Xai Corporation AutoMining 2.3

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Xai Corporation AutoMining 2.3

Post by moggy2 »

AutoMining 2.4 : View Bugs : Submit bug

note when downloading from Xai Corporaiton, the default version is for X3. Click on the link for Other Releases to see the downloads for X2.

Vesion 2.3 has been released. It's an amalgamation of the Remote Mineral Scanner Software and Automining 2.2. It just seemed logical to put them together. If you have both of these scripts already it's probably not worth installing this update.

This requires either the Xai Corporation Basic Navigation Libraries or Advanced Navigation Libraries, available for download separately.
Equip a ship with the Mobile Drilling System and a Mineral Scanner to mine asteroids. If you want the same ship to collect the fragments then install the Ore Collector as well. If you want to use a second ship to collect the asteroid fragments then install the Ore Collector on that ship instead.
Any ship fitted with a Mineral Scanner can be ordered to survey the sector, placing asteroid markers inscribed with the asteroid's data near any asteroids it finds.

* Automining:
-Activating this command will cause the ship to search for a nearby asteroid and proceed to position itself ready to fire the Mobile drilling system(MDS). At this time any following ships equipped with Ore Collectors will automatically switch to the Collect and Transfer command with no target.
-If the MDS is not installed in one of the laser slots it will be installed in an apropriate slot.
-If you have the MDS mounted in the rear turret the ship will automatically rotate to face the turret towards the asteroid
-If the mining ship does not have an ore collector it will not attempt to collect ore, however a ship following it must be equipped with an ore collector in this case.
-Once the asteroid has been blown apart the mining ship will collect the fragments before heading on to the next asteroid. Any ships set to Collect will also collect the fragments.
-When the ship cannot find anymore asteroids to mine it will find a safe place to land. Note that the ship will only look for asteroids within it's scanner range.
-The mining ship will use a transporter device, if installed, to transfer ores to any following ship in range.

* Collect and Transfer:
-Ships following a mining ship that are equipped with an Ore Collector will automaticlly switch to this command when the miner begins it's cycle. New ships can be told to follow the miner after it has started and they will switch at the begining of the next mining cycle.
-If the ship has a transporter device installed it will use it to beam ore from the miner, and to beam it to any following ships, if they are within range.
-If you select this command from the menu you will be asked to specify a target to transfer to. Various targets can be specified, but mostly this will specify what type of target, and the range to look for targets, rather than specifying an exact target.
-If a target has been specified it will show in the command as either SHIP or STATION depending on what was specified. The ship will attempt to transfer the ores in it's cargobay when it's about 95% full.
-Choosing a player station will cause the ship to transfer it's cargo to any player station capable of holding ores (ore,silicon,nividium) within the same distance as the target specified. No money changes acounts
-Choosing a player ship will see the ship transfer ores to the specified ship, using a transporter device if installed, or by docking at the ship if possible
-Choosing any non-player station will cause the ship to search for the best place to sell the ore withing the distance to the target you specified. If you want the ship to search within one jump of the mining sector select a station one jump from the mining sector.

* Remote Mineral Scanner:
-Flys to each of the asteroids in the sector.
-Identify the resource type and yield of the asteroid and then deploy a Navigation Beacon marked with the stats of the asteroid at it's location.
-Tries to identify existing Navigation Beacons and not rescan marked asteroids but on larger asteroids or particularly dense fields some asteroids maybe marked twice or not at all.
-After marking all the asteroids the ship will try and find a safe place to land.

Artificial Life Pulgin:
It should be noted that the govenments of the main races have taken exception to the high numbers of asteroid markers left littering the sectors. You are encouraged to destroy any markers you deply, after they have served their purpose.

In the event that markers are not cleared up after use, 4 of the governments have deployed ships to destroy old markers left cluttering up the universe. These ships wander the sectors scanning for markers, destroying any that have obviously not just been placed.

You can dissable these ships from the al menu.

Known Problems:
-Cannot select which type of ore to mine (Ore, Silicon, Nvidium)

New to Version 2.3
+merged with the Remote Mineral Scan

New to Version 2.2
-removed the need for player in sector
-removed redundant transfer then collect command
+better positioning
+timeout on positioning to break endless loops
+better responces to many situations.
+now uses the Xai Corporation Navigation libraries
+now uses Xai Corporation Artificial Pilots for comunications.

New to Version2
+more reliable positioning before mining
+comunication and transporting of ores between mining ships and collecting ships.
+firing from front mount on demeter
+Transfer ore to player station/ship or sell for best price

© 764 Xai Corporation,
Cloudbase South West
Last edited by moggy2 on Sun, 14. Jan 07, 03:50, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by moggy2 »

Beta 2 uploaded to www.xai-corp.tk.

It now includes Out of sector mining.
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Post by brohawk »

Way cool, thanks.
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Ye-Har Xai-Corp Rocks

Post by Legionnaire »

Just want you to know that i mainly use you scripts as i can see they've been carefully designed to all run together without probs etc.since they first started appearing. If the Oos Mining runs in my game i can my second mining operation running immediately the ships are sitting waiting:)
Thanks a lot
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Post by Snokid »

splendiferous work Moggy :thumb_up:

it sounds like a mining expedidtion, maybe roids could get bigger and harder to mine, otherwise you could exhaust the supply, unless of course someone was around to limit your amount. :idea:
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Post by RJV »


Just noticed this - looks like a great idea, and something I was thinking about only yesterday.

