[REALSPACE MODS] "STARS" - "XRSGE" - "REM" - various

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[REALSPACE MODS] "STARS" - "XRSGE" - "REM" - various

Post by Realspace »

STARS :arrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/507/

X4RSGE - REALSPACE GALAXY EXPANSION - XRSGE Evolution (6): final - XRSGE Seven (7): beta :arrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1140

X4RSGE Folker's Music - ADDON -additional soundtracks for XRSGE, by Folker :arrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1355/

REM - REALSPACE ENGINES MOD - V 4.x and 5/6.x :arrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/848/

REM - Inertia module - V 6.x :arrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1328

PRISM MOD :arrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1239

SCAN for DERELICT:arrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1237

SCAN SUPERHIGHWAYS :arrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1236

ADV TRADER REMADE AND EXPERT TRADER :arrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1235

REPUTATION MOD :arrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1231

NEW PHQ MOD :arrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1365

TWEAKS MOD (WITH ARGON PIRATE START) :arrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1372
Last edited by Realspace on Fri, 17. May 24, 19:00, edited 218 times in total.
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Detailed descriptions

Post by Realspace »


Part of the GALAXY REMAKE, works also alone
Version: 4.0
Compatible with X4 6.0 Split V / COH / TOA / Kingdom End

:arrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/507/

Short description:
This mod modifies all the backgrounds in the game. The stars are made more realistic and immersive. Nabulae have been redone entirely.
All the gas giants have been graphically improved into an higher resolution and sometimes different look. No more pixelation party there...
All planets have been slightly or entirely changed in many details. There are many new custom planets, nebulae and skies but you can see them only if using XRSGE mod too.
It is mandatory that it is loaded AFTER all the dlc and other mods but BEFORE XRSGE if you use it. If you use other mods that introduce custom backdrops, be sure my mod loads AFTER and the graphics will be applied.

Compatibilty and Usage:
Since the mod does not modify any game mechanics it can be used with almost all other mods and does not need patches.
Further note
The mod is very light now, no more big textures. The magic is done at level of materials and shaders, so don't be scared if your gf card has 3-4 gb, the mod does not add any burden

X4RSGE - Realspace Galaxy Expansion
Part of the GALAXY REMAKE, requires STARS to work
Version: XRSGE Evolution (6) and XRSGE Seven (7)
Version 6 is final, version 7 is beta

:arrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1140

Be sure to download and activate both mods: STARS and XRSGE. Always update STARS with latest version or patch if using XRSGE Seven.

What this mod offers:

* huge map (+200 sectors) that is not random. All the universe is made of systems, real systems with multiple sectors.
* Every faction starts in its own system, it can have full control or not. Some sectors at the border of the systems can be ownerless or controlled by pirates/xenons. Xenons too have whole systems. Khaak often occupy the solar sectors.
* Hatikva and Pirates have much more presence, occupy the many lost systems and sectors, they have shipyards.
* Internally, every system is connected either through superhighways or accelerators (Terran kind). Superhighways can even reach another planet at 16.000.000 kms far away (game's real scale). Superhighway's transit is slower, you can feel the distances. Of course, there are NO (basic) highways.
* Regions are very large, as in reality, they cover thousands of kms. Ore belts for instance are virtually without end even if you decide to fly for...days :). Flying towards planets, gas giants, broken moons etc usually opens to new dense resources and threasures (and relict ships).
* Resources are not random. I took great care to create new custom ringed gas giants having their own rings you can cross through. So I've added broken moons, collapsed asteroids, ore belts, low orbit gas giants, sun coronas, etc. In these locations you find the respective resources.
These are strategically spread but follow a logic that is similar in each system: helium is oc close to the sun, roids in the belts, etc. Each in its own environments.
*Sceneries are huuuuge regions of space that serve only as nice dramatic view. They can be asteroids belts, fogs, etc that are +100.000 kms large, sometimes millions kms covering half of a system. Should you decide to navigate a 50.000 km inside a belt, asteroids won't end, and so on..
* Gates connect systems, so they are usually at the border of any system, towards the external planets or even in the belts far away. Gates can also be close to the sun in the core of the system. But gates can also be close to an iner planet. In that case they usually are in the GAMMA sector, which is the very far orbit of that planet.
* Many systems have access to their sun. It can be an harsh area with radiations but plenty of treasures.
* Pirates are many more, have bases in the external regions of the systems and use the less crowded routes.
* Encounters of Xenon, Khaaks and Pirates too are higher far from the safe routes.
Khaak occupy a lot of the solar sectors.
* There are a lot of relicts (abandoned ships) that are close to the planets...you know..gravity.
* Jobs and stations have been totally reworked for the bigger galaxy.
* There is a Trade Station in almost every sector, X3's like.
* All adjustments needed for the big distances have been done: mission's offers, scanning range, trader's range, etc.
* All trade stations, shipyards, wharfs, defence stations have been redone, bigger and stronger (the universe is more dangerous) - XRSGE Seven only -
* All main factions build also mega stations (X Rebirth style) very close to the main planets, low orbits. They are hand placed and randomly generated in such sectors only - XRSGE Seven only -
* In core sectors there are highways thiusands kms long to reach the low orbits - XRSGE Seven only -
The list of changes is much bigger. The creation of this mod started a year ago and had many upgrades. I covered almost any aspect of the game so, due to the complexity of this true overhaul, please follow the discussion in the forum and avoid too many mods if not those listed by me.
This mod greatly requires an engine mod to couple with. If you don't like the realism approach of my REM mod, use whatever you like that has at least travel mode vastly augmented. There are some areas of thousands kms to cover. Chose simple ones if possible, that don't mess with radar etc. In doubt, ask :-)
Please download always the latest version of STARS and the RESHADE. If you don't like reshade, use whatever trick (monitor, gf software) to increase the contrast in the game (not gamma, plain: contrast). Everything will pop-up. STARS and XRSGE are made with a high contrasty scenery as reference.

