[Mod] Apricot Mapping Service Mod v1.3 for APv3.1 / v2.14 (For TCv3).

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[Mod] Apricot Mapping Service Mod v1.3 for APv3.1 / v2.14 (For TCv3).

Post by apricotslice »

AMS for AP v1.04 is now considered a full release.

Please break it and let me know how.

Download from http://apricotmappingservice.com/X3APdownloads/

Updated to V3.1 with the new plot ships and minor gamestart tweaks.

Added in Terran PHQ, and updated hq.xml

Full Release version, consolidating the 1.06 version and its updated scritps.

Updated scripts. Install over the top of 1.06.
New Hotkey : Auto Claim.

Removed the Bounce Hotkey and have it auto-loaded on 2nd load.
Tweaked the Black Templars Military Base.
Improved Jump to Derelict

Fixed the Jump to Derelict Problem.
Changed OOS Apricot Bullet values.
Fixed missing Start photo.
Added Litcube Bounce Hotkey. (Fix for the Autopillok collision issues.)

Fixed an objects problem with CC.
Script tweaks.
Added scripts for PHQ and MO in Terran and ATF shipyards.
Tweaked Apricot Claim to also auto-beam in containers at the same time.

Added in mod loading screens.
Tweaked Docks.
Tweaked scripts. (needs new game start).

Added in Factories and Docks.
Added in PHQ.
Added in AMS stations and Thankyou Superstores.
Added in Complex Cleaner, LI-Mod, FDN, PM, SSDN.
Added all scripts.

Added AMS, Goner and Khaak starts.

Ships brought forward from TC.
Hulls updated.
Apricot guns updated.
Wanderer job included, but no scripts for it yet.
No scripts included yet.
Access ships through Cheat Menu.

AMS Version 2 is now released.

Download from http://apricotmappingservice.com/X3TCdownloads/

Problems with patch 3.1 have been noted, but not yet solved. Sorry for the inconvenience.

If you have come here from the Superbox link, welcome to my mods. You may wish to check out the Merge Mod before using this one, which has this one in it, but also a lot more. http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=254322 Also check out my scripts and minimod thread. http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=226623

Please note : If you are using AWRM, CPLS, PMTS, or Frontier Wars mods, any issues you have should be taken to the author of those mods FIRST. This is because these mods, by their method of installation, override all other mods and it therefore is the author of those mods responsibility to troubleshoot any conflicts caused.

v2.14 HQ Fix
A fix file has been uploaded to remove the HQ requiring credits to do repairs. Unzip into the TC directory to have it placed in types to override patches and mods.

Fixed corrupted Docks file.
Compatible with Patch v3.

Note : The Merge Mod has both old and current versions of FDN and PM. If you want to use the new versions of these, use the Merge mod instead of the AMS Mod.

v2.13 (Superbox version) : NOTE : Please upgrade to v2.14 before using.
Updated to Patch 2.7.
Note : I see in the superbox they did not include the mod, just a link to the thread for download. So no problems for anyone there, just download the latest version from my download site.

Updated to Patch 2.6.
New start added.
Globals updated.
No other changes made, but LA's scripts are now all out of date, but deliberately left unchanged due to backwards compatibility with old versions. Update scripts manually if you want the new versions.

Updated to Patch 2.5. PHQ updated.

Apricot Wanderer now has guns and will fire back if attacked.
Do NOT attack the Apricot Mapping Service unless your insurance is in order !

Commands that went missing replaced. Just a script change, no change to the mod itself.

Removed the blank ware from ships.
Added known sectors appropriate to the start.
Sector info of known sectors updated from load 3.
Put scrapping ships back into PHQ (oops !)
PHQ is zero money, faster times.
PHQ will make Guns, Sheilds, Drones and Satelites.
Some Blueprints added to PHQ first load after building.
Added SSDN Drone making ability.

v2.08 fixed an error in the start up script.

Fixed the Auster turrents.
Added salvage insurance to the starting ships.
Renamed and repriced the old Goner Temple.

v2.06 fixes the claim software hotkey, and changes most things to run after the 2nd game load. With luck, this will solve the mod not starting properly issue.

If you are running a previous version of the mod, before unzipping 2.06, delete all setup.apricot..... files from the TC\scripts directory.

v2.05 fixes the Apricot Minotaur turrents.

v2.04 has a fix for the start issues. At this point, XP computers with 3gigs ram seem to be able to run it fine, while I know XP 1.5 gig ram does not.

v2.03 fixed the hq issue with FDN mod where fdn stations had no storage.

