The Earth Ship

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Post by KiwiNZ » Thu, 14. Dec 06, 01:27

Nice part and great that it followed so quickly. :D So they are about to enter the frey. Looking forward to seeing what expects them! They may have the momentum of surprise on their side but how long till it wears off? :thumb_up:

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Post by RSDark_Angel » Fri, 15. Dec 06, 23:33

The swirl of the warp dissipated around the Teladi Osprey as it slipped silently out of the Jump Gate and into Split space. Immediately Julian saw the massed Split Naval forces gathering in the area. Four Split Pythons gathered around one Split Raptor; the replacement command ship for the Vermilion.
“Full power, bring up the ecliptic plane.” O’Brian’s voice sounded through the tense atmosphere of the command deck. The large flat holographic grid showing the ‘centre line’ of the system flickered into view on the Osprey’s main screen, showing the interjections of stations and ships in relation to their position.
“Set the first waypoint for the nebula, we can detect the Gate once we are in closer range.” O’Brian turned to Julian who stood stroking his chin, lost in thought. “If we move across the system at full burn, we should be able to outrun the larger cruisers. It’s the fighters and corvettes I’m worried about.”
“Indeed.” Julian agreed, leaning on the rail in front of him. “Well there’s nothing else for it, full speed ahead skipper.”
The Osprey’s engines flared up to maximum and the bulky M6 began to travel away from the Jump Gate, still undetected by the Split forces.
Jo Rider stood up from the second in command’s chair and stretched. “Now we play the waiting game; we see how far we can get before the Split sees us.”
Last edited by RSDark_Angel on Tue, 13. Feb 07, 18:25, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Alienmoe » Sun, 17. Dec 06, 07:12

Its Sunday!! MORE!!!

Good story so far :)

I <3 UTs :D

Alienmoe "But come on. You screwed up if you're dead."
Parazac "in my case, they should change the words to:
'uh oh, you just tried something silly didnt you!'"
-Talking about "The End"

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Post by KiwiNZ » Mon, 18. Dec 06, 19:36

Now, I wasn't gonna write anything to avoid giving you any excuse not to add to that paragraph. But it didn't work, I am afraid. :roll:

So have they painted the M6 with something that makes it invisible to scanners or a coating that increases resistance against this ship-eating nebula?

Come on, bring it on! You know you want to! :p

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Post by RSDark_Angel » Tue, 13. Feb 07, 16:06

It is a protective coating against the corrosive nebula, a form of plastic that the nanoscopic creatures that live on metals cannot eat :D


“They are scrambling fighters!” Jo warned from the helm.
“Turret operatives ready?” Commander O’Brian asked, flicking several switches on the console adjacent to her.
“Ready.” The voice of Trip Murphy, the aft gunner, sounded through the speakers.
“Green,” Said Baker.
“Green,” Echoed the ventral gunner, a burly Paranid named Nankssorrat.
“All stations prepare for immediate attack.”
The enemy fighters were still quite a way off, but the slow moving Xanatos would not be able to get far across the system before being intercepted by the more agile split ships. With her engines on full burn, the Xanatos thundered into the system, her defenses operative and ready to take on anything the Split could throw at them. Julian stood next to Commander O’Brian as she sat in the command chair. He stared out of the main view screen at the gathered assortment of Split warships.
“Can you get a readout on what they’ve got over there, besides the capitalships?” He asked, turning to Julianos who sat at one of the helm control consoles.
“I’m readingsss four sssplit dragonsss headingsss our waysss. Another three are gatheredsss around the sssplit Raptor.”
“Understood, you think we can take on four Dragons in our present state?” He turned to Victoria, who sat mulling over the situation, her hand massaging her right temple.
“Hell Joules, you know I can take on anything in this bird.”
Julian grinned at her, despite the severity of the situation; she still managed to seem unphased.
“In all seriousness Victoria,” He asked again, lowering his tone a little.
She turned to him and gave him a reassuring smile. “I’m not packing fifty hornets to go for a walk in the park. Just me Julian, she can handle it.”
Just at that moment, the ship bucked with an impact off the port bow.
“Contacts, bearing at four, thirty two, eighteen,” Barked Julianos as he fought to turn the Xanatos into a steep twist to bring the ventral turrets to bear.
“I have them,” Hissed Nahkssorrat in the ventral guns.
Immediately, the entire underbelly of the Xanatos lit up in a hue of green fire as the Gamma HEPTs let loose volleys at the incoming split ships.
“I’m reading five, no six Split Jaguars. I think they are packing mosquitoes.”
“This is just the fore runner,” Said Julian, looking out of the view screen once more as one of the agile Split M5s sped by. “They are trying to slow us down. Victoria, don’t let this hinder our progress.”
“Understood sir.” Victoria hit the link for her internal vox channel and spoke loud and clear. “Gunners, aim true, Julianos, keep us at full burn and on course. We will not be thrown by these insects.”
There came a murmur of agreement from those assembled on the bridge and O’Brian gave Julian another smile. Julian turned away and folded his arms across his chest. There had been something else in the Commander’s eyes, something other than reassurance that he couldn’t and didn’t particularly want to understand. He only hoped Jo hadn’t seen the look Victoria had just given him.

