[GLOBAL MOD] X3: Time Of The Truth V.1.2

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[GLOBAL MOD] X3: Time Of The Truth V.1.2

Post by Armankessilon »

X3: Time Of The Truth V1.2

[ external image ]

"DES-Studio" is glad to introduce their creation - X3: Time Of The Truth. A global modification with lots of new features, including the main plot for Julian Brennan. Find out where the truth is or just devastate the X-universe, playing as a xenon - it's up to you!

[ external image ] [ external image ] [ external image ] [ external image ]

[ external image ] [ external image ] [ external image ] [ external image ] [ external image ]

Available in four languages:
-English (please turn on the subtitles playing the main plot, voiced in russian)

Then patch it with THIS


- two new races – The Ancient and The Fallen were added;
- several Yaki clans with their own Headquarters (Homes) and manufacture specialization were added;
- new biological organism – Space Mutant-Flies – a very dangerous type was added.


- the main plot - "Х3: Time of the Truth";
- the mini-plot "CPU: Far reconnaissance";
- the amusing competition - "Three sectors races";
- the new plot - "CPU: Evolution";
- the new plot - "Plutarch vs. NMMC";
- the new plot - "The Yaki Enhancement";
- the new plot - " The Yaki Enhancement: Extension ";
- the new plot - "Pirates’ Vengeance";
- the new plot - "CPU: Desinfection";
- "Complex-building quests";
- The "Terrsns" Quest;
- the amount of the resources needed for the Hub-mission was reduced.


Pirates, the Yaki, the Ancients, the Xenons, the Khaaks;


- over 80 new sectors;
- some original sectors were optimized;
- the original NPC’s migration routes were changed, and some new ones were added;
- some gates’ location was changed;
- the Solar System’s planets were remodeled;
- new sector soundtracks were added, and the original ones were changed;
- some sectors’ sizes were increased;
- the Oldrin sector was optimized;
- some xenon sectors were optimized;
- terran sectors were optimized;
- terran sectors’ backgrounds were changed;
- new sectors’ names were voiced;

NEW SHIPS added:

- New class of ships – light patrol М2L, such as:
- Imir (ATF)
- Apollo(Argon);
- Aurelia(Boron);
- Ronin(Terrans);
- Phobos(Paranid);
- Loki(Pirate);
- Puma(Split);
- Gyrfalcon (Teladi);
- Tengu(Yaki);

- Baldric Haulier(TS), Baldric Superfreighter (TS), Shuriken(TM), Fez(TL), Sunlight(M6S);
- Vengeance (M7);
- Frigate(M7), ТМ(TM), Battleship(M0); Enhanced Fighter(М3+);
- D(M0), X(M0), I(TL), QX(M7), F(TM), LA(M3), H(TS), LH(M3); J Vanguard; J Sentinel; K Vanguard; K Sentinel;
- Storm(OTAS М0), Eclipse Prototype II(M3);
- Moray(М0);
- Home of pilgrims (TL), Aran (М0);
- Olympus(М0);
- Lion(М0);
- Teratorn(М0);
- Shuri(М0), Miako(TS);
- Clenos(MM6);
- Clipper (boarding М6)
- Hyperborea(M0), Haron(M6), Archangel(M3), Supplier(TS);
- Lucifer(M2), Abaddon(M1), Belial(M7), Beelzebub (M6), Azazel(M3), Astaroth(M4), Asmodeus(M5);

Ships’ fixes and improvements:
- the docking of TS’es with TL’s was fixed;
- boron M8 was renewed;
- the marine-bay of TM’s and M6’s was increased;
- all the original ships were rebalanced;
- xenon К was changed;
- xenon J was changed;
- xenon PX was changed;
- xenon Q was changed;
- xenon QX was changed;
- xenon P was changed;
- xenon LA and LH were changed;
- yaki Akurey was changed;
- yaki Vashi was changed;
- Valhalla was changed;
- xenon K and J “Vanguard” and “Sentinel” types were added;
- the Xperimental Shuttle was improved;
- the on-board computer can voice the new xenon ships’ names;
- most original ships’ weaponry choice was changed;
- TS-ships can now dock with TL’s;
- boron and khaak ships’ hull self-regeneration was implemented;
- all heavy M6, ТP and many other ships can now use boarding pods;
- the OTAS Sirokko was changed and became a rigorous boarding frigate;
- the goner Home of pilgrims and Osias were placed into the sector of Nomad’s Way;
- the goner Aran was included in the game: the goner plot’s start and missions should be taken
from this ship now;
- TS-ships were rebalanced;
- ships of M8 class were changed: they act as assault ships from now on;
- the new pirate boarding corvette of "Clipper", being able to contain 30 marines, was added;


