[SCRIPT]Advanced HyperDrive(AHD) v2.0 [Apr.09.2009] with video demo TC2.0a compatible

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[SCRIPT]Advanced HyperDrive(AHD) v2.0 [Apr.09.2009] with video demo TC2.0a compatible

Post by Loky77 » Wed, 4. Feb 09, 17:47

Advanced HyperDrive(AHD) based on MH_Adv_Jumper X2 script


This script is based on milling_hordes's Advanced jumper for X2
I did a partial conversion, rewriting some things, adding some new
Basically you'll have 3 new ware that can be bought of Argon Eq.Dock
  • Quantum Hyperbolic Drive
  • Singularity Slope Tension Converter
  • Singularity projector
Singularity Slope Tension converter
It allows you to nullify the needs for E-cells

Quantum jump allows you to make fast travel in a sector at the expense of Energy Cells

Hyper jump allows you and the bunch of followers to do a precise point to point jump in another sector

Background History:
  • Subspace Displacement Drive (Jumpdrive)

    The subspace displacement drive was the next logical step after the initial development of the first Jumpdrives. Designed by lead Boron Physicist Mi Ton, in conjunction with financial backing from Terracorp, and using plans donated by the Goners, the new drive system was capable of extrapolating and calculating the exact coordinates of any jump vector. Basing these off of the mass shadows of local starfields, the SDD could set a ship down right next to Argon One without a hitch. Unlike the old model jumpdrive, the Subspace Displacement Drive does not require the locations of gates to calculate near or far positions, and has much higher controlled accuracy over long range jumps. Part of this success was brought on by Julian Gardner, who's open ended jump into the Heart of Khaak space allowed Mi Ton to later trace the sensor logs he had installed in his Hydra to calculate the Jump Drive's exact effect on subspace. Other useful information sources that contributed to the development of the SDD were the wreckage from the Destroyed Khaak base in ore belt, as well as the flight record of Brennan's wrecked Dragon.

    Due to the recent discover of earth and the need of precise traveling due to the Sol System not having the same gate technologies than the races of the X-Universe, Elena Kho supported by her daughter Saya as well the the Brennans put some pressure on the Goners so that the stock jumpdrive is now equipped with the subspace displacement software, however they couldn't do this without the support of the Navigation software MK1.
    Both need to be present to be able to complete precise jump calculations.
  • Quantum Hyperbolic Drive

    The Quantum Hyperbola Subspace Anomaly Phase Shift Drive, 'Quantum Hyperbolic Drive' or in short, 'Quantum drive' was the third drive unit developed for achieving FTL velocities using Argon, Boron, and Goner technology. This new system took advantage of the gravitational distortions caused by the jump drive to create a relativity field that had a similar effect to a Jump Drive's displacement. However, instead of moving through subspace, the ship is phased in a constant stream of 'half jumps', not quite entering subspace, not quite leaving normal space. As the ship moves through this quantum hyperbolic space (which inspired the drive's name), it takes shortcuts between normal space positions, achieving displacement speeds greater than the speed of light by the second test. When sensor logs were recorded, the ship was never actually seen to physically move. No red shift was detected on the retreating test vessel. When Mi Ton explained how the system worked, he said to think of the ship as moving on a continuous serious of Quantum Hyperbolic paths, never moving from one point to another in normal space, but simply existing at each point separately before appearing at the next. The advantage of using such a drive system became obvious when one was test fitted to a Teladi M6 Osprey and used to intercept a pirate raiding party. The pirates were surprised completely when the slow Teladi monstrosity cleared half a sector in less than fifteen sezuras and cut them off five Kilometers from the south gate. During the entire transit, the crew manning the Osprey were completely aware of all changes going on, and were ready for the pirates the moment they returned to realspace without so much as having to reacquire.
  • Augmentation of Quantum Hyperbolic Drive using Ecliptic Projector