One question - the 'known problems' section mentions that the asteroid doesn't explode if you're not in the same sector - what does this mean exactly? Is it still there when you next visit the sector? Do you have to be in sector for the collection to work?


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Post by moggy2 »

It means that in the beta release I haven't finished updating the documents.

The Mobile Drilling System does not fragment the asteroid being mined if the player was not in sector. The effectively meant that you couldn't have an automated miner working in sectors other than the one you are in.

The latest beta release actually added a way round that so it's not a problem anymore. It's just the doc's that haven't changed yet :roll:
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Post by M-K »

Hi is it possible to order the Miner/Collecter to sell the Product and then go back to work? you know, Mine------->Collect------->Sell for best price-------->Mine...

if so how?

Cheers, M-K (a.k.a. Wolf)


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Post by biena »

Seeing some funny yields.

When the Autominer is mining it fragments the astroid, some of the fragments has a 0, as the amount of ore. Mainly happens on small yield astroids < 6.

Did a test where I reloaded the savegame and mined the astoid myself, no 0 fragment showed up.

Astroid 1
Astroid 4
Astroid 5
Astroid 0
Astroid 1
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Post by Yerodin »

I noticed a similar problem when doing out of sector mining. The yields seem to be MUCH lower than when I mine the asteroids myself. X2 1.4, Automining 2.3.
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Post by 3iff »

Yes, I've seen this too. When I'm OOS, the autominer produces lower fragrament values, especially zero yield. It's annoying but I'm happy to live with it as it stands if it can't be fixed. Still using V2.2
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Post by biena »

Found something else that would make me stop using this.

Every astroid that is mined, produces normal ore when you are OOS.

When in sector (even sitting in a station in the sector), the miner then
gets the correct type of ore from astroids (silicon from astroid[silicon], ore from astroid[ore], etc)

using v2.3
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Post by 3iff »

Ooohhh...not noticed that.

I shall try it tonight.
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Post by biena »

Found the problems

0 yield fragments
plugin.Xai.AutoM.mining.timer line 47
aft line 47 insert
skip if rnd

incorrect ore types generated
plugin.Xai.AutoM.mining.timer line 48

$frament = create flying ware: maintype=20 subtype=3 count=$rnd sector=$ship.sector x=$x y=$y z=$z selfdestruct=[FALSE]

This creates the fragments when you are out of sector, but this will only ever create fragments of ore type. Do not know if this is intentional or not.

I changed mine so that it creates correct type for astroid type:
mapping is as follows
2 = 28 : Nividium
1 = 4 : Silicon
0 = 3: Ore

So replace with the following

skip if not resource == 2
$frament = create flying ware: maintype=20 subtype=28 count=$rnd sector=$ship.sector x=$x y=$y z=$z selfdestruct=[FALSE]
skip if not resource == 1
$frament = create flying ware: maintype=20 subtype=4 count=$rnd sector=$ship.sector x=$x y=$y z=$z selfdestruct=[FALSE]
skip if not resource == 0
$frament = create flying ware: maintype=20 subtype=3 count=$rnd sector=$ship.sector x=$x y=$y z=$z selfdestruct=[FALSE]
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Post by acprice »

I have aslo altered mine so that the second random number line at the section of code that is altered is commented out, having done this the results are more like you would expect from being in system. That second line has the affect that on each loop through, the range drops, ie for an asteroid of value 10 the first time it would select a number in the range 0 to 10, next 0 to 9, then 0 to 8 etc. Commenting this out means it uses the first one and thus the randum number would be in the range 1 to 10 for each piece it produces in this case 10 pieces, thus giving a more realistic result.

I have also noticed that if there is an enemy ship in scanner range it will not pick up the ore, which is fine as who wants it to hang around to be dstroyed. It will though go and find a new asteroid and start to mine that, after it has destoryed it, it checks to see if it is safe to collect the bits, decides it is not and moves on to the next asteroid. Can it be altered so if it decides it is in danger it docks at a station and warns you.
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Post by Pirate Hunter »

I cant go to the main Xai Corperation web site to get the required files you need to make the Auto miner
This requires either the Xai Corporation Basic Navigation Libraries or Advanced Navigation Libraries, available for download separately.
I seem to have trouble getting to any website ending with .tk something Ive never come acoss before I started looking round the X2 forums.
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Post by The Flash »

Overwelmingly in favour! :D
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Post by Roenie »

Is it possible to select a maximum 'roid yield that the miner(s) will mine? I wouldn't want my super roids destroyed (nor wait for them to respawn). E.g., mine everything <27?

I used the script wayyyy back, (dono what version it was) but found it far too buggy. I might give it another go, if the above is possible. Can't remember if there was a max yield setting?
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Post by stella »

Yes, you can.

I'd like to see this feature in the mineral scanner script as well.
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Post by Pirate Hunter »

Is there anyway to compleatly Automate a single Miner to Mine then best sell what he collects. I was going to build a Ore mine on a low yield mine but what would happen to the silicone or Nividium?
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