the future.

Since the script is so different from the old one, I believe it deserves its own thread for discussion.

Scripter: Lucike

From the readme:
readme wrote: Purpose:

This software supports the pilot in coordinating his internal production logistics. It will collect orders of the different consumers inside your enterprise and coordinate those with chosen suppliers. The software was originally developed by an Argon software engineer but has been acquired by the Paranid merchant fleet who now sell it.

Consumers will generally be sorted and supplied according to the urgency with which they need the wares. Stations will only be considered for a delivery if they have less than 90% of the storage space filled. The same principle applies to your producers which will only be allowed to ship wares if their storage is filled by 10% or more. Said a different way, stations will not receive wares if they are almost full, and suppliers will not send out wares if they are almost empty.

Over time the pilot will learn to use this software more efficiently, nobody starts out as an expert. Additionally he might participate in special training courses by utilizing his trading computer extension. Those training courses are offered in the pilots home base at specified time intervals.

Training courses:

The apprentice is able to collect commodities from one supplier and to deliver those to up to three consumers (excluding equipment docks and trading stations). The apprentice is carrying out his probationary period in your enterprise and doesn't get a salary during this time.

Auxiliary courier
The auxiliary courier is able to collect commodities from up to two suppliers and deliver them to up to five consumers. Additionally, he will be able to deliver commodities to equipment docks and trading stations. The auxiliary courier gets a wage of 10 credits per mizura flown, paid after completing each trip.

The courier is able to collect commodities from up to three suppliers and deliver them to up to five consumers. Additionally, he will use a modern jump drive to get around more quickly. The courier gets a wage of 15 credits per mizura flownm, payable upon completion of each trip.

Freighter Pilot 2nd class
The freighter pilot 2nd class is able to distribute commodities from five suppliers to ten consumers. Furthermore, he pays close attention to the commercial radio network and will not enter any sectors in which enemy ships have been reported. The freighter pilot 2nd class is paid a wage of 20 credits per mizura in flight, paid after each trip.

Freighter pilot 1st class
The freighter pilot 1st class is able to distribute commodities from five suppliers to ten consumers. Furthermore, he will repair his ship on his own by visiting a shipyard if necessary. The freighter pilot 2nd class is paid a wage of 25 credits per mizura in flight, paid after each trip.

Freighter pilot
The freighter pilot is able to distribute commodities from ten suppliers to twenty consumers. Additionally, he is qualified to supply TL class transports. The freighter pilot is paid a wage of 30 credits per flight-mizura, payable after each trip.

Equipment and requisites:

Prerequisites for TS or TP class ships (can be used to deliver between factories):
- Duplex- and Triplex-Scanner (optional: decreases the minimum jump range by one sector)
- Cargo scanner (optional: affects the collection-strategy)
- Trading computer extension (optional: needed to participate in training courses)
- Navigation Software MK1
- Jump drive (optional: can be utilized after a special training course)
- Commodities Logistics Software MK1

Prerequisites for corvette (M6) class ships (can be used to deliver between equipment docks):
- Pilot needs to be at least of level "Freighter pilot"
- Maximum shields and weapons (e.g. Argon Centaur, 2 x 125 MW shields, 2 x G-HEPT, 2 x B-HEPT)
- Duplex- and Triplex-Scanner (optional: decreases the minimum jump range by one sector)
- Cargo scanner (optional: affects the monitoring and waiting strategy)
- Navigation Software MK1
- Jump drive (optional: can be utilized after a special training course)
- Commodities Logistics Software MK1

Usage with a TS/TP (Logistics between factories):

Set the home base of your TS/TP class ship to one of the stations that will be supplying wares to your group of stations you want to manage. The software will look for the product of your ships home base to deliver, so setting the correct home base is important. When starting the software for the first time there may be no products onboard except the home base commodity (to be delivered), installed weapons and shields, mosquito rockets, fighting drones, and energy cells (for the jump drive).

The main command is started from the trading menu. The command "Start commodities logistics" will be visible once the CLS MK1 and the Navigation Software MK1 are installed. After starting the software you need to supply a numerical parameter. This parameter defines the price at which the commodity will be transferred between stations. Entering a value of '0' will result in no money being transferred. Entering a value of "-1" will result in using the current commodity price in each station.

Once you start the main command, your ship will just be sitting there. This is because you now need to define the list of stations that needed to be included in the delivery network.

The list of stations to deliver from/to is maintained using a seperate command in the ships additional commands menu. After selecting this command, you will select one of your stations or TL transports to include in the delivery network. The software will determine on its own if the selected station is a supplier or a consumer. If the pilot is experienced enough to accept more suppliers/consumers, the command is accepted, and this is indicated by an audio signal. Otherwise an error message is shown, letting you know that your station list is already as large as your pilot can currently handle. If you select a station or transport already contained in the list then this factory/transport will be removed from the list.

To show the ships current station list, select the command to add a new station to the list, and then select the ships home base or the ship itself. The station list will be displayed sorted alphabetically. To delete the whole list simply select any ship.