>>>>>>> Warning

If you believe in "game balance", then this is NOT the mod for you ! Leave now, before you upset yourself.

The ships were designed to give you choice. Some like speed, others dont. Some want huge cargo, some dont. So the choices are there for you to make.

The speed the ship does is dependent on how many speed upgrades you install. Choose.
The rudder the ship has is dependent on how many rudder upgrades you install. I recommend 30, but Choose.
Gun choice is very wide. You can go for heavy guns, a mix or just vanilla guns. Choose.
Do you go for heavy sheilding or just vanilla shielding ? Choose.

The end result is up to your Choices, so experiment and find a ship design that suits your gameplay. If you dont think something available is not appropriate due to your sense of game balance or otherwise, then simply dont use that feature of the ship and pretend it isnt there. These ships are not available to the AI, so the only effects are in your own use of the ship.

The game starts give you ships. If you dont want those ships, use a vanilla start. <<<<<<<<

Installation Instructions.
Install by unzipping the zip into the TC directory. All files should be placed in the correct places. Select the mod in the jump off screen before starting the game. Select the start you wish to use when selecting newgame. If you choose a standard game start, you will not be given any Apricot ships to start with, these only come with an Apricot start. All ships are available in Apricot shipyards.

If you have scripts previously installed of mine, please delete the 8686-L044.xml file in the t folder of the game. The script packs have not been upgraded yet, so the old version of the t file will overwrite the new one in the mod if not removed.


The existing ships have been refitted a bit. This includes M1, M2, TL, M7 (gunship not missile ship), 2 x M6, TS and M5 hauler.

New Guns : Apricot PBE, Apricot PPC. The PBE has longer range to match kyrons, and hits harder. The PPC has a lower hit yield, but fires faster.

Docking and Coms range increased. Scanner ranges increased.

PHQ cargo space extended hugely, and building and RE’ing times reduced. Included in the mod, so the patch version is superceded by the mod.

New Stations :
AMS Shipyard, EQ and Retail Store. Located in Argon Prime, Legends Home and Elysium of Light. Honest Bob’s Superstore. LV’s Darkside Depot. Osirus Sam’s Trading Post. (Thanks to LV and Osirus_Sam for their help with the superstore code.)

AMS Start
- The AMS has fallen on hard times, but unlike some, you are still CEO of a viable corporation with a small fleet to command and some unique technical innovations. You are a friend to most. Time to rebuild.
- Starts in Argon Prime.
- 9 new ships, including an NPC Apricot Wanderer ship, Auster M8, Minotaur M7, Vidar M6, Nova M3, Eclipse M3+, Buster M4, Express TP and Apricot Sprint M5.

Goner Start
- The Goners are without a Temple and times are hard. Can you rebuild the Goner Cause without picking up a gun ?
- Starts in Elysium of Light.
- Ships limited to missile defence only.
- Goner Temple available in Apricot Shipyards.
- 5 new ships, including M1, TL, M7, M5 (from Mule), M5 (from Sprint).

Khaak Start
- You will be infiltrated deep within enemy territory with technically enhanced resources and well disguised bases. Strike hard and fast.
- Starts in Freedom’s Reach. Second set of supply bases in an Unknown Sector.
- 7 modified ships. Intruder M6, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5 and M5 hauler.
- 3 Cleverly disguised bases to strike from.

The AMS mod has made provisions for CC and FDN mods, so these are compatible when CC and FDN are installed as false patches.

Includes the following scripts :

Apricot Claim software
Jump to Derelict
Outfit Apricot Ship
Outfit to jump
Create abandoned ships on start

Notes on specific features :

Outfit Apricot Ship in the initial release, will not charge you anything, but there is a version in a subfolder under scripts that does charge. Copy it over the scripts folder if you want to be charged for outfitting ships. This script loads all basic fittings on an Apricot ship, then loads shields and 2 sets of guns, using the new Apricot guns. The charge made is at a discount for bulk purchase. Activate the script on the ship you want to fit out, while it is in space.

Charges include....
750k for the basics, which will install on any ship.
16.5 mill for a Gunbus or Camel.
13.5 mill for the Masterdon.
25 mill for the BigMother.
5 mill for a Mule.
23 mill for a Hyper.
58 mill for a Battle.
5 mill for a Minicar.
6 mill for a Mistral.
6.5 mill for a Sirocos.
9 mill for an Auster.
17.5 mill for a Minotaur.
16 mill for a Vidarsaurus.
7 mill for a Nova.
7.5 mill for an Eclipse.
6 mill for a Buster.
2 mill for an Express.
5 mill for a Sprint.