Realspace Engines Mod
Part of the GALAXY REMAKE, works also alone.
Hardcore space sim for X4
V 4 and 5
Compatible with ALL dlc's SV and COH and TOA and KE

:arrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/848/


What the mod offers:

* Higher speed limit.
* More inertia, no more submarines in space.
* Horizontal/vertical thrusters can be used for navigation, there is minimal friction (there is none in real space) and they have higher top speed (virtually unlimited). As for thrusters, the basic cheap mk1 has very nerfed performances so don't give up on mk1, mk2 already makes manouvering much easier.
* Accelerations/decelerations are more believable, so don't expect instant stop. Don't go close to an object at high speed and ask for instant stop.
* Boosters don't push speed over the top (there is no "perceivable" top speed with FlightAssistOff), but they last indefinetly. So you can use the booster to better navigate expecially when using FlightAssistOff, their push is much stronger and are a must for fast accelerations/decelerations. Boosters are true AFTERBURNERS
* Mouse wheel throttle is more precise, so you can set smaller increases. Since top speed is higher and inertia is a thing, you need to use small increments when close to a station
* Re-modelling of a lot of hardpoints for M,L,XL ships. Not only adding turrets. Shields, L turrets, main lasers, also a general rebalance of every aspect of the ships, prices included, to have each a niche of use.
* Reduction of engines into 3 types (instead of 9)
* Gunboats too now have a specific role as bomber, they carry many missiles and are very bulky (strong hull) while frigates carry much less missiles but more drones and more shields.
* Many guns have been rebalanced and especially M ships are very effective.
* Added XL battleships using vanilla units for Argon and Teladi. This is to let the mod 100% save compatible (two versions of the mod since 5.x), no new model added. Colossus Vanguard and Condor Vanguard are battleships, not carriers. Both variants are so available, sentinel and vanguard, each one in Antigone/Argon or Teladi/Ministry.
* Zeus E mounts frontal guns. Condor Vanguard and Colossus Vanguard don't mount frontal guns but have plenty of L turrets and a lot of space for missiles and drones, but few space for ships in hangar.
* L Destroyers are very powerful, many frontal guns have been added and L turrets, also their weapons rebalanced and made very lethal.
* Fighter drones remade, they mount mk2 lasers, are on level of a small fighter like the Elite. So they cost much more. Many ship's hangars have been changed to host them according to the role. Frigates for instance can host them. Gunboats none.
* Trader ships no longer have docking bays as big a carrier's, they can bay just a few ships.
* Trader ships' cargo bay is doubled or more.
* A custom XL ship is included but must be activated: The Titan, an M2+ battleship very-well shielded, small hangar but lot of drones, based on the Nomad model.
* Since version 5.x a lot of new classes of big ships have been added. Armored L traders (vanilla incarcatua) and many XR XL ships that serve as big traders.
* Since version 5 also some mk1 aka old carriers/destroyers from Rebirth are added. They are available especially among minor factions that can not afford the vanilla big ships
* Since version 5 Khaak Destroyer has been added too and remade to work specifically in REM. They spawn or protect the core sectors (if using XRSGE).
* Since version 5 Xenon XL destroyer has been added too and remade to work specifically in REM. They spawn in normal space (if using XRSGE).

