- [0] -- Bullets
- [1] -- Sectors
- [2] -- Backgrounds
- [3] -- Suns
- [4] -- Planets
- [5] -- W - Docks
- [6] -- W - Factories
- [7] -- W - Ships
- [8] -- W - Lasers
- [9] -- W - Shields
- [10] - W - Missiles
- [11] - W - Energy
- [12] - W - Naturals
- [13] - W - Bio
- [14] - W - Food
- [15] - W - Mineral
- [16] - W - Tech
- [17] - Asteriods
- [18] - Warp Gates
- [19] - Camera
- [20] - Special
- [21] - Nebula
- [22] - InStation
- [23] - Dummy
- [24] - Command
- [25] - Cockpit
- [26] - Datatyp
- [27] -
- [28] - Asteriod / Debris
- [29] - Dock Wreck
- [30] - Facrory Wreck
- [31] - Ship Wreck
*(W = Wares)
list of the Maintypes defines from KC:
Code: Select all
// Galaxy Server main categories (According to the Classes of Data Bank)
#define SGTYPE_SPECIAL SSTYPE_SPECIAL / * spec. Objects with special handling * /
Maintype 5 : (Docks)
Code: Select all
Mtype: Stype: Object Class: Name:
5 0 Trading Dock Free Argon Trading Station
5 1 Trading Dock Split Trading Port
5 2 Trading Dock Paranid Trading Dock
5 3 Trading Dock Royal Boron Trading Station
5 4 Trading Dock Teladi Trading Station
5 5 Trading Dock Xenon Station
5 6 Equipment Dock Argon Equipment Dock
5 7 Equipment Dock Split Equipment Dock
5 8 Equipment Dock Paranid Equipment Dock
5 9 Equipment Dock Boron Equipment Dock
5 10 Equipment Dock Teladi Space Equipment Dock
5 11 Equipment Dock Xenon Station
5 12 Goner Dock Goner Temple
5 13 Pirate Dock Pirate Base
5 14 Kha'ak Dock Kha'ak Station
5 15 Equipment Dock Military Outpost
5 16 Equipment Dock Military Outpost
5 17 Equipment Dock Military Outpost
5 18 Equipment Dock Military Outpost
5 19 Equipment Dock Military Outpost
5 20 Headquarters Headquarters
5 21 Goner Dock Goner Temple
5 22 Trading Dock USC Orbital Supply Base
5 23 Trading Dock USC Orbital Support Station
5 24 Trading Dock USC Orbital Logistics Dock
5 25 Equipment Dock Military Base
5 26 Equipment Dock Orbital Defence Station
5 27 Equipment Dock Orbital Patrol Base
5 28 Trading Dock Orbital Defence Station
5 29 Trading Dock Orbital Defence Station
5 30 Trading Dock Earth Torus
5 31 Trading Dock Unknown Aldrin Base
5 32 Trading Dock Unknown Aldrin Base
5 33 Trading Dock Military Base
5 34 Trading Dock Orbital Defence Station
5 35 Equipment Dock Terracorp HQ
5 36 Equipment Dock OTAS HQ
5 37 Equipment Dock Jonferco Headquarters
5 38 Equipment Dock Plutarch Mining Corporation HQ
5 39 Equipment Dock NMMC Headquarters
5 40 Equipment Dock Duke's Haven
5 41 Equipment Dock Atreus Headquarters
5 42 Equipment Dock Strong Arms HQ
5 43 Equipment Dock Xenon Hub
5 44 Kha'ak Dock Kha'ak Station
5 45 Equipment Dock Saturn Research Station
5 46 Equipment Dock Unknown Aldrin Base
5 47 Trading Dock Teladi Trading Station
5 48 Equipment Dock Dark Space Installation
5 49 Trading Dock Argon Secret Service Outpost
5 50 Equipment Dock ATF Research Base
Maintype 6 : (Factories)
Code: Select all
Mtype: Stype: Object Class: Name:
6 0 Big Shipyard Argon Federal Argon Shipyard
6 1 Big Shipyard Split Split Shipyard
6 2 Big Shipyard Paranid Paranid Shipyard
6 3 Big Shipyard Boron Royal Boron Shipyard
6 4 Big Shipyard Teladi Teladi Shipyard
6 5 Big Shipyard Xenon Xenon Shipyard
6 6 Factory Argon Weapon Component Factory
6 7 Factory Boron Weapon Component Factory
6 8 Factory Paranid Weapon Component Factory
6 9 Factory Split Weapon Component Factory
6 10 Factory Teladi Weapon Component Factory
6 11 Factory Argon Crystal Fab M
6 12 Factory Boron Crystal Fab M
6 13 Factory Paranid Crystal Fab M
6 14 Factory Split Crystal Fab M
6 15 Factory Teladi Crystal Fab M
6 16 Factory Argon Quantum Tube Fab
6 17 Factory Boron Quantum Tube Fab
6 18 Factory Paranid Quantum Tube Fab
6 19 Factory Split Quantum Tube Fab
6 20 Factory Teladi Quantum Tube Fab
6 21 Factory Argon Chip Plant
6 22 Factory Boron Chip Plant
6 23 Factory Paranid Chip Plant
6 24 Factory Split Chip Plant
6 25 Factory Teladi Chip Plant
6 26 Factory Argon Computer Plant
6 27 Factory Boron Computer Plant
6 28 Factory Paranid Computer Plant
6 29 Factory Split Computer Plant
6 30 Factory Teladi Computer Plant
6 31 Factory Argon Mosquito Missile Factory
6 32 Factory Argon Wasp Missile Factory
6 33 Factory Argon Silkworm Missile Factory
6 34 Factory Boron Mosquito Missile Factory
6 35 Factory Boron Dragonfly Missile Factory
6 36 Factory Paranid Wasp Missile Factory
6 37 Factory Paranid Hornet Missile Factory
6 38 Factory Split Wasp Missile Factory
6 39 Factory Split Dragonfly Missile Factory
6 40 Factory Split Silkworm Missile Factory
6 41 Factory Teladi Mosquito Missile Factory
6 42 Factory Teladi Silkworm Missile Factory
6 43 Factory Paranid SQUASH Mine Factory
6 44 Factory Split SQUASH Mine Factory
6 45 Factory Teladi SQUASH Mine Factory
6 46 Factory Argon Lasertower Factory
6 47 Factory Paranid Lasertower Factory
6 48 Factory Split Lasertower Factory
6 49 Factory Argon Drone Factory
6 50 Factory Boron Drone Factory
6 51 Factory Split Drone Factory
6 52 Factory Teladi Drone Factory
6 53 Factory Argon Satellite Factory
6 54 Factory Boron Satellite Factory
