[AL PLUGIN] Pirate Guild: Intelligent Pirate Behaviours | v0.96 (final update)

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[AL PLUGIN] Pirate Guild: Intelligent Pirate Behaviours | v0.96 (final update)

Post by Serial Kicked »

Pirate Guild: Intelligent Pirate Behaviours


:arrow: Plugin Description
  • The goal of this plugin is to make the pirates a bit more intelligent and organized than in the vanilla games. Each Pirate Base will now behave on its own, buying new ships, raiding TS, capturing ships, invading sectors, buying improved Lasertowers, and much more. This plugin also include a communication system (called ECS) with pirate pilots allowing the player to speak with them using an hotkey, as in the Yaki Armada plugin.

    When the plugin starts, each pirate base will receive a random amount of money and some ships. Then, periodically (20-30 minutes), each pirate base will send an order. This order can be to buy wares, raid a TS to steal its cargo, capture a ship, weaken defenses in a sector, invade an enemy sector, to generate money, to buy lasertowers, to send a patrol, ...

    Pirate ships handled by the Pirate guild will be "blue" to the player, except those from a base which is red to you. Those ships will also be able to use their jumpdrive, and to stay under cover until they reach their target.

:arrow: Hostile / Neutral / Friendly Pirates
  • When you start the plugin, it will send you an incoming question. It will allow you to set your initial relationship with pirate ships. Notice that the reputation evolve slowly. Pirates won't all suddently turn red when your relation will pass below a given point, it will take time.
  • You can set it to "Enemy". Your reputation will be set to -50.000 points. All pirate ships except those handled by the Pirate Guild itself will be red. You can try to increase your standing by helping pirates through ECS. Or you can start to hunt ships of the Guild. The police will give you additional money for their destruction (by any of your ships).
  • You can set it to "Neutral". Your reputation will be set 0 points. All pirates will be neutral to you. Attacking too much pirates will easily make them angry, though.
  • And if you want to be a pirate and do not worry about some pirate capture from time to time, set the option to "Friendly". You'll get 50.000 reputation points and all the pirates will know you as one of them.
:arrow: Key Features
  • Pirates can become more than a simple annoyance
  • Guild HQ giving orders to the other bases
  • Basic Guild system and missions
  • Pirate News Network available to guild members
  • Dynamic handling of the relation between pirates and the player
  • Additional payement from the police for the destruction of Guild ships.
  • Jumpdrive enabled pirate ships
  • Neutral pirate ships
  • More weapon loadouts for pirate ships
  • Improved Lasertowers for pirate bases
  • Pirates ships able to stay under cover
  • A communication system to chat with pirate ships
  • Pirate bases trading in more goods (e.cells, weapons, missiles,...)
  • Loot powered pirate economy

:arrow: Compatibility:
  • This plugin isn't compatible with the Friendly Pirate script (from TycHouse) as PG is already handling pirate/player relationship (making this script obsolete). If installed, it must be removed before installing Pirate Guild. Except for this detail, Pirate Guild should be compatible with all mods and known scripts i can think about. It doesn't need the game to be restarted from scratch and should be compatible with your savegame.
:arrow: Downloads:
-> Xdownloads: [ external image ]

(Outdated)Download Link

This is a RAR file you will have to extract in your X3:Reunion folder using a tool like 7zip or Winrar. Don't even try to ask how to do so :p

:arrow: IMPORTANT:
  • This plugin is DISABLED by default, you'll have to enable it in the AL settings (ESC / Gameplay / Artificial Life) to make it running. Once the plugin activated, you will be asked to choose your initial relationship with standard pirate ships. Those used by PG will stay 'neutral'.
  • This plugin includes a library called ECS: Extended Communication System to handle communications between the player and the pirate ships & stations. You must assign a key to the "ECS: comm. a ship/station" command in your shortcut setting menu to be able to talk with them.
  • Once the key is assigned, just press it when you've selected a Pirate ship that is less than 8km away.
Enjoy ! :mrgreen:

Edit: Added to xdownloads. X2-Illuminatus
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Post by Serial Kicked »

You can find additional info in the official topic on my website.