Jump to Derelict has absolutely no safety provisions built in at all, use at own risk.

Create abandoned ships has 12 identical scripts that create a single random ship in a random location. To get more, copy the scripts in the script editor. To get less, delete some scripts.

Cbeam, Abeam and Dbeam all slurp up all available targets in scanner range wih one button click. Attach to hotkeys before using. C does containers, A does astronauts who are changed to player race and D does all drones, which are changed to Drone Mk2.

Apricot Claim software works anywhere in scanner range. It is not detectable by security forces. It is however, very expensive to buy.

Beamdock works for any ship in scanner range. Ships up to M7 size can be beamed up, but anything bigger than a fighter must be beamed off again. Do not be inside a ship being beamed, the results are not pretty. You can beam onto a M1, M2 if it has docking defined, TL and TM. The TM has a known bug that you can beam a big ship onto it but not off, which you get around by beaming it to an M1 first, and then off the M1.
Beamdock does not work from an M7 and no plans to add beaming onto an M7. However, an M7 ship can be beamed ont a larger one.

Outfit to jump creates a jump drive, nav 1 and ecells on the target ship, so it can be rapidly jumped away to a safe destination. This is not as yet charged for.

Note to modders : This mod can be used in full or in part in any other mod as long as it is attributed back to me. Please let me know if you plan to do so.


TCv2.1 notes :

There are minor ship and cockpit changes in 2.1, but not enough to worry about. AMS 1.11 should run correctly under the new patch.

AMS v2 is now about to be done, so will be based on TC v2.1 files.


Minor changes in v1.11.
Fixed text issue. Fixed ships in shipyards.

The AMS Start is now separate and the Argon Patriot start is returned to normal.

Version 1.1.

Updated to TC v2. Please advise of any issues found.

Download AMS version 1.1 from my download site, link below.

Download from : http://apricotmappingservice.com/X3TCdownloads

Unzip into the directory above the TC directory.

PHQ patch is now numbered 08.

Remember to reselect the new version of the mod before you begin playing the game again.

For anyone who used my Gunbus mod for X3R, I've done the conversion to TC. :D

Download from : http://apricotmappingservice.com/X3TCdownloads

Look for the current version of the mod in the files list.

Its compatible with TC v1.3 and v1.4.

Instalation :

Unzip into the directory above the TC directory. This should created a mods and director directory under the TC directory, with the AMS mod files in the mods directory. It should also put a lot of Apricot scripts into the scripts directory.

Start game.
On the jump off screen, the select mod option should be clickable. If its not, the mod hasnt installed correctly.
click on the AMS mod, click ok.
Start game.

To begin with an Apricot fleet, use the Argon Patriot start.

If you have not activated the Script editor in the game, do so by following the sticky thread instructions for doing this.

Ships should appear in the Argon shipyards after the first save and reload, after the editor is activated.
Last edited by apricotslice on Mon, 14. Oct 13, 03:03, edited 57 times in total.
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Post by StarCrack »

thanks cant wait
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Post by apricotslice »

At the moment, I've got .....

the ships in the game in their previous configuration,
beamdock working,
cbeam working,
claim software working,
jump to derelict working,

ST/UT for most ships modified but not tested.
abeam written and working (to beam an astronaut in as a passenger).

Havent put the ships in a shipyard yet.
Havent done the ship outfitting yet.
Havent done the PHQ extension yet.
Havent done random derelict ships yet.

Havent done a starting position save yet.

Havent even thought about if I do the conversions for debris collector script or the station in PHQ script. Not sure if the writers are doing these as we type, or if I should go ahead and do them anyway. This can wait until last anyway.

Have considered doing a rank-removed version if anyone wants one.

Currently, I can put a Beta mod together, as long as you have the cheat pack installed and know how to create your own ships.

A few questions :

Anyone want a TW or M8 modified in the same way as the Gunbus ?
Preference for game start to use for the save ? It changes where you start and your 'spare' ship, even though I'll modify the notoriety upwards so all races like you.

At the moment I'm testing with the M2. Not all its guns work, since TC seems to have a limit on 12 guns per turrent, but who cares
:D Turn all races enemy, and sit by a gate and shoot everything that comes through ! Gives me plenty of stuff to test the scripts with !