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Post by KiwiNZ » Tue, 13. Feb 07, 19:49

Hey, great to see another installment. Ouch, though. They are in for quite a fight. BPSG anybody? With those they'd be well able to keep everybody at bay, it'll be a bit harder with GHEPTs only.

Looking forward to the next part! :thumb_up:

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Post by RSDark_Angel » Wed, 14. Feb 07, 00:38

:lol: Cheers man, I'm a little rusty on X Universe terminology. PSGs are Phased Shockwave Generators right? Yeah, I think it would do the characters some good to have some of those, I'll instill some in the next post :wink: (Will be useful too, considering the imminent danger they are in.


“What’s the ETA on those Mambas?” Julian grasped the rail in front of him for support as another barrage of Mosquito missiles ripped into the Xanatos’ flank.
“They will be within torp range in just under a minute,” Informed Jo from her vantage point in front of him at her console. Julian cursed and turned around to face Victoria.
“Can’t you get this thing to go any faster!?”
“I can, but it would mean diverting either shield or weapon power to the engines and I think we’ll need both of those quicker than you might think.” Commander O’Brian’s fingers danced across a slim keyboard that hovered in front of her lap as she checked several holo-monitors that were being projected at various angles from her chair in front of her face. Julian turned away, unable to shrug off the feeling that he was simply irritating those at work. He hated feeling incompetent, and fumed over the thought of simply sitting as his ship was attacked.
“Boost shield power if anything,” He said, not turning back to face the ship’s commander. “Shield and engines is what we need.”
“Understood sir,” Victoria didn’t take her eyes away from the numerous monitors hovering in front of her as she spoke.
Another series of miniature explosions rocked the side of the ship as one of the offending Jaguars tore past. Julian watched as the M5 spiraled away, a line of tracer fire chasing after it as the Baker in the dorsal gun pod opened up. Julian saw the swash of fire switch from the green of a Gamma HEPT to the slim tracer lines of a Mass Driver for more accuracy. Baker hit her mark and the Jaguar careened off to one side, its port side tearing apart under the assault of the small projectiles. It fell into a crazy spin before disappearing out of Julian’s view through the view screen of the bridge.

Hak Rhy gave the Split equivalent of a malicious grin as his fighter wing closed in on the GSS Osprey. He did not know why Gardna Space Systems had suddenly deemed themselves worthy to openly assault a system owned by the great family Rhy, but he was not at all complaining. Any chance to destroy any of those filthy humans and those weak enough to follow their lead was a blessing for him. He hissed in pleasure as his Mamba fell into torpedo range of the bulky Teladi vessel targeted in his sights. He unleashed a volley of Hornet missiles; a cluster of four all together, that sped off from his craft and tore through space in a graceful arc towards the enemy ship. This would be where things got interesting, he mused to himself as his eyes followed his bombardment. Equal volleys from his five other wingmen fired out from beneath the noses of their ships and a total of twenty four Hornet missiles, enough ballistics to rip open the side of an Argon Titan, tore across space in pursuit of the M6…

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Post by KiwiNZ » Thu, 15. Feb 07, 08:05

Ouch, that is a few too many Hornets to pick them off using a Mass Driver, me thinks. Though, these Mambas must be special edition that they can launch these beasts. :p Thigs are getting interesting. :thumb_up:

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Post by Syndrome » Thu, 15. Feb 07, 08:48

Methinks that maybe you could make screenies for you story. I used to do this for another book I wrote. You would just have to create the situation in X3. Use the Cheat scripts if it's too hard.