6 55 Factory Split Satellite Factory
6 56 Factory Teladi Satellite Factory
6 57 Factory Argon Advanced Satellite Factory
6 58 Factory Paranid Advanced Satellite Factory
6 59 Factory Split Advanced Satellite Factory
6 60 Factory Argon Impulse Ray Emitter Forge
6 61 Factory Boron Impulse Ray Emitter Forge
6 62 Factory Split Impulse Ray Emitter Forge
6 63 Factory Teladi Impulse Ray Emitter Forge
6 64 Factory Boron Light Weapons Complex
6 65 Factory Split Particle Accelerator Cannon Forge
6 66 Factory Boron Particle Accelerator Cannon Forge
6 67 Factory Paranid Particle Accelerator Cannon Forge
6 68 Factory Argon Particle Accelerator Cannon Forge
6 69 Factory Paranid High Energy Plasma Thrower Forge
6 70 Factory Argon Light Weapons Complex
6 71 Factory Teladi Particle Accelerator Cannon Forge
6 72 Factory Argon High Energy Plasma Thrower Forge
6 73 Factory Teladi High Energy Plasma Thrower Forge
6 74 Factory Paranid Concussion Impulse Generator Forge
6 75 Factory Split High Energy Plasma Thrower Forge
6 76 Factory Argon Medium Weapons Complex
6 77 Factory Paranid Light Weapons Complex
6 78 Factory Argon Concussion Impulse Generator Forge
6 79 Factory Teladi Gauss Cannon Forge
6 80 Factory Boron Photon Pulse Cannon Forge
6 81 Factory Paranid Photon Pulse Cannon Forge
6 82 Factory Argon Photon Pulse Cannon Forge
6 83 Factory Split Photon Pulse Cannon Forge
6 84 Factory Paranid Tri-Beam Cannon Forge
6 85 Factory Teladi Photon Pulse Cannon Forge
6 86 Factory Paranid Fragmentation Bomb Launcher Forge
6 87 Factory Teladi Concussion Impulse Generator Forge
6 88 Factory Paranid Phased Shockwave Generator Forge
6 89 Factory Teladi Flak Artillery Array Forge
6 90 Factory Paranid Heavy Weapons Complex
6 91 Factory Teladi Heavy Weapons Complex
6 92 Factory Paranid *** UNDEFINED ***
6 93 Factory Argon Mass Driver Forge
6 94 Factory Split Mass Driver Forge
6 95 Factory Argon Ammunition Factory
6 96 Factory Split Ammunition Factory
6 97 Factory Boron Ion Disruptor Forge
6 98 Factory Split Ion Shard Railgun Forge
6 99 Factory Argon Special Weapons Production Complex
6 100 Factory Boron Concussion Impulse Generator Forge
6 101 Factory Split Medium Weapons Complex
6 102 Factory Paranid Mobile Drilling System Factory
6 103 Factory Teladi Mobile Drilling System Factory
6 104 Factory Boron Ion Cannon Forge
6 105 Factory Split Phased Array Laser Cannon Forge
6 106 Factory Argon Cluster Flak Array Forge
6 107 Factory Boron Heavy Weapons Complex
6 108 Factory Argon Plasma Beam Cannon Forge
6 109 Factory Paranid Heavy Weapons Complex
6 110 Factory Argon Phased Repeater Gun Forge
6 111 Factory Teladi Energy Bolt Chaingun Forge
6 112 Factory Boron Ion Pulse Generator Forge
6 113 Factory Split Pulsed Beam Emitter Forge
6 114 Factory Boron Medium Weapons Complex
6 115 Factory Split Concussion Impulse Generator Forge
6 116 Factory Argon Shield Prod. Facility 1 MJ
6 117 Factory Teladi Shield Prod. Facility 1 MJ
6 118 Factory Paranid Shield Prod. Facility 5 MJ
6 119 Factory Teladi Shield Prod. Facility 5 MJ
6 120 Factory Argon Light shield Production Complex
6 121 Factory Boron Light shield Production Complex
6 122 Factory Paranid Light shield Production Complex
6 123 Factory Split Light shield Production Complex
6 124 Factory Teladi Light shield Production Complex
6 125 Factory Paranid Shield Prod. Facility 25 MJ
6 126 Factory Split Shield Prod. Facility 25 MJ
6 127 Factory Argon Shield Prod. Fac. 200 MJ
6 128 Factory Boron Shield Prod. Fac. 200 MJ
6 129 Factory Argon Medium shield Production Complex
6 130 Factory Boron Medium shield Production Complex
6 131 Factory Paranid Medium shield Production Complex
6 132 Factory Split Medium shield Production Complex
6 133 Factory Teladi Medium shield Production Complex
6 134 Factory Boron Shield Prod. Facility 1GJ
6 135 Factory Split Shield Prod. Facility 1GJ
6 136 Factory Argon Shield Prod. Facility 2 GJ
6 137 Factory Paranid Shield Prod. Facility 2 GJ
6 138 Factory Argon Heavy shield Production Complex
6 139 Factory Boron Heavy shield Production Complex
6 140 Factory Paranid Heavy shield Production Complex
6 141 Factory Split Heavy shield Production Complex
6 142 Factory Teladi Heavy shield Production Complex
6 143 Factory Argon Wheat Farm M
6 144 Factory Argon Wheat Farm L
6 145 Factory Argon Cattle Ranch M
6 146 Factory Argon Cattle Ranch L
6 147 Factory Boron Plankton Farm M
6 148 Factory Boron Plankton Farm L
6 149 Factory Boron Bio Gas Factory M
6 150 Factory Boron Bio Gas Factory L
6 151 Factory Split Scruffin Farm M
6 152 Factory Split Scruffin Farm L
6 153 Factory Split Chelt Space Aquarium M
6 154 Factory Split Chelt Space Aquarium L
6 155 Factory Paranid Soyfarm M
6 156 Factory Paranid Soyfarm L
6 157 Factory Paranid Snail Ranch M
6 158 Factory Paranid Snail Ranch L
6 159 Factory Teladi Flower Farm M
6 160 Factory Teladi Flower Farm L
6 161 Factory Teladi Teladianium Foundry M
6 162 Factory Teladi Teladianium Foundry L
6 163 Factory Teladi Dream Farm M
6 164 Factory Teladi Dream Farm L
6 165 Factory Argon Rimes Fact M
