New start 34 The Attack Part 1

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New start 34 The Attack Part 1

Post by collins50 » Mon, 10. Aug 09, 21:08

New start 34 The Attack Part 1

James awoke at 06:30 Local, shaved, got dressed and went to meet Jeff for breakfast,

Jeff was already in the cafeteria when James entered, he walked up to the table and sat down : I’ve been thinking, we’ll check and see what information that Ben has on this group, and plan a visit.

Jeff: I’m all for paying them a visit. And if Robert has no record we should keep him and train him to fly for us, I looked at the engagement report last knight and he’s good, gave our pilots a run for it before his engines were taken out. Then he made a smart move and surrendered.

James: I’ll have to look at it.

Ann arrived with coffee, and took there orders, and left

Thresica and Tracy entered the cafeteria and joined them.

James: have a seat, want some coffee?

Tracy: yes, I need a boost this morning,

Thresica: no just juice

James waved for Ann and pored Tracy a cup of coffee

Ann: yes sir

James: would you bring some Orange Juice and glasses please

Ann: Yes sir I’ll be right back with it. And left

Thresica: did you learn where the Pirate base is located?

James: yes, and I need you to check into getting us a Paranid Police License.

Tracy: that’s going to be a hard one, the Paranid don’t like Argons.

Thresica: I’ll check in to it, Maybe Susan has some contacts with them.

James: ok

Jeff: I’ll call Susan and see if she has any deliveries in there sectors, and maybe she can get more.

James: Good ideal, then we can check out Priest’s Pity, and maybe gain some recognition there.

Ann returned with the Juice and took Tracy’s and Thresica’s breakfast orders. Then left

Tracy: sounds like you plan to pay them a visit!

James I am, we have a meeting at 9:00 in the conference room, I would like for you to attend.

Tracy: sure I’ll be there.

Ann returned with the orders and passed them out, refilled the coffee and left a new carafe of coffee then left.

After breakfast James Jeff and Thresica headed to the headquarters office, Tracy headed back to her ship.

Thresica: I get started on the Paranid Police License, I’ll et you know what I find out.

James and Jeff went in to the conference room,

Jeff: I’ll call Susan.

James: OK I’ll check and see if we got any report back from AP.

James found the report Robert did not have a record, Jason Madison had a bounty of 200,000 on his head and Phillip Jones had a bounty of 120,000 on his head both were wanted for Pirating and kidnapping. James showed the report to Jeff when he got off of his call to Susan.

Jeff: wow with the reword from AP these two make a good catch.

James: yes they do, how do you feel about putting Robert in our trainee program?

Jeff: I don’t have a problem with it, as long as he agrees and follows orders.

James: I’ll have him assigned with the ones here in power circle, if he agrees. The others should be here soon, what did you find out from Susan?

Jeff: she has a trade agreement with the Paranid but only has made shipments to Emperor Mines and Paranid Prime, She was offered some to Priest’s Pity but said that payment wasn’t worth the risk she would have to take, I told her to except them and we would fly the shipments and escorts.

James: good when is the first delivery?

Jeff: in two Tazuras.

James: that will do find some good transport pilots and send them to HOL to load up the goods, we can go there before they leave and escort them.

Jeff: ok, I’ll take care of it, and assign two more escorts to help.

There was a knock on the door, then Tracy entered with Andy her XO, followed by Gilmore and Cameron,

James: have a seat we will start when Mike and Sam arrive. James handed the report he had to Gilmore,

Gilmore: This is good news, Jason has a foul mouth and we haven’t gotten any thing useful from him, but we have been treating hem like a guest, and Phillip confirmed that the pirate base is in Priest’s Pity.

James: we just turn them over to Captain Desmond, let the Police deal with them, I want to talk to Robert and see if he wants to join our trainee program.

Gilmore: Ill take care of it.

Mike and Sam entered the conference room and took seats,

James: we have 6 Tazuras to get ready, We will be taking the Pirate presents out of Priest’s Pity, Jeff and me will be flying escort missions into the sector in 2 Tazuras, we should be able to get the base location and discover what defenses they have in place, Once we have the information we will return here and finalize the plan.
We will start our operation at 0400 7 Tazuras from now. What I plan is that Jeff will follow me thru the gate with the four clocked fighters, once inside we will fly toward the station, the clocked fighters will fly toward any LT and take up firing positions, once in position signal the condors to jump in and open fire on the LT’s I will open fire on the station or any fighters deployed, Phoenix 4 will jump in behind me and Jeff and deploy 1 flight of fighters to help more if needed, once the LT’s are down the condors will engage any capital ships, or target of opportunity. Mike, Sam, and Tracy I want you to work together and practice jumping cloaked,

As the meeting was breaking up Jeff’s comms bussed, and he walked out to the hall and answered it.

James: if you need me I’ll be on my ship, and left

James arrived at his ship and entered, Jake run complete system scans and bring up the weapons status on screen as he slid in to his seat, he checked the weapons load out, and the missile count then checked the ship status, he was just finishing when Jeff arrived.

