<RefObj> = A variable containing a sector.
<Var/Boolean> = A TRUE or FALSE value or its representing number 1 or 0.
This set's the sector security class of the as <RefObj> selected sector to core if <Var/Boolean> = [TRUE] or to border if <Var/Boolean> = [FALSE].
The sector security class determines the rank the player needs to enter that sector and to dock to stations in it. The player need a higher rank to enter core than border sectors. All race sectors are either core or border sectors. Unknown sectors have no security class.
$max.x = get max sectors in x direction
$max.y = get max sectors in y direction
$x = 0
while $x < $max.x
|$y = 0
|while $y < $max.y
||$sector = get sector from universe index: x=$x, y=$y
||if $sector -> exists
|||if not $sector -> is core sector
||||$sector -> set sector to core security [TRUE]
||inc $y =
|inc $x =
return null
This will check every sector in the universe. If a sector is not a core (= border) sector the sector security class will be changed to core.
Related Commands:
<RetVar/IF><RefObj> is core sector
Command Location:
- »» Universe and Sector Commands
<RefObj> set sector to core security <Var/Boolean>