Gives the colors X4 UI deserves

:arrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1239


Makes everything colorful, so increases the quality of reading especially for a UI with smaller fonts. Just look at the pictures.
The mod can be added and removed anytime.
Also I added several tooltips in the various texts, for instance see the mission offers, to improve fast reading and not becoming blind :)
[Only known issue is that colored wares can not be typed in the search bar. I provide a version with vanilla wares]
If you don't like some world and prefer it vanilla, just open the file in T folder and look for the world (check that it can be repeated, for different functions), then delete the line from <t id up to </t>
If you play with my XRSGE mod, this passage through prism IS INCLUDED.
If you use any other mod that changes the vanilla texts in the T folder (changes, if adds new text is no issue), please set this one as priority aka the other as dependent from this

Long range scanner can find abandoned ships within a certain range (different options), the scanner's range.

:arrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1237


In XRSGE sectors are huge and there are a lot of abandoned ships, also L and XL. But they are very far, often close to the low orbit of a planet. So are quite difficult to find. I developed this script and realized that it can be useful for vanilla gameplay too to have a NOT CHEATY way to find ships
I provide different ranges of the scanner, so the player can choose according to the universe he/she plays. XRSGE default is 1600km bc. sectors can be even 12.000km. But it is overkill for vanilla (200km is recommended there).
OC this mod too is not needed if you play XRSGE where it is included.

Long range scanner can find superhighway and deploys a beacon at the entrance

:arrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1236


In XRSGE sectors are huge and there are several superhighways bringing from low orbit to a close moon. Superhighways are very far, so as accelerators, so are quite difficult to find. I developed this script and realized that it can be useful for vanilla gameplay too or for other mods adding very big sectors.
Indeed not only it gives the long range scanner the same function to find superhighways as it does for other gates. It also deploys a beacon at the entrance of the superhighway that can be targeted for the autopilot (the autopilot can not target a superhighway in vanilla).
OC this mod too is not needed if you play XRSGE where it is included.

Changes the max range for advanced traders (it reverts to vanilla thou), lower the nr. of stars required from 3 to 2
Adds the Expert Trader (12 sectors, 3 stars)

:arrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1235


In my XRSGE universe where every system is made of many sectors and sectors are huge and 5 times more than vanilla, I had to make several arrangements to make everything work.
One of these is simply increasing the range for advanced traders from 5 to 10.
I've also added the Expert trader (12 sectors, 3 stars)
While in XRSGE it suits perfectly, in vanilla universe could result in a bit of cheat, don't know, your game your rules.

Advanced trader ends changing back to vanilla settings, so max 5 sectors. So I simply reduced the stars required to 2 instead of 3. This makes it very useful for rokie pilots to start trading in a 2-3 sectors range.
The expert trader on contrary can trade up to 12 sectors without issues, requires 3 stars. Only small glitch is a bi "?" appearing close to the ship while searching for trades.

Changes (UP) the reputation needed to acquire blueprints, equipments, ships, etc.

:arrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1231


This simple mod does one simple thing, it changes (up) the reputation needed to acquire blueprints, ships, equipment, etc.
The factions that have this effect are the two major factions of every race, the minor ones remain vanilla.
As example, to acquire things from Argon one has to be at least over zero rank. Then all things are elevated one step. To be friend of the federation (or equivalent rank of other factions) you must have +20 (+15 in version 1.01), to be hero of the federation (or equivalent rank of other factions), you must have +30 (+25 in version 1.01).
In version 1.2 The pre-requisites of doing the ceremony (friend or ally) have been set as in vanilla to avoid issues.
Military equipment requires +20, military ships require +25 so as capital equipment, while capital ships and blueprints require +30.
New ships added by REM, the XL capital traders, require +25 (+20 in version 1.2)
Also blueprints in general require more rank. The pre-requisites of doing the ceremony (friend or ally) have been moved accordingly in both versions.