6 166 Factory Argon Rimes Fact L
6 167 Factory Argon Cahoona Bakery M
6 168 Factory Argon Cahoona Bakery L
6 169 Factory Argon Space Fuel Distillery M
6 170 Factory Argon Space Fuel Distillery L
6 171 Factory Boron Stott Mixery M
6 172 Factory Boron Stott Mixery L
6 173 Factory Boron BoFu Chemical Lab M
6 174 Factory Boron BoFu Chemical Lab L
6 175 Factory Split Massom Mill M
6 176 Factory Split Massom Mill L
6 177 Factory Split Rastar Refinery M
6 178 Factory Split Rastar Refinery L
6 179 Factory Paranid Space Jewellery M
6 180 Factory Paranid Space Jewellery L
6 181 Factory Paranid Soyery M
6 182 Factory Paranid Soyery L
6 183 Factory Teladi Sun Oil Refinery M
6 184 Factory Teladi Sun Oil Refinery L
6 185 Factory Teladi Bliss Place M
6 186 Factory Teladi Bliss Place L
6 187 Factory Argon Solar Power Plant M
6 188 Factory Argon Solar Power Plant L
6 189 Factory Argon Solar Power Plant XL
6 190 Factory Boron Solar Power Plant M
6 191 Factory Boron Solar Power Plant L
6 192 Factory Boron Solar Power Plant XL
6 193 Factory Paranid Solar Power Plant M
6 194 Factory Paranid Solar Power Plant L
6 195 Factory Paranid Solar Power Plant XL
6 196 Factory Split Solar Power Plant M
6 197 Factory Split Solar Power Plant L
6 198 Factory Split Solar Power Plant XL
6 199 Factory Teladi Solar Power Plant M
6 200 Factory Teladi Solar Power Plant L
6 201 Factory Teladi Solar Power Plant XL
6 202 Factory Xenon Solar Power Plant M
6 203 Factory Argon Ore Mine M
6 204 Factory Argon Ore Mine L
6 205 Factory Boron Ore Mine M
6 206 Factory Boron Ore Mine L
6 207 Factory Paranid Ore Mine M
6 208 Factory Paranid Ore Mine L
6 209 Factory Split Ore Mine M
6 210 Factory Split Ore Mine L
6 211 Factory Teladi Ore Mine M
6 212 Factory Teladi Ore Mine L
6 213 Factory Argon Silicon Mine M
6 214 Factory Argon Silicon Mine L
6 215 Factory Boron Silicon Mine M
6 216 Factory Boron Silicon Mine L
6 217 Factory Paranid Silicon Mine M
6 218 Factory Paranid Silicon Mine L
6 219 Factory Split Silicon Mine M
6 220 Factory Split Silicon Mine L
6 221 Factory Teladi Silicon Mine M
6 222 Factory Teladi Silicon Mine L
6 223 Complex Hub Argon Complex Hub
6 224 Complex Hub Boron Complex Hub
6 225 Complex Hub Paranid Complex Hub
6 226 Complex Hub Split Complex Hub
6 227 Complex Hub Teladi Complex Hub
6 228 Complex Hub Argon Complex Construction Kit
6 229 Complex Hub Boron Complex Construction Kit
6 230 Complex Hub Paranid Complex Construction Kit
6 231 Complex Hub Split Complex Construction Kit
6 232 Complex Hub Teladi Complex Construction Kit
6 233 Factory Enemy Race Terracorp Nividium Mine M
6 234 Factory Paranid Pleasure Complex
6 235 Factory Neutral Race Disruptor Missile Fab
6 236 Factory Split Spacefly Farm
6 237 Factory Paranid Paranid Crystal Splitter Fab
6 238 Factory Player *** UNDEFINED ***
6 239 Big Shipyard Pirates The Marauder
6 240 Factory Paranid Paranid Nividium Processing Plant
6 241 Big Shipyard Paranid Paranid Nividium Processing Plant - destroyed
6 242 Factory Argon Dumbfire Missile Production Complex
6 243 Factory Boron Dumbfire Missile Production Complex
6 244 Factory Paranid Dumbfire Missile Production Complex
6 245 Factory Split Dumbfire Missile Production Complex
6 246 Factory Teladi Dumbfire Missile Production Complex
6 247 Factory Argon Swarm Missile Production Complex
6 248 Factory Boron Swarm Missile Production Complex
6 249 Factory Paranid Swarm Missile Production Complex
6 250 Factory Split Swarm Missile Production Complex
6 251 Factory Teladi Swarm Missile Production Complex
6 252 Factory Argon Seeker Missile Production Complex
6 253 Factory Boron Seeker Missile Production Complex
6 254 Factory Paranid Seeker Missile Production Complex
6 255 Factory Split Seeker Missile Production Complex
6 256 Factory Teladi Seeker Missile Production Complex
6 257 Factory Argon Image Recognition Production Complex
6 258 Factory Boron Image Recognition Production Complex
6 259 Factory Paranid Image Recognition Production Complex
6 260 Factory Split Image Recognition Complex
6 261 Factory Teladi Image Recognition Production Complex
6 262 Factory Argon High Yield Production Complex
6 263 Factory Boron High Yield Production Complex
6 264 Factory Paranid High Yield Production Complex
6 265 Factory Split High Yield Production Complex
6 266 Factory Teladi High Yield Production Complex
6 267 Factory Argon Firefly Missile Factory
6 268 Factory Split Thunderbolt Missile Factory
6 269 Factory Boron Tempest Missile Factory
6 270 Factory Paranid Hurricane Missile Factory
6 271 Factory Teladi Cyclone Missile Factory
6 272 Factory Boron Cyclone Missile Factory
6 273 Factory Split Tornado Missile Factory
6 274 Factory Teladi Typhoon Missile Factory
6 275 Factory Argon Firestorm Torpedo Factory
6 276 Factory Paranid Aurora Missile Factory
6 277 Factory Argon Ore Mine M
6 278 Factory Argon Ore Mine L
6 279 Factory Boron Ore Mine M
6 280 Factory Boron Ore Mine L
6 281 Factory Paranid Ore Mine M
6 282 Factory Paranid Ore Mine L
6 283 Factory Split Ore Mine M
