Report# DD-99129 - Savegame crash - Feedback Request

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Report# DD-99129 - Savegame crash - Feedback Request

Post by rboerdijk »

If this is your first visit to Egosoft Technical Troubleshooting, then please read the Introduction.


Problem Description

The specific crash you have experienced appears to be related to the loading of a savegame. You can help us with fixing this issue by providing us with the savegame for further analysis.


Feedback Requested

You can either click here to upload your savegame to us, or alternatively you can zip the savegame and mail it to with subject "DD-99129" and a short description.

Savegames can be found in the "My Documents\Egosoft\X Rebirth\{steamID}\Save\" folder where "{steamID}" is a string of numbers corresponding to your Steam account ID.



We received multiple savegames exhibiting this problem and in each case the issue was mod-related. These mods added objects to the savegame which could not be loaded any more after uninstalling the mod. X Rebirth v3.0 beta 4 will contain code to avoid the crash on load by "ignoring" the corrupted objects.

If you get this crash but have never used any mods, please contact us at with subject "DD-99129 no mods" and include a savegame and a short description.
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