The input order of suppliers and consumers does not matter. The pilot will generally visit consumers based on how urgently they need the wares and suppliers in the order you entered them. If a cargo scanner installed onboard the ship then suppliers will be visited based on stock levels (with fuller stations being visited first).

Attention: Modifications to the station-list are possible in-flight but won't be considered until the start of the next trip.

A few notes: When supplying a TL-transport no credits will be transferred. When using a jump drive the pilot will supply himself with energy cells from his home base. He may purchase energy-cells from an external source as long as he is not managing a cost-free loop.

Usage with M6 (Logistics between two equipment docks):

Since a home base cannot be assigned to a corvette class ship, an extra command is present in the command menu. The command "Set home base" will be visible once the CLS MK1 and the Navigation Software MK1 are installed. After starting the command you just need to select an equipment dock. Afterwards, the trading menu will display the command "Start logistics".

Once you have assigned an equipment dock as a home base, you can start the software with the "Start logistics" command. When you select this command, you will need to select another equipment dock to coordinate with.

Corvette class ships transferring wares between equipment docks may transfer many different types of wares. The commodities list is maintained using a seperate command in the additional commands menu. After starting the main command, before the ship will do anything, you will have to run the command to add a new commodity to transport. Upon running the command, select a commodity to transport first. Then you will enter a value to set the transfer price. Entering a value of '0' results in no money being transferred. Supplying a price of "-1" tells the software to use the equipment docks current price. Entering a value of "-2" will delete the entire list of commodities. Entering a value of "-3" will display the current commodities list.

Attention: Modifications to the commodities list are possible in-flight but won't be considered until start of the next trip.

A few notes: Only freighter pilots may use this software on a corvette. To do this you need to assign such a pilot to the chosen M6. When starting the software for the first time there may be no product onboard except the home base commodity, installed weapons and shields, any rockets, fighting drones and energy cells (for the jump drive). When using a jump drive the pilot will supply himself with energy cells from his home base. He will not buy energy cells from external sources.
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Post by Hansaw »

Is there any way I can download this plugin with out having to download the whole bonuspack?

I do not want all the plugins in the bonuspack I only want some.
I see a great problem in the gunnery part of this pack and believe it will change my fun in the game too much... I am not that good :lol:
However I don't understand alot of things like tactics in combat.. It would take me 30 minutes to tell my ships where to position themselves and once the batle begins all I know is the Attack all Enemies so the placing of my ships would be for nothing. How would I place ships at a position from me that will attack enemies but not move from that position or keep that position relitive to me so when i move they also move and copy my movements thus keeping in the same positions from me.... I'm talking Capital Ships here. hehe.
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Post by D_Zorro »

Hansaw wrote:Is there any way I can download this plugin with out having to download the whole bonuspack?

I do not want all the plugins in the bonuspack I only want some.
I see a great problem in the gunnery part of this pack and believe it will change my fun in the game too much... I am not that good :lol:
However I don't understand alot of things like tactics in combat.. It would take me 30 minutes to tell my ships where to position themselves and once the batle begins all I know is the Attack all Enemies so the placing of my ships would be for nothing. How would I place ships at a position from me that will attack enemies but not move from that position or keep that position relitive to me so when i move they also move and copy my movements thus keeping in the same positions from me.... I'm talking Capital Ships here. hehe.
That option is already in the bonus plugin, just deselct the option and you can install all the plugin you want to install.

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Post by Logaan »

So if you currently have TS ships running the command, will you need to restart the command after installing it?
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Post by thrakar »

There are a couple things that I was concerned about that aren't addressed in the readme.

1. Since pilots now charge a fee, do they pull this fee from their homebase? If so, this is a major bummer. I have over a hundred loops that run cashless that I will now have to put cash into.

2. Do the pilots level on their own? And what is the level requirements?

Also, like Logaan, if we have ships running SDS already, do we need to restart them? Once again the hundreds of ships I have running will take days to resetup :cry:
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Post by VincentTH »

I can only tell from my own/limited experience. If a ship is a TS/TP it will continue to perform the SDS command. If otherwise, the ship is a fighter, (M3,4,5), then it will stop.

My pilots have not leveled yet, so I can't answer the second question. They start out as Apprentice.
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Post by Lucike »

thrakar wrote:1. Since pilots now charge a fee, do they pull this fee from their homebase? If so, this is a major bummer. I have over a hundred loops that run cashless that I will now have to put cash into.
ReadMe wrote:Apprentice The apprentice is able to collect commodities from one supplier and to deliver those to up to three consumers (excluding equipment docks and trading stations). The apprentice is carrying out his probationary period in your enterprise and doesn't get a salary during this time.
No, the pilots don't pull wages from the factory account. The credits comes from the player account.

