No double joystick buttons assignment since version 7.10

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No double joystick buttons assignment since version 7.10

Post by Schiffmeister13 »

Version: 7.00 (534380)

Since the last update it is not possible to use Joytokey to double assign some buttons.

Joysticks used: Dual Thrustmaster T16000M


Controls in X4:

Flares assigned to Button 4 on right joystick
Scanmodus assigned to Str+ä

Seetings in JoytoKey:
Str Assigned to Button 2 on left Joystick
ä assigned to Button 4 on right Joystick

In the past it worked without problems. Now it happens for every button which is double assigned that both actions are started. In this case Scanmodus and Flares are activated when pressing Button 2 on left joystick and Button 4 on right Joystick.

I have provided my save game, the illustration of my joystick config, the joystick config itself from joytokey and the inputmap under this link. If you need more informations please let me know. ... sp=sharing
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Re: No double joystick buttons assignment since version 7.10

Post by Schiffmeister13 »

I had the hope that with the latest update (538068) there is a little chance the problem is fixed. Unfortunately not. I checked it out today. It works when using the keyboard directly but not over joytokey. :cry:
I love my dual Joystick setup. I put ages in it's configuration and especially the double assignment on some buttons are really a big win in the heat of a fight. Without it this game is not the same for me eventhough it's one of the greatest games I have ever played. So keep on the good work egosoft. I hope it will be fixed in the future. The last think I will do is do deinstall the game and reinstall it but I have little hope for that.
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