[7.10B1] L Ships undocking L Wharf a bit weird

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[7.10B1] L Ships undocking L Wharf a bit weird

Post by alt3rn1ty »

When an L ship exits an L Wharf, it tries to turn before reversing.

The L Wharf only has one entrance path which is also the exit path. AI Piloted ships will not just drive out the opposite side when exiting, they try to reverse out the way they came in ..
.. But before they do that, they will turn 90 degrees left, then turn 90 degrees right, and then they will reverse out = Weird.

Watch the video https://i.imgur.com/zqHIeLj.mp4

Save game - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/f2iwgg7f ... 9ap20&dl=0

Repro :
1. Load save
2. Open Map
3. Go to Properties
4. Left click to highlight my ship named "A-Test-Ray"
5. Right click my Shipyard and choose "Upgrade and Repair" .. Then just choose something like an Advanced satellite
6. Once the ship is making its way into dock, close the Map and just watch the AI Pilot take the ship in for repairs, then watch after the repairs are done the ship exiting the dock.

Hopefully you will see the turn 90 degrees left behaviour before it exits.
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Re: [7.10B1] L Ships undocking L Wharf a bit weird

Post by alt3rn1ty »

Forgot to mention :

I think I have seen someone else mention similar weird behaviour of XL ships exiting XL Wharfs .. If you also wish to test that there is an XL Wharf at my Shipyard. Just quickly build an XL ship to mess about with and SETA the build time away.

I cant remember if the other topic had a save or if it got noticed at all, I dont recall that it did.
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Re: [7.10B1] L Ships undocking L Wharf a bit weird

Post by alt3rn1ty »

Also the station has not been built with overlaps.

As you can see in the following screenshot, the dock does not have any other modules in its path alignment ..
X4 09_07_2024 09_00_10.png
Laptop Dell G15 5510 : Win 11 x64
CPU - 10th Gen' Core I7 10870H 2.2-5.0ghz, GPU - NVidia Geforce RTX 3060, VRAM 6gb GDDR5,
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Re: [7.10B1] L Ships undocking L Wharf a bit weird

Post by alt3rn1ty »

Was this acknowledged?, or is it working as intended.
Laptop Dell G15 5510 : Win 11 x64
CPU - 10th Gen' Core I7 10870H 2.2-5.0ghz, GPU - NVidia Geforce RTX 3060, VRAM 6gb GDDR5,
RAM - 32gb (2x16gb, Dual Channel mode set in BIOS) DDR4 2933mhz Kingston Fury Impact,
SSD - Kioxia M.2 NVME 512gb (System), + Samsung M.2 NVME 970 Evo Plus 1tb (Games)

:boron: Long live Queen Polypheides and may her tentacles always be supple.
Seeker of Sohnen.
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