Just a suggestion. :wink:

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Post by RSDark_Angel » Fri, 16. Feb 07, 14:11

That would be quite interesting, but difficult none the less. I'll have to reinstall X3 and play around with it for a bit, might have to be X2 because I installed X3 the other week and it wasn't liking my joystick for some bizarre reason, whereas X2 is fine. I'll see what I can come up with. :thumb_up:


Trip Murphy watched wide eyed as the small cluster of torpedoes closed in on the Xanatos. He desperately swung his guns around to bear on the incoming warheads, letting fly with volley after volley of green plasma. His shots missed widely as the small ballistics tore towards the M6.
“Incoming torps!” He yelled into the comm., opening fire once more in a last ditch effort.
“Gun them down Murphy!” It was Baker in the dorsal turret; she too had turned her guns on the incoming Hornets.
“I can’t hit them!” He protested as he thumbed his trigger once more. The Hornets were closing the gap fast, rocketing towards the GSS vessel.
“Use your damned PSGs!”
Of course! Murphy toggled his Beta Phased Shockwave Generators and let loose several rounds at the incoming torps. Above him, more PSG rounds hammered out of the dorsal turrets as Stephanie followed suit. Behind the Xanatos, a spectacular line of ordnance detonated in a long line, creating a swash of miniature explosions and fired shockwaves out in all directions. The Xanatos was hit by the shockwaves and Murphy was slammed hard against his head rest. Despite the padding, the shock of the impact stunned Trip for a moment, launching a splitting pain through his head and obscuring his vision.
As he shook his head to try and clear the migraine, he caught a glimpse of the wing of Mambas falling in behind the Xanatos.
“Contacts, coming in right behind us,” He breathed as he fought to control his vision. He opened his eyes one more time to see the lead Mamba open up with a flourish of missiles and plasma fire. Then everything went dark.

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Post by KiwiNZ » Sat, 17. Feb 07, 22:34

Oh dear, a gunner knocked out can't be good. Come on Jules, show that you really like that ship. :D

Looking forward to the next part. Will, however, have to read that when I get back from holidays in a couple of weeks.


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Post by dm4544 » Tue, 5. Jun 07, 04:03

Cmon Dark I've sat here for 7 hours reading Scorpion and this, if you leave it unfinished I will have to get angry and use the internets to find you, so in closing, to quote a famous line, "Git er done!"
"My brain is my best friend and my worst enemy." -Dm4544

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Post by gamer993 » Tue, 7. Oct 08, 10:14

is this story finished:?: :?: i hope not it is AWESOME.
A person is smart, people are dumb, stupid panicky animals, and you know it.

X2 and TC the best of the X games!
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Post by 'Scarecrow' » Mon, 23. Feb 09, 00:33

Whoa, was just browsing for old times sake and I found this. Figured it was long gone. Good to see its still here, and has been read pretty recently too!

I just got X3 again (It's been a while, I traded it in the first time round because my PC wouldnt run it. Now I'm quite capable =D)

If anyone's interested, I might start this story up again. I'll have to see where I was lol, I must have lost the original word document years ago.

- Scarecrow
(Formerly RSDark_Angel)
Formerly known as RSDark_Angel

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Post by gamer993 » Mon, 23. Feb 09, 02:18

'Scarecrow' wrote:Whoa, was just browsing for old times sake and I found this. Figured it was long gone. Good to see its still here, and has been read pretty recently too!

I just got X3 again (It's been a while, I traded it in the first time round because my PC wouldnt run it. Now I'm quite capable =D)

If anyone's interested, I might start this story up again. I'll have to see where I was lol, I must have lost the original word document years ago.

- Scarecrow
(Formerly RSDark_Angel)
I am def interested! It is a great story!
A person is smart, people are dumb, stupid panicky animals, and you know it.

X2 and TC the best of the X games!
My X2 M6 Uses guide

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Post by 'Scarecrow' » Mon, 23. Feb 09, 04:07

Hey guys, good to be back. This has to be the longest pause in this story by far... Hope people are still interested.

I like to think my writing skills have improved somewhat since before. I've been doing a lot of fanfiction for other games now and after reading Scorpion and this, well... what can I say? lol.

- DA


"Murphey, can you hear me?" Victoria yelled as another blast rocked the ship.
"He's out," Baker voxed from her position in the ventral turret control bubble.
"We've taken a hit to our starboard engine," Mik Harlson's voice sounded over the intercom, "I'm compensating with shield energy."
"Sheild energy?" Jo looked at Julian, startled.
"The quicker we get there, the less shield power we'll need." Julian said, not taking his eyes off the holo-readout.