Commands used : none

Textfile used : 8513, 8515 (ECS Library)

Supported languages : English, French, Russian (thanks to Ru4pt)

Debug Mode : If you set the global variable "anarkis.pirate.debug" to [TRUE], every action of the pirate guild will be written in your logbook. To do so, edit the editor the "anarkis.pirate.al.init" file, change the correct line, and restart the plugin. This feature allow you to see what's my plugin are really doing, but it will also spoil most of the fun.


Code: Select all

v0.96 - Internal Release ("offline" release ^^)
 (+) Feature: Weapon Setup library script upgraded -> uses all available weapons, no empty turrets
 (+) Feature: Should be a bit more CPU friendly
 (o) Change: Minor and major invasion durations have been reduced a bit
 (o) Change: Duration of pirate patrols has been reduced
 (o) Change: Maximum Amount of ship per PB has been reduced to 45
 (*) Fixed: Amount of patrol ships going crazy in pirate owned sectors
 (*) Fixed: Wares not deleted from (respawned) PB when the plugin is disabled
 (*) Fixed: Some ships not deleted when the plugin is disabled
 (*) Fixed: Dead ships staying in space doing nothing
 (*) Fixed: Shield Optimizer reseting the shield to zero when the cargo bay is open
 (*) Fixed: A target's current sector may appear as 'null' (ECS dialogue)
 (*) Fixed: Possible minor issue with RRF plugin
 (*) Fixed: Some debug data still appearing in the logbook
 (*) Fixed: Only the first fine is applied to the player when attacking the guild
 (*) Fixed: Some spelling errors

v0.95 - Internal Release ("offline" release ^^)
 (+) Feature: Two 'Independant Shipyards' are added in 2 random pirate sectors
 (+) Feature: Guild Ranking (see section 4.4 of the documentation)
 (+) Feature: Guild Contests (Deadly Run, The Arena)
 (+) Feature: You can ask pirate pilots what they are currently doing
 (+) Feature: Pirate Guild's 'Top10' pilots
 (+) Feature: Pay a fine to the guild when you've been kicked out 
 (+) Feature: Various speech and sound FX added during ECS dialogues
 (+) Feature: Much interesting / challenging weapon setups
 (+) Feature: Assassinations attempts when the player has a high ranking in the guild
 (+) Feature: Includes about 15 new ship upgrades available at the independant shipyards
 (+) Feature: Pirate Spacefly Hunter ships added
 (+) Feature: Various wares added to pirate bases (more weapons, shields, salvage insurances)
 (+) Feature: Ware Distribution randomized. Now each PB deals with different wares.
 (+) Feature: Wares in pirate bases have been randomized (not every base the same anymore)
 (+) Feature: Smarter use of the covert state
 (+) Feature: Patrol scripts heavily improved
 (+) Feature: Damaged PG ships jumping back to safety to be repaired
 (+) Feature: Should use X3 2.0 new ships more often
 (o) Change: ECS / Communication extended to 12km (instead of 8km).
 (o) Change: Tuned the amount of ships sent during patrols, and attacks against capital ships
 (o) Change: Slowed down PB activities a little
 (o) Change: Added some colors to the guild news
 (o) Change: Prices of ships bought by the guild tuned
 (o) Change: A load of library scripts have been updated
 (*) Fixed: Ships bought from shipyards not returning to the homebase
 (*) Fixed: Bases not paying anything for some of the new ships
 (*) Fixed: Guild ships without a cloaking device able to use cover
 (*) Fixed: Pirate ships staying "blue" when the plugin is disabled
 (*) Fixed: Various minor to medium bugs and glitches
 (*) Fixed: The plugin may hang if all the pirate bases are destroyed
 (*) Fixed: Not kicked out of the guild when you're attacking a PG ship
 (*) Fixed: PB buying ships to Xenon and Khaak shipyards or to shipyards way too far.
 (*) Fixed: Naming and Relation Issues with pirate traders
 (*) Fixed: Sector not appearing on map when a pirate gives the location of a base
 (*) Fixed: PB "sleep" time sometimes much shorter than it should be
 (*) Fixed: Not gaining money /rank for captured ships