Why this mod?
In my XRSGE universe I revamped many pirate factions and gave them sectors and shipyard. This mod adds at making a true pirate gameplay doable. It makes sense that major factions, that have the military/capital equipment/ships and most of the blueprints, are more strict in the requirements, while minor factions are not.
Minor factions are less demanding and it works even better if using mods that add particular ships (I do in REM) for those minor factions. You can have the pirate version of a capital ship much earlier, but the ship is not so well equipped as the ones form major factions.
This mod can be used alongside Reputations and Professions
Vesion 1.2 also introduces the TRADE SUBSCRITIONS requiring no rank and cost less (cost cahnges according to faction, minor factions ask less money)
Last edited by Realspace on Fri, 16. Feb 24, 10:14, edited 91 times in total.
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Re: [MOD] STARS - New skybox, nebulae and planets

Post by ziplock815 »

Great work! Much thanks!!!
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Re: [MOD] STARS - New skybox, nebulae and planets

Post by kmunoz »

What is the effect of using the wrong ReShade version? I'm assuming it's that different versions interpret the values differently. The current version is 4.6.1, the one you suggest is 4.5.4, and over time that gap is just going to get bigger.
Let's Play Poorly! - Suboptimal X4 Playthroughs
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Re: [MOD] STARS - New skybox, nebulae and planets

Post by Realspace »

kmunoz wrote: Fri, 22. May 20, 16:23 What is the effect of using the wrong ReShade version? I'm assuming it's that different versions interpret the values differently. The current version is 4.6.1, the one you suggest is 4.5.4, and over time that gap is just going to get bigger.
I tried the 4.6 some weeks ago and it crashed my game. With default settings too. Never looked for the latest version. If it works than nothing bad should happen, just try it. Hopefully the settings are read by the new version too. I will take care of this aspect in the future, now I am "done", my eyes hurt, too much time spent on modding, my age calls for going outdoor :lol:

If it works please report here, thanks
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Re: [MOD] STARS - New skybox, nebulae and planets

Post by kmunoz »

I just tested it with 4.6.1, using the default shader install plus legacy shaders (I wasn't sure which ones you used and I was too lazy even to open the config and check!). It works great - no problems for me.

The only thing I adjusted after the fact was to turn off the FXAA shader, since I'm using GEMFX as well and its modifications seem to interact better with the built-in FXAA.

Your work is really quite stunning. I only got a chance to go to a few sectors (quick peek before going to work...), but The Void in particular looks fantastic.

As for the slower planet rotations... I'm torn. On the one hand, I prefer the realism of slower rotation, but on the other, it makes the backgrounds a little more static. That said, the other eye candy definitely makes up for it.
Let's Play Poorly! - Suboptimal X4 Playthroughs
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Re: [MOD] STARS - New skybox, nebulae and planets

Post by ziplock815 »

Wonderful. Love Argon Prime and Black Hole Sun now. Stars and planets look awesome, the immersion is great. Didn't have a chance to play X2, but I like new nebulae. It'd be also very nice to see nebulae from X3 in some sectors. I think it'd bring diversity.
Btw, I don't have that gas giant planet in Unholy Retribution anymore, but I didn't start a new game - seems like it works well with the old saves.
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Re: [MOD] STARS - New skybox, nebulae and planets

Post by Mycu »

I like what you have done with visual part of galaxy.
Thanks for your work.

Found one "bug" - moon in Profit Center Alpha is quite bland: https://i.imgur.com/ICD7anW.png
kmunoz wrote: Fri, 22. May 20, 16:53 As for the slower planet rotations... I'm torn. On the one hand, I prefer the realism of slower rotation, but on the other, it makes the backgrounds a little more static. That said, the other eye candy definitely makes up for it.
+1 vote for more planet rotation.
X3 AP 3.1 + XRM
X3 AP 3.1 + LU
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Re: [MOD] STARS - New skybox, nebulae and planets

Post by Realspace »

Mycu wrote: Fri, 22. May 20, 17:55 I like what you have done with visual part of galaxy.
Thanks for your work.

