[7.1 beta5] Repair search ignores repair options in the sector where damaged ship is in.

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Joined: Sun, 4. Sep 22, 20:57

[7.1 beta5] Repair search ignores repair options in the sector where damaged ship is in.

Post by PV_ »

7.1 beta 5, no mods

Ships choose weird distant target to repair.
"Eighteen billion". Damaged Alligator GEK-246 sits next to auxiliary ship with "Supply fleet" behavior set up, but for repair miner chooses carrier in Silent Witness 1 in spite of carrier is in Eighteen Billion too.
I don't ask for "hard" performance hitting search script, but can it at least check first the sector where the ship with repair demand is in?
Save file.

- for better "Repair" triggering keep spamming "attack targets in range" upon the miner.
Posts: 328
Joined: Sun, 4. Sep 22, 20:57

Re: [7.1 beta5] Repair search ignores repair options in the sector where damaged ship is in.

Post by PV_ »

After deeper investigation the issue lays underneath station subordinate carrier. Thus any subordinate what willing to repair first checks if there is carrier (or perhaps auxiliary as well) as subordinate at the same master-station and will go there for repair no matter how far that carrier and how close other repair sources.
Here is a possible outcome for that behavior:
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