6 284 Factory Split Ore Mine L
6 285 Factory Teladi Ore Mine M
6 286 Factory Teladi Ore Mine L
6 287 Factory Argon Silicon Mine M
6 288 Factory Argon Silicon Mine L
6 289 Factory Boron Silicon Mine M
6 290 Factory Boron Silicon Mine L
6 291 Factory Paranid Silicon Mine M
6 292 Factory Paranid Silicon Mine L
6 293 Factory Split Silicon Mine M
6 294 Factory Split Silicon Mine L
6 295 Factory Teladi Silicon Mine M
6 296 Factory Teladi Silicon Mine L
6 297 Factory Paranid Unknown Object
6 298 Factory Paranid Paranid Crystal Splitter Fab
6 299 Factory Split Tractor Beam Factory
6 300 Factory Paranid Tractor Beam Factory
6 301 Big Shipyard Kha'ak *** UNDEFINED ***
6 302 Big Shipyard Argon *** UNDEFINED ***
6 303 Big Shipyard Argon Federal Argon Shipyard
6 304 Big Shipyard Split *** UNDEFINED ***
6 305 Big Shipyard Split Split Shipyard
6 306 Big Shipyard Paranid *** UNDEFINED ***
6 307 Big Shipyard Paranid Paranid Shipyard
6 308 Big Shipyard Boron *** UNDEFINED ***
6 309 Big Shipyard Boron Royal Boron Shipyard
6 310 Big Shipyard Teladi *** UNDEFINED ***
6 311 Big Shipyard Teladi Teladi Shipyard
6 312 Big Shipyard Xenon *** UNDEFINED ***
6 313 Big Shipyard Yaki *** UNDEFINED ***
6 314 Big Shipyard Yaki *** UNDEFINED ***
6 315 Big Shipyard Goner *** UNDEFINED ***
6 316 Big Shipyard Pirates *** UNDEFINED ***
6 317 Big Shipyard Pirates *** UNDEFINED ***
6 318 Big Shipyard Friendly Race *** UNDEFINED ***
6 319 Big Shipyard Friendly Race *** UNDEFINED ***
6 320 Big Shipyard Friendly Race *** UNDEFINED ***
6 321 Big Shipyard Friendly Race *** UNDEFINED ***
6 322 Big Shipyard Friendly Race *** UNDEFINED ***
6 323 Big Shipyard Friendly Race *** UNDEFINED ***
6 324 Big Shipyard Argon *** UNDEFINED ***
6 325 Big Shipyard Split *** UNDEFINED ***
6 326 Big Shipyard Paranid *** UNDEFINED ***
6 327 Big Shipyard Boron *** UNDEFINED ***
6 328 Big Shipyard Teladi *** UNDEFINED ***
6 329 Big Shipyard Friendly Race *** UNDEFINED ***
6 330 Big Shipyard Friendly Race *** UNDEFINED ***
6 331 Big Shipyard Terran Shipyard
6 332 Factory Terran USC Food Supply Factory M
6 333 Factory Terran USC Food Supply Factory L
6 334 Factory Terran Food Preparation Facility M
6 335 Factory Terran Food Preparation Facility L
6 336 Factory Terran Mining Outpost M
6 337 Factory Terran Water Purification Plant M
6 338 Factory Terran EMPC Forge
6 339 Factory Terran Matter/Anti-Matter Launcher Forge
6 340 Factory Terran Starburst Shockwave Cannon Forge
6 341 Factory Terran Point Singularity Projector Forge
6 342 Factory Terran Fusion Beam Cannon Forge
6 343 Factory Terran Spectre Missile Manufacturing Facility
6 344 Factory Terran Poltergeist Missile Fabrication Facility
6 345 Factory Terran Wraith Missile Production Plant
6 346 Factory Terran M/A-M Warhead Production Fab M
6 347 Factory Terran Hull Plating Production Facility M
6 348 Factory Pirates Rehabilitation Facility M
6 349 Factory Argon Marine Training Barracks M
6 350 Factory Boron Ion Mine Fab
6 351 Factory Split Tracker Mine Fab
6 352 Factory Terran Matter/Anti-Matter Mine Fab
6 353 Factory Terran EMP Rifle Assembly Facility
6 354 Factory Terran Phantom Missile Fabrication Facility
6 355 Factory Terran Shadow Missile Construction Facility
6 356 Factory Terran Ghoul Missile Manufacturing Plant
6 357 Factory Argon Low-yield Sidearms Fab
6 358 Factory Paranid Low-yield Sidearms Fab
6 359 Factory Split Low-yield Sidearms Fab
6 360 Factory Teladi Low-yield Sidearms Fab
6 361 Factory Split Disintegrator Rifles Fab
6 362 Factory Boron Recon Drone Construction Facility
6 363 Factory Teladi Energy Bolt Chaingun Ammunition Forge
6 364 Factory Teladi Gauss Cannon Ammunition Forge
6 365 Factory Argon Tomahawk Missile Manufacturing Plant
6 366 Factory Boron Tomahawk Missile Manufacturing Plant
6 367 Factory Paranid Tomahawk Missile Manufacturing Plant
6 368 Factory Split Tomahawk Missile Manufacturing Plant
6 369 Factory Teladi Tomahawk Missile Manufacturing Plant
6 370 Factory Argon Hammer Torpedo Fabrication Facility
6 371 Factory Boron Hammer Torpedo Fabrication Facility
6 372 Factory Paranid Hammer Torpedo Fabrication Facility
6 373 Factory Split Hammer Torpedo Fabrication Facility
6 374 Factory Teladi Hammer Torpedo Fabrication Facility
6 375 Factory Argon Flail Missile Production Facility
6 376 Factory Boron Flail Missile Production Facility
6 377 Factory Paranid Flail Missile Production Facility
6 378 Factory Split Flail Missile Production Facility
6 379 Factory Teladi Flail Missile Production Facility
6 380 Factory Terran Ice Harvesting Facility
6 381 Factory Pirates Plasma Burst Generator Forge
6 382 Factory Pirates Incendiary Bomb Launcher Forge
6 383 Factory Teladi Light Weapons Complex
6 384 Factory Argon Heavy Weapons Complex
6 385 Factory Terran Solar Power Plant M
6 386 Factory Terran Solar Power Plant L
6 387 Factory Terran Solar Power Plant XL
6 388 Factory Terran Aldrin Mining Base M
6 389 Factory Terran Aldrin Tech Production Base M
6 390 Factory Terran Aldrin Mixed Food Production Base M
6 391 Factory Terran Aldrin Natural Habitat Base L