Apprentices are free and can supply three factories. The SDS can run further and you can update the freighter later. One after the other one.
ReadMe wrote:Prerequisites for TS or TP class ships (can be used to deliver between factories)
- Duplex- and Triplex-Scanner (optional: decreases the minimum jump range by one sector)
- Cargo scanner (optional: affects the collection-strategy)
- Trading computer extension (optional: needed to participate in training courses)
- Navigation Software MK1
- Jump drive (optional: can be utilized after a special training course)
- Commodities Logistics Software MK1
If you will more with your freighter than you install the trading computer extension. The pilot will learn to make more things.

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Post by thrakar »

Thanks for the reply. Thats good they pull from the player account at the higher levels.

I guess now the only thing is to reset 100's of ships tonite and equip them with the neccessary upgrades. :headbang:
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Post by Lucike »

thrakar wrote:I guess now the only thing is to reset 100's of ships tonite and equip them with the neccessary upgrades. :headbang:
You can leave yourself much time. ;)

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Post by Wgoblin »

(Pasted from other thread)
Just one thing i havent encountered before with sds: SOme of my ships have spare weapons on them and in that case commodity logistics pilot wont do anything coz he says he has some stuff from earlier trips. Is that intentionally done in the script or is it a bug?

Also sometimes i have to give the command twice because it doesnt work at first especially when there is some stuff from before on board. That happened with sds too sometimes.
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Post by Lucike »

Wgoblin wrote:Some of my ships have spare weapons on them
Spare weapons? Why? Remote ships don't lose IMO equipments.

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Post by Wgoblin »

Well they are actually leftovers. I bought beta pacs for paranid demeter and then i found out they can carry only alphas.
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Post by fchopin »

where can i find the readme file for this script (CLS)?
Last edited by fchopin on Sat, 6. Aug 05, 16:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Humm me again the new SDS?

Post by Hansaw »

The new SDS from the Bonus Pack I cannot get to run...

I want to set up a ship from a SPP to take Energy Cells to a few of my Stations in the same sector...

I start the command it goes to the next part to input a value (i.e. 0 for me) and then nothing? :headbang:

How do I then tell it what stations I want it to supply? Or am I totally stupid :lol:

Could the old SDS be conflicting or would adding the new one have writen over the old?

Sorry for being such a pain at the moment but I really like playing X2 and WOW!!!! :D YOU SEEN the X3 none play Demo (the ship coming out of the space station)? Thats fantastic... Oh boy, oh boy oh boy I cant wait to see what the game is like... If it is anything like as good as that looks it will be amazing.
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Post by Hansaw »

Ok Thanks I have downloaded the Bonus pack and sellected the plugins I wanted :D. But cant get the CLS to work? even one of my TPs is all wrong I buy the CLS for it but it don't show up in the Trade Commands? It has a home base and most of the upgrades not the fight ones though I have Pythons in almost every sector now set on Attack all enemies...

But thanks anyhow for your help here.
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Post by Lucike »

Hansaw wrote:even one of my TPs is all wrong I buy the CLS for it but it don't show up in the Trade Commands?
You have the navigation software and the CLS on Board? Your TP can transport the homebase ware? (max transport class L / not XL)

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Post by Lucike »

Hansaw wrote:I start the command it goes to the next part to input a value (i.e. 0 for me) and then nothing? :headbang:
The list of stations to deliver from/to is maintained using a seperate command in the ships additional commands menu. After selecting this command, you will select one of your stations or TL transports to include in the delivery network. The software will determine on its own if the selected station is a supplier or a consumer. If the pilot is experienced enough to accept more suppliers/consumers, the command is accepted, and this is indicated by an audio signal. Otherwise an error message is shown, letting you know that your station list is already as large as your pilot can currently handle. If you select a station or transport already contained in the list then this factory/transport will be removed from the list.
Consumers will generally be sorted and supplied according to the urgency with which they need the wares. Stations will only be considered for a delivery if they have less than 90% of the storage space filled. The same principle applies to your producers which will only be allowed to ship wares if their storage is filled by 10% or more. Said a different way, stations will not receive wares if they are almost full, and suppliers will not send out wares if they are almost empty.
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Post by D_Zorro »

A question though. With the highest rank of freight pilot, does it mean that this pilot is able to fully supply two complete loops without needing more then one ship ?? :? since it can deliver 10 suppliers to 20 consumer ??

That's really cheap in long run no.

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Post by KarlHemmings »

Quick answer is yes. Long answer is maybe. If the loops are spread out the one ship would spend too much time in flight to keep the loop running. You would need to assess the loops and determine if the one ship could do the job. In practice I would say no.
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Post by D_Zorro »

KarlHemmings wrote:Quick answer is yes. Long answer is maybe. If the loops are spread out the one ship would spend too much time in flight to keep the loop running. You would need to assess the loops and determine if the one ship could do the job. In practice I would say no.

Thanks for the quick answer, i also notice this, when i had the sds installed my trade rank went up but now with this new command, doesn't affect my trade rank. :? so my free loops don't gain anymore trade rank in other race sector is this a new feature too ??

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