[SCR] Economy and Supply Trader [2009-10-12 X3TC 3.2.05]

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[SCR] Economy and Supply Trader [2009-10-12 X3TC 3.2.05]

Post by wyvern11 »

Economy and Supply Trader
(Version 3.2.05 - October 12th 2009)

[ external image ]

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Economy and Supply Traders
  • The Economy and Supply Trader ensures lively trade and keeps NPC factories running in its territory.
  • The Economy and Supply Trader can trade in specified goods. He can help factories with resource problems.
  • The Economy and Supply Trader has a defined territory, which he will not leave.
  • The Economy and Supply Trader coordinates with other EST pilots serving the same station.
  • The Economy and Supply Trader can use the Jump Drive and will keep his ship repaired.
  • The Economy and Supply Trader keeps in contact with clients and other traders and can find prices and news in other sectors. The Economy and Supply Trader is not a fighter and avoids sectors where enemies have been reported.
The Economy and Supply Trader's skills depend on his training rank, and only works for experienced pilots. Players must have "Trader" rank to hire the Economy and Supply Trader.

Preparing Economy and Supply Traders


-> Economy and Supply Trader (Version 3.2.05)
-> Necessary Libraries (You must install these !)

-> Description Economy and Supply Trader (PDF Format) (coming soon!)

Prerequisites : X³ Terran Conflict Version 2.1 or higher (not compatible with X³ Reunion) !!

Activating the Script Editor

Activating the script editor is not necessary for Economy and Supply Trader. It will mark your game as ***modified***.

With the script editor activated, technical information is provided as well as normal information. This can be confusing. It is possible to run other unsigned scripts without starting the script editor. This requires a change in the script's boot file. This will mark your game as ***modified*** as well.


Simply extract the Zip into the X3TC directory. Overwrite older files if asked. Main script files will copy into ".\scripts" and ".\t" folders, all other files are for maintenance and uninstalling only.


Copy file setup.plugin.economics.pck from "\scripts.uninstall" in your X3TC folder to "\scripts". Run TC and load a saved game. Uninstallation is automatically started and finished when a message is sent to the logbook. Uninstallation takes 10 to 20 seconds from when the game was loaded. Save your game.

Run "Delete all Economy and Supply Trader Scripts.bat" found in the "\scripts.delete" folder in your TC directory. This will delete the script's files.

Important: Never just delete scripts; your savegame will look for them.

Updating to a newer version

Simply extract the Zip into the X3TC directory like you did with the former versions. Overwrite older files if you are asked. There are files in "\scripts" and "\t", as well as other folders. These other files are used for maintenance and uninstalling.

To remove obsolete or unused files, run "Delete old Economy and Supply Trader Scripts.bat", found in "\scripts.delete", before extracting the new zip file. This is not necessary, but will keep your script folders neater.

Ingame, nothing needs restarting. All ships and stations should run the new scripts automatically, any ships set to notify you when orders are complete will send you a message. The old script is stopped before the new script is started, and the message can be ignored.

Economy and Supply Traders

The Mission

The Economy and Supply Trader's job is to trade in specified goods in his given territory.

The Economy and Supply Trader is trained over time, and can be given more tasks after completing training courses. If training is not desired, it can be disabled. More on that later.

Quick Start
  1. Equip a TS hauler with Navigation Command Software MK1, Trade Command Software MK1 and MK2
  2. Select "Start Start Economy and Supply Trader" in the Trade command menu and choose a ware under "Lists"
  3. Select "Start Start Economy and Supply Trader" in the menu
The Ranks

The Economy and Supply Trader's skills depend on his training rank, and only works for experienced pilots. Players must have "Trader" rank to hire the Economy and Supply Trader.