One good thing about these ships is that anyone like me with a slow computer, can take a lot of punishment while your turrents do all the firing, so you dont have line up the target problems through jerky movement. You can just sit there and fire back in all directions. Not exactly hotshot fighter pilot flying, but on an older computer, its better than not playing !
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Post by apricotslice »

Beta version now available.

Gunbus M6, Camel M6, M1, TL, Mule M5, and the Tyr M2 from XTM.

All available at Argon shipyards.

Plus scripts :

Jump to Derelict
CBeam (slurps containers)
ABeam (slurps astronuts)
DBeam (slurps drones)
Equip ships with Basics, and if its an Apricot, guns and max shields. (No charge as yet, I havent figured out what thats worth yet.)

I recommend you connect the Beams, and claim to keys or joystick buttons.

Please let me know any problems encountered.

Still to come : TM, possibly a M8, and a start save that has the entire fleet available.
Last edited by apricotslice on Wed, 18. Mar 09, 01:27, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by jlehtone »

apricotslice wrote:... and a start save that has the entire fleet available.
Dig out the "Director" subfolder from cat/dat. It has the Mission Director files. XML. One of them seems to define what you have in each game start. Edit that. Not sure if that works, but why make a save if you can mod a start?
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Post by apricotslice »

Great suggestion ! :D

[says he having just finished the start ! :) ]
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Post by apricotslice »

New Beta file released, same download.

Bug in Beamdock fixed.
MT added.
Extra cargo space for PHQ added.

I spent this afternoon playing with the director file jlehtone mentioned.

Whoohoo !

Added : Argon Patriot start now loads the complete Apricot fleet, fully kitted out.


The only thing I couldnt get it to do was put a ship inside a ship. Or change the pilots name !
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Post by apricotslice »

Update Added, same download. Now a much smaller download file !

Issues with guns of the M2 fixed.

Fixed a few issues I found, notably the PBE's not firing the correct range.

Not sure yet if the drone beamer is working or not.

Abeam creates passengers with your name as a race.
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Post by apricotslice »

New download available.

All sorts of little issues fixed and several big ones. The drone beamer now works, as does the astronaut beamer. Both are on hotkeys as well as commands.

Added a modified Mistral TS, and an M7M.

I'm hopeful that thats the last of the issues, so if no-one finds any more, the mod can come off the beta list soon.
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Post by Gridd »

//lurk mode off //
Great thanks for all your work, I am very happy for your release and will report if i find anything not reported.


//lurk mode on //
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Post by apricotslice »

It would be good to have some feedback. :D
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Post by apricotslice »

New download uploaded. Fixes a few minor issues, including an accidental renaming of some Unknown objects.
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Post by Gridd »

Ok , where to start. I have not been able to do too much to testing as of yet, But so far, I downloaded and installed the mod, Curious as to why 2 sets of Cat and dat files,, tried to make them both False patches so i could still use cycrow's manager. That was unsuccessful. :-( After that i did a (normal type) install and everything seems to be working properly. Starting to test the rest of functions. Curious though would a readtext error 7533-1 be related to yours or something else. I do have a few other scripts installed. Thanks again for your time and will report back again, (hopefully sooner)


Edit just checked during posted Grabbing new version
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Post by Krewzur »

Any screen shots of the ships?

And maybe stats as well???
Corsair 400c // Intel i7 8700k // H100i v2 // ASUS Maximus X Code // ASUS 1080ti Strix OC // 2x8GB Corsair Vengeance 3200MHz // Samsung 960 Evo 250GB // 960GB SanDisk Ultra II // Corsair RM850i
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Post by apricotslice »

Gridd wrote:Ok , where to start. I have not been able to do too much to testing as of yet, But so far, I downloaded and installed the mod, Curious as to why 2 sets of Cat and dat files,, tried to make them both False patches so i could still use cycrow's manager. That was unsuccessful. :-( After that i did a (normal type) install and everything seems to be working properly. Starting to test the rest of functions. Curious though would a readtext error 7533-1 be related to yours or something else. I do have a few other scripts installed. Thanks again for your time and will report back again, (hopefully sooner)\
The mod itself is in the mod directory. The numbered cat/dat is the PHQ extension which loads as a false patch.

The mod isnt installed using the pluginmanager (I dont like how it does mods), so the plugin manager mod files you have would basically be empty except for the original tships and tcockpits. This of course would be in direct conflict to the ones in my mod, so would effectively wipe the mod out if the mod is used as a patch and modmanager as a mod after it.

7533-1 is Cycrows Claim Software, which I ported my version of for the mod (some of the restrictions removed). If you have the official version, the 2 scripts could be conflicting with each other.
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Post by apricotslice »

There is no upgrade needed for X3TC v1.4.

