X³: Reunion - Linux support thread

Ask here if you experience technical problems with X³: Reunion, X²: The Threat, X-Tension or X-Beyond The Frontier

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Re: X³: Reunion - Linux support thread

Post by J_Darnley »

I too was experiencing a repeatable crash in X3 Reunion during the first mission on Linux (mostly up-to-date Arch). I have the version from GOG. On a whim I decided to try replacing the bundled libraries in the lib/ and game/lib/ directories with packaged ones. Surprisingly that fixed the crash and I was able to finish that and eventually dock at a station so I could save after the mission.

I had to build ffmpeg 0.9.4 and GLEW 1.9.0 but all the rest are packaged. Fortunately I know ffmpeg and think it is easy and GLEW just needed a minor change to the lib32-glew PKGBUILD to build the old version. I renamed the two existing directories to lib.old and copied my newly built libavcodec.so.53 libavformat.so.53 libavutil.so.51 libGLEW.so.1.9 libswscale.so.2 into a new game/lib directory.

Now I can fly in space.

[EDIT] I spoke too soon. I now get a crash when loading that game.
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Re: X³: Reunion - Linux support thread

Post by organism »

J_Darnley wrote: Fri, 25. Sep 20, 10:56 I too was experiencing a repeatable crash in X3 Reunion during the first mission on Linux (mostly up-to-date Arch). I have the version from GOG.
...and everyone, who crashes during first mission!

rename or delete:

X3 Reunion/lib/

X3 Reunion/game/lib/

system libs wll be used, crashes will disappear

mint 20.1 64bit
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Re: X³: Reunion - Linux support thread

Post by Lukin86 »

Good morning

I am writing to point out that the gog linux version is not up to date for the game. The windows version is 2.5b and the linux version is 2.5a for x3 reunion. Is it possible to update the linux version on gog? Thanks in advance.

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