 (+) Full Russian support (Thanks to Ru4pt)
 (+) Feature: Paying a "tax" to the pirates will increase your reputation a little
 (o) Change: Reputation change. Friendly: all blue | Neutral: handled by the game engine | Enemy : all red
 (o) Change: Slowed down the 'reputation increase' for guild members
 (*) Fixed: Pirate Guild attacking members on rare occasions
 (*) Fixed: PG ships turning red when relation is very low
 (*) Fixed: PG ships turning blue against its attacker

v0.70 - Guild and News Preview
 (+) Feature: Basic Guild joining and leaving options
 (+) Feature: Show reputation, status and various info when talking with a base through ECS
 (+) Feature: ECS Broadcasted mission system (for TS raiding, police hunting, invasion)
 (+) Feature: Pirate News Network
 (+) Feature: ECS dialogue to prevent pirates from attacking you if your standing is good
 (+) Feature: Setting pirate as friends will set all pirate stations to blue
 (+) Feature: You'll get money, reputation & rank by killing ships targeted by the guild
 (+) Feature: Beeing a member slowly increase you general reputation with pirates
 (o) Change: Setting yourself as a pirate friend make you join the guild automatically
 (o) Change: Slowed down guild activity a little 
 (o) Change: PB will buy less ships at once
 (o) Change: Invasion duration sightly reduced
 (o) Change: Attacked covert ships will automatically uncloack 
 (*) Fixed: Friendly Fire issues causing friendly pirates to go red
 (*) Fixed: Guild sometimes attacking friendly players
 (*) Fixed: Relation settings not applied to TS ships
 (*) Fixed: TS doing nothing when the player disable the plugin or a PB is destroyed
 (*) Fixed: Bug preventing raiding parties from recovering stolen wares to pirate bases
 (*) Fixed: Not enough energy cells for ships to jump
 (*) Fixed: Newly spawned pirate ships when player is friendly stay red

 (+) Ability to set initial relationship with the pirates.
 (+) Dynamic relations with pirate ships
 (+) If player-hostile, the Guild HQ is able to locate and attack player's strategic sectors.
 (+) Improved Guild HQ behaviours.
 (+) The player will gain money from the Galactic Police if he destroy guild owned ships
 (*) Fixed: Glitches when PG' ships were captured by the player
 (*) Fixed: PB invading xenon/khaak/unknown sectors

v0.60 - HQ AI Preview
(+) Added the Pirate Guild HQ
(+) The HQ give orders to the other pirate bases
(+) Pirates will focuse attacks on the race that do the most damages to them
(+) Version updates of PG no longer need the player to manually reset the plugin
(+) Pirate Bases will buy improved LT with 125Mj shields, improved turning rates, and no CDT ;)
(+) Russian language added (thanks to ru4pt)
(*) Fixed : player's aim now points correctly to the ship you have to kill (in ECS mini-missions)

v0.50 - Beta 2
(+) PB are able to order ships from nearest SY (including custom ships)
(+) More variants of ships used
(+) Agressiveness of PB tuned
(*) Fixed : CTD caused by lasertower - no more 125mj shields
(*) Fixed : Missing wares in pirate bases
(*) Fixed : Pirate ships not enemy to the invaded sector

v0.41 - Beta 1 Fixed
(*) Fixed : Lasertower related crash

v0.40 - Beta 1
Last edited by Serial Kicked on Sun, 27. Dec 09, 04:33, edited 13 times in total.
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Post by Dread »

Serial it is great to hear you have now started plans on the Pirate Guild. I use Yaki Armada and love it.

Here's a few things to think about with this script (any maybe the Yaki one too if theyre not already incorporated and you find you have time to upgrade it)

1) I love the idea that some pirates are going to be firendly blue, while others are enemy red and you can attack them without getting kicked out of the guild. Can you have it so that the red ones are actually hostile to you (even if you are in the guild) until you do comm with them to turn them friendly, but you also have the choice of just killing them. Its like this really - A red blip (pirate shows up on your scanner and he sees you too, he attacks you because he doesnt recognise you as a fellow pirate straight away, although it may not matter as as history has shown us pirates are just as likely to attack another pirate as they are a law-abiding citizen. Just because youre a pirate doesnt mean EVERY pirate will be your Yo-Ho-Ho chum!