    When using the Quantum drive, calculations to maintain a safe and stable jump vector are done several times during each 'transition' and a course adjustment made in the direction of quantum hyperbolic dislocation. However, because the drive system showed a serious 'self location' error, the calculations tended to lead to misalignment in almost all quantum jumps. A test was performed by Mi Ton, in which he coupled the sensor calculation and positional projection systems in the Ecliptic Projector with those of the Quantum drive. In doing so, the system was able to more accurately plot a course to a destination by using the simulated Fixed Reference generated by the Ecliptic Projector. Since the Projector was a functional stand alone piece of technology, and coupling was a simple task, no redesign for the Quantum Hyperbolic Drive alone was done. Instead, the E.P. was designated as a major part of the 'Quantum jump' system that involved the combined use of all the drive systems.
  • Singularity Slope Tension Converter

    With these new FTL capable transit systems going into operation, it became appearant to Elena Kho that keeping them supplied with the Energy Cells needed would become a severe financial problem, even before she took into account the crystal shortage mounting throughout the known galaxy. So she went to Mi Ton again and asked if there was any possible way to get around it, even cut down on the power needed. Mi Ton theorized that there might just be a way. As had been seen, every use of the Jumpdrive and Subspace Displacement Drive unleashed a graviton shockwave on both ends. Mi Ton thought that there was a possibility that the gravitational effects used to generate the field could be kept powered by channeling gravity waves into the subspace distortion in the same way the distortion introduced the waves into realspace. All eyes turned to the SETA device. A standard component on almost all starships. The SETA produced a micro singularity, with a gravitational distortion similar in power to even the longest of jumps, only over a period of time. In a few mozuras, Mi Ton in cooperation with the Paranid mathematician and Priest Duke Isosocleslaut, managed to develop a device that would channel this excess energy from the SETA into the new drives. It was a stunning success. The new system was named the Singularity Slope Tension Converter, as it completely nullified the gravitational slope generated by the Singularity that was produced in the SETA. It could power a ship's jump systems without any requirement for anything more than the primary onboard power systems.
    Thus introducing the limit of this technology, the SSTC couldn't enlarge the range of what a ship is capable of from stock.
  • Singularity Projector

    After the Development of the subspace Displacement Drive now integrated in standard jumpdrives... the Engineering experts who developed the jump concept studied the existing gate network. Applying the principles of the Subspace displacement drive to the theories behind Jump Gates... it was possible to create a semi-stable projection of the jump field. The power required to sustain a continuous projection however, proved to be a major problem for Mozuras until a way to use a mass body as an anchor for the field was conceptualized. This new jump field required two high mass anchor points, tied together by a resonating jump field programmed to exact coordinates. The power needed to maintain a two directional, stable, gate, was reduced to levels near what normal Jumpdrives required. Thus, the new mobile Jumpgate Projectors were created. These devices had to be installed on large ships, due to the need for a mass to anchor from, and can only be used on TLs, M7s, M2s, or M1s. Once a gate link is established, neither ship on either end of the Mobile Gate can move, or risk 'tunnel' collapse.
    As the technology was refined, it was possible to create simulated projections of actual jumpgates, to help identify the actual jump field a vessel must fly through. As far as ships passing through Mobile gates, they have no difference to that of a standard gate. However, for the anchor ships, both ends must maintain a constant 'lock' by adjusting resonance to account for even the smallest disturbance. Unlike real jumpgates, which seem to maintain gate integrity despite being moved about quite a bit. It is also noted that before the gate can be generated, the PRECISE coordinates of the opposing anchor must be known, and a precise timing function must be established by both end's computers to synchronize the generators. All of which occurs during the charging phase which takes roughly 45 seconds.
    Upon closing those temporary wormhole produce a big flash due to the release of graviton waves that disturb the actual space-time but engineers managed to control it so that no harm is done to the neighboring, however you may see thing from different reality for a brief moment.
  • Hyperjump (Navigation Menu)
    Navigation Software Mk1
    Singularity Slope Tension Converter (optional): Hyperjump will cost no E-Cells if Singularity Slope Tension Converter is installed on ship
  • Quantum jump (Navigation Menu)
    Quantum Hyperbolic Drive
    Navigation Software Mk1
    Singularity Slope Tension Converter (optional): Quantumjump will cost no E-Cells if Singularity Slope Tension Converter is installed on ship
    Ecliptic Projector (Option: Makes the Quantum jump significantly more accurate).Not present is stock TC
    you can get a script to get it back here: Ecliptic Projector German thread
  • AutoDrive (Additional ship commands)
    Navigation Software Mk1
    and any necessary upgrade for jump

    All of the new upgrades may be found at the Argon Equipment Dock in the sector Argon Prime, as well as other Argon Equipment Docks scattered throughout the galaxy.
Command Usage:
  • The Hyperjump command:
    Small video of a small 50 ships jumping at once (no casualties!!)

