The Open Source VR thread

Feedback and information for X Rebirth VR Edition

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Unbekanntes Feindschiff
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The Open Source VR thread

Post by Unbekanntes Feindschiff »

The idea behind me creating this thread is to have a thread to discuss OSVR compatibility of X Rebirth VR as well as to give OSVR owners who might be curious about the game an idea about the current state of OSVR support.

Current state: Working(with -openvr_force_proximity)

X Rebirth VR is working flawlessly with OSVR. To make it work you have to force-enable the OpenVR proximity sensor. This can be done 2 ways
rboerdijk wrote:Option 1:
Start the game with commandline parameter "-openvr_force_proximity" (without the "")

Option 2:
Add the following line to the config.xml in the game-directory (somewhere inside the <root> block):
Big thanks to EGOSOFT for addressing that and making X Rebirth work with an OSVR headset.

To my surprise X Rebirth didn't work with OSVR. The SteamVR window is saying that X Rebirth is unresponsive and on my HMD I can only see the window that Steam is launching the game (the one with the game's logo and the 3 animated bars below) and the game just launches in 2D mode on my main monitor. While X Rebirth VR indeed detects my HMD as a VR display adapter, yet it doesn't detect it as a "VR system" and therefore refuses to go into VR mode.

I hope a future update will allow the user to either force VR mode as long as it detects a VR display or will recognize OSVR as a VR system

EDIT: It might be worth a mention that while the game is running in 2D mode in this configuration, mouse controls are still disabled as if it were in VR mode
Last edited by Unbekanntes Feindschiff on Sat, 5. Aug 17, 10:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nanook »

If you read the Tech FAQ sticky at the top of the forum, you'll see that XRVR does not currently support OSVR, or any VR platform other than Oculus and Vive.
Have a great idea for the current or a future game? You can post it in the [L3+] Ideas forum.

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Unbekanntes Feindschiff
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Post by Unbekanntes Feindschiff »

Nanook wrote:If you read the Tech FAQ sticky at the top of the forum, you'll see that XRVR does not currently support OSVR, or any VR platform other than Oculus and Vive.
I of course am fully aware that there is no official support, yet many games that oficially don't support OSVR do however work with it through SteamVR, which X-R:VR utillizes and from how I understood comments both on the forum here and the Steam forums is that EGO tested the Steam version with the Vive anad have no idea about whether or not it works on other platforms.

This is not a "You need to add official support" thread and sorry if I left that impression. I just wanted to share that it as of now sadly doesn't work (which is an information useful for other OSVR HDK owners) and what doesn't work and expressed my hopes that EGOSOFT might change something there that would allow OSVR to function (ofc hoping that it just would be a minor change they would need to do as I am fully aware they propably won't do major code reworks so their game would also work on a not officially supported platform).
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Post by rboerdijk »

The next build will have an option to force the "proximity sensor" to "enabled" (details will follow later). If anyone wants to try, we'd love to get feedback if this makes OSVR work ( same for TrinusVR, or any other kind of headset).
Unbekanntes Feindschiff
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Post by Unbekanntes Feindschiff »

Great to hear that. I'll post results as soon as the patch is released and I get my hands on it
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Post by Itaros »

rboerdijk wrote:The next build will have an option to force the "proximity sensor" to "enabled" (details will follow later).
Is this next build current or it is postponed to another one?
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Post by rboerdijk »

Option 1:
Start the game with commandline parameter "-openvr_force_proximity" (without the "")

Option 2:
Add the following line to the config.xml in the game-directory (somewhere inside the <root> block):
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Post by Itaros »

Thank you for the effort, but it starts weirdly that way and doesn't really work :( . Screenshot will explain it better than words: ... r.PNG?dl=0 It just starts, shows 'game paused' and freezes(with occasional(precisely each 7 seconds) wakeup to update head rotation and give a 'click' sound of a menu), but at least it acknowledges that it should split the view and get tracking from HMD now, but still no image of the game on the HMD itself(TrinusVR, steamVR HMD monitor is on the screenshot as well to give the idea of how it behaves).

Addendum: there is a flick of blue-green gradient on HMD display for half a second before it freezes and image on HMD returns back to steam.

Addendum 2: Found the cause of stuttering I think: here is a debuglog where it reports that it reloads UI all the time: ... g.txt?dl=0 Fits my experience with reloadui taking its time in vanilla XR when I was playing around modding.

Addendum 3: Fiddling with supersampling solved the issue :roll:
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Post by Unbekanntes Feindschiff »

Seems to be working flawless. Thank you very much for addressing this

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