The apprentice trades one ware in indicated sector and the adjacent sectors, which are one jump away. The apprentice is carrying out his probationary period in your enterprise and doesn't get a salary during this time.
The auxiliary courier trades three wares within three jumps from his central sector. Furthermore, he can buy or sell goods to Equipment Docks and Trade Stations. The auxiliary courier is paid a wage of 20 credits per mizura flown, paid after each trip.
The courier trades five wares within five jumps from his central sector. He will equip his ship with more speed and agility, and Fighter Drones if they can be bought in the current sector. The courier is paid a wage of 25 credits per mizura flown, paid after each trip.
The freighter pilot 2nd class trades seven wares within ten jumps from his central sector. He can use a Jump Drive if one is installed. The freighter pilot 2nd class is paid a wage of 30 credits per mizura flown, paid after each trip.
The freighter pilot 1st class trades ten wares within fifteen jumps from his central sector. He also monitors the trade radio traffic and does not enter any sectors with enemy ships or pirates. The freighter pilot 1st class is paid a wage of 35 credits per mizura flown, paid after each trip.
Major dealer
The freighter pilot can trade all wares within twenty jumps from his central sector. Furthermore, he keeps his ship in good condition and repairs it at a shipyard when needed. The freighter pilot is paid a wage of 40 credits per mizura flown, paid after each trip.

Ship Equipment
  • A small class ship (M3, M4, M5, M8, TM, TS or TP) or corvette class (M6)
  • Fight Command Software MK1 (optional: changes EST behavior when encountering enemies)
  • Fight Command Software MK2 (optional: changes EST behavior when encountering enemies, in addition to Fight MK1)
  • Jump Drive (optional: can be used after special training course)
  • Navigation Command Software MK1
  • Trade Command Software MK1
  • Trade Command Software MK2
  • Trade Command Software MK3 (optional: turns on automatic configuration and trade mode)

The command "Start Economy and Supply Trader" will appear in the Trade menu when Trade Command Software MK1, Trade Command Software MK2, and Navigation Command Software MK1 are installed on the ship. The "Start Economy and Supply Trader" command opens the configuration menu.

Note, that the Economy and Supply Trader will only work for players ranking at least "trader". EST starting command will not be accessible until then.

Main Menu

[ external image ]

All commands are divided into groups on the main menu.

Trader Settings

[ external image ]

The Trader Menu contains not only settings, but also information on the pilot. Home base, destination, current task, salary and total profit made are all displayed here.

Delete accounting information
This will tell the pilot to delete his records. This cannot be undone, so confirmation is required.

Take trainings
Pilots participate in training over time. Should the player wish to exclude the pilot from training courses, this command will do it.

Trader Salary
If the pilot is to be paid out of an account other than the player's wallet, set that here.

Maps update
The trader is able to update the sector map while on duty. He registers stations within scanner range. The point of departure is the station he is docked at.

Fire trader
An unneeded pilot can be dismissed. The ship must be docked at a station and idle. This cannot be undone, so confirmation is required.

Order trader to another ship
Bought a bigger ship for your pilot? Use this command to transfer him into it. Both old and new ships must be docked at the same station. After choosing this command, a list of other ships with EST pilots will appear. Choose the ship you wish to transfer to, the pilots will exchange ships, and bring along their profit record to the new ship.

Restore defaults
This command resets all settings to their default settings.

Ware lists

[ external image ]

This menu lists the wares traded by the pilot.

Ware list

[ external image ]

After selecting "add ware", select a station. A list of that station's products and resources is displayed, and can be selected for trading.

Sort ware list by type
This sorts the list of wares by type. Traded wares are sorted first.

Sort ware list alphabetically
This sorts the list of wares alphabetically. Traded wares are sorted first.

Delete ware list
The entire ware list can be deleted.

Products lists for supply

[ external image ]

This list gets available or can be created, if the Trade Command Software MK3 is active on the freighter. The trader doesn't trade with the listed products but he cares about the supply of their production. This means he is looking for their ressources by himself and delivers them to their production facilities.

product lists

[ external image ]

After selecting the menu "Add products" you have to select a station. Any products in the now shown list can be added one by one. This way you can add every product of a station quite fast.

Sort product list by type
With this menu you can sort your list of products by waretype. This also changes the priority of the supply of the products.

Sort product list alphabetically
With this menu you can sort your list of products in alphabetical order. This also changes the priority of the supply of the products.

Delete product list
The whole list can be deleted here.


[ external image ]

All sectors and stations can be traded in, but you can set certain sectors or stations as off-limits.

This is the list of off-limit stations. You can add or delete entries in this menu.

This is the list of off-limit sectors. You can add or delete entries in this menu.

Only trade with satellite network sectors
Here you can tell your pilots to only trade in sectors with a satellite in them.

Trade only with non-player stations
EST pilots will trade with NPC stations and your own station. Here you can tell your pilots to trade only with NPC stations.