2) Convoys (maybe speak\liase with LV on this one) Would like to see convoys of varying sizes, like one TS up to a few, carrying important pirate guild resources (like you said there will be a economy for pirates in this) and several if not more Pirate fighter support. Maybe even get some of the larger ships from yaki armada and chage them slightly to have more pirate TL's, M6's, M2\1's. One thing to bear in mind though, if deciding to add the convoys as a BBS\IncomingComms mission, could you also do convoys that you dont get notified of and are just random parts of the pirate economy in motion. So like you have no missions to do and you happen to chance flying into presidents end where there are lots of Argon Customs, but then you spot a couple of TS''s carrying Spaceweed and Energy Cells and with a handful of Pirate Nova's, Falcons etc and this convoy was not activated through accepting a mission but was just randomly started by the script for the economy. The customs attacks and you can help protect your Pirate chums by taking out a few Argon Customs wimps!
I know you mentioned the trade ships under cover and raiding parties which is my inspiration for this, but thought that it should be a more varying size possibility than just single transports all the time - hence convoys.

3) I like the idea of the pirates under cover somtimes when flying through the more dangerous routes such as Argon Prime (perish the thought if I was a pirate and in Argon Prime as I run Xtended and Race Response, and there are about 2 M1's, 2 M2's a TL and 3 M7's in there)
But it occurred to me that going under cover should not just be an automatic thing, this idea comes from Star Wars and bear with me as I think this would make a crackingly good part of being a pirate.
To go under cover you have to buy from the BBS at Pirate Bases false Ship Scan ID's so even though you can your own Pirate ID as it should be, (pretendigly) the NPC's see a valid Ship ID. Even when customs comm you to check your freight (providing you arent carrying anything illegal), the customs still dont pick up on your Pirate signature and you go on your merry way. If you are carrying illegal good (oops) then the False Sig\ID is useless as that is now associated with carrying the illegal goods, and so you have to get another False ID before you go back into any of the Non-pirate races sectors. You should be able to buy more than one at a time like Salvage Insurance, and if you need to use another False ID as the last one was ruined by whatever reason (illegal goods, shooting at an Argon policeman) you have to safely get to a pirate sector and initialise the new False ID. Reason I got this from StarWars is that the Imperial Class shuttle that Han, Luke, Chewie fly had an old (and so False actually) ID that the rebels had got to bypass the imperials.

4) Similiar to point 2. I want to see (both BBS\Incoming Comms missions and also just Random occurences with no notification) varying size attack fleets to try and cause some typical pirate mayhem to a nearby Argon\Paranid\Split\Boron\Teladi sector. Mission ones you have the option of joining the raiding party, and the random ones that if you just happen to luckily come across you can join of your own choice whether its a mass of pirate ships flying to a jumpgate and you decide to follow them or if you have already flown into a sector (with a False ID lets say) and you see a Pirate Raiding Party in motion with guns ablaze you can decide to ignore and keep your cover or join in and use up the False ID But have fun in blasting customs with your Pirate Chums.

5) The ability to ask for help if youre under attack as a Pirate from some Argon customs, and a few Pirates fly into comm distance, you comm and ask and they help you out. Maybe some way of the reverse happening, a pirate in trouble and a message\comm is sent (triggered by you being within scanner range) asking for help and you have the choice of helping or not.

There sorry its such a long read but I had all these thoughts wanting to tear outta my head as soon as I saw the post. I havent got around to scripting myself yet but would happily help you out with detail and esign ideas for the script.

Hope some of these are of use to you and do-able!!! :D
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Post by Serial Kicked »

That's what i call an answer, thanks :)
Dread wrote:1) I love the idea that some pirates are going to be firendly blue, while others are enemy red and you can attack them without getting kicked out of the guild. [..snip..]
Yup it's exactly what i'm planning to do. Pirate ships generated by the game itself won't be automatically linked to the Guild, so they won't be protected by this guild. In other words, as they'll be afraid of Pirate Guild members, if you comm. with them and tell them you're from the guild, they will turn blue and fly away. If you don't comm, you'll be allowed to attack those ships without reputation or guild ranking hit :)

In this way, you'll still be able to protect your assets / cap ships against non aligned pirate ships generated by the game. I will probably add a trick to allow guild members of a high rank to "mark" a sector as "owned by a member of the Guild" to avoid red pirates.
2) Convoys [..snip..]
My transports will have escort ships :)
In fact all ships (raiding, defense, etc.) will fly in formations and defend each other when attacked. But for balance purpose, they won't use M1/M2 and TLs for this kind of stuff. In fact i've already a special mission related to the capture of such ships for the Yaki Armada. The Pirate Guild may use M2 and TLs that you'll be allowed to cap later in special situations, but M2 won't play a major role in the gameplay, however they will sometimes (according to the money they have) use M6 for convoys, attack and defense situations.

