[PROGRAM] MapTools_V2

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[PROGRAM] MapTools_V2

Post by DIMOSUS »

Automatic generation 00749.bod!


[ external image ]

[ external image ]


www.after-domination.net/ADGlobal/Ketra ... ols_V2.rar

F1 — Open your map file (for example " X3_universe" map).
F2 — If you have map patch, then click button F2 and open another map file (for example "x3_universe_2.0.xml" map).
Edit Map.
Click button "F3" after that, will be generated 00749.bod file for your map (00749.bod file will be generated into the same folder, where are map file).

This software requirement XNA Framework 4.0
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/d ... 5c013c3b97

.NET Framework 4
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/d ... laylang=en

Edit [22th August 2016]: Added working download links. X2-Illuminatus
Last edited by DIMOSUS on Mon, 11. Apr 11, 20:54, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MapTools_V2

Post by X-Reider »

DIMOSUS wrote:Automatic generation 00749.bod!
Great job! Everything works! In the name of the great modding! :D 8)
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Post by DIMOSUS »

Рад что кому-то пригодилось :)
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Re: [PROGRAM] MapTools_V2

Post by LarryBurstyn »

DIMOSUS wrote:Automatic generation 00749.bod!


F1 — Open your map file (for example " X3_universe" map).
F2 — If you have map patch, then click button F2 and open another map file (for example "x3_universe_2.0.xml" map).
Edit Map.
Click button "F3" after that, will be generated 00749.bod file for your map (00749.bod file will be generated into the same folder, where are map file).

This software requirement XNA Framework 4.0
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/d ... 5c013c3b97

.NET Framework 4
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/d ... laylang=en
When I open the program the map is blank and there are no commands available. Downloaded and installed both the Framework files mentioned. EDIT--okay no commands but using the F2 key loaded the map--unfortunately the entire map is not viewable...the last column and the first row is outside the viewing area and the viewing area cannot be expanded to include the last column and the first row. The viewing area does not take up the entire screen (1920x1200x32) and cannot be made to extend to the entire screen. Windows 7 64.
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Post by DIMOSUS »

F1 - load "x3_universe.xml"
F2 - add (" x3_universe_2.0.xml" and other)
left mouse button - move sector
midle mouse button - scroll map
F3 - generate 00749.bod
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Post by Ketraar »

I've take the liberty to host this at AD, since it was a pain in the bastu to get it from Depositfiles (had to ask X2-Illuminatus to DL it for me, as there were no slots available for my country :roll: )

Here the mirror link if you feel like adding it to the OP -> LINK

Anyway, will have a crack at it creating a 20x24 bod, will do good for RSM :fg:

Feedback afterwards, thanks for a promising tool though :-)


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Post by X2-Illuminatus »

Thank you very much for this really useful tool. :) Just had a short test and everything worked fine.

The size of the window is a little bit strange though. I'm using a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 Pixel and the window seems to be little bit bigger than that.
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Post by DIMOSUS »

Ok, the new version.

-Unlocked window resizing
-Added the configuration file "Config.xml"

http://www.after-domination.net/ADGloba ... s_V2.1.rar
https://rapidshare.com/files/457996098/ ... s_V2.1.rar
Last edited by DIMOSUS on Mon, 18. Apr 11, 16:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ketraar »

AD Mirror for 2.1

Quick info on 2.0, I made a bod using it and it worked like a charm, once all gate connections were made.
Before that the app "just" crashed.

Will give more feedback in future. Thanks for this nice tool :-)


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Post by uamadman »

This should be stickied or added to the modding stickie post.

I wasted 15+hours figuring out what this does in a few clicks.
I'm not upset and actually enjoyed learning about the 00749 file.
But ... this needs to be easier to find.
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Post by eldyranx3 »

Are the bod files that this utility creates compatible with AP v1.0?

The extracted bod file from AP CAT1 is 226 kb. When I extract the x3_universe.xml from AP CAT1, add in a single sector, and export the bod the file is only 122kb. Replacing the 00749.bod in x3tc\objects\cut\ directory makes the universe map disappear when starting a new game.
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Post by X2-Illuminatus »

As all download links are dead, I uploaded the program to x1tp.com. Hope that's okay.

Link to the Database entry

Direct download link:

[ external image ]
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Post by vukica »

ok, i've been trying this for two days and it only works on maps that don't have paths crossing each other or, paths crossing sectors they are not connected to.

so, why is that? :?

plus, for some crazy reason Ketraar's flat map with 480 sectors is working in AP, but my with 200+ is not (standard ap + some of my sectors)


it's not the crossing paths! it's double gates in Aldrin sector + internal Aldrin gates.
i just extracted map, removed the problematic gates (left only one from aldrin to aldrin2) and it worked!!!

the reason it did work perfectly for TC is that there are no gates in Aldrin map. they're added with md code.
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Re: [PROGRAM] MapTools_V2

Post by Connstar »

Hi! Sorry to Necro this, but is there a working link for this tool somewhere? I used to have it, but I had to reset my pc and I really need this tool now. If there is no mirror available, would someone know if there is another tool around capable of similar things?

EDIT: Nevermind, the xdownloads link from this thread somehow didn't work for me. In case others have this issue, too, here's the link https://xdownloads.co.uk/index.php?opti ... Itemid=116
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Re: [PROGRAM] MapTools_V2

Post by Aldebaran_Prime »

Has this tool also the possibilty to load an existing 0749.bod as base for addtional sectors?
The reason is, that this tool just generates the map as the coordinates on x3_universe.xml in x an y-direction. But in the orginal 0749.bod the sectors are not purely positioned like the coordinates, but more like the different races have their clusters of sectors - e.g. the terran sectors are separated from the commenwealth sectors a little. This is what I like to have, too, independet of the "real" coordinates.
Ideally I like to use the orginal 0749.bod an just add and position "my" additional sectors where I want to have them.
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Re: [PROGRAM] MapTools_V2

Post by Ketraar »

You generate the map with the tool using your map file, then the Tool UI allows you to move sectors in the grid, by clicking the sector you want to move and then the position you want to move it to. It will drag the connection lines with it. Once everything is in place you export as 00749.bod.


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Re: [PROGRAM] MapTools_V2

Post by Aldebaran_Prime »

Ketraar wrote: Wed, 7. Jul 21, 00:11 You generate the map with the tool using your map file, then the Tool UI allows you to move sectors in the grid, by clicking the sector you want to move and then the position you want to move it to. It will drag the connection lines with it. Once everything is in place you export as 00749.bod.


Yes, sure. But the question was, if the tool allowes to use an existing 0749.bod as bse for sector positioning of addtional sectors. The aswer seems to be: "NO"
XSeyEditor had allowed this. But @ the moment it has some problems with FL because of changing the sector naming conventions of FL against former X3 versions.
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Re: [PROGRAM] MapTools_V2

Post by Ketraar »

Yes sorry I dont know the other tool. This one afaik only loads map files to create bods.


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