Fortunately, nothing they changed is part of the mod.
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Post by Gridd »

Hi again. I restored your files to there (rightful) configuration and removed cycrow's salvage claim, That got rid of all the read text's. I am still seeing SSWare_New_9 though, , *scratching head* I must have done something wrong because, after i bought a few of your ships (great configuration btw.) I played without hiccup for a few hours and saved. (That was on ver 1.3) the next time i got to play Steam had updated me to 1.4 and I am unable to load that save game :-(. I can still load the save i have just before i started using/read/ Purchased, your ships. I have 7 cat/dat pairs and your mod selected, with just scripts and no other mods loaded. I did try re-loading the files from your mod archive but game crashes trying to load the save.
Whew that seems long winded..
Thanks again

Side question: Do you plan to have an Apricot version of M3's at all?
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Post by apricotslice »

Thats very odd. There isnt anything in the 1.4 upgrade that duplicates anything in the mod, so there shouldnt be a conflict.

By any chance, has the mod been deselected at all ? If the mod was not selected and you load a save with the mods ships, then that would crash. Perhaps try selecting the mod again before starting the game to just be sure.

Also, I've noticed that occasionally, I will reload and the game will crash, but when you restart fresh, the same save game loads ok, even though it says it was probably corrupted.

So definitely give it another go.

M3.....I dont actually use them myself anymore. I normally fly the M7, or if I really need to dock a lot at normal stations, then I fly the Gunbus. When I'm flying the M7, I use a Mule for station docking. And I did the first part of the Terran plot in a Mule.

The Gunbus behaves pretty much like I'd build a M3, so why do without the couple of extra turrents ? :D

Which M3 would you want and what characteristics ?
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Post by DasFlo »


I fear I didn't quite get the purpose of this mod quite yet. It will add/change some ships as well as changing some game starts, right? wrong?

If i got that about right, what about balance - are the new ships god-mode like, are they expensive?

Thanks :)
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Post by apricotslice »

For using the "b" word, you get to read this >>>> http://apricotmappingservice.com/unbalanced.html :D

The purpose of this mod is to give the player complete choice of how to outfit their ships.

For example :

Anyone with a slideshow effect in major combat needs double the shields to stay alive, and guns that fire true in a slideshow. During slideshows, the enemy hit you at normal speed, you hit them at slideshow speed or not at all. Not fair !

A lousy pilot can select more shields. A very good shot can select a more precision gun, or lousy shot can choose an area gun.

Someone who hates losing traders can use a converted M6 instead (made before the Mistral, which is what I originally wanted in a heavy transport). The original mod was the Gunbus, designed to be a transport capable of getting away from an attacker, where most transports are destroyed before they can jump. The fact that it can actually kick a*se while its jumping is what I consider a transport should be doing.

People who hate dawdling around (especially those from X2 before they nerfed the speeds) can choose more speed and more rudder. All my personal ships I fly have between 495 and 795 speeds, I just cant be bothered going slower ! (The latter was a supertune mistake though, but I actually prefer it now, especially since X3R upped the size of a lot of sectors.)

The other issue with speed, is it allows you to catch up to anything, or run away from everything. And those people who do not use strafe can use speed instead to avoid fire. (Especially those who used to play Wing Commander series of games, particularly Privateer, and who miss the turbo speeds).

Those who are building huge complexes can really use compression technology by having a TL capable of carrying most of the complex in 1 or 2 trips instead of 10 or 20. I build a complex straight off, min 20 stations. I dont want to be b*ggering around making the TL going back and forth all the time getting the stations. Buy, build. Takes too damn long as it is without adding a great deal of TL going back and forth to shipyards time. Every second in sector creates a danger to any ships you have operating there, since collisions are turned on. Jump in, build as fast as possible, get out ! No waiting for TL's to buy and return and lose ships to collisions in the meantime.

Basically, the mod gives the player complete control over how they want their ships to perform, with emphasis on saving game time and compensating for the weakness of the player.

For many people, getting killed all the time is a huge turn off. Give them 10gb shields and they are happy. (Those who want to be vulnerable dont have to fit bigger than normal shields).

Its about people being able to have FUN in their own way, by giving them the choices of what they can and cant do.

Only 1 game start is changed, Argon Patriot. And thats easy to remove if you extract the start file from the original cat/dat and put it in the director directory (create it first).

At some point I'll create a custom start, but at the time I did this start, I didnt know how to create a new one. On the list of things to do.

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