New types of weapons and missiles were added, the existing weaponry’s parameters were changed:
- the Ancients’ weaponry of three types of МК1, МК2 and МК3;
- fly cannons of two types of 1 and 2;
- new M0-ships’ weaponry, which is much more powerful than the other guns: Quantummagnetic cannon, Gravity resonator and Kyon Emitter KE-4;
- boarding pods’ cargo class was changed to L;
- boarding pods’ capacity was increased up to 10 persons;
- Incendiary Bomb Launcher’s effect was changed;


Six new game starts were added:
- State’s enemy – very hard, the addon’s main plot enabled, activation terms: 4 flight hours, the reputation among the argons, borons and paranids should be no less, than +3;
- Space veteran - hard;
- Yaki Rebel – rather hard;
- New-built Xenon - hard;
- Tough Xenon - hard;
- Xenon-invader - hard;
Many of the original game starts’ conditions were changed.


- "Reinforcement";
- "Player’s ships boarding";
- "Surprises" script
- the new "Mineral Scanner МК2" was added, which is able to make a one-click scan of all the
asteroids located within 20км near a player’s ship;
- "Xenon invasions" script package;
- "Asteroid attack"(can be enabled in the “Artificial life” menu);
- "Sectors’ capturing by a player";
- "Multirace invasions into the xenon sectors";
- an option of jump to point was added, being available if you have a jumpdrive and the new “Jump-to-point” module;
Scripts integrated:
-Turrets: selective attack;
-Turrets: attack my aim(command fixed);
-Patrol sector;
-Lostcommands: missing commands’ return;
-"AL Hide debris";


XL-stations were added: food, ore, silicon, crystal and chip fabs:

- Red Crystal yielding station;
- Yellow Crystal yielding station;
- Green Crystal yielding station;
- Blue Crystal yielding station;
- Missile production complex;
- Medium shields production complex;
- Heavy shields production complex;
- Ancients’ weapons production complex;

- Cahoona Bakery XL;
- Cattle Ranch XL;
- Wheat Farm XL;
- Chip Plant XL;
- Crystal Fab XL;
- Ore mine XL;
- Silicon mine XL;
- Terracorp nividium mine;
- Plasma Beam Cannon forge;
- Boarding pod forge;
- 10 GJ shields forge;

- Plankton Farm XL;
- Bio Gas Factory XL;
- BoFu Chemical Lab XL;
- Stott Mixery XL;
- Chip Plant XL;
- Crystal Fab XL;
- Ore mine XL;
- Silicon mine XL;

- Soyfarm XL;
- Soyery XL;
- Snail Ranch XL;
- Chip Plant XL;
- Crystal Fab XL;
- Ore mine XL;
- Silicon mine XL;
- Tri-Beam Cannon forge;

- Space Chelt Aquarium XL;
- Massom Mill XL;
- Rastar Refinery XL;
- Scruffin Farm XL;
- Chip Plant XL;
- Crystal Fab XL;
- Ore mine XL;
- Silicon mine XL;
- Phased Array Laser Cannon forge;

- Flower Farm XL;
- Sun Oil Refinery XL;
- Teladianium Foundry XL;
- Chip Plant XL;
- Crystal Fab XL;
- Ore mine XL;
- Silicon mine XL;
- “Disruptor” Missile forge;

- Beta Electro-Magnetic Plasma Cannon forge
- Fusion Beam Cannon forge;
- “Hammerhead” Missile forge;
- Protein paste blending facility;
- Carbo Cake Factory;
- 1 MJ shield factory;
- 5 MJ shield factory;
- 25 MJ shield factory;
- 200 MJ shield factory;
- 1 GJ shield factory;
- 2 GJ shield factory;

- Complex Construction Kit;
- Wheat Farm L;
- Space Fuel Distillery L;
- Solar Power Plant L;
- Solar Power Plant XL;
- Ore mine L;
- Silicon mine L;
- Crystal Fab L;
- Quantum Tube Fab;
- Chip Plant;
- Computer Plant;
- Light shields production complex;
- Medium shields production complex;
- Heavy shields production complex;
- Light weapons plant;
- Medium weapons plant;
- Heavy weapons plant;
- Incendiary Bomb Launcher forge;
- “Disruptor” Missile forge;
- Five complexes manufacturing different types of missiles;
- Repair lasers forge;