Restore defaults
This will restore settings in this menu to their default settings.

Trading conditions

[ external image ]

A pilot must adhere to these conditions.

Trade duty
Normally, EST pilots will buy and sell. This allows you to tell the pilot to only sell goods currently in his cargobay.

Trade Command Software MK3
Managing the pilot's orders can be delegated to the ship's computer if Trade Command Software MK3 is installed. This option enables or disables automatic configuration.

Home sector
A trader is not normally in his home sector, but it is the center of his territory. This allows you to change his home sector.

Trade range
Here you can set the range from his home sector at which the pilot will look for deals.

Target sector
The target sector is in most cases the same as the home sector. If the trader should export wares from one trade area to another, you can set the target sector for the trader here.

Trade range
The target sector has his own trade range too. If no trade range is set for the target sector the same as for the home sector will be used.

Minimum profit
Normally, the EST pilot will look for trades that will generate at least 10% profit. This can be changed here.

Maxiumum product stock
Normally, the pilot will only look at factories with less than 50% of its maximum resources. This can be changed here.

Trade in illegal wares
A trader using the Trade Command Software MK3 does not deal in illegal wares by default. This setting can be changed here.

End employment in a station
This command prompts the trader to stop working in the given station after finishing his current trade run.

Restore defaults
This will restore settings in this menu to their default settings.

Jump Drive settings

[ external image ]

EST pilots can use the Jump Drive after a special training course. The player can set rules for it's use here.

Use Jump Drive
The EST pilot can be allowed or denied use of the Jump Drive with this setting.

Jump Drive Energy
If not specified, the EST pilot keeps 10% of the cargohold filled with jump energy. The player can specify more or less.

Minimum Jump range
Minimum Jump distance can be set here.

Restore defaults
This will restore settings in this menu to their default settings.

Automatic Naming

[ external image ]

Renaming many ships is tedious. EST pilots can be asked to name their own ships and add information to the ship name..

Configure automatic naming
There are many schemes for ship naming available.

Renaming settings (selection)

[ external image ]

This menu lists the renaming schemes, along with descriptions.

Ship number
If the ship is given a number, it can appear here.

Factory number
If the station is given a number, it can appear here. All of the station's ships share this number.

Restore defaults
This will restore settings in this menu to their default settings.

Configure reports

[ external image ]

The EST pilot will report many incidents. Some of these messages can be disabled.

The EST pilot will report successful completion of a training course. This message can be disabled here.

Enemy sightings
The EST pilot will report enemy ships. This message can be disabled here.

Buy- and saleslog
The EST pilot can enter every transaction into the player's logbook. This can be changed here.

Analysis to Log
The EST pilot can write his profit record into the logbook. This includes his current task.

Restore defaults
This will restore settings in this menu to their default settings.

Data storage

[ external image ]

If several pilots have the same orders and conditions to follow, they can be transmitted to each other.

Load data

[ external image ]

Here you can find all of the order packets and assign them to the pilot.

Save Data
Here you can save the pilot's current orders. The packet can be named.

Delete Data
Order packets can be deleted.

Global administration

[ external image ]

The global administration shows you all your Economy and Supply Traders. You can send different preferences to all your Economy and Supply Traders or do changes to single ones.

You can start the global administration on two ways. First you can assign a hotkey, second you can reach it in the command console under general commands if the ship is docked.

Global configuration

[ external image ]

The global configuration sends one or more preferences to all your Economy and Supply Traders.

[ external image ]

Select the data packet of the data storage which you like to send. That means that such a data packet has to be saved already from an Economy and Supply Trader before. After that you can send this data packet with the function "Send to all colleagues". With the function "Send to sector colleagues" you can limit the transmission to the Economy and Supply Traders with the same home sector.

[ external image ]

You are able to limit the transmission amount by using the transmission filter. You can filter the Economy and Supply Traders by type, class or (part of the) name. Also you can filter single preferences in the data packet to be send or not. So you can set exactly which Economy and Supply Trades should get which data with the transmission filter.

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You can also reorganize yor data storage. You can move the different data packets to another memory slot. To do so select the data packet which you want to move and after that select the new free memory slot. Memory slots you can select always get marked yellow.

[ external image ]

You also can delete the different data packets in the data storage in the global configuration. Simply select the data packet to be deleted. There is no security query if you really like to delete the data packet, it will be deleted immediately! With "Delete all data" you clear the whole data storage.