The Xanatos tore through space streaming great plumes of ionised plasma in her wake. Beta Phased Shockwave fire bolted out from the dorsal turrets as Baker covered Murphey's firing solution as best she could.
"We're gonna need someone in that aft turret," Captain O'Brian said urgently as she compensated for another ordinance blast.
"I'm on it," Julian said, turning towards the exit hatch. "Jo can you give me a hand with Murphey, he might need some help."
"Yes, of course." Jo followed Julian out of the command deck.
Victoria watched the two go for a moment, the expression on her face betraying no emotion. She then gathered her thoughts and returned her attention to flying the ship.


Hak Rhy grinned as Saeror closed in on the bulky Teladi Osprey. He locked on to the large vessel relatively easily and opened fire as his Mamba fell in range. His Alpha HEPT fire flashed across the dorsal shielding, scattering a variety of greens and yellows over the Xanatos' hull.
"Split say, time to meet end." He sniggered as he arced his fighter round for another pass. This time however he was met with a flurry of shockwaves as the Osprey's aft PSG's lit up. He cursed as his ship bucked under the impacts and twisted the control stick, taking him twisting away to safety. He narrowed his eyes and plotted a new attack vector, taking him away from the field of view of the PSG's. He locked a couple of torps into his bays and opened fire, only to be met by more PSG fire. Yelling out loud as his warheads were simultaneously ripped apart, Hak Rhy pulled up again and boosted his Mamba away from the enemy M6. This battle was proving to be more difficult than he originally anticipated.


On board the Xanatos, Julian had successfully taken control of the aft turrets and already warded off several attacks from the attacking Split fighters. Jo had taken the prone form of Murphey back down into the ship where she had returned him to his quarters. He seemed to be fine, aside from a few scratches and a bad bump to the head. Jo had promised to look after him. Right now however, Julian couldn't let himself dwell on such matters. Another Mamba came at the Xanatos from behind, firing a swath of green plasma. Julian gritted his teeth and opened fire, not scoring a hit on the attacking ship but managing to force it to back off.
"Come on," He hissed through gritted teeth, "Come on,"
Formerly known as RSDark_Angel

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Post by 'Scarecrow' » Mon, 23. Feb 09, 19:58

More missiles slammed into the aft shields of the Xanatos as Julian desperately tried to fend them off with his turrets. One of the automated lasers had taken some damage however, leaving him with an exposed area that his remaining turrets couldn't cover. Cursing as another blast rocked the ship, Julian targetted another one of the attacking Mambas and opened fire. PSG rounds hammered out of the turret gun barrels, soaring away from the M6 to detonate near their targets. The Mambas were being held back, just.

"Julian, we're almost at the gate," Captain O'Brian voxed from the bridge, "However we've got some new problems."
"Just great," Julian grumbled, "Whats going on up there?"
"It looks like we took a hit to our sensor cluster. We can't fire a high beam transmission back through the gate to Ministry of Finance and if we tried a conventional communicae it would be intercepted by the split."
"Frak, can we get the array working again?" This was bad, without the array the Xanatos wouldn't be able to signal the other GSS ships the coordinates for the gate in the unknown system.
"Duponte says he can fix it, but it will take some time."
"Time we don't have," Julian muttered. Switching the aft turrets onto 'attack all enemies', Julian unbuckled himself from his seat and made his way out of the turret control bubble.

He dropped down onto the deck below and quickly made his way through to the command deck. Julian paused to look around the smoldering control centre. Sparks danced from a series of severed cables hanging from the ceiling and the rending of metal could be heard throughout the ship as the hull stress increased. Jo was stood next to the Captain, ernestly looking at the holographic projector.
"Whosss operating the aft turretsss," Julianos hissed from his place at the helm.
"They are on auto," Julian said dismissively.
The Teladi grumbled something beneath his breath before turning his attention back to the control console.
"We need someone in that turret," Victoria said, raising an eyebrow at Julian.
"I know," He waved his arm, "But I've got an idea. Jo will take care of it."
He looked at her expectantly. She glanced back across him and paused a moment before taking the hint. "Fine."

