X The flash game

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X The flash game

Post by Roguey »

hi there,

I was playing in my arcade when I thought about if anyone with flash coding skills has thought about making a small game based on any of the X games?

I dont mean making a 3D flash game that plays like X2/3/etc. but say like a top trumps game with X ships for example. I personally dont have the experience or tools to create such a thing, but im wondering if anyone out there does? If placed in my arcade, players would score against each other, either monthly or high score.

Anyway, just an idea. (didnt know if this was the correct place for this thread btw)...
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Post by pjknibbs »

Egosoft already did an actual card Top Trumps game in the days of X2...I still have my pack of them somewhere! As for anyone else doing one, I suspect there would be copyright issues.
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Post by Alee Enn »

How about a top trumps game of willing notable forum members?

40 or so of the more famous forum members (give their permission obviously) are compared on a dozen different stats and turned into a flash top trumps game?
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Post by imperium3 »

Alien Tech Inc. wrote:How about a top trumps game of willing notable forum members?

40 or so of the more famous forum members (give their permission obviously) are compared on a dozen different stats and turned into a flash top trumps game?
What stats would we use? I presume post count and join date are the obvious, but then... age? Awesomeness? :D
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Post by Gavrushka »

imperium3 wrote:
Alien Tech Inc. wrote:How about a top trumps game of willing notable forum members?

40 or so of the more famous forum members (give their permission obviously) are compared on a dozen different stats and turned into a flash top trumps game?
What stats would we use? I presume post count and join date are the obvious, but then... age? Awesomeness? :D
Threadtwist factor would be another one, along with controversy index.

I really do like the idea... Please, make it happen someone! :)
Last edited by Gavrushka on Sun, 13. Nov 11, 19:15, edited 1 time in total.
“Man, my poor head is battered,” Ed said.

“That explains its unusual shape,” Styanar said, grinning openly now. “Although it does little to illuminate just why your jowls are so flaccid or why you have quite so many chins.”

“I…” Had she just called him fat? “I am just a different species, that’s all.”

“Well nature sure does have a sense of humour then,” Styanar said. “Shall we go inside? It’d not be a good idea for me to be spotted by others.”
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Post by EmperorJon »

This sounds like an idea! I'd volunteer! :D
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Post by fiksal »

Should come with a rare "that's hot" stat

also, what is top trumps?
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Post by brucewarren »

Playing card game.

Each card has a picture of a different car (for example) with stats.

Players choose a stat and compare the top card in their hand.
The higher stat wins, the loser(s) hands over his card.

EDIT: Wikipedia says winner gets to choose the stat for the next round.

IIRC sets of cards were done for various things: cars. ships, planes etc.

Been a long time since I played it so I may have got rules wrong.
A game with X ships on the cards might be quite fun.

Given the large number of ships, there would easily be enough for a card set.
In fact there might be too many ships in the game for just one set. :D
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Post by Roguey »

woh, a lot more responses than I thought - always a good thing. :)

As for the game, it didnt need to be top trumps - I just gave that as an idea. As for copyright, surely there shouldnt be any problems? After all, any flash wouldnt be based on X-Games directly but rather stats or images. Stats cant be copyrighted surely? and as for images, if there was a message saying that they are based on ships created by egosoft, then that should be okay? ie. giving credit to the original authors. To be honest, you could even get rid of that by using ships created by the public, if those author gave their blessing.

I though its breaking copyright if you try and 'copy' the X-Games, usually for money. Although egosoft cant possibly copyright the idea of space-sim, as many have done it before them. Maybe im wrong, but that's what I thought anyway.

However, ego themselves could even give support to the game if they wanted?

as for game, it would need someone who can create flash content - I personally dont have the tools or experience to create flash content. However I have created my own arcade that can accept scores from flash content.
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Post by Alee Enn »

When it comes to copyright, nothing surprises me ever since BP copyrighted the shade of green they use.

THAT was one that had me scratching my head asking how the hell they can copyright a colour.
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Post by Roguey »

Alien Tech Inc. wrote:When it comes to copyright, nothing surprises me ever since BP copyrighted the shade of green they use.
I never heard that before, can you find anything on the net about that? I dont think they can copyright a colour, maybe a theme/style/design but not a single colour.

If so, im copyrighting red, blue and green.. :lol:
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Post by brucewarren »

Hooloovoo anyone?
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Post by Alee Enn »

Roguey wrote:
Alien Tech Inc. wrote:When it comes to copyright, nothing surprises me ever since BP copyrighted the shade of green they use.
I never heard that before, can you find anything on the net about that? I dont think they can copyright a colour, maybe a theme/style/design but not a single colour.

If so, im copyrighting red, blue and green.. :lol:
Ok a little digging and I found two articles about it. They lost the case (apparently), but it did happen:

http://www.environmentalleader.com/2007 ... lor-green/

http://www.bdlg.com.au/index.php/IT-Tec ... marks.html
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Post by Roguey »

I completely understand why BP lost that case, cant copyright the world - some things just are.

however bring it back to X-Games, I cant see ego being that *beep* about it to honest. If they were, they might as well 'order' me to shut my whole site down because it contains images of egosoft's ships. Heck, why just my site? why not order all community sites with any images of X-Games to close? why not ask youtube to delete every video about x-game? just gets crazy!

The X-Community isnt the biggest, requesting such action is just crazy... if ego want to kill its own community, but why would they?

copyrights surely are depending on the case, okay if you copy and renamed X3TC to Y4 then ur beaching copyright, however to do supporting content is surely nice to a developer - shows they made something worthwhile. A small note saying images are made by another surely helps with copyright issues? Unless its a registered trade mark (TM), then ego cant say im not allowed to contain the word Argon on my site either. So im allowed to have the name 'Argon Nova' on my site.. If the owner(s) have a problem with you content afterwards, then they are free to contact the creator. This is as long you you dont charge for any 'extra' content you make, nor use content that is directly 'copied' to another source (PC game to PC game, or Music to sound track on video etc.).

Maybe im wrong.. heck... might as well delete my X2/3/TC sites now :p
.. ego doesnt really care about the content there, as long as im not offering content directly from the games or aids in breaking the rules, ie. a copy of the game, nor codes...

Im sure additional content is welcomed by egosoft staff, surely? Each fan-site is a testament to egosoft's creation.

....anyway, I wanted to talk about about making a small flash game, NOT copyrights!
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Post by Zileene »

Sounds like you want to make a specialized version of Magic: The Gathering. :p

I hear there's a deck editor for that one. :mrgreen:
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Post by Skillzfire »

Zikco wrote:Sounds like you want to make a specialized version of Magic: The Gathering. :p

I hear there's a deck editor for that one. :mrgreen:
this thread suddenly got the stench of nerd and virgin :lol:
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