[SCRIPT] Advanced Mineral Scanner v1.31 09/12/06

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A dJ
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Post by A dJ » Thu, 26. Jan 06, 09:02

:? Works fine here, maybe your download got corrupted somehow?

A dJ
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Post by A dJ » Sun, 16. Apr 06, 12:07

Shamelessly bumped :roll:

German translation added (by X3FreakCartman [KBG])

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Post by Woundweaver » Mon, 8. May 06, 00:50

Can`t find Advanced mineral Scanner at ; Seizwell, Company Pride or Ceo`s Bukzoid.......Mod is running at least it says it`s enabled when i go to AL ????? Any ideas about where i can find it ?? Thanks for any tips. P.S have re loaded several times now :cry:
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A dJ
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Post by A dJ » Mon, 8. May 06, 03:13

Possible locations would be:

Ceo's Buckzoid, Seizewell, Company Pride, The Vault, Home of Opportunity, PTNI HQ, Ianamas Zura, Two Grand & Ministry of Finance.

Silver Surfer
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Post by Silver Surfer » Tue, 9. May 06, 12:01

I used this script with patch 1.4.2 and it worked fine but with patch 1.4.3 it doesn't appear to be working. Is anyone running it with the latest patch?

I also had the non-appearance of Trade Mk III upgrade at Teladi EQ docks. I equipped my UTs with it from Terracorp HQ and then it appeared at the Teladi stations.

One other thing, do you need to keep the original Mineral Scanner installed? Or can you dump it once you've got the advanced one? I've tried both ways with the latest patch but the adv. scanner doesn't seem to work either way.

Just remembered that when I originally used this script I was running the 'No Civilians' mod but now I'm running a combined No Civ/Less Asteroids mod. Could this be the reason it's not working?

A dJ
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Post by A dJ » Tue, 9. May 06, 14:37

1) Sorry can't be of help here as I've not played with any patch >1.3 yet.
2) I'm not so sure about this, but I'm certain there's nothing in the script that should cause that to happen.
3) Basicly no you don't need to buy the original, I would only install it if I were going to do mobile mining.
4) I don't think so, but I'm not sure.

Silver Surfer
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Post by Silver Surfer » Tue, 9. May 06, 18:08

Ok, thanks for the reply.

Yet another oddity has surfaced (you'll be glad to know :D ). After buying the adv. scanner and failing to get it to work I was flying around doing nothing in particular when I espied two Pirate Falcons. I'll have those I thought and slipped in behind the first one :wink: Got real close in my Mako and let him have it... except there wasn't anything to have, no weapon fire. Tried the Ctrl key, nothing. Mouse button the same. Then I crashed into the back of him, that got his attention! Jumped out of there and tried all the fire buttons again, nothing.

Re-loaded the game tried to fire and nothing. So went back to a save before buying the adv. scanner and got weapons firing. Dunno what's going on but it may be that 1.4.3 isn't compatible with the script in some way?

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Post by morts » Sun, 23. Jul 06, 12:16

Can't find this jobbie anywhere at the moment. I've checked Ceo's Buckzoid, Siezewell and a few others. Those two are on the list of "location" but I can't find the scanner anywhere. The AL setting is there so the scanner MUST be installed, just can't find it in a single system!

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Post by RRRoamer » Mon, 13. Nov 06, 03:16

So does anyone know if this works with 2.0? I had it installed and working correctly, but once I installed 2.0, it was gone. Not a trace of it in my game.

Before I just reinstall it, I want to verify that it does work with the newest version of X3.

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Die Wurst
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Post by Die Wurst » Thu, 7. Dec 06, 14:47

Any news on weather this works with the 2.0.2 patch or not?

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Post by Stevio » Thu, 7. Dec 06, 15:38

yes i am using it and it works fine ;)

A dJ
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Post by A dJ » Fri, 8. Dec 06, 23:47


Check the opening post for details.

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Post by Solfi » Sat, 9. Dec 06, 00:06

If I'm reading that first post right, then after you activate this scanner in the AL settings, the scanner is always on, as long as you are traveling at below the given speed threshold. Is this correct?

How do you get the results? Message? Or do the asteroids in range simply show the correct information when targetted?

A dJ
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Post by A dJ » Sat, 9. Dec 06, 00:11

Turning it off should display a message, but it seems I made a mistake and didn't add the new al.adj.advminscan.main.xml file. And now I overwritten the new one. :oops:

Hang on while I fix it.

Edit: fixed. update via script installer.
Edit2:Asteroids get scanned as long as one or more of your ships with an advanced mineral scanner installed are in within scanners reach and flying below 35km/h. The advanced mineral scanner has to be enabled for this.

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Post by Graxster » Sun, 8. Apr 07, 00:35

This worked awesome as soon as I reversed the speed requirements so my ships could go full speed. :D

Using it in conjunction with the Explorer Software's "Scan Asteroids" script, I was able to get places like Savage Spur scanned in a matter of a few minutes. Got about 6 ships equipped with this, and on orders to contact me when their current task is finished. Already have half the universe scanned in about 30 minutes. I don't normally mind doing all the usual things when I start a new game, but re-scanning every asteroid in the universe is not one of my favorite things to do.


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Post by Trokhon » Sun, 25. Nov 07, 22:50

I would like to know where to find this equipment too?

I use XTM and scanned all mentioned above stations without any success.

Any hint what I could do ?

Thanks in advance

Senator Vrax
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Post by Senator Vrax » Sun, 25. Nov 07, 23:03

I've used this script since it's release and have never had any issues with it. I also use XTM and can always find the AMS in 2 of the Teladi Equipment Docks. The selling location varies with every game tho.

You'll have to go to all the Teladi Dock's to find it.

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