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Community Mods
[Now shut up, Yisha!] - Removes the "Shut up, Betty" comment from Yisha - [Author: Ioae, Nifter] = sers a enlever le son "Shut up, Betty" parfois énervant
[Silence Police Sirens] - Replaces Siren sound with dummy empty sound - [Author: Nebogloee] = remplace le son de sirène des flic qui scan
[Increase fov inside of cockpit] - Increases field of view inside of cockpit. - [Author: Cratz] = une vue cockpit plus large 120°
[Activate Debug Mode] - Allows access to debug menu. - [Author: r4m0n] = active le menu spéciale debug.
[Highway Sound Subtlety] - Highway sound replaced by a more subtle one. - [Author - Isbeorn] = remplace le son des autoroutes par un autre
[New Cursor] - Changes the Cursor - [Author - idzerono] = remplace l'icone souris par une autre plus petite
[Don't show me your wares, please.] - Removes the sounds associated with buying wares, upgrades, etc. - [Author - Sinestus] = enlève le son des achat et des montés de niveau
[Colored Highway Tube v 1.0] - Changes highway tube colors to four different colours - [Author - Zeron-mk7] = change la couleurs des tube des autoroutes
[Weapon Projectile Speed Increase] - Increases player/non player weapon projectile speed by 50% - [Author - Azalrion] = augment la rapidité de 50% des missiles
[No 'Press .... to deactivate steering mode.' notification] - Changes text entry to empty to remove notification. - [Author - Mad_Joker] = pas testé
[NESA - Never Enter Stations Again] - Allows remote contact to NPC's on station - [Author - Mad_Joker] = permet de parler au Pnj des station de son vaisseau sans rentré dedans
[Realspace Star Backgrounds - Not Released Yet!] - Replaces launch backgrounds with higher quality backgrounds. -[Author - Realspace] = pas testé
[Remove Boarding Cutscenes] - Removes boarding/unboarding cutscenes from the game. - [Author - koronus] = enlève la scène video entre le vaisseau et la station
[Remove Detailmonitor Animation] - Removes the animation that comes with opening and closing the detail monitor. - [Author - koronus] = pas testé
[Better Cockpit] - Removes various parts of the cockpit for a more open field of vision - [Author - OlDav54] = une autre vue de cockpit avec plusieurs choix de degres
Community Tools pour les développeurs
[CAT/DAT Extractor requiring Python 2.7] - Extracts CAT and DAT data files from X Rebirth root folder - [Author - Seidr]
[XRCatExtract .NET 2.0 cat/dat extractor] - CAT/DAT Extractor requiring NET 2.0 - [Author - stk25]
[XR Save Editor] - Allows you to edit save files - [Author - stk25]
Mods sorties le 17/11 soir
Tout sur les scripts et les mods pour X Rebirth.
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