6 392 Factory Terran Aldrin Energy Production Base XL
6 393 Big Shipyard Terran Aldrin Ship Production Base
6 394 Factory Terran Aldrin Weapon Production Base M
6 395 Factory Terran Mining Outpost L
6 396 Factory Terran Ice Harvesting Facility L
6 397 Big Shipyard Argon OTAS Shipyard
6 398 Big Shipyard Pirates Shipyard
6 399 Big Shipyard Yaki Shipyard
6 400 Factory Terran Keris Drone Factory M
6 401 Factory Terran Aldrin Experimental EMPC Forge M
6 402 Factory Argon Drone Production Facility
6 403 Factory Boron Drone Production Facility
6 404 Factory Split Drone Production Facility
6 405 Factory Teladi Drone Production Facility
6 406 Factory Argon Advanced Drone Factory
6 407 Factory Split Advanced Drone Factory
6 408 Factory Terran Solar Power Plant M
6 409 Factory Terran Solar Power Plant L
6 410 Factory Terran Solar Power Plant XL
6 411 Factory Terran Ore Mine M
6 412 Factory Terran Ore Mine L
6 413 Factory Terran Silicon Mine M
6 414 Factory Terran Silicon Mine L
6 415 Factory Terran Protein Paste Blending Facility M
6 416 Factory Terran Protein Paste Blending Facility L
6 417 Factory Terran Water Purification Plant M
6 418 Factory Terran Water Purification Plant L
6 419 Factory Terran Crystal Fab M
6 420 Factory Terran Crystal Fab L
6 421 Factory Terran USC Food Supply Factory M
6 422 Factory Terran USC Food Supply Factory L
6 423 Factory Terran Carbo Cake Factory M
6 424 Factory Terran Carbo Cake Factory L
6 425 Factory Terran EMPC Forge
6 426 Factory Terran Matter/Anti-Matter Launcher Forge
6 427 Factory Terran Point Singularity Projector Forge
6 428 Factory Terran Starburst Shockwave Cannon Forge
6 429 Factory Terran Keris Drone Factory M
6 430 Factory Terran Shadow Missile Construction Facility
6 431 Factory Terran Phantom Missile Fabrication Facility
6 432 Factory Terran Poltergeist Missile Fabrication Facility
6 433 Factory Terran Wraith Missile Production Plant
6 434 Factory Argon Crystal Fab L
6 435 Factory Boron Crystal Fab L
6 436 Factory Paranid Crystal Fab L
6 437 Factory Split Crystal Fab L
6 438 Factory Teladi Crystal Fab L
Maintype 7 : (Ships)
Code: Select all
Mtype: Stype: Object Class: Name:
7 0 TL Mammoth
7 1 TS Mercury
7 2 TS Mercury Tanker
7 3 TS Mercury Hauler
7 4 TS Mercury Tanker XL
7 5 TS Mercury Super Freighter
7 6 TS Mercury Super Freighter XL
7 7 TP Express
7 8 TP Express Hauler
7 9 TM Magnetar
7 10 M1 Colossus
7 11 M2 Titan
7 12 M3 Nova
7 13 M3 Nova Raider
7 14 M3 Nova Vanguard
7 15 M3 Nova Sentinel
7 16 M3 Eclipse
7 17 M4 Buster
7 18 M4 Buster Raider
7 19 M4 Buster Vanguard
7 20 M4 Buster Sentinel
7 21 M4 Elite
7 22 M5 Discoverer
7 23 M5 Discoverer Raider
7 24 M5 Discoverer Hauler
7 25 M5 Discoverer Vanguard
7 26 M6 Centaur
7 27 M6 Heavy Centaur
7 28 M7 Cerberus
7 29 M7 Minotaur
7 30 M8 Gladiator
7 31 Fighter Drone MKII Fighter Drone MKII
7 32 TL *** UNDEFINED *** Hauler
7 33 TL *** UNDEFINED *** Hauler
7 34 TL *** UNDEFINED *** Hauler
7 35 TL *** UNDEFINED *** Hauler
7 36 TL *** UNDEFINED *** Hauler
7 37 TL *** UNDEFINED *** Hauler
7 38 M1 Small Orbital Weapons Platform
7 39 M1 Medium Orbital Weapons Platform
7 40 M1 Large Orbital Weapons Platform
7 41 TL Elephant
7 42 TS Caiman
7 43 TS Caiman Tanker
7 44 TS Caiman Hauler
7 45 TS Caiman Tanker XL
7 46 TS Caiman Super Freighter
7 47 TS Caiman Super Freighter XL
7 48 TS Caiman Miner
7 49 TP Iguana
7 50 TP Iguana Vanguard
7 51 TM Boa
7 52 M1 Raptor
7 53 M2 Python
7 54 M3 Mamba
7 55 M3 Mamba Raider
7 56 M3 Mamba Vanguard
7 57 M3 Mamba Sentinel
7 58 M3 Chimera
7 59 M4 Scorpion
7 60 M4 Scorpion Raider
7 61 M4 Scorpion Vanguard
7 62 M4 Scorpion Sentinel
7 63 M4 Asp
7 64 M5 Jaguar
7 65 M5 Jaguar Raider
7 66 M5 Jaguar Hauler
7 67 M5 Jaguar Vanguard
7 68 M6 Dragon
7 69 M6 Heavy Dragon
7 70 M7 Tiger
7 71 M7 Cobra
7 72 M8 Viper
7 73 TL Hercules
7 74 TS Demeter
7 75 TS Demeter Tanker
7 76 TS Demeter Hauler
7 77 TS Demeter Miner
7 78 TS Demeter Super Freighter
7 79 TS Demeter Super Freighter XL
7 80 TP Hermes
7 81 TP Hermes Hauler
7 82 TM Helios
7 83 M1 Zeus
7 84 M2 Odysseus
7 85 M3 Perseus
7 86 M3 Perseus Raider
7 87 M3 Perseus Vanguard
7 88 M3 Perseus Sentinel
7 89 M3 Medusa
7 90 M4 Pericles
7 91 M4 Pericles Raider
7 92 M4 Pericles Vanguard
7 93 M4 Pericles Sentinel
7 94 M4 Theseus
7 95 M5 Pegasus
7 96 M5 Pegasus Raider
7 97 M5 Pegasus Vanguard
7 98 M5 Pegasus Sentinel
7 99 M6 Nemesis
7 100 M6 Heavy Nemesis
7 101 M7 Deimos
7 102 M7 Ares
7 103 M8 Hades
7 104 TL Orca
7 105 TS Dolphin
7 106 TS Dolphin Tanker
7 107 TS Dolphin Hauler
7 108 TS Dolphin Tanker XL
7 109 TS Dolphin Super Freighter
7 110 TS Dolphin Super Freighter XL
7 111 TP Angel
7 112 TP Manta
7 113 TP Manta Hauler
7 114 TM Pleco
7 115 M1 Shark
7 116 M2 Ray
7 117 M3 Barracuda
7 118 M3 Barracuda Raider
7 119 M3 Barracuda Vanguard
7 120 M3 Barracuda Sentinel
7 121 M3 Skate
7 122 M4 Mako
7 123 M4 Mako Raider
7 124 M4 Mako Vanguard
7 125 M4 Mako Sentinel
7 126 M4 Pike
7 127 M5 Octopus
7 128 M5 Octopus Raider
7 129 M5 Octopus Vanguard
7 130 M5 Octopus Sentinel
7 131 M6 Hydra
7 132 M6 Heavy Hydra