    This command allows a ship and all of its followers (if wanted by the player) to use its jump drive to appear at any position in any known sector.
    If a Singularity Slope Tension Converter is installed, the Hyperjump will cost no E-Cells, for convenience's sake (if you can afford these upgrades, you'll see that the price more than makes up for the "free" jumps).Although jump range capabilities isn't enlarged

    The hyperjump command is also available for wings, find it in your wing navigation console
    Note: When hyperjumping massive fleet wait for Betty to acknowledge your command before doing something else, massive jumping needs every ship doing proper calibrations to not collide :) You've been warned
  • The Quantum jump command:
    Small demo on how to travel big sectors in a second:

    This command allows a ship to use its Quantum hyperbolic drive to very rapidly cross space in its current sector. The cost to Quantum jump is 1 E-Cell per 20 kilometers traveled.
    Warning: Quantum jumping near or through the gravity wells of other solid objects may cause your ship to return to normal space (stop in mid-jump).
    Warning: Quantum jumping is possible without the Ecliptic Projector installed, but this will result in the jump being somewhat inaccurate.
    Ecliptic projector is not available in Vanilla TC however you can get it as a script here:Ecliptic Projector German thread

    If a Singularity Slope Tension Converter is installed, the Quantum jump will cost no E-Cells, for convenience's sake (if you can afford these upgrades, you'll see that the price more than makes up for the "free" jumps).
    If an Ecliptic Projector is installed, the Quantum jump will be completely accurate.

    The quantum jump command is also available for wings, find it in your wing navigation console
  • The Autodrive command:
    This ship command runs in one of the additional ship command slots. When it detects that the ship's target is either very far away or that the target is in another sector, it attempts to Hyperjump or Quantumjump the ship, respectively.
    This works for "follow", "dock at", "protect" and "fly to sector" commands, and even trading commands (I should note that when traders use this command, it only really successfully works with either E-Cell traders or traders equipped with the SSTC, since a trader that fills up its cargo bay is unable to load the temporary E-Cells it needs to perform the Quantumjump).
  • The Project Warpgate Command:
    Small demo linking Bluish Snout far east to Argon Prime

    This command causes a (TL, M7, M1, or M2) ship equipped with the Singularity Projector to stop in its tracks and generate a semi-permanent Warpgate between itself and another ship equipped with the Singularity Projector upgrade.
    If you are in the same sector as one the gate ship, that same gate ship will try to point itself toward the future warpgate ( so you have a idea where it will be (about 10km away from the gate ship, depending on the size). However the "normal" entry/exit that NPC and AI controlled ship will use is the opposing side the gate ship is positioned/facing, this is to avoid collision between ship getting in or out of the gate and the gate ship.
    The warpgate remains in effect as long as both ships perform no other "Main" actions and the warpgate is fed with energy.
    Ships with the Project Warpgate command active are still able to fire turrets and launch/dock smaller ships.
    The cost to maintain an active warpgate is either 1 E-Cell per minute per sector square away of the connecting warpgates or completely free if the ship also has the SSTC upgrade.
    This new warpgate will begin to attract the attention of other race's vessels, and they too will begin to take advantage of the shortcut. Because no self-respecting mogul would provide such a powerful service for free, AI ships are charged 10 credits per jumpgate that the projected warpgates circumvent.