Found one "bug" - moon in Profit Center Alpha is quite bland: https://i.imgur.com/ICD7anW.png
kmunoz wrote: Fri, 22. May 20, 16:53 As for the slower planet rotations... I'm torn. On the one hand, I prefer the realism of slower rotation, but on the other, it makes the backgrounds a little more static. That said, the other eye candy definitely makes up for it.
+1 vote for more planet rotation.
Thank you, yes seems the engine doesn't like some bump tex I used, it should be also in Bright Promise (same moon model there), going to correct. About rotations...ego made a great work in simulating the clouds (a very difficult animation), I tried to speed up and it is very nice to watch. Seems like watching the weather forecast :D I reduced them only for realism's sake. In X3 with seta they rotate as crazy (in a bad linear way), reduced them there too. I am torn too, generally speaking realism is better for immersion. I don't want a simulator, love the game as it is. But I also don't want some gamey unbelievable visuals that distract me from the immersion. The illusion of space is nice to have thou, not the simulation (I recently tried playing ED I purchased for cheap and got bored as hell :o )
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Re: [MOD] STARS - New skybox, nebulae and planets

Post by Realspace »

ziplock815 wrote: Fri, 22. May 20, 17:44 Wonderful. Love Argon Prime and Black Hole Sun now. Stars and planets look awesome, the immersion is great. Didn't have a chance to play X2, but I like new nebulae. It'd be also very nice to see nebulae from X3 in some sectors. I think it'd bring diversity.
Btw, I don't have that gas giant planet in Unholy Retribution anymore, but I didn't start a new game - seems like it works well with the old saves.
Happy to read it ;-) It is viable, specially in split sectors that use sector's specific nebulae, to use some from x3. I liked those but never was enthusiast, they covered the moons and had this 'dreamy' look which is nice but strange. Always preferred the X2 ones, some, simple and deep, Made them back in X3 too (which I still play btw, not yet X4 :roll: ). Anyway after I've finished with those damn planets I'll look for these too.
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Re: [MOD] STARS - New skybox, nebulae and planets

Post by Realspace »

Updated version (1.1)
Corrected the missing textures in the moons of PCAlpha and Bright Promise.

As for clouds rotation, that many ask... I did not remove it from the planets, only from the moons. First, it makes no sense that moons have 'clouds'. Ice moons and such yes oc. Clouds have been changed or removed completely from rocky moons. Planets' clouds still rotate but not so fast as in vanilla. But...go to the see orbital planets, there on contrary the clouds move faster than in vanilla, as it shoud be. Great show there :wink:
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Re: [MOD] STARS - New skybox, nebulae and planets

Post by shovelmonkey »

This sounds fantastic. When can we expect DeadAirGates support? It's "only" 105 more sectors. :lol:
“Not even once has life or the weather complained about a human being.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
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Re: [MOD] STARS - New skybox, nebulae and planets

Post by Realspace »

shovelmonkey wrote: Fri, 22. May 20, 22:11 This sounds fantastic. When can we expect DeadAirGates support? It's "only" 105 more sectors. :lol:
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Maybe soon. I don't play X4 now, only enjoy digging in the editing. Maybe I'll take a look at DeadAir galaxy. Also want to see the X3's remade map, to learn a bit how to edit the map. Missing the nice galaxy editor in X3, great tool..
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Re: [MOD] STARS - New skybox, nebulae and planets

Post by ziplock815 »

Realspace wrote: Fri, 22. May 20, 20:17
ziplock815 wrote: Fri, 22. May 20, 17:44 Wonderful. Love Argon Prime and Black Hole Sun now. Stars and planets look awesome, the immersion is great. Didn't have a chance to play X2, but I like new nebulae. It'd be also very nice to see nebulae from X3 in some sectors. I think it'd bring diversity.
Btw, I don't have that gas giant planet in Unholy Retribution anymore, but I didn't start a new game - seems like it works well with the old saves.
Happy to read it ;-) It is viable, specially in split sectors that use sector's specific nebulae, to use some from x3. I liked those but never was enthusiast, they covered the moons and had this 'dreamy' look which is nice but strange. Always preferred the X2 ones, some, simple and deep, Made them back in X3 too (which I still play btw, not yet X4 :roll: ). Anyway after I've finished with those damn planets I'll look for these too.
When I first played X3 I thought: "Wow, such a realistic (and dreamy :)) nebulae", I could even imagine how stars are born in these distant gas clouds, but I found the fact that they covered moons and planets quite strange too))
Btw, seems like your mod's improved all textures in the game. Or is it just beta 3.20 improvement?
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Re: [MOD] STARS - New skybox, nebulae and planets

