Happy 10th Anniversary X-Rebirth

General discussions about X Rebirth.

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Happy 10th Anniversary X-Rebirth

Post by cherbert1701 »

The better game IMHO. X4 lacks the soul X-Rebirth had. More immersive, more beautiful. Stands the test of time.

I wish we could still get updates.
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Re: Happy 10th Anniversary X-Rebirth

Post by KrYcHokE »

True 8)
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Re: Happy 10th Anniversary X-Rebirth

Post by milytar »

Yes,please more!
And one day ... one day i will be there ...
And if not... then i will be here ...

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Re: Happy 10th Anniversary X-Rebirth

Post by birdtable »

An emotional roller coaster of a ride,,, had a lot of heart and some of the best imagery I have seen in any game ,,, With the right mods to make it a true sandbox it is a top simulation ... Not happy at first with the game but slight changes transformed it,,, My No 1 go to for an Egosoft nostalgia trip,, either flat or VR.. Egosoft at its finest.
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Re: Happy 10th Anniversary X-Rebirth

Post by sMull »

My favorite X game after X2 The Threat.

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