7 133 M7 Thresher
7 134 M7 Kraken
7 135 M8 Marlin Hauler
7 136 TL Albatross
7 137 TS Vulture
7 138 TS Vulture Tanker
7 139 TS Vulture Hauler
7 140 TS Vulture Miner
7 141 TS Vulture Super Freighter
7 142 TS Vulture Super Freighter XL
7 143 TP Toucan
7 144 TP Toucan Hauler
7 145 TM Pelican
7 146 M1 Condor
7 147 M2 Phoenix
7 148 M3 Falcon
7 149 M3 Falcon Hauler
7 150 M3 Falcon Vanguard
7 151 M3 Falcon Sentinel
7 152 M3 Kea
7 153 M4 Buzzard
7 154 M4 Buzzard Hauler
7 155 M4 Buzzard Vanguard
7 156 M4 Buzzard Sentinel
7 157 M4 Kite
7 158 M5 Harrier
7 159 M5 Harrier Hauler
7 160 M5 Harrier Vanguard
7 161 M5 Harrier Sentinel
7 162 M5 Kestrel
7 163 M6 Osprey
7 164 M6 Heavy Osprey
7 165 M7 Shrike
7 166 M7 Gannet
7 167 M8 Peregrine
7 168 M1 J
7 169 M2 K
7 170 M3 L
7 171 M3 LX
7 172 M4 M
7 173 M5 N
7 174 M6 P
7 175 M6 PX
7 176 M7 Q
7 177 TM Caravel
7 178 Pirate TS Pirate Ship
7 179 M3 Pirate Falcon
7 180 M3 Pirate Nova Raider
7 181 M3 Pirate Nova
7 182 M3 Pirate Falcon Vanguard
7 183 M3 Pirate Eclipse
7 184 M3 Pirate Kea
7 185 M3 Blastclaw
7 186 M4 Pirate Buster
7 187 M4 Pirate Buzzard
7 188 M4 Pirate Buster Hauler
7 189 M4 Pirate Buzzard Vanguard
7 190 M4 Pirate Scorpion
7 191 M4 Pirate Elite
7 192 M5 Pirate Harrier
7 193 M5 Pirate Harrier Raider
7 194 M5 Pirate Harrier Hauler
7 195 M5 Pirate Harrier Vanguard
7 196 M5 Pirate Kestrel
7 197 M6 Pirate Centaur
7 198 M6 Pirate Osprey
7 199 M7 Carrack
7 200 M1 Odin
7 201 M2 Tyr
7 202 M3 Thor
7 203 M3 Fenrir
7 204 M4 Mjollnir
7 205 M5 Valkyrie
7 206 M6 Vidar
7 207 M6 Vali
7 208 M7 Aegir
7 209 M7 Skirnir
7 210 M1 Woden
7 211 M2 Valhalla
7 212 TS Baldric
7 213 TP Scabbard
7 214 M1 Tokyo
7 215 M2 Osaka
7 216 M3 Scimitar
7 217 M3 Cutlass
7 218 M4 Sabre
7 219 M5 Rapier
7 220 Keris Keris
7 221 M6 Katana
7 222 M7 Yokohama
7 223 M8 Claymore
7 224 M3 Spitfyre
7 225 M6 Springblossom
7 226 M1 #deca
7 227 M3 #deca.cefa
7 228 TM Chokaro
7 229 M3 Susanowa
7 230 M3 Susanowa Raider
7 231 M3 Susanowa Hauler
7 232 M3 Tenjin
7 233 M4 Raijin
7 234 M4 Raijin Sentinel
7 235 M4 Raijin Raider
7 236 M4 Tonbo
7 237 M5 Fujin
7 238 M5 Fujin Sentinel
7 239 M5 Fujin Raider
7 240 M6 Washi Hauler
7 241 M1 Carrier
7 242 M2 Destroyer
7 243 M3 Fighter
7 244 M4 Interceptor
7 245 M5 Scout
7 246 M6 Corvette
7 247 M1 Guardian
7 248 M1 Hive Queen
7 249 TL Ozias
7 250 M1 Aran
7 251 Goner Ship Ranger
7 252 M2 Boreas
7 253 M3 Venti
7 254 M3 Notus Hauler
7 255 M4 Eurus
7 256 M4 Solano
7 257 TM Zephyrus
7 258 M6 Skiron
7 259 M7 Astraeus Hauler
7 260 M7 Aquilo
7 261 M8 Auster Hauler
7 262 M7 Sirokos
7 263 Kha'ak Cluster Cluster
7 264 Kha'ak Cluster Cluster
7 265 Kha'ak Cluster Cluster
7 266 Kha'ak Cluster Cluster
7 267 Astronaut Space Suit
7 268 - Unknown Object
7 269 - Drone
7 270 Navigation Relay Satellite Navigation Relay Satellite
7 271 SQUASH Mine SQUASH Mine
7 272 Fighter Drone Fighter Drone
7 273 Lasertower Lasertower
7 274 UFO Unknown Object
7 275 Spacefly Spaceflies
7 276 M5 Starburst
7 277 M5 Arrow
7 278 Advanced Satellite Advanced Satellite
7 279 M5 Camera Drone
7 280 Beacon Navigational Beacon
7 281 - *** UNDEFINED ***
7 282 - *** UNDEFINED ***
7 283 - *** UNDEFINED ***
7 284 - Unknown Object
7 285 M6 Military Transport
7 286 TL Mobile Pirate Station
7 287 Astronaut Advanced Spacesuit
7 288 Astronaut Advanced Spacesuit
7 289 M6 Truelight Seeker
7 290 M5 Lasertower
7 291 TL Mobile Pirate Station
7 292 M3 Unknown Object
7 293 M1 Colossus Hauler
7 294 Freight Drone Freight Drone
7 295 M7 Griffon
7 296 M7 Panther
7 297 M7 Agamemnon
7 298 M7 Tern Sentinel
7 299 TL Mobile Pirate Base Hauler
7 300 M1 Galleon
7 301 M2 Brigantine
7 302 M1 Shuri
7 303 TL Ryu
7 304 M1 Hoshi
7 305 M2 Akuma
7 306 M7 Akurei Hauler
7 307 M7 Kariudo Hauler
7 308 M7 Senshi Hauler
7 309 TS Mistral
7 310 TS Mistral Super Freighter
7 311 TL Troop Training Ship Hauler
7 312 TL Civilian Vessel Hauler
7 313 TL Civilian Vessel Hauler
7 314 TL Civilian Vessel Hauler
7 315 TL Starliner Hauler
7 316 M1 Mobile Repair Ship
7 317 UFO Unknown Biological Entity
7 318 UFO Unknown Biological Entity
7 319 Matter/Anti-Matter Mine Matter/Anti-Matter Mine
7 320 Tracker Mine Tracker Mine
7 321 Ion Mine Ion Mine
7 322 UFO Unknown Object
7 323 UFO Unknown Object
7 324 M5 Recon Drone
7 325 M6 Marauder Hauler
7 326 TL Atmospheric Lifter
7 327 TL Mobile Mining Base-Ship
7 328 M6 Hyperion Vanguard
7 329 M3 Eclipse Prototype
7 330 M3 Nova Prototype
7 331 TP Advanced Express
7 332 TS Enhanced Mercury
7 333 TS Mercury Prototype
7 334 M6 Heavy Centaur Prototype
7 335 M5 Advanced Discoverer
7 336 M4 Enhanced Elite
7 337 M3 Advanced Mamba
7 338 M4 Scorpion Prototype
7 339 M3 Enhanced Chimera
7 340 M5 Enhanced Jaguar
7 341 M3 Medusa Prototype
7 342 TS Demeter Prototype
7 343 M3 Advanced Perseus
7 344 M4 Enhanced Pericles
7 345 M3 Skate Prototype
7 346 TS Enhanced Dolphin
7 347 M3 Advanced Barracuda
7 348 M4 Enhanced Mako
7 349 M3 Barracuda Prototype
7 350 M3 Enhanced Kea
7 351 TS Vulture Prototype
7 352 TP Toucan Prototype
7 353 M3 Falcon Prototype
7 354 M4 Kite Vanguard
7 355 M5 Advanced Kestrel
