Yaki Questline Autocompleted Wrongly by AI

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Yaki Questline Autocompleted Wrongly by AI

Post by GoldenAlpharex »

Hey there folks,

I was wondering if there's anything I can do to salvage the Yaki questline. I was on my way to do Save Them From Themselves, having gone and told the Terran Secret Services that the Yaki were not a threat, as my goal was to get the Yaki to not be wiped so that I could eventually purchase their blueprints. A few hours after talking with the secret services and finishing The Smoking Gun, I finally grew the balls to go and try to destroy the Amplifier. I got my ass royally whooped by Xenon forces attacking me while I was trying to take down the Amplifier. I thus loaded the save I made right before I attacked the amplifier.

Maybe an hour and a half later, I notice that the icon for the Yaki base is shaking on my map view, and it seems a bit damaged. I rush there with my Litigious Rodent (so I don't get rekt by Xenon forces), and wouldn't you know it, there's some fighters harassing them. At first, I'm like, "seems under control, the station has turrets", but then I see that there's a K that popped out of nowhere and is headed towards the station. I pop a quicksave and try to go and take it down with my Moreya, to see if I can do it. Get royally dunked on by fighters that popped out, it also angered the entire Xenon faction when I did that, so I loaded back my quicksave. I kill a few of the attacking Xenon fighters that the station was already dealing with, no big deal, no other ship other than the K seems to be hostile towards them or me. I boost away from the station, only to notice the K seems to turn towards me. I realize the K is somehow after me, so I sigh in relief, and just start traveling out of the system, thinking that they'll be fine.

An hour and a half or so later, I get the following messages in chat when I'm in the middle of fighting some Ks in Hatikvah's Choice:
Turns out the Xenons went back for the station and destroyed it, screwing me over in my goal of saving the Yaki (at least for the time being, so I can get their blueprints). After a moment, they even destroyed their build storage too.
At some point, I decide to try and see what was left of the station in my Litigious Rodent, and the Cover mechanic doesn't seem to work anymore, it's not cloaking me as a Yaki no more.

I just want to know if there's anything that can be done to make it so that the Xenons don't wrongly attack the Yaki out of the blue and cuck me out of doing the questline myself, after I went through the troubles of figuring out how to resolve the whole questline with as little damage to every faction as possible? I still have the save from before the attack on the Amplifier, and I have another save from a little over an hour before the Yaki station got completely wiped, in case it's possible to restore things there (ideally it would be, I'd love to lose as little progress as I can, heh).

Thanks in advance for the help!
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Re: Yaki Questline Autocompleted Wrongly by AI

Post by TheDeliveryMan »

It may take some patience, but it's possible to destroy the Amplifier with nothing more than the Litigious Rodent. When you are attacked, escape far away (a few 100 km) from the sector center. There is a small Yaki squad that helps protecting you. If your ship is damaged use your repair laser to fix it. Then from far away travel drive towards the Amplifier and drop out near it. Start firing until you're getting hit again. So, basically a hit, run, repair loop. It also hepls to drop a few Advanced Satellites at key locations. Oh, and save often!
Alan Phipps
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Re: Yaki Questline Autocompleted Wrongly by AI

Post by Alan Phipps »

If the Yaki plot isn't finished yet (typically when the Amplifier still exists) then the Yaki base will respawn in a lesser format. If the plot is over then the base can be destroyed for good. The plot failure messages seem to indicate that the latter situation applies.
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Re: Yaki Questline Autocompleted Wrongly by AI

Post by GoldenAlpharex »

Alan Phipps wrote: Sat, 28. Sep 24, 09:56 If the Yaki plot isn't finished yet (typically when the Amplifier still exists) then the Yaki base will respawn in a lesser format. If the plot is over then the base can be destroyed for good. The plot failure messages seem to indicate that the latter situation applies.
It did get finished, so I was wondering if there's anything that can be done (be it save editing or otherwise) to just de-aggro the Xenons in an earlier save so they don't take out the Yaki for me, so I can get back to this quest in the future.
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Re: Yaki Questline Autocompleted Wrongly by AI

Post by rudi_pioneer »

This might be worth also reporting as a bug with your save; since xenon should leave yaki alone
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Re: Yaki Questline Autocompleted Wrongly by AI

Post by mpcribeiro »

Yeah same happened to me... Xenon just cleared their system, no chance to finish the plot, nor chance of saving them at all. It is a bit stupid losing a story-line like that.
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Re: Yaki Questline Autocompleted Wrongly by AI

Post by GoldenAlpharex »

rudi_pioneer wrote: Sun, 29. Sep 24, 18:20 This might be worth also reporting as a bug with your save; since xenon should leave yaki alone
Done! It's now cross-posted (and adapted) as a bug report at viewtopic.php?t=466760.
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Re: Yaki Questline Autocompleted Wrongly by AI

Post by JasonX2000 »

Thats odd.
In my save, the xenon even did not attack the yaki after i finished the amplifier mission, i had plenty of time proceeding the yaki plot even 50hrs later. Even the cloak in that mission ship works till today.

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