[MOD] Entern mit Flottensupport (mehr Marines)

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Marvin Martian
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Post by Marvin Martian »

By talking to your Marineofficer you can transfer Marines from the Skunk into free Dronebay-Space at an Ship that you follow
that allows you to increase your boardingstrengh over the regular Skunklimit by using some follower ships for boarding too
ships with marines that in the same zone as you at boarding start will send her Marines into boardingprocess too

the other option is to start boarding of an Station by talk to such a ship and select the station (the Ships and you should be stay in position at this moment, boardingpods start immediately)
here you have the option to selelct a faction you want to board the station for, because you can't use the station with an CV so you need a station engineer-mod, or also a shipyard might be problematic in playerhands without further mods - by boarding for another faction you get 10mioCr and maybe have a neighbour at the station you like more then the old owner

at the latest version you can store Marines into inventory of the Marineofficer and send them by class to the fessels, it is for sorting, but you can also use it to collect unlimit marines - the inventory marines not used for boarding, and if you loose this MO, you will loose this marines too, so better do not :wink:
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Marvin Martian
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Post by Marvin Martian »

Cappy1401 wrote:Nur eine kleine Idee nebenbei von mir. Es löst das Problem das ein Schiff nutzlos ownerless zurückbleibt.
ein Schiff für eine Fraktion kapern ist nicht der eigentliche Zweck des Skripts,
du kannst damit aber ggf. trainieren und deine Marines Skillen wenn dich da mehrfach dran versuchst
das zu Schrott schießen ist IMO unnötig, dafür kannst du ja nun mit einer ausreichend starken Mannschaft ins Feld ziehen

ab XR 4.00 ist das Entern von ownerless eh nicht mehr nötig, man kann einfach einen Kapitän drauf setzen und es ist deins

updatet MarineRebalance to 0.51, can't reproduce that error
but the positions only depends on the player-free boarding, so thats no show-stopper
Rubini have anyway now used an own boarding script as far i know
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Post by Dreamwind »

When you say talk to the ship for station boarding do you physically have to be onbaord the ship and which crewman do you have to talk to to initiate station boarding.

And isn't this possible to add to one of the side menu's instead?

Also do any marines from those ships gain experience and how is the return of marines handled back to those ships after the boarding process has completed.
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Marvin Martian
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Post by Marvin Martian »

talk = simply call the pilot like every pilot for attack commands,
to get access of "Attack" categorie in completly unarmed ships like Hymir (ok had only 3 droneslots, but only for example) you need a to have weapons, or a armed wing assigned to this ship
capitalships haven't that problem because they normaly have at least one turret somewhere

yes better menues would be nice sometimes, but have no idea how to do this

The marines will all handeled like they are from the skunk, so they gain experience like regular and will be send back to the avalible ships
you only have to pick up your MarineOfficer
(in case he will placed on a dock that have no free Actor-slots you should leave zone and came back, then he will get a "visible" place)

i had created a smallship with 30 Marines each, so i have to control more then one ship
i "broadcast" them to my position close to the boardingobject
when they arrive, i call one of the pilots to start boarding, and command them a withdraw from battle afterwards
because the station will start shooting and you have all the little games like destroy this and that what Yisha said

best would be NOT to have a trojanURV, otherwise you have also hackingjobs to do, that might be painfull at a station, i think - not try this up yet :D

i normaly use my Hacking Mod to disable all defences
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Post by w.evans »

Just wanted to confirm that I didn't spot those error messages again after that one time. My mod set-up at the time was a bit chaotic since I had to switch between having mods installed and without several times, so could be that I had something installed that one time that I don't normally have. If I spot them again, and can track cause, I'll let you know.

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Post by pref »

Sorry to post in english, i see others do that too (i could try german but en might be more effective).

Im helping BlackRain with adding your mod to CWIR.
All goes easy so far, i would only like to ask how to balance the attack strength of the boarder ships. The pods launch, and then all marines and MO is removed (i assume they just loose).
What MO skills and marine team setup should i use for 0 and 100% success rate? I mean whats the max attack team for losing and the minimum for ensured success?
If any formulas are available on how AS/BR is calculated it would be great.