Once Jo had left the bridge, Julian stepped up to the holo-projector. He grabbed for the rail as another blast rocked the ship. Julian regained his balance and activated the main computer's voice command unit.
"Activate local area scanners," He ordered, keeping his eyes on the holo-pad.
The crimson icons represtenting the attacking Split Mambas crackled and danced around the blinking blue icon marking the Xanatos as the computer processed Julian's command. After a moment, the holographic presentation of the battle at hand minimised and a wider area schematic appeared. Aside from the flurry of activity around the Xanatos, there was nothing else.
"Damn it, boost the scan." Julian peered at the holo-pad.
"Julian, what are you doing?" Victoria asked urgently, "I need tactical."
"Hold on," Julian held up his palm, waiting for the scan to widen. It did, and the holographic image seemed to zoom out a little more. Another icon appeared on the screen, a blinking green triangle marked 'Split Dragon'.
"There you are," Julian slapped the terminal in triumph. He then shut down the extended scan and the holo-projection returned to the real time sensory of the battle outside. He then turned and sprinted out of the command deck leaving Victoria dumbfounded.

"Julian what in Danna's name are you doing?" Victoria questioned him over the intercom. Julian had no time to reply as another salvo rocked the ship, throwing him in to the wall. His head struck the metal painfully, sending a shower of stars dancing across his vision.
"I'll explain," Julian said through gritted teeth as he picked himself up, "As I suit up. Prep the airlock."
"What! You're going EVA!" Victoria's voice suddenly went high pitched and distrought. "Have you finally cracked?"
"No, it does sound a little mad though I have to admit." Julian dabbed at his head as he entered the airlock.
"You're damn right it sounds mad," Jo's voice crackled over the comm, also sounding distraught.
"Hear me out," Julian said as he pulled his space suit from the locker. "Jo you remember the Dragon I crippled when we were here the first time."
"I do," Jo's voice still sounded edgy.
"Well she's drifted a little bit, but she's still within range. If I get over to her, there a chance her communications array is undamaged, I can use that to send the message back through to the Samarkand."
"Yeah, great idea," Victoria retorted sardonically over the intercom, "And you're gonna fly over there are you? Those Mamba's will rip you apart in an instant, and thats if one doesnt splat you across its fuselage before hand."
"I know, they would pick up anything out of the ordinary," Julian explained as he struggled into the space suit's bottom half, "But thats why I'm only going to use inertia to get myself over there. On my mark I want you to dump some waste, clear the spare parts canisters or vent some plasma, I don't know, but coincide it with a missile strike, make it look like damage from the Mambas. I'll spacewalk the moment you do that and fire my thrusters as many times as I can before my cover is blown. After that get the Xanatos clear of me, and make sure you keep me covered!"
"You're crazy," Victoria's voice sounded desperate.
"We'll be dead before Duponte can fix our array, its our only option." Julian settled the top half of the suit around his waiste and slotted it into position. "No arguments."
"God damn you Julian," Jo's voice sounded broken.
"I'll be fine, I've got you watching out for me," He tried to ease her over the communicator but the feeling was lost in the translation.
Without another word, Julian slotted his helmet into place and checked his oxygen tubes. He turned around and sealed the airlock door.
"I'm ready when you are Captain."

On the command deck, Victoria cursed as she saw the airlock begin to blow out into vaccum.
"Alright you mad son of a bitch," she muttered as she brought the Xanatos about. "Julianos, prepare to dump the spare parts canisters on the next barrage from the Mambas."
Formerly known as RSDark_Angel

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Post by gamer993 » Mon, 23. Feb 09, 22:16

wow your quick! :o and good! lol keep it up
A person is smart, people are dumb, stupid panicky animals, and you know it.

X2 and TC the best of the X games!
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Post by 'Scarecrow' » Tue, 24. Feb 09, 19:25

Lol, glad you like it. I'm being speedy now because I've gotten back into it. Take a look when this thread was started! Yonks ago.

Anyways, heres the next bit :thumb_up:

- DA


The GSS Xanatos bucked as the torpedo slammed into her starboard flank. Instantly, her shields fluctuated and a flurry of wreckage blasted outward vigorously. Listing badly, she began to peel off to port, bleeding smoke and trailing debris. The stricken ship began to vent plasma from her starboard engine nacelle as she tried to limp away from the carnage of battle. She was surely done for, it wouldn't be long now until her Split aggressors finally punched through her hardy shielding and put an end to her for good.

At least, that was how it appeared to Hak Rhy as he completed his torpedo run. The truth of the matter was that at that very moment, Julian Gardna had kicked off from the inner door of the Xanatos' rear airlock and fired his space suit's thrusters in the direction of his distanct, crippled Split Dragon. Hak Rhy's battle computer didn't pick up this minor discharge of energy through all the commotion of the Xanatos' faked final moments. He sneered as he came about for another pass, totally oblivious to the space suited figure rapidly drifting away from the combat zone.