    Note: The warpgate has a 45-second charge time before it becomes active. This drawback often prevents the device from being extremely useful as a tactical weapon. During this charging time, you'll get a nice powering-up sound that should serve as an audible indicator (if you are in a 20km range) for how far along the process is.
    Note: The true strength of the device lies in the power to reshape the universe. The large investment required to do so makes it a practical investment almost only by a mogul with a very large trader fleet. Think about 70 millions to have a pair of gate ready ( 2 TL and 2 singularity projector at the very minimum )
  • The hotkey: You have a new hotkey available upon installation, set it; then one key press engage hyperjump, double keypress engage quantum jump, triple press engage quantum jump with destination as your currently aimed target (Thanks gazz for your multiple-press hotkey library)
    Hotkey is named Adv.HyperDrive, look carefully for it :)
  • For all cheaters out there, you can go to Cycrow's configuration menu and activate a cheat that make all your ship using hyperjump using your account cash to get the necessary ecells for jump, this is for now only working with hyperjumping. Thus those ships will have a virtual SSTC
Version History:

  • v1.0 internal release
    Conversion of Freejump command from MH_AdvJumper X2 script
    Eliminating the need for the Subspace Displacement Drive, regular jumpdrive suffices.
  • v1.1 internal release
    Rewriting of the whole code for hyperjumping, allowing wings and mass fleet jumps
    Wing command working, Freejumping renamed Hyperjump
    Hyperjumping fully working
    AHD now complete for mass fleet jump at once
  • V1.2 internal release

    Added the "Cheat" ability using Cycrow's configuration plugin menus
  • v1.3 internal release
    Conversion and adaptation of the Project Warpgate command
    Redesign of the rotating used for the Gate ship using a modified version of Gazz "align with ecliptic" script
    (Thanks you Gazz for allowing me to use your code)
  • v1.4 internal release
    Added the sound effect for hyperjumping (directly from the X2 sound effect)
    Added the Singularity Slope Tension Converter (no need for E-cells to jump), jump range capabilities stays the same.
  • v1.5 first public release
    Addition of the Quantum jump command (Conversion from X2 script)
    Addition on the Quantum jump sound (Directly from the X2 sound effects)
    Auto-Drive not yet working
    Addition of the wing Quantum jump command
    Addition of a double functionality hotkey
  • V1.51 Bug Fix release
    Corrected the script started via hotkey
  • v1.6 The auto-drive release
    Auto-drive command fully implemented
    Corrected the behaviour of followers after jump when trying to SETA
    Corrected order of mass fleet hyperjumping, big ship and formation leader try to jump first
    Added an big flash explosion on mobile wormhole closing
    Hotkey has now a triple function, triple press engage Quantum jump to currently aimed target
    Corrected non waiting rotation script on wormhole creation
  • v1.7 The user choice release
    Auto drive won't intervene in explorer commands
    Auto-drive now works with most wings commands (need to activate auto-drive on each wingmen)
    Fix behavior of auto-drive command when ship is docked
    Added ability to choose between TOA or Gate to use with singularity projector (default is gate)
    Added Player ship headstart on fleet hyperjumps (user configurable, default is 2000ms)
    Added Cooldown period between each use of quantum jump (user configurable, default is 10 seconds)
    Quantum jump now only check the necessary e-cell to initiate the drive ( ie the first 20km)
    Quantum drive will return ship to normal space if ship lacks e-cells to reach final destination
    Quantum jump price adjusted, cost doubled for big ship and freighters, quadrupled for huge ships
    All message are now in text-id file, ready for any possible translation.
    Added in-game description to all command used.
    Various fixes and bug corrections
  • v1.8 The "No crash" release
    Added option for user to disable the custom playership sound while hyperjumping
    Added option for playership to jump thought gate, if a gate is selected as an hyperjump destination
    Auto drive script completely reworked (thanks WDog for all the great input), this should get rid of most if not all auto-drive related crash
    Various fixes and bug corrections
    Various code cleaning and optimizations
    Note to previous version user, you'll need to disable and re-enabled auto-drived ship for auto-drive change to be effective.
  • 1.9 internal release
    Fix ships not undocking before quantum jump if docked
    Fix ships not undocking while OOS before hyperjumping

    2.0 The "Strange" release (hopefully the last version of AHD)
    Compatibility with EMP 2.0 and X3:TC v2.0a fixed
Known Bugs:
  • You won't hear the player specific "exit from hyperspace" sound if you have the "show warp tunnel" ( Egosoft default it on) options turned on in your general game preference
  • Quantumjumping over very long distances (250+ km) can cause the early "facing angles" to be considerably wrong (off by up to 90 degrees). The ship tends to correct itself as it gets closer to its destination. This problem is due to the limitations of using pseudo-fixed point numbers in
    scripting. The effort required to somewhat correct this is considerably greater than the effort I'm reasonably willing to put into these script.
Go to the Plugin configuration menu, click on the plugin status to desintall
You'll get a meassage telling you to save and THEN shut down your game and remove the files