- all the weapon and missile forges (except terrain and xenon) were added with nividium - a secondary resource, which fastens the production process;
- some Teladi equipment docks were added with ammunition for Gauss Cannon and Energy Bolt Chaingun;
- the capacity of equipment docks and trading stations was increased;
- a player’s HQ and the Hub were improved;
- the xenon Industrial Shipyard was remodeled;
- all the main races’ shipyards were added with new forges and plants;
- the terrain shipyards were added with the missing ships and plants (Protein paste blending facilities и Carbo Cake Factories);
- the new OTAS shipyard containing a large choice of ships and plants was added;
- the Yaki shipyards were added with missing ships and new factories;
- all the races’ and OTAS’es (in the Star of Hope sector) shipyards of new design were added with weapon platforms;
- a new xenon Utilization shipyard was added;
- xenon standard shipyards were added with new ships and stations;
- a new ancients’ shipyard was added;
- an equipment dock of the ancients was added;
- the new OTAS Headquarters, containing an extended choice of goods and devices, was added;
- several xenon equipment docks were added and filled with different goods and equipment. The “Industrial complex Kernel” is a special one, acting as a basis of xenon industrial complexes;
- the Yaki equipment dock was added and filled with different goods and equipment, including those that are illegal among a lot of races;
- "big shipyards" were added with docking places for М0-ships.


The several races’ economics was changed and rebalanced:

- new xenon economics;
- new Yaki economics;
- new Ancients’ economics;

An extended choice of goods at some stations;
An extended choice of ships and stations at the Yaki Shipyard.


Over 40 tracks were composed just for the add-on.


- the mod was adjusted to 3.1 game's version;
- some performance increasing changes were made;
- most of errors and bugs, discovered in the previous addon’s versions were fixed;
- all the weapon and missile forges (except terrain and xenon) were added with nividium - a secondary resource, which fastens the production process;
- the equipping of combat NPC, including pirates, khaaks and xenons was improved (100%, except for morale);
- the equipping of freigters was improved (100% - except for lasers, morale, combat experience);
- the complexity of combat and race ratings’ improvement was increased;
- some mod-bugs, that had appeared during some original missions’ execution were fixed;
- now the ratings are indicated in the buy/sale windows at the xenon and Yaki stations;
- khaak big-ships are allowed to be boarded now;
- saving the game during boarding process is not allowed anymore and this is voiced by the on-board computer;
- the races’ ratings are now indicated in the encyclopedia;
- docking computer’s range in the sector of Earth was increased;
- the number of the galaxy’s NPC was balanced, weapon effects were improved;
- all the ships’ and missiles technical capabilities were rebalanced;
- new load-screens were added;
- pirates’ number and aggression was increased;
- pirates’ and Yaki patrols were added and enhanced;
- the number and aggression of Xenons and Khaaks was increased;
- boarding process was complicated;
- patrols were improved;
- player’s profit was reduced;
- different original missions’ rewards were reduced;
- the resources’ amount required for the HUB mission was reduced;
- the colored indication of the Xenon, Khaak, Yaki, Pirates, Ancients ratings was added to player’s statistics;
- the main races ratings’ colored numerical indication was added;
- the time of the marines’ training is indicated now;
- the races’ ratings are now indicated in the encyclopedia;
- an opportunity of space fogs removal added. To activate this option, you should click “Choose mod” in the game’s start menu, then choose "No_fogs" and press "ОК";
- the opportunity of taking combat missions on the “The new-built” and the “Xenon-invader” game starts from the races was added;
- sectors’ names were colored;
- a player’s game achievements rewarding system was added;
- SETA’s automatic shutdown while menu-navigating via keyboard was disabled;
- the Neptune sector’s gates, which appear after the Oldrin plot or “CPU: Far reconnaissance” plot were fixed;
- all the plot-stations were fixed: after any plot’s finishing, its quest stations become “mortal”;
- oldrin traders were fixed;
- after a ship’s boarding, its cargo-bay’s upgrade remains unchanged;
- a game difficulty levels were added. They affect the speed of the reputation’s; combat and trade ranks’ growth; quantity of different tasks and mini-missions; and it also affects quantity of combat patrol ships in the races’ core sectors;
- the maximum amount of credits, that a player can have at the account, was increased up to one Quadrillion of credits - 1 000 000 000 000 000;
- SETA's maximum limit is 20х from now on;
- when a new game starts, hull/sheids are indicated in percents on default from now on;
- the built-in equipment of M0-class ships now incudes Life support system, "Jump to point" module, scanner C-6, indicating objects within 60 km radius;
- the translation into polish language was added;
- "USC Customs Department license" was added;
- even if there are more than 12 cannons in a turret, you'd be able to change them via weapons menu;
- X3 Reunion's medals, indicating the ranrks' increase, were returned;
- xenon ships' boarding defence factor was slightly reduced;


- install X3 Terran Conflict (with no outside scripts and mods) and patch it up to version 3.1;
- initiate SetupTOTTV1.1.exe;
- indicate (if necessary) a path to the folder with the game of 3.1 version installed.
Be sure to start a new game!