Julian was sweating more than he had ever done so in his life. He had fired his thrusters at the precise moment the Xanatos had dropped her distraction, angling himself at the distant form of the M6 he had knocked out the last time he had been at here.
"Christ, I think we actually pulled it off," He breathed into his helmet's built in microphone.
"You mean you had doubts?" Jo retorted sarcastically.
"Stop being a smart arse and keep me covered," Julian returned.
"I've got you sir, don't worry." It was Stephanie Baker in the dorsal turret bubble.

Julian turned himself around so that he could see the Xanatos. He had already put a considerable bit of distance between himself and the M6 and was almost out of the local area of the battle. The boxy shape of the Xanatos lumbered around, columns of smoke drifting lazily out of minor hull fissures and damaged exterior cabling. One of her coolant pipes had been severed and she was venting the hazy blue coolent gasses out into space. Turret fire literally surrounded the ship in the form of miniature shockwaves as Jo, Baker and Nankssorrat retaliated against the constant barrage from the Rhy Mambas. Julian's blood froze as he noticed one of the Split fighters heading right for him. He swallowed hard and considered praying as the Mamba hurtled towards him. At the last moment however, the enemy M3 peeled away, beginning a renewed attack run on the Xanatos. Julian breathed a heavy sigh of relief and turned himself around once more. Squinting, he could barely make out the form of the Split Dragon ahead of him. She was only a small white blur, but he was deffinitely on track. Now he had nothing to do but wait...


Ban Marvel, XO of the Samarkand, shook his head in disagreement.
"I don't like it, we should have heard something by now."
"Exercise some patience will you," Captain Grant Archer replied.
Marvel, Archer and Gillian Sherwin were holding a private holographic meeting to discuss the current situation. Captain Sherwin had suggested the meeting after the Xanatos had been gone for more than 30 hours.
"Ban might be right," Sherwin said gravely, "Perhaps we ought to send a scout team through the gate equipped with a Triplex scanner."
"I say we wait," Captain Archer said defiantly, "Mr. Gardna is no fool, and he's a capable man. He'll get through and send us those coordinates, you'll see."
"I hope you're right," Marvel said quietly.
"We'll give them another five hours," Gillian said in a commanding tone. "If we don't have the communicae by then we'll send a probe through."

Formerly known as RSDark_Angel

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Post by 'Scarecrow' » Thu, 5. Mar 09, 21:17

Julian fired his pack's retros as he came up on the crippled Dragon. There was little point in trying to be cautious now. The Xanatos was taking one hell of a pounding and Julian knew that she wouldn't be able to last much longer. Since he had left the M6 in his EVA suit, two more wings of Mambas had joined the frey and two more Dragons were en route. Julian fired a short burst of his manouvering pack's forward facing thrusters before stretching his arms out to meet the hull of his destination.

As his gauntlets touched down on the metal surface of the Split Dragon, Julian fired another short burst to steady himself. He activated the mag-locks on his boots and swung around, clamping his feet securely down on the surface of the ship. He quickly unbuckled his pack and let it drift slowly away from him. He unwound a tether from his belt and attached one end to the pack. The other end he attached to a smaller mag-lock, also from his belt, which he them proceeded to lock to the hull. He looked up at the pack and grinned.
"You're not going anywhere,"
A flash behind the bulky pack caught his attention. It seemed the other Split M6's had joined the fight and were hounding the Xanatos.

Turning away, Julian stomped across the hull of Rattlesnake, making for the dorsal airlock. The first time he and Jo had boarded the M6, they had left her in total vacuum, leaving the airlock open. He grunted as he made his way towards the open hatch, in theory there should be no obstacles between him and the communications array. He simply prayed that the array was still intact.

"Julian to Xanatos, Captain O'Brian, can you hear me?" Julian spoke into his microphone as he reached the open airlock.
"Xanatos here," Victoria's voice replied, "Have you reached that M6 yet Julian?"
"Yeah I'm just about to head through the airlock," Julian turned to look back at the crippled Teladi Osprey, "You're not looking so good from out here, you holding okay?"
"We'll survive long enough, just concentrate on that array!" Victoria replied before the line went dead.
"Damn," Julian turned back to the airlock of the Rattlesnake and took a deep breath of his suit's recycled air. Without a moments hesitation, he deativated his suit's mag-lock and swung himself inside the ship.
Formerly known as RSDark_Angel

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