Jeff: Susan was able to get the Paranid police licenses for us, we have to look over the restrictions and sign for them when we get to HOL,

James: that’s good, so we will be legal when we take out the Pirates,

Jeff: she said the Paranid have put a lot of restrictions on us but we are aloud to protect our selves against attacks.

James: ok, you prepared for our trip?

Jeff: not yet, I’ll check out my ship, when will we brief our escorts?

James: after lunch, then we can practice till supper and pack, we depart after breakfast.

Jeff: sounds like a plan, see you at lunch, Jeff left and headed to his ship.

At 12:00 local James comms buzzed, he answered it,

Thresica: you ready for lunch?

James: yes, I’ll meet you in the lounge,

Thresica: ok, see you there, and disconnected

James put his comms away and left the ship, stopping to collect Jeff on his way.

James and Jeff entered the lounge and headed to there table, Thresica was there drinking some iced tea, as they took there seats,

Thresica I have a message from Howard, he’s in KE and is getting ready to deploy the stations, Randle called, said he was leaving one of his engineers to escort the sector authority thru the HQ for the final inspection, the HQ is done and Randle is headed to AP to pick up the crystal fab, I have notified the station personnel and scheduled shuttles to transport them there in the morning,

James: you have been busy, we will be leaving in the morning also.

Maria arrived with coffee and took there order and left.

The meal went by quickly and James and Jeff went to meet the other pilots, James found the pilots in the pilot lounge and took them into the secure briefing room,

James secured the door and went to the podium and set up his data pad, pulled up the ship list Hawk 1 James Hawk 2 Jeff Hawk S1 Cristopher Griffin Hawk S2 Darrel Barber Hawk S3 Nikki Reed Hawk S4 Patti Ford, James laid out his plain and gave them the rules of engagement, then assigned S1 and S2 to fly with Jeff, the S3 and S4 would fly with him, then they left for the docks were they undocked and started there practice. After 3 Stazuras James called it a day and told the others to land and prepare for tomorrows departure, then landed and headed to his suite to shower and change for supper.

As James headed to the lounge he ran into Gilmore,

Gilmore: I’ve transferred Jason Madison and Phillip Jones to sector police and James is with the trainees he has agreed to the terms of his contract and seems grateful for the opportunity to turn his life around,

James: I hope so, I’ll talk to him later,

Gilmore: ok, I’ll keep an eye on him. And left

James caught the lift and went down to the lounge entered the provate dinning room and sat at his reserved table.

Sherri approached and ask if he wanted some coffee?

James: yes thank you.

Sherri pored a cup for him left the carafe of coffee and left

James sipped his coffee and set it down when he saw Thresica approaching,

Thresica took a seat: I’ve been busy to day, I found some station managers and Office help for the ore belt HQ I’ve got the transport assigned to take the HQ personnel to ore belt, I heard that Susan got the Police License for you, I set up more inter views for tomorrow, I think I’ll let my assistant handle them, while I look over the contracts,

James: you are doing a wonderful job, But I want you delegate more of your work load and take some time for your self,

Thresica: I hear you and I will as soon as I have the confidence in them.

James look at her: I’m just warred that you will overwork your self.

Thresica looked in James’ eyes and I worry that you will get hurt flying the missions you do but I haven’t ask you to stop cause I know that’s how you justify your existence.

James smiled: that why I care for you, Lets order Jeff will be hear soon,

As on cue Jeff walked up to the table and sat down: I’m starved and waved for Sherri,

Sherri arrived and took there orders, pored Thresica a glass of tea set the picture down and left,

Jeff: I talked to Mike he said the training is going great. I think our little practice did good too.

James: Gilmore told me that the prisoners were transferred to sector police and that Robert has agreed to the trainee terms.

Jeff: I’m glad, I think the boy needs some help and guidance.

James: Do you want him to train with you?

Jeff: sure why not, maybe I can turn him around.

James: that’s fine with me, Talk to him, maybe he ride with us on this mission.

Jeff: I think Ill do that, I’ll look for him after dinner and help him get ready to go.

Thresica: I’ll send you the agreement forms for him to sign, and set up his payroll account.

Jeff: Ill brief him on them and the mission.

Sherri returned with there meals passed them out: is there anything else that I can get you?

They all said that they were fine and thanked her, Sherri left.

Jeff finished his meal and excused him self, then left in search of Robert

James: after this mission I would like for you to go with me to visit Mom,

Thresica: ok, Id like that.

After dinner James and Thresica left the lounge James headed to his suit Thresica headed to the Office

James entered his suite went in to his bed room and packed his flight bag, checked his messages, and took a shower and went to bed.

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Post by ghostrider » Tue, 11. Aug 09, 02:04

Good to see you back writing again collins50 :)

i like this story, another good chapter.

Ed Man
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Post by Ed Man » Tue, 11. Aug 09, 23:54

Yes good job keep it up :D

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Captain Chris sTc
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Post by Captain Chris sTc » Sat, 15. Aug 09, 12:52

There no 33? i can't find it.

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