Post by Realspace »

I touched only skybox, nebulae and some planets. I am quite sure they'll improve the graphics. Vulkan is still quite raw, X4 is both very nice and sometimes worse than X3 in some compart. I think it depends on the optimisation of vulkan. Hope they'll improve further. This game can become great, another X3 with many iterations. But from my mod's perspective, I hope they ameliorate at least the gas giants. Add a bit of haze and better lighting. (And give us a galaxy editor soon or later....please!!!) You did surely notice that those in Split sectors are much better made.
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Re: [MOD] STARS - New skybox, nebulae and planets

Post by ALien8ed »

Mod looks great but unfortunately when running x4 with the mod enabled the game will not launch, it just sits there but the x4.exe process is running, if i remove the mod it launches fine. Have several other mods installed without issue.

Have tried a fresh install with no mods and removed all savegames and config files without success. Have very few apps installed and no issue with any other games or mods. Drivers are up-to-date and am running win7 x64.

Just curious if anyone else is having the same issue or maybe it's just me, it's a weird one that's for sure. Will troubleshoot further and see how i go.
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Re: [MOD] STARS - New skybox, nebulae and planets

Post by Realspace »

That's strange. When I had errors in the xml the engine simply skipped the file. And the release has a diff patch, which should avoid any conflict. Are you using other mods that deal with the backgrounds?
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Re: [MOD] STARS - New skybox, nebulae and planets

Post by ALien8ed »

Hey Realspace, thanks for the quick reply.

Was initially just running gemfx, x4 fire and smoke and paintjobs galore. Thought there may have been a conflict there so i removed all mods along with the x4 folder in my documents and installed the game from scratch with nothing else running other than the collectors edition steam version which works fine on it's own, the moment i launch with the mod it just sits there and does nothing but the x4.exe process is running as per task manager.

Have checked anitvirus ect. without success and have very few other apps running. From what i can see it's working fine for others so it appears to be something on my end. I'll keep digging and see how i go.

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Re: [MOD] STARS - New skybox, nebulae and planets

Post by Realspace »

ALien8ed wrote: Mon, 25. May 20, 14:28 Mod looks great but unfortunately when running x4 with the mod enabled the game will not launch, it just sits there but the x4.exe process is running, if i remove the mod it launches fine. Have several other mods installed without issue.

Have tried a fresh install with no mods and removed all savegames and config files without success. Have very few apps installed and no issue with any other games or mods. Drivers are up-to-date and am running win7 x64.

Just curious if anyone else is having the same issue or maybe it's just me, it's a weird one that's for sure. Will troubleshoot further and see how i go.
Ok I think I know the issue, it's the VGA going out of memory. The game uses a single big texture for all stars and nebulae, so in order to have a decent quality for the nebulae I had to double the size. The texture is very big, that is the only one. It is at the limit of my RX580 4gb too but it is ok. Problem is the game seems to read only DTX5 dds, what bring a loss of quality visible in the nebulae. If I export the file as uncompressed, as I did with X3 that reads them perfectly, the engine simply avoids it. That would help, having a smaller texture but uncompressed. I must experiment with a better exporter maybe. What VGA do you use?
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Re: [MOD] STARS - New skybox, nebulae and planets

Post by Realspace »

Updated version (1.2)

Reverted all gas giants in Split sectors to vanilla, to avoid issues with some highres textures

Removed the flickering from a couple of moons

Background stars entirely redone, more visible but less intrusive ("it's full of stars!")

Reduced the size of the texture containing nebulae/stars for a better compatibility with all graphic cards

Updated version (1.2.1)

Reduced the size of the foreground stars
Both versions are available, if you prefer bigger stars download v.1.2 instead

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