7 356 M3 Advanced Eclipse
7 357 M3 Blastclaw Prototype
7 358 M3 Susanowa Prototype
7 359 Jump Beacon Jump Beacon
7 360 M5 Message Drone
7 361 M4 #deca.deaf
7 362 M5 #deca.fade
7 363 M5 Terran Freight Drone
7 364 M5 Terran Freight Drone
7 365 M5 Terran Drone
7 366 M1 Small Orbital Weapons Platform
7 367 M5 Terran Drone
7 368 M1 Lasertower
7 369 Lasertower Lasertower
7 370 TS Baldric Miner
7 371 TM Advanced Chokaro
7 372 M3 Xperimental Shuttle
7 373 M3 Aamon Prototype
Maintype 8 : (Lasers)
Code: Select all
Mtype: Stype: Object Class: Name:
8 0 - Impulse Ray Emitter
8 1 - Particle Accelerator Cannon
8 2 - Mass Driver
8 3 - Phased Repeater Gun
8 4 - Energy Bolt Chaingun
8 5 - Fragmentation Bomb Launcher
8 6 - High Energy Plasma Thrower
8 7 - Ion Disruptor
8 8 - Pulsed Beam Emitter
8 9 - Plasma Burst Generator
8 10 - Electro-Magnetic Plasma Cannon
8 11 - Concussion Impulse Generator
8 12 - Ion Pulse Generator
8 13 - Ion Shard Railgun
8 14 - Matter/Anti-Matter Launcher
8 15 - Flak Artillery Array
8 16 - Cluster Flak Array
8 17 - Phased Array Laser Cannon
8 18 - Phased Shockwave Generator
8 19 - Starburst Shockwave Cannon
8 20 - Photon Pulse Cannon
8 21 - Ion Cannon
8 22 - Gauss Cannon
8 23 - Incendiary Bomb Launcher
8 24 - Point Singularity Projector
8 25 - Plasma Beam Cannon
8 26 - Tri-Beam Cannon
8 27 - Fusion Beam Cannon
8 28 - Mobile Drilling System
8 29 - Tractor Beam
8 30 - SPARE LASER 1
8 31 - SPARE LASER 2
8 32 - Alpha Kyon Emitter
8 33 - Beta Kyon Emitter
8 34 - Gamma Kyon Emitter
8 35 - Repair Laser
8 36 - Experimental Electro-Magnetic Plasma Cannon
8 37 - Prototype Matter/Anti-Matter Launcher
8 38 - Prototype Starburst Shockwave Cannon
Maintype 9 : (Shields)
Code: Select all
Mtype: Stype: Object Class: Name:
9 0 - 1 MJ Shield
9 1 - 5 MJ Shield
9 2 - 25 MJ Shield
9 3 - 200 MJ Shield
9 4 - 1 GJ Shield
9 5 - 2 GJ Shield
Maintype 10 : (Missiles)
Code: Select all
Mtype: Stype: Object Class: Name:
10 0 - Mosquito Missile
10 1 - Wasp Missile
10 2 - Dragonfly Missile
10 3 - Silkworm Missile
10 4 - Hornet Missile
10 5 - Disruptor Missile
10 6 - Sting
10 7 - Needle
10 8 - Thorn
10 9 - Firefly Missile
10 10 - Thunderbolt Missile
10 11 - Tempest Missile
10 12 - Hurricane Missile
10 13 - Cyclone Missile
10 14 - Tornado Missile
10 15 - Typhoon Missile
10 16 - Firestorm Torpedo
10 17 - Aurora Missile
10 18 - Remote Guided Warhead
10 19 - Beluga Missile
10 20 - Hammerhead Missile
10 21 - Rapier Missile
10 22 - Firelance Missile
10 23 - Wildfire Missile
10 24 - Windstalker Missile
10 25 - Banshee Missile
10 26 - Wraith Missile
10 27 - Poltergeist Missile
10 28 - Spectre Missile
10 29 - Tomahawk Heavy Missile
10 30 - Hammer Heavy Torpedo
10 31 - Flail Barrage Missile
10 32 - Phantom Missile
10 33 - Shadow Missile
10 34 - Ghoul Missile
10 35 - Boarding Pod
Maintype 11 : (Energy)
Code: Select all
Mtype: Stype: Object Class: Name:
11 0 - Energy Cells
Maintype 12 : (Naturals)
Code: Select all
Mtype: Stype: Object Class: Name:
12 0 - Debris
12 1 - Artefacts
12 2 - Artificial Fertilizer
12 3 - Biological Micro-Organisms
12 4 - Cartography Chips
12 5 - Construction Equipment
12 6 - Engine Components
12 7 - Food Rations
12 8 - Hand Weapons
12 9 - Luxury Foodstuffs
12 10 - Medical Equipment
12 11 - Mining Equipment
12 12 - Nividium
12 13 - Radioactive Waste
12 14 - Teladianium Panelling
12 15 - Weapon Interface Chips
12 16 - Narcotics
12 17 - Super Slave Chips
12 18 - Spacefly Eggs
12 19 - Pirate Sidearms
12 20 - Hackerchips
12 21 - Military Personnel
12 22 - Passengers
12 23 - Very Important Passengers
12 24 - Entertainment Chips
12 25 - *** UNDEFINED ***
12 26 - Red Crystal
12 27 - Blue Crystal
12 28 - Green Crystal
12 29 - Yellow Crystal
12 30 - Transparent Crystal
12 31 - Black Crystal
12 32 - Glowing Crystal
12 33 - Deuterium
12 34 - Fuel
12 35 - Plutonium
12 36 - Parcel
12 37 - Small Parcel
12 38 - Container
12 39 - Waste
12 40 - Scrap
12 41 - Garbage
12 42 - Chemicals
12 43 - Textiles
12 44 - Pharmaceuticals
12 45 - Jewels
12 46 - Fish
12 47 - Meat
12 48 - Hazardous Waste
12 49 - Shells
12 50 - Vegetables
12 51 - Fruit
12 52 - Engine Components
12 53 - Oil
12 54 - Seeds
12 55 - Cleaning Robots
12 56 - Invalids
12 57 - Labour Kits
12 58 - Vacuum Cleaner
12 59 - Posters
12 60 - Promotional Plates
12 61 - Demonstrators
12 62 - Insecticide
12 63 - Escape Pod
12 64 - Jumpdrive Components
12 65 - Prisoners
12 66 - Jon Kayean's
12 67 - Terran High-Tech Goods
12 68 - *** UNDEFINED ***
12 69 - *** UNDEFINED ***
12 70 - *** UNDEFINED ***
12 71 - *** UNDEFINED ***
12 72 - *** UNDEFINED ***
12 73 - *** UNDEFINED ***
12 74 - *** UNDEFINED ***
12 75 - *** UNDEFINED ***
12 76 - *** UNDEFINED ***
12 77 - *** UNDEFINED ***
12 78 - *** UNDEFINED ***
12 79 - *** UNDEFINED ***
Maintype 13 : (Bio)
Code: Select all
Mtype: Stype: Object Class: Name:
13 0 - Delexian Wheat
13 1 - Argnu Beef
13 2 - Plankton
13 3 - BoGas
13 4 - Scruffin Fruits
13 5 - Chelts Meat
13 6 - Soja Beans
13 7 - Maja Snails
13 8 - Sunrise Flowers
13 9 - Teladianium
13 10 - Swamp Plant