More Information

Profit Sharing: All pilots will share in the profits. They are paid 1% of the profit from a successful run. This does not apply to the sale of leftovers.

Trade Command Software MK3: Trade Command MK3 takes over control of the EST configuration. The configuration menu is limited.

Jump Drive: If a Jump Drive is installed, the pilot will purchase energy cells to use it from a Solar Power Plant.

Travel Drive: If a Travel Drive is installed, the pilot will purchase energy cells to use it from a Solar Power Plant.

Enemy Contact: If equipped with Fight Command MK1, the pilot will purchase Fighter drones in the current sector and upgrade his speed and manuverability. If the ship is equipped with a Jump Drive, and the pilot is experienced enough to use it, the pilot may enter unsafe sectors. If equipped with Fight Command MK2 and has Missile Defense Mosquito available, the pilot will also purchase Mosquitoes.

Friend/Foe: EST pilots do not fly in sectors belonging to a race set to "Foe." "Show as enemy if enemy to me" should be set to No. If a Jump Drive is not installed, the pilot will not fly in hostile sectors.

Satellite Network: The EST pilot can be told to trade only in sectors that contain an Advanced Satellite belonging to the player.

Station Lock: Any station can be set as off-limits to the EST pilot. Player stations also have "EST Trader lock" in the command console.

Technical Specifications: Economy and Supply Trader

Language Files
8005-L007.xml (ID 8005)
8005-L033.xml (ID 8005)
8005-L039.xml (ID 8005)
8005-L044.xml (ID 8005)
8005-L049.xml (ID 8005)

Command-Slot (Command-Slots change)

Ship Task 0, 40 and 41

Offical Abbreviations
"die WVH"
"the EST"

Changes Economy and Supply Trader

The Downloads

-> Economy and Supply Trader (Version 3.2.05)
-> Economy and Supply Trader (Version 3.2.04)
-> Economy and Supply Trader (Version 3.2.03)
-> Economy and Supply Trader (Version 3.2.02)
-> Economy and Supply Trader (Version 3.2.01)

The Changes

21.04.2009 (Version 3.1.05)
  • Adapting to the Security and Rescue Service.
  • Several small improvements.
23.04.2009 (Version 3.1.06)
  • There may be problems if one combines the aldrin sectors with the normal universe and later the connection gets dissolved again. Fixed.
21.05.2009 (Version 3.2.00)
  • Added the global management.
  • The Economic and Supply Traders now use the ejector seat. A rescue must take place for the moment by the player. A rescue by the Rescue Services will be carried out in the next version of the SRS.
  • The Economic and Supply Trader now speaks Russian too. In addition, all language files have been updated.
  • Several small improvements.
17.06.2009 (Version 3.2.01)
  • Use of a new script command for X3 Terran Conflict version 2.1 and doing a small performance gain.
  • Several small improvements.
21.06.2009 (Version 3.2.02)
  • The Economy and Supply Traders don't have only a home sector, from which all commercial trips are planned out, but also a target sector now.
  • Optical appreciation of the configuration menu.
  • Several cleanups and small improvements.
24.06.2009 (Version 3.2.03)
  • Economy and Supply Traders can now provide a assured production of a product. They automatically search for the resources for this product and delivers them to the production factories.
  • Several small improvements.
23.08.2009 (Version 3.2.04)
  • Bug Fix: The inputs for home and target sector may couldn't be entered correctly.Fixed.
  • Several small improvements.
12.10.2009 (Version 3.2.05)
  • Bug Fix: A rare error could occur when calculating Economic and Supply Traders with Trading Software MK3. Fixed.
  • More than hundret wares can now be saved in the trading list.
  • Several small improvements.

< Keywords: ScripterLucike, Script, Economy, Supply, Trade, Logistic, automatic buy sell >
Last edited by wyvern11 on Tue, 9. Dec 08, 12:45, edited 8 times in total.
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Post by wyvern11 »

I'm going to reserve a post like the others did, but I don't know what for ;-)

EDIT: Now I do ;-)


This is the link to corresponding german topic

Some EST-versions left out here may still be downloadable. We discussed
that I try to pick out "major changes"-versions to appear here, while all versions in between can be found in german topic

In case a noteworthy version appears I will post a link at the active page of the topic and try to remember the DL-link on page one (if not, remind me please)
Last edited by wyvern11 on Tue, 11. Nov 08, 12:37, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Arrisiane »

This looks like what i was looking for to replace the broken UT.