Installation (For a fresh install):

This script comes as 2 versions, one for the EMP mod users and one for the others
Note for scripters: I had to modify the TwareT.txt files (reason of the 2 versions)
  • This script NEEDS Cycrow's configuration menu installed, you can get it here
  • Use Cycrow's plugin manager and install the package

  • Unzip directly into your Terran Conflict directory preserving path of files
Installation (upgrading from previous version):
Uninstall via plugin manager, install new version (see just above)
As simple as that :)

Enjoy and comment :)
Report any bug in this thread :idea:


:arrow: To Do:
-Fixing bug if any are left 8)

For modders out there
  • Tfiles id used: 8620
  • Also 3 ware slots are used SS_WARE_SW_NEW18, SS_WARE_SW_NEW19, SS_WARE_SW_NEW20 (price adjusted)
Last edited by Loky77 on Fri, 10. Jul 09, 12:01, edited 18 times in total.

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Post by russbo » Wed, 4. Feb 09, 18:13

OK, I just wanted to add that I am terribly impressed. What an awesome and overly creative addition to the game. Thanks!

What happens if we install the AHD NON EMP mod users spk file, and then, later on, install EMP into our game (and forget to change the AHD spk file to the "EMP users" one)???
Last edited by russbo on Wed, 4. Feb 09, 18:20, edited 1 time in total.

Logain Abler
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Post by Logain Abler » Wed, 4. Feb 09, 18:14

Sounds class, will have a look when I finish work :)


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Post by Loky77 » Wed, 4. Feb 09, 18:49

russbo wrote: What happens if we install the AHD NON EMP mod users spk file, and then, later on, install EMP into our game (and forget to change the AHD spk file to the "EMP users" one)???
Just don't forget or you'll not have the ware EMP adds :)
and to upgrade from the non emp users to EMP user just desintall the package and install the new one.

There is just one line of code difference between the 2 versions :)
I could have made a single version but non EMP users would have lots of Read-text with no use :P

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Post by groznij » Wed, 4. Feb 09, 19:41

What is EMP?

(Search function doesn't work)

EMP stands for "Extended mod Pack"

If you don't use that http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=220541
take the non EMP version Smile
Thanks! Now using EMP.
Last edited by groznij on Wed, 4. Feb 09, 19:58, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Loky77 » Wed, 4. Feb 09, 19:45

groznij wrote:What is EMP?

(Search function doesn't work)
EMP stands for "Extended mod Pack"

If you don't use that http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=220541
take the non EMP version :)

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Post by X2-Eliah » Thu, 5. Feb 09, 07:23

Does this mod requires the ecliptic projector somewhere? Because that is not for sale in the regular universe (or have you added it to EQ docks?)

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Post by mostlikely » Thu, 5. Feb 09, 08:32

Very nice addon, I usually steer away from these 'jump anywhere for free' scripts but the whole package (especially the quantum jump) makes it a very nice and seamless addition to my universe. Thank you. I can't wait for auto drive ;)

Version 1.5 (emp) seems to be missing the hotkey for me tho. I saw allot of commented code in the script that is supposed to activate it (didn't look at it closely) so I'm guessing that's still a work in progress.
Also the quantum jump seems to be very inaccurate at times (location where you end up) but I guess that is supposed to be expected.

X2-Eliah wrote:Does this mod requires the ecliptic projector somewhere? Because that is not for sale in the regular universe (or have you added it to EQ docks?)
Your probably confusing the ecliptic projector with the new 'Singularity projector'.
The first is as you said an existing upgrade but not for sale anywhere.
The second is a new ware and added along with the other upgrades from argon equipment docks.

