Report# DD-95187 - Savegame crash - Feedback Request

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Report# DD-95187 - Savegame crash - Feedback Request

Post by rboerdijk »

If this is your first visit to Egosoft Technical Troubleshooting, then please read the Introduction.


Problem Description

The specific crash you have experienced appears to be related to the loading of a savegame. You can help us with fixing this issue by providing us with the savegame for further analysis.


Feedback Requested

You can either click here to upload your savegame to us, or alternatively you can zip the savegame and mail it to with subject "DD-95187" and a short description.

Savegames can be found in the "My Documents\Egosoft\X Rebirth\{steamID}\Save\" folder where "{steamID}" is a string of numbers corresponding to your Steam account ID.



Mods can specify whether they can be safely uninstalled without breaking savegames. The default for this is that the mod cannot be safely uninstalled, but mods can override this behaviour.

This crash happens when you remove a mod which cannot be safely uninstalled, but which still overrides this parameter. When loading a savegame created with the mod in to a game installation that does not have the mod installed, the game will crash. A possible workaround is to re-enable the offending mod.

Example of a mod causing this behaviour:
• "Automated Emergency Jump" version 1.13
Last edited by rboerdijk on Mon, 1. Dec 14, 13:42, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 1701
Joined: Fri, 11. Jan 13, 14:26

Post by rboerdijk »

Wenn dies Dein erster Besuch im Egosoft-Forum "Technische Problemlösung" ist, dann lies bitte die Einführung.



Der spezifische Crash, den Du gerade erlebt hast, scheint mit dem Laden eines Savegames zusammenzuhängen. Du kannst uns helfen, dieses Problem zu lösen, indem Du uns das Savegame für die weitere Analyse zukommen lässt.


Feedback erwünscht

Du kannst entweder hier klicken, um Dein Savegame zu uns hochzuladen, oder alternativ kannst du den Spielstand komprimieren und an senden mit dem Betreff "DD-95187" und einer kurzen Beschreibung.

Savegames findest du in dem Ordner "Meine Dokumente\Egosoft\X Rebirth\{steamID}\Save\", wobei "{steamID}" eine Folge von Zahlen ist, die deiner Steam-Account-ID entsprechen.
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