Only one question , i am semi new but thought i knew all equipment , what is a travel drive?:)
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Post by wyvern11 »

this is another script by lucike for non-jup-driveable ships. it consumes e-cells for engine tunings (like 600% speed)
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Post by Chroniss »

Is there a difference between this and the Commodity Logistics Software script? Theres so much info here I'm having a hard time sorting this all out.
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Post by wyvern11 »

CLS is for flying routes ever the same
EST is like UT free-trading but with configuration possible
(f.e. trade in given wares)
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Post by TSM »

sounds great, could you buy any chance pack it into an spk :)
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Post by BlackRain »

Ok, I posted this in the german thread but I will post it here. I am having a big problem with my EST's. They are rank Freight Pilot now so they have been trading but now they are just sitting in stations doing nothing and the command just says "Enable Cargo Transporter"

So what is wrong here?
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Post by wyvern11 »

@tsm : I'm not familiar with spk, but I know it's widely used. Afaik Lucike is looking for scripters who might spk his stuff - no answers yet.

So anyone here wanting to help?

@black rain: lucike is on it I heard but thanks for the notification
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Post by BlackRain »

Ok well thought I would post :)

Just more info, seems after a long period of waiting, one of the traders will come out of that mode and go trade one time but then dock again and do the same thing.

edit---- Yeah I just saw Lucike's response and I checked in game but I am missing the menu with these options. I don't have the Warelist or trading condition menus under the EST menu. Is it conflicting with another script or something? I also use CAG and CLS.

A pilot must adhere to these conditions.

Trade duty
Normally, EST pilots will buy and sell. This allows you to tell the pilot to only sell goods currently in his cargobay.

Home sector
A trader is not normally in his home sector, but it is the center of his territory. This allows you to change his home sector.

Trade Range
Here you can set the range from his home sector at which the pilot will look for deals.

Minimum Profit
Normally, the EST pilot will look for trades that will generate at least 10% profit. This can be changed here.

Maxiumum product stock
Normally, the pilot will only look at factories with less than 50% of its maximum resources. This can be changed here.

Restore defaults
This will restore settings in this menu to their default settings.

I have no idea why these options would not show up in my game so I am reinstalling.
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Post by Lucike »

Trade Command Software MK3: Trade Command MK3 takes over control of the EST configuration. The configuration menu is limited.

... but the point "trade jumps" and "home sector" is visible.
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Post by joelR »

I tried selecting different Automatic Naming options but my ships name won't change!
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Post by BlackRain »

Lucike than something is conflicting because I set Trade jumps to 50 in the menu but the log is saying 0 so something is wrong?
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Post by joelR »

BlackRain wrote:Lucike than something is conflicting because I set Trade jumps to 50 in the menu but the log is saying 0 so something is wrong?
Did you press enter after selecting the option? Using the "back button" wont set it.
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Post by Lucike »

joelR wrote:I tried selecting different Automatic Naming options but my ships name won't change!
Runs the trader?
BlackRain wrote:Lucike than something is conflicting because I set Trade jumps to 50 in the menu but the log is saying 0 so something is wrong?
And what says the menu?
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Post by BlackRain »

You don't have to press enter, it is the default setting.

Trader Conditions

It says Trade jumps 50

I even tried changing it to 49 but didn't work.

Is there a way to take a screenshot maybe? I am reinstalling the game, so it is redownloading from steam, it will be done in about 20 minutes or so. I can recheck then.
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Post by wyvern11 »

manual says F9/print for screenshot, set directory in startup-dialog
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Post by BlackRain »

Ok almost done reinstalling from Steam, I will set up the scripts again and let u know.
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Post by BugMeister »

- that's a very smart translation of the instructions, you guys
- very neat..!! 8)

- thanks, Lucike
- hooray for Hannover!! :D :thumb_up:
- the whole universe is running in BETA mode - we're working on it.. beep..!! :D :thumb_up:
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Post by Vicrry06 »

If someone could point me to file hosting I have the SPK's ready for uploading.

Wyvern - about the first post, English version isn't 'Coming Soon' anymore is it?

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