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Post by Loky77 » Thu, 5. Feb 09, 10:11

mostlikely wrote:Very nice addon, I usually steer away from these 'jump anywhere for free' scripts but the whole package (especially the quantum jump) makes it a very nice and seamless addition to my universe. Thank you. I can't wait for auto drive ;)

Version 1.5 (emp) seems to be missing the hotkey for me tho. I saw allot of commented code in the script that is supposed to activate it (didn't look at it closely) so I'm guessing that's still a work in progress.
Also the quantum jump seems to be very inaccurate at times (location where you end up) but I guess that is supposed to be expected.
I just rechecked the package, the commented code you saw was when the setup only did the installing .. now it does the deinstall too so lots of code commented but if you look at the beginning you'll see the hotkey being set

I just stated a new game for a test . hotkey is present.
Maybe you didn't find it, it is called "Adv.HyperDrive"
Look again to see if it is still not here :)

Anyway thanks for pointing it out, i'll add to the OP the name of the hotkey and maybe coloring it so people can better see it :)

And for quantum jump being innacurate it is working as designed, you need a Ecliptic projector to make it accurate
And I forgot that X3TC doesn't have it in stock anymore, although there is a script that add it back on the German forums

Ecliptic Projector German thread
mostlikely wrote:
X2-Eliah wrote:Does this mod requires the ecliptic projector somewhere? Because that is not for sale in the regular universe (or have you added it to EQ docks?)
Your probably confusing the ecliptic projector with the new 'Singularity projector'.
The first is as you said an existing upgrade but not for sale anywhere.
The second is a new ware and added along with the other upgrades from argon equipment docks.
Well in fact no he's not confusing anything, Ecliptic projector is needed for the Quantum jump to be accurate, howerver not mandatory at all , it will just be a little innacurate
I may remove that part or putting it as a option if people have the ecliptic projector script installed.

Depending on the feedback, i'll choose an option :)

And for the autodrive, still in beta as i don't want strange behaviour :)


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Post by NeoSeether » Thu, 5. Feb 09, 10:49

The reason for the missing hotkey is that the script in question was mis-named.

Changed it myself from 'plugin.loky.hotkey.hyperjump.xml' to 'plugin.loky.hyperjump.hotkey.xml', while also changing the internal name (in that particular script) to match the re-named file.

Alternatively, one could edit 'setup.loky.hyperjump.xml' and change the reference in there, instead of both re-naming the previous file, and having to edit it too.
Now, return to the void, in the midst of this infinite light!

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Post by bounty_hunter66 » Thu, 5. Feb 09, 11:03

I died and went to heaven! Thanks Loky!! :D

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Post by Loky77 » Thu, 5. Feb 09, 11:05

NeoSeether wrote:The reason for the missing hotkey is that the script in question was mis-named.

Changed it myself from 'plugin.loky.hotkey.hyperjump.xml' to 'plugin.loky.hyperjump.hotkey.xml', while also changing the internal name (in that particular script) to match the re-named file.

Alternatively, one could edit 'setup.loky.hyperjump.xml' and change the reference in there, instead of both re-naming the previous file, and having to edit it too.
Oh yeah !! you damn right :)
I misnamed the script the hotkey starts :)
I'll redo the package modifying the name of the misnamed script :)
Do not touch the setup or you'll end up with twice the hotkey with the same name and one will not work :)

Thanks for pointing it out NeoSeether :)

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Post by mostlikely » Thu, 5. Feb 09, 11:27

Loky77 wrote:Well in fact no he's not confusing anything...
Thanks for giving such detailed explanation. I always tend to 'skip' reading large amounts of text when I could be spending that time playing with the script ;) :oops:

Now I'm off to hunt for that ecliptic projector in the German forums :x

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Post by Loky77 » Thu, 5. Feb 09, 11:39

bounty_hunter66 wrote:I died and went to heaven! Thanks Loky!! :D
Always a pleasure :P

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Post by Loky77 » Thu, 5. Feb 09, 11:41

Ok guys, Version 1.51 online.
Hotkey and the double function it has should be working flawlessly :)

Sorry to make you re-download :oops:


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Post by spacefueladdict » Fri, 6. Feb 09, 13:39

Loky77... this is an amazing script, it's an absolute must have, the quantum drive is brilliant for moving around big sector quickly! this script gets :thumb_up: :thumb_up: :thumb_up: ...

I do have a suggestion, the amount of energy cells that are used in the quantum jump should be graded according to ship size and distance travelled...