Then patch it with THIS

Developer's forum: http://www.des-studio.su/forum/viewforu ... orum_id=19
Last edited by Armankessilon on Fri, 18. Nov 11, 11:37, edited 8 times in total.
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Post by qwizzie »

Looks like you put a lot of effort in this mod.. nice work :thumb_up:
Tell us a lil bit about yr team and how long were you working
on this mod? Is this a russian mod made english or something?

edit: could we also have some more pics of the new ships you created.. or a link to them?
Last edited by qwizzie on Tue, 1. Feb 11, 19:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sorkvild »

What a nice surprise... I just went through readme, list of changes is really impressive. All the ships and stuff, over 700 megs of material. Nice :) I'll be doing some testing on the weekend.

What can you say about compatibility with other popular scripts ?

Here, I've found a moddb entry

Elite Dangerous| I survived the Dragon Incident ... then I took an arrow to the knee
We want the Boron back!
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Post by qwizzie »

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Post by karabAs »

Yep, looks very interesting... will try this soon.
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Post by qwizzie »

Warning !!

the file will by default install in ''D:\GAMES\X3 Terran Conflict'',
make sure to overrule that to yr X3 TC install directory
(for most users thats on their C disk).

You know you installed correctly if you end up with 14 cat/dat files
in yr default X3 TC install map.
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Post by Armankessilon »

We spent more than 1.5 years to make it (of course we made it in our free time). Yes, it's russian team, thats why it's voiced in russian. We would love to make english voices. But it's pretty hard to find an actors.

Can't tell more about compatibility with other scripts/mods, this mod includes only our scripts/mods, and other scripts have not been tested. I'm afraid that you should adopt some scripts to our mod if you still want to use it. But bonus pack is compatible.

Our website www.des-studio.su - english thread is coming soon, so you can check news about project, or just ask your qestions to the developers.
Last edited by Armankessilon on Tue, 1. Feb 11, 22:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Idea »

Is there a possibility of placing a torrent file?

My connection keep breaking up thus I am unable to download :(
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Post by vega »

The list of changes sounds very interesting - will try it for sure! :thumb_up:
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Post by killerog »

Looks very good from the list of changes and trailer/images, one more mod added to my list to play once I start playing TC again instead of breaking it....
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Post by TDKPS »

Seems to be very good, one more thing for me to spend my time on. Will try soon. Thanks in advance to Armankessilon and the rest of the team !

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Post by DarthVain »

This looks awesome. Must check this out.
Another one bites the dust!!

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Post by Groundwalker »

qwizzie wrote:edit: could we also have some more pics of the new ships you created.. or a link to them?
You can visit our web-site using Armankessilon's link. Register there and write something in the chat (our web-site is in russian, so we can guide you there).
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Post by Armankessilon »

http://www.des-studio.su/forum/viewforu ... orum_id=19
Thread for the english-speaking users. English interface will be soon too.
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Post by DarthVain »

Idea wrote:Is there a possibility of placing a torrent file?

My connection keep breaking up thus I am unable to download :(
Yes, a torrent file would be great. My download seems to stop at around 95 gb
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Post by Litcube »

Video sure looks impressive. I'll have to take a look.
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Post by SPEED-BUG »

People! Do not download this mod! this is full Faile! " Many bugs and errors. Slow performance with the mod. With complete nonsense storylines. I do not recommend installing it. :evil: :evil:
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Post by Idea »

SPEED-BUG wrote:People! Do not download this mod! this is full Faile! " Many bugs and errors. Slow performance with the mod. With complete nonsense storylines. I do not recommend installing it. :evil: :evil:
Why don't you post the bugs here so that the team can solve them for the next version?
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Post by DarthVain »

I don't see any new ships and every time I start a new game, I get a "self destruct intiated" message and blows up all my ships I meant to have with the start game. "Space Veteran" start

Also, I have the Steam version of X3-TC. The .exe file does not install the files correctly to the root directory of X3-TC. It actually created another 'X3 Terran Conflict"" Folder. I had to transfer all the files manually into the correct 'X3 Terran Conflict" Folder.
Another one bites the dust!!

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Post by Groundwalker »

DarthVain wrote:I don't see any new ships and every time I start a new game, I get a "self destruct intiated" message and blows up all my ships I meant to have with the start game. "Space Veteran" start
Make sure that you have no other mods/scripts except the original game + TOTT.

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