[#2724]v700b533724 - phantom hacking activator(s)

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[#2724]v700b533724 - phantom hacking activator(s)

Post by donzi »

This has shown a couple times for me at the manager/rep's office -- iirc it's been at Argon Prime Shipyard both times.

Once with beta 7 and this one with beta 8. Different parts of the window sill will show this.

It is not there all the time (exit/reenter, future visits, etc) and does not replicate in a save.

Not sure but both times I believe that I was going to speak with them about getting level 10 rep perks.

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Re: v700b533724 - phantom hacking activator(s)

Post by donzi »

..still see this in 7.10 betas.

Seems to only be the ANT/ARG faction rep/manager office type where this happens.

Problem is this condition is created on the fly and not persistent. Can leave the office and go back inside and it may be gone.

Really not much to go on, but it's always that window sill where the panel/hacking thing is shown.

It should randomly surface if moving among stations with this office layout. Upon entry I'll move to around half way and pan the cursor on the window sill, if looking for it. Other times I just catch it on my way in to deal with the faction rep for something.

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