For example:

M5, M4, M3, 1 energy cell per 5km travelled.
M6, M8, TS, TP, 3 energy cells per 5km travelled.
M7, 5 energy cells per 5km travelled.
M1, M2, TL, 7 energy cells per 5km travelled.

And maybe something on a similar line for the hyper jump, where distance becomes sectors... :)

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Post by russbo » Fri, 6. Feb 09, 14:06

I've also been using this, and find it to be extremely well done. For jumpdrive stuff, this is the script to use, without a doubt.

How much do the wares cost? I can't make it out in my menu.

And if you wanted to make a "penalty" for using the jumpdrive, such as in shield energy depletion based upon ship size and distance, I certainly wouldn't complain. Might put more of a tactical decision making process in place when using it in certain situations.

Great job. A must have script.

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Post by X2-Eliah » Fri, 6. Feb 09, 14:28

38k for the quantum drive, 1.8Mil something for the Slope converter, and, i think, 7+Mil for the singularity projector.

Oh, and spacefuelddict if right - this script works brilliantly with his own sector mod.

So for I haven't encountered any problems (non-emp version), but I have to say it is weird charging the p-2-p jumpdrive in your nova and hearing that 2 other people are crammed in the engine compartment..
But it certainly beats the betty countdown, so it still has to be a keeper, that..

Actually, the quantum drive option could use something similar as well..

And, if you recall the scenes in the X3-Reunion plot, where the gate was built, they used a flash of sorts, that effect would be good with your gate-spawner system too (I reckon a gate-less jumphole would not be possible). Thumbs up!

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Post by Loky77 » Fri, 6. Feb 09, 14:34

spacefueladdict wrote:Loky77... this is an amazing script, it's an absolute must have, the quantum drive is brilliant for moving around big sector quickly! this script gets :thumb_up: :thumb_up: :thumb_up: ...
Hehe :p Thanks a lot :) Wait for the Auto-drive to be finished, you'll see your fleet using it when able to :)
spacefueladdict wrote: I do have a suggestion, the amount of energy cells that are used in the quantum jump should be graded according to ship size and distance travelled...

For example:

M5, M4, M3, 1 energy cell per 5km travelled.
M6, M8, TS, TP, 3 energy cells per 5km travelled.
M7, 5 energy cells per 5km travelled.
M1, M2, TL, 7 energy cells per 5km travelled.
Part of it is already like that, for now every ship without SSTC use 1E-cells per 20 km traveled :)
I'll probably redo and correct that a bit depending on feedback
Anyway thanks for the suggestion
spacefueladdict wrote:And maybe something on a similar line for the hyper jump, where distance becomes sectors... :)
That is already in place, ship without SSTC will need Ecells depending on the distance and size of ship ( like the regular jumprdrive )


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Post by spacefueladdict » Fri, 6. Feb 09, 14:46

Loky77 wrote:
spacefueladdict wrote:Loky77... this is an amazing script, it's an absolute must have, the quantum drive is brilliant for moving around big sector quickly! this script gets :thumb_up: :thumb_up: :thumb_up: ...
Hehe :p Thanks a lot :) Wait for the Auto-drive to be finished, you'll see your fleet using it when able to :)
spacefueladdict wrote: I do have a suggestion, the amount of energy cells that are used in the quantum jump should be graded according to ship size and distance travelled...

For example:

M5, M4, M3, 1 energy cell per 5km travelled.
M6, M8, TS, TP, 3 energy cells per 5km travelled.
M7, 5 energy cells per 5km travelled.
M1, M2, TL, 7 energy cells per 5km travelled.
Part of it is already like that, for now every ship without SSTC use 1E-cells per 20 km traveled :)
I'll probably redo and correct that a bit depending on feedback
Anyway thanks for the suggestion
spacefueladdict wrote:And maybe something on a similar line for the hyper jump, where distance becomes sectors... :)
That is already in place, ship without SSTC will need Ecells depending on the distance and size of ship ( like the regular jumprdrive )

No problem, keep up the good work, when you have finished an got everything sorted, would you mind if i added this mod to my sector mod?

I have increaded the sizes of the sectors and this script would complement it wonderfully, full credit to yourself of course. :D

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