[FEEDBACK] Drop positions

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[FEEDBACK] Drop positions

Post by icy0 »

In 7.10 there were some fixes and adjustments to avoid dropped containers spawning inside structures. This should no longer happen, as such we would like your feedback on it.

Feedback Notes:
  • Cargo drop spawn locations of recently destroyed ships, stations, asteroids and lockboxes
  • Cargo drop spawn locations of hacked storage modules.
Be as detailed as possible on what you did, what you expected and what ended up happening. This is not about drop balance, so please avoid discussions about that, thanks.
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Re: [FEEDBACK] Drop positions

Post by donzi »

Drops in some(all?) cases have trajectories.

EG: they visually move to final resting place

..is this slinging of the wares relevant or is the final resting coordinates of the ware(s) predetermined and the visual is just for show?
Ultimately wanting to know if ware dispensing/dispersal into space (if a factor here..) is related to player/owned npc deployments. Have been seeing sat deployments by player pilots very inaccurate (~1km or more) and in some instances visually 'tossed' out the same as I have seen with some enemy/xenon sat deployments. Hiden here in case this is totally unrelated.
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Re: [FEEDBACK] Drop positions

Post by PersonyPerson »

icy0 wrote: Tue, 2. Jul 24, 16:02 In 7.10 there were some fixes and adjustments to avoid dropped containers spawning inside structures. This should no longer happen, as such we would like your feedback on it.

Feedback Notes:
  • Cargo drop spawn locations of recently destroyed ships, stations, asteroids and lockboxes
  • Cargo drop spawn locations of hacked storage modules.
Be as detailed as possible on what you did, what you expected and what ended up happening. This is not about drop balance, so please avoid discussions about that, thanks.
Ok. I've done some testing for the drop positions and here are my observations/feedback:

For S and M class ships, the drops are a lot cleaner and much closer together. Much less dispersion. I like this. It's easier to collect them.
For L and XL class ships, I expect the drops to be more dispersed than the smaller ships due to the increased size of these ships. This is what I see. I'm happy with it.

For stations, I personally haven't noticed much of a difference. The wares are supposed to explode radially from a destroyed storage module in an unorganised fashion, and that's what I've always seen before and after. I like it as it is.

For asteroids, 95% of the time it works great. However occasionally when I'm mining a mineral spot on a large asteroid, the debris will release and then move inward and clip through into the asteroid rather than outward. I can eventually get it with a container magnet, but it can be quite annoying because I can't see it visually until it clips back out.

Didn't test lockboxes. I never get them unless they're part of missions. Never noticed a problem with them when I did, always pushed themselves out of the box as intended.

Storage module hacks:
For storage module hacking. Every race's storage modules (TER, ARG, BOR, TEL, ZYA, PAR) wares come out in one huge blob. Size of the blob depends on the station you're hacking. A Wharf/Shipyard will have a huge blob given the number of different wares required. A production station won't have that much. All of them with the exception of the Paranid spawn outside the geometry and are easily obtainable. It can be quite difficult to find a specific ware, but I suspect this is intentional. You're stealing their stuff without any precision to it, so it's not supposed to be clean. I'm happy with it as it is now with it being a blob.
Blob: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ ... rbox=false

Paranid storage modules however, ~50% of the time they still spawn inside the geometry or hard to reach places for anything other than a fighter. 2 examples below:
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ ... rbox=false
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ ... rbox=false

Seems to occur most often with Small or Large Paranid storages. Medium ones seem to work as intended, but I've only tested that a couple of times.

Overall though, it's a decent improvement. No serious complaints other than what I've mentioned above.
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