* this is a Comment
Is anyone up for practical examples on what NOT to do? Something that'll crash my compiler or script please...
Starting the line with an asterisk '*' will make the rest of the line a comment. It is the only way of commenting within the script.
While this is amongst the very first things you figure out, there is a caveat. It is generally warned against using certain characters in the comments. If you use Exscriptor, then you're already familiar with the warnings. The characters:
- & ( ampersand, "and" )
- < ( Angled starting bracket, "lesser than" )
- > ( Angled closing bracket, "greater than" )
- ' ( Single quote )
MSCI and Exscriptor converts these characters into it's xml aliases
- &
- <
- >
- "
What could happen if you use special characters in comments?
The answer is - Anything!
First of all, your script could cease to load, or not wanting to save properly if at all. What's usually caught by the editor's error checker could slip right past and say everything's hunky dory. Then when you run your script, there's no telling what's wrong, since you're sure you did everything correctly and by the book. Except for the comments.
It is also advised against getting too creative in your comments - even if they don't include characters with XML aliases. You are after all editing a script, not an ascii drawing board.