[#2708] Flight of the Dragonfyre Xenon Vesel "Unknown Ship"

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[#2708] Flight of the Dragonfyre Xenon Vesel "Unknown Ship"

Post by ZacKPloK »

I just attempted the Flight of the Dragonfyre mission, and when I approached the second meeting point, only one Xenon H would be recognized as an enemy. The second one was blue and marked "unknown ship", even when I approached closely (and got shot at).

Mission guidance was destroy Xenon H (or TF H? something like this), and also leading me to the "unknown ship". But my fleet could not engage as the vessel was not marked as hostile. I died before I could try to mark it as hostile manually.
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Re: 7.10 beta5 Timelines - Flight of the Dragonfyre Xenon Vesel "Unknown Ship"

Post by Ketraar »

Did this happen consistently or was this a one time thing? If its consistent please share the steps to reproduce it.


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Re: 7.10 beta5 Timelines - Flight of the Dragonfyre Xenon Vesel "Unknown Ship"

Post by ZacKPloK »

Okay, seems to be a one time thing, I was able to complete the mission now.

Another glitch in the mission was that on one of my tries I was not flying an Odachi during the second(?) encounter. I stayed in command of the dragonfyre at all times. Only at some point during the third encounter I was teleported from the helm to the entrance of the Dragonfyre's bridge.
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