About the mission, yes it will be included. If you comm. with an attacked pirate freighter, he'll ask you for help, and you'll get money for the destruction of the customs :)
3) Cover [..snip..]
Cover for ships handled by my plugin will work more or less like in Yaki Armada. Ships will look like "legit" ships until they are attacked or scanned by something else. Your idea about the False Ship ID is a nice integration of a camouflage system for the ships owned by the player. But it's something long and hard to implement ingame. A simple camouflage device that really works (even with the RRF activated) is already a pain to code, so i don't think i'll go for something too complex at the beginning.
Similiar to point 2. I want to see (both BBS\Incoming Comms missions and also just Random occurences with no notification) varying size attack fleets to try and cause some typical pirate mayhem to a nearby Argon\Paranid\Split\Boron\Teladi sector. Mission ones you have the option of joining the raiding party, and the random ones that if you just happen to luckily come across you can join of your own choice whether its a mass of pirate ships flying to a jumpgate and you decide to follow them or if you have already flown into a sector (with a False ID lets say) and you see a Pirate Raiding Party in motion with guns ablaze you can decide to ignore and keep your cover or join in and use up the False ID But have fun in blasting customs with your Pirate Chums.
Yes you'll be able to join various raiding parties that the bases can produce. I still dunno exactly in which form. But you can be sure that'll you be able to join ships handled by the attack and trade scripts in their tark. Such behaviors have already been partially added to the Yaki Armada (bounty for a ship in the current sector), so, yes, it will be included in this plugin aswell.
The ability to ask for help if youre under attack as a Pirate from some Argon customs, and a few Pirates fly into comm distance, you comm and ask and they help you out. Maybe some way of the reverse happening, a pirate in trouble and a message\comm is sent (triggered by you being within scanner range) asking for help and you have the choice of helping or not.
Included and mostly finished. It will look similar to the comm. of the Yaki Armada with fighter class ships. Just a bit more advanced. So you'll be able to ask for an escort and help friendly pirates in their current task (defend trading pirate ships, attack the current target of a pirate ship, etc.).
There sorry its such a long read but I had all these thoughts wanting to tear outta my head as soon as I saw the post. I havent got around to scripting myself yet but would happily help you out with detail and esign ideas for the script.
Nothing to be sorry about, I like long reads and thanks for you post :)

I don't really need help with my various projects, atm. I just wanted some feedback on the X2 edition, and to see if don't miss anything major for the X3 edition :)

Last edited by Serial Kicked on Mon, 19. Jun 06, 13:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DrunkenPirate »

I still have the X2 version installed, really made the pirates come alive, so I'm looking forward to the X3 version.
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Post by jackleonfraust »

Say; will the pirates purchase ships of type i have added into the game? Would be neat to have em runnin 'bout with m7's and the like. (not to mention some of the starwars ships).
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Post by Serial Kicked »

No, only standard game ships will be used for balance and compatibility purposes.

Pirate Guild won't use M7s or any other fancy ship/class coming from any existing mod. Notice this doesn't mean it will be incompatible with whatever mod you're using, it just won't use the new ships.
X3:TC/AP Pirate Guild 3 - Yaki Armada 2 - Anarkis Defense System

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Post by Knusern »

Some ideas about bbs missions in pirate stations:

Valauable Cargo: Someone selling juicy information about freighters loaded with valuables.

Mission kill the snich: someone in the guild has betrayed its thrust,
and its your mission to kill or capture him

Transport bribe: A ranking race official is in the Guilds pay,
and you need to deliver his bribe. (illegal goods or cash)

Free Willy: A high ranking guild member has been captured
and its your job to spring him . attack the police forces transporting
him and have them jettison him for you to scoop up.

Also, is it possible to add a bribe option if you are scanned while carrying illegal goods? The more you pay the more likely they let you pass.
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Re: [WIP] Pirate Guild : First details about the plugin.