Thanks for your help and code donation :)
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Marvin Martian
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Post by Marvin Martian »

don't know, the defencestrength of Stations is similar to ships quite different, you can show them with $target.boardingresistance or modify my patch boarding.xml the line of <show_help > so you get a notice every "round"

and the Marines shouldn't removed, only "unavalible" but still at the dronebay

the major problem i had at testing is the Stationdefence, in case they active they shoot the pods very fast

so for boarding a station better check the dps.all for the boarding-start-trigger or simply hack the station, my BoardingshipAI should be have a option for that, but the success is based on the crew skills of the Marionofficer ship
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Post by pref »

Strange, some of the pods attached themselves to the station (some to wrecked parts of the station - hope that wont matter).
I was following the team with the skunk.

Then at one point the whole team and the MO was gone (no marine units on ship and no MO either). Was hoping it only means a loss, and not an issue with code :D

Thanks, i will add some more skills to the MOs then.
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Post by Rubini »

Hi MM,

Here a simple and quick fix to that MO pocket issue: when your MO dies all its inventory marines dies too ( also the same occurs if you change the MO)

See :
(on MMSpBoard.xml file)

1. just change 6 event.object (that refers to MO only) to player.copilot. Now it will uses the copilot inventory instead, which, AFAIk, will never dies before the player itself.

2. if you want you can change also this entry "$to.name ==> 'Troop Reserve' and the 2 entries on the text file (0001.xml) from "Inventory" ==> "Reserve" just for more coherence.

This way all changes will be absolutely imperceptive for the player. The MO continues to make all troop moves as before. But now he can dies or be changed without any problem: your stored marines will be always disposable (think as a commodities, a Reserve somewhere).

Last edited by Rubini on Sun, 21. Feb 16, 22:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Marvin Martian
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Post by Marvin Martian »

but in case of NPC Boarding actions, won't this fill Yishas Pockets with marines?
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Post by Rubini »

Marvin Martian wrote:but in case of NPC Boarding actions, won't this fill Yishas Pockets with marines?
I guess not. Why it could be this way? NPC boarding actions dont mess with MMSpBoard.xml variables and also even at an end of a board npc action when it refills its lost marines this go to each npc ship dronebay, not for Yisha pocket...i guess!
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Marvin Martian
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Post by Marvin Martian »

ok understand, this funtion was intended to sort, not directly to store marines

i missunderstand you change it in the ReturnUnitFleet library of boardding.xml too, here is also a fallback to the inventory
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Post by Rubini »

Marvin Martian wrote:ok understand, this funtion was intended to sort, not directly to store marines

i missunderstand you change it in the ReturnUnitFleet library of boardding.xml too, here is also a fallback to the inventory
I just noticed this one now (a MO inventory function at ReturnUnitFleet library of boardding.xml). I guess that this one is used only when the player board fleet ships that sent marines to the target are destroyed before the marines return (and if the board was a succees) no? Then you make this routine to put them back to player reserve adding them to the MO inventary again. If so, i guess that is needed to also use the player.copilot inventory here, right?

Like this:
(Or am i missing something more on the general idea/code?)


Code: Select all

<!-- all Boardingships gone? So convert Marine to Welderdrone / or Pocketmarines -->
				<do_if value="$RUF_undone and $target.exists and $target.units.maxcount - $target.units.count"> 
					<add_units object="$target" category="unitcategory.welder" mk="1" exact="1" />
				<do_elseif value="$RUF_undone and $commander.exists">
					<set_value name="$wares" exact="[ware.spe_unit_marine_mk1, ware.spe_unit_marine_mk2, ware.spe_unit_marine_mk3]" />
					<do_if value="$wares.{$mk}?"> 
						<add_inventory entity="$commander" ware="$wares.{$mk}" exact="1" />
					<remove_value name="$wares"/>
to this:

Code: Select all

<!-- all Boardingships gone? So convert Marine to Welderdrone / or Pocketmarines -->
				<do_if value="$RUF_undone and $target.exists and $target.units.maxcount - $target.units.count"> 
					<add_units object="$target" category="unitcategory.welder" mk="1" exact="1" />
				<do_elseif value="$RUF_undone and $commander.exists">
					<set_value name="$wares" exact="[ware.spe_unit_marine_mk1, ware.spe_unit_marine_mk2, ware.spe_unit_marine_mk3]" />
					<do_if value="$wares.{$mk}?"> 
						<add_inventory entity="player.copilot" ware="$wares.{$mk}" exact="1" />
					<remove_value name="$wares"/>
Another question: do you use this same funtion also for NPC fleets (non player procecess)?. If so is just a matter to add a check for player procecees on the above. (As you know i made exclusive files for each situation, so i have not this problem here).
Like this:

Code: Select all

<!-- all Boardingships gone? So convert Marine to Welderdrone / or Pocketmarines -->
				<do_if value="$RUF_undone and $target.exists and $target.units.maxcount - $target.units.count"> 
					<add_units object="$target" category="unitcategory.welder" mk="1" exact="1" />
				<do_elseif value="$RUF_undone and $commander.exists">
					<set_value name="$wares" exact="[ware.spe_unit_marine_mk1, ware.spe_unit_marine_mk2, ware.spe_unit_marine_mk3]" />
					<do_if value="$wares.{$mk}?"> 
						<add_inventory entity="$commander" ware="$wares.{$mk}" exact="1" chance="$isplayerprocess * 0"/>
					   <add_inventory entity="player.copilot" ware="$wares.{$mk}" exact="1" chance="$isplayerprocess * 100"/>
					<remove_value name="$wares"/>
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Post by Rubini »

Anyhow, i guess that for player marines, don´t make sense to convert them to welderdrones in any situation. Or they die in battle, or they return to their ships or they must go to reserve. So I guess that its better to supress this code IMO for playerprocess:

Code: Select all

<!-- all Boardingships gone? So convert Marine to Welderdrone / or Pocketmarines -->
				<do_if value="$RUF_undone and $target.exists and $target.units.maxcount - $target.units.count" chance="$isplayerprocess * 0"> 
					<add_units object="$target" category="unitcategory.welder" mk="1" exact="1" >
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Post by Jormaster2k »

Hi, it works well to capture station.
After the capture I assigned Manager, Defense and Spcialist, as well as Engineer.
I sent a new Construction Ship (OL) to the base, but when I ask Architect to deploy to station, the construction ship disappears and I cannot assign another.

At the end of capture there is no way to assign Construction Ship to Station so I cannot repair/extend. Is there a way around this?
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Marvin Martian
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Post by Marvin Martian »

sadly not yet
by script (without assign to an buildspot) or spawnpoint created stations can't get a CV because the missing buildspot
a very stupid limitation in my opinion but as far i know, there is no workaround

to repair the station without Engineer or Welderdrones you could use the Repairservice mod and order the ship (you can use your CV or another Mine-/Tradeship) only to work at the lokal zone, so the Shipengineer will fix the Station
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Marvin Martian
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Post by Marvin Martian »

Mit Version 1.22 sind nun die DLC Fraktionen ebenfalls beim Entern für eine Fraktion auswählbar
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Post by Fazer1000 »

Hallo Marvin,

es gibt ein kleines Problem mit "FS Boarding" in Kombination mit "Direct Command", da letzteres leider den "Entern einleiten" Befehl des Hilfsschiffes verschluckt. Hab mich dumm und dämlich nach dem Befehl gesucht bis ich auf die Idee kam "Direct Command" abzuschalten.
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Marvin Martian
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Post by Marvin Martian »

hat jetzt etwas länger gedauert, aber ich habe vorerst eine angepasste Version der DirectCommands hochgeladen, welche das Commando von "Angreifen" nach "mehr ..." verlegt
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Post by summel »

Gefällt mir sehr gut der Mod,
Passend dazu wäre ein Mod, der es möglich macht mit angemessen hoher Anzahl von Marines (500+) einzigartige Stationen wie die Plutarch Wachfeste =) zu entern.
Btw die Wachfeste war sprungfähig? Oder wie ist die so schnell vor das Tor geplatzt?
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