Post by Aradiel1 »

Serial Kicked wrote: [*] An economic system will be included.
Does this mean they have a constant high demand for spacefuel ? 8)

Seems like your doing just the plugin im looking for, the pirates right now just hang around in their sectors doing nothing but sending a few ships into civilized space here and there...

Im pleased to see they will get some teeth now, and would like to add some suggestions.

1. As you already said they need more spacefuel etc...

2. If they buy stuff, will they be able to improve their ships ?
Like if they spawn with a standard gear can upgrade them with the
cash of their "clan".

3. Some clans could have a m6 as flagship for some serious base raids
which could also be a mission to hunt down or counter a pirate raiding party with a dozen of ships.

4. If you make them more fearsome how will the "police" react ?
Do you plan to combinine it with the fleet race response "plugin/script"
to counter the threat ?

5. Could pirates takeover bases like the heavy assault script which gives the chance to takeover capitalships or benefit in a way if they destroy one?

6. Instead the destruction of a player ship, base they could demand ransom to spare the life or just demand the cargo.

7. probably the player could hire another pirate clan to do the dirty work for him and wipe out another clan entirely for a huge sum ?

8. Finally the player could be able to become a own pirate boss ( after killing the old one in a huge battle :wink: ) ending in full control over the whole clan property.
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Post by Serial Kicked »

@Knusern: Thanks for your ideas.

- Valuable Cargo: Already included.

- Kill the snich: I could integrate this as a variation of the assassination mission.

- Transport Bride : Nice idea. The mission could allow multiple endings. You receive a bit of money if you deliver the bride, or be kicked out of the guild and attacked by assassins if you decide to keep the money :)

- Free willy : Other good idead, thanks :)

For the bride the police thing, i'll see what i can do, but not sure it can be easily scripted.

Does this mean they have a constant high demand for spacefuel ?
Yes, but it's a two-edged blade. The more spacefuel/weed and other ware the pirates have, the more ships and defenses they will be allowed to buy. ;)
2. If they buy stuff, will they be able to improve their ships ?
Like if they spawn with a standard gear can upgrade them with the
cash of their "clan".
More or less. In fact if a pirate base is poor it will only have access to bad ships (M3 Falcon, bad M4, no M6 at all, etc.) . If a pirate base is rich it will be able to buy Novas, Sentinel/Vanguard/Raider variants for ships, and some M6. Changing the equipement of the ships according to the money the base have, is way more complex and longer to do, so i don't think it'll be included soon.
3. Some clans could have a m6 as flagship for some serious base raids which could also be a mission to hunt down or counter a pirate raiding party with a dozen of ships.
Yes, M6 will be used. But i won't handle any mission "against" the pirates (except in a future version of Yaki Armada). But, you'll be paid for the destruction of any pirate ship by one of your ships. So if you put a defensive fleet where the pirate will strike, you'll get a nice amount of money.
4. If you make them more fearsome how will the "police" react ?
Do you plan to combinine it with the fleet race response "plugin/script"
to counter the threat ?
Default game police will react as usual : stupidly. in other words it's no match for the Guild. So, using RRF or a lighter police plugin (i guess that RedSport or Cycrow probably have made one) is advised.
5. Could pirates takeover bases like the heavy assault script which gives the chance to takeover capitalships or benefit in a way if they destroy one?
Not in the beginning. But later versions of both Pirate Guild and Yaki Armada will allow to take over ships and stations.
Instead the destruction of a player ship, base they could demand ransom to spare the life or just demand the cargo.
If relations between the guild and the player are neutral, ships handled by the guild won't attack player ships. If they are 'red', only the ship you're flying will be able to pay a ransom.
7. probably the player could hire another pirate clan to do the dirty work for him and wipe out another clan entirely for a huge sum ?
Won't be allowed against other pirates. But such commands will maybe be added for high rank guild members.
8. Finally the player could be able to become a own pirate boss ( after killing the old one in a huge battle Wink ) ending in full control over the whole clan property.
It won't be exactly possible, as giving to the player the various pirate bases would prevent the plugin AI from working. But becoming the leader of the guild will be allowed, and the rewards will be very nice ;)
Last edited by Serial Kicked on Fri, 23. Jun 06, 11:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jackleonfraust »

re: #5) = 0oh, yeah!, "donations of m7" i can see the bbs headlines now... Wealthy buisnessman looses an entire fleet of m7's in the nearby sector of brenan's triumph, when asked about the incident the presedent....
This just in pirate frigate seiges sector :lol:
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Post by Serial Kicked »

BETA 1 (version 0.40) Released !

Check the first post for a full description of the plugin. The goal of this early release is to find bugs i would have forgotten, and for balance purpose.

Scripters, you can set the "anarkis.pirate.debug" global variable to [TRUE] in order to enable the log of Pirate Bases actions in your logbook.

Enjoy :)
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Serial Kicked
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Post by Serial Kicked »

Sorry if someone has already downloaded it, but you'll have to disable it, wait a while, save your game and reinstall the plugin. I made a mistake in packaging the script. :oops:
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Post by xalien »

After reading that "covert travel" part and suggestions about false ID I have a question:

If I join the guild will I be seen by other races as a pirate and treated accordingly? Or is it just a general race relations thing - if I upset them too much I'll need to use a covert travel or false ID to travel through their territory safely?

If the false ID idea gets through I think it shouldn't be a BBS style, but like a police licence: you buy a different ID for each race and if you do something that blows it off you lose it like you'd lose a police licence.
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Serial Kicked
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Post by Serial Kicked »

The "false ID" system isn't one :p It's a kind of camouflage device that can be toggled on or off. It make them look like normal vessels from other races. It's used when the pirate ships are traveling from their homebase to their target (and when they are returning). When they attack, they break the cover (and appear as pirate ships).
If I join the guild will I be seen by other races as a pirate and treated accordingly? Or is it just a general race relations thing - if I upset them too much I'll need to use a covert travel or false ID to travel through their territory safely?
The guild system isn't available yet, it'll be available when the final version will be ready, btw. But to answer your question, as i've already decided for this matter:

When you join something like an illegal organization, you do not put a red sign with "arrest me" written on it usually ;). So, other races will see you as usual. If you're hostile they will be, if you're not they won't. Non-aligned pirate ships (red / ie. not handled by my plugin) will recognize you when you comm with them, they will turn blue and fly away.
However, gaining rank in the guild will imply to raid race assets, so it's pretty obvious that when you reach a given rank, you will sometimes see bounty hunters coming for you.

The camouflage device will be available for high rank members of the guild. It won't work as the "False ID" license for each race, but it'll prevent you from loosing reputation when enabled. Though, the device will have a small chance to fail when you're ship is scanned by the police.

X3:TC/AP Pirate Guild 3 - Yaki Armada 2 - Anarkis Defense System

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Post by Coridan »


I wonder how this will run with race response fleets going... poor pirates. :twisted:
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Post by cnecktor »

This script is very fun works good with your yaki script too. I was capping ships left and right , and when I get out to claim them out of know where a pirate falcon with high speed swoops in blows the ship up im trying to caim,and my ship and then flys right into me little sapce suite it was very funny.
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Pirates Guild

Post by RU4PT »

I'm install this script. Assign hot key. Ask pir.ship for the location of the nearest pirate base. All ok.

when i fly through gate in sector whith pirate base - the game has stoped and abort... :(
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Serial Kicked
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Post by Serial Kicked »

Damn, same Lasertower bug as in X2, i'm getting tired of the stupid egosoft bugs. I'll correct that in a few minutes. Sorry for this issue.
X3:TC/AP Pirate Guild 3 - Yaki Armada 2 - Anarkis Defense System

Anarkis Gaming HQ
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Serial Kicked
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Post by Serial Kicked »

v0.41 is out.

It corrects the "crash" caused by my upgraded lasertowers. Yet another stupid Egosoft bug : If you create a lasertowers with rudder optimisations when you are in the same sector as the new lasertower, everything will be fine. If you create the same lasertower OOS, the game will crash. impressive :roll:

Anyway it's fixed.

For those who have the plugin running. Do the following exactly:
1/ Upgrade/Install Pirate Guild
2/ Load your savegame
- If the plugin is still running disable it in the AL setting.
- If the plugin isn't running, enable it, wait 2-3 min., disable it
4/ Save your game :p
5/ Now you can enable it again and play, everything should be OK

Sorry for the issue.
X3:TC/AP Pirate Guild 3 - Yaki Armada 2 - Anarkis Defense System

Anarkis Gaming HQ
Independent Game Development
X3 Scripting and Modding Station

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