13 11 - Protein Paste
13 12 - Vita Kai
13 13 - Carbo Cake
13 14 - Flavour Pack
13 15 - Water
Maintype 14 : (Food)
Code: Select all
Mtype: Stype: Object Class: Name:
14 0 - Cloth Rimes
14 1 - Meatsteak Cahoonas
14 2 - Space Fuel
14 3 - Stott Spices
14 4 - BoFu
14 5 - Massom Powder
14 6 - Rastar Oil
14 7 - Majaglit
14 8 - Soja Husk
14 9 - Nostrop Oil
14 10 - Space Weed
14 11 - Terran MRE
14 12 - C-Ration
Maintype 15 : (Mineral)
Code: Select all
Mtype: Stype: Object Class: Name:
15 0 - Ore
15 1 - Silicon Wafers
15 2 - Nividium
15 3 - Ice
Maintype 16 : (Tech)
Code: Select all
Mtype: Stype: Object Class: Name:
16 0 - Warheads
16 1 - Crystals
16 2 - Quantum Tubes
16 3 - Microchips
16 4 - Computer Components
16 5 - Spaceflies
16 6 - Slaves
16 7 - Navigation Relay Satellite
16 8 - SQUASH Mine
16 9 - Lasertower
16 10 - Fighter Drone
16 11 - Salvage Insurance
16 12 - Mineral Scanner
16 13 - Freight Scanner
16 14 - Trading System Extension
16 15 - -
16 16 - Cargo Bay Extension
16 17 - Engine Tuning
16 18 - Rudder Optimisation
16 19 - Docking Computer
16 20 - Motion Analysis Relay System
16 21 - -
16 22 - Video Enhancement Goggles
16 23 - Singularity Engine Time Accelerator
16 24 - SETA Boost Extension
16 25 - Ecliptic projector
16 26 - Argon Law Enforcement License
16 27 - Boron Law Enforcement License
16 28 - Split Police License
16 29 - Paranid Police License
16 30 - Teladi Company Security License
16 31 - Data Storage Device
16 32 - Best Buys Locator
16 33 - Best Selling Price Locator
16 34 - Transporter Device
16 35 - Jumpdrive
16 36 - -
16 37 - -
16 38 - -
16 39 - Cargo Lifesupport System
16 40 - Boost Extension
16 41 - Strafe Drive Extension
16 42 - Mass Driver Ammunition
16 43 - -
16 44 - Camera Drone
16 45 - Advanced Satellite
16 46 - Spacefly Collector
16 47 - Ore Collector
16 48 - Camouflage Device
16 49 - -
16 50 - -
16 51 - Duplex Scanner
16 52 - Triplex Scanner
16 53 - Navigation Command Software MK1
16 54 - Trade Command Software MK1
16 55 - Trade Command Software MK2
16 56 - Fight Command Software MK1
16 57 - Fight Command Software MK2
16 58 - Special Command Software MK1
16 59 - SS_WARE_SW_NEW1
16 60 - Software Signature Scrambler
16 61 - System Override Software
16 62 - SS_WARE_SW_NEW4
16 63 - SS_WARE_SW_NEW5
16 64 - SS_WARE_SW_NEW6 ((logistics soft mkI) (in bonus pack))
16 65 - SS_WARE_SW_NEW7 ((logistics soft mkII) (in bonus pack))
16 66 - BPH Upgrade Kit Mk1
16 67 - SS_WARE_SW_NEW9
16 68 - SS_WARE_SW_NEW10
16 69 - SS_WARE_SW_NEW11
16 70 - SS_WARE_SW_NEW12 ((turbo booster mkI) (in bonus pack))
16 71 - Trade Command Software MK3
16 72 - System Override Software
16 73 - SS_WARE_SW_NEW15
16 74 - SS_WARE_SW_NEW16 ((turbo booster mkII) (in bonus pack))
16 75 - SS_WARE_SW_NEW17
16 76 - AEGIS Weapon System
16 77 - SS_WARE_SW_NEW19
16 78 - SS_WARE_SW_NEW20
16 79 - Credits
16 80 - Freight Drone
16 81 - Supply Command Software
16 82 - Explorer Command Software
16 83 - Patrol Command Software
16 84 - Carrier Command Software
16 85 - *** UNDEFINED ***
16 86 - SS_WARE_SW_X3TC_2
16 87 - SS_WARE_SW_X3TC_3
16 88 - SS_WARE_SW_X3TC_4
16 89 - SS_WARE_SW_X3TC_5
16 90 - SS_WARE_SW_X3TC_6
16 91 - Matter/Anti-matter Warhead
16 92 - Hull Plating
16 93 - Energy Bolt Chaingun Ammunition
16 94 - Gauss Cannon Ammunition
16 95 - Low-yield Sidearms
16 96 - Disintegrator Rifles
16 97 - Terran EMP Rifles
16 98 - Tracker Mine
16 99 - Ion Mine
16 100 - Matter/Anti-Matter Mine
16 101 - Recon Drone
16 102 - Advanced Firewall Software
16 103 - Internal Sentry Lasers
16 104 - Bioscanner
16 105 - Hull Polarising Device
16 106 - Mercenary
16 107 - Marine
16 108 - Cargo Bay Shielding
16 109 - Keris
16 110 - Fighter Drone MKII
16 111 - Unfocussed Jumpdrive
16 112 - Jon Kayean's
Maintype 17 : (Asteriods)
Code: Select all
Mtype: Stype: Object Class: Name:
17 0 - Asteroid
17 1 - Asteroid
17 2 - Asteroid
17 3 - Asteroid
17 4 - Asteroid
17 5 - Asteroid
17 6 - Asteroid
17 7 - Asteroid
17 8 - Asteroid
17 9 - Asteroid
Maintype 18 : (Warp Gates)
Code: Select all
Mtype: Stype: Object Class: Name:
18 0 - Gate
18 1 - Gate
18 2 - Gate
18 3 - Gate
18 4 - Gate
18 5 - Trans-Orbital Accelerator
18 6 - Trans-Orbital Accelerator
18 7 - Trans-Orbital Accelerator
18 8 - Trans-Orbital Accelerator
18 9 - Gate
18 10 - Gate
18 11 - Gate
18 12 - Gate
18 13 - Gate
18 14 - Gate
18 15 - Gate
18 16 - Gate
18 17 - Gate
18 18 - Gate
18 19 - Gate
18 20 - Gate
18 21 - Gate
18 22 - Gate
18 23 - Gate
18 24 - Gate
Maintype 19 : (Camera)
Maintype 20 : (Special) ( /* Especially Objects with special Handling */ )
Code: Select all
Mtype: Stype: Object Class: Name:
20 0 - Kessler Ring
20 1 - Kessler Ring
20 2 - Unknown Object
20 3 - Asteroid
20 4 - Asteroid
20 5 - Unknown Object
20 6 - Unknown Object
20 7 - Unknown Object
20 8 - Unknown Object
20 9 - Unknown Object
20 10 - Unknown Object
20 11 - Unknown Object
20 12 - Unknown Object
20 13 - Unknown Object
20 14 - Unknown Object
20 15 - Unknown Object
20 16 - Unknown Object
20 17 - Unknown Object
20 18 - Unknown Object
20 19 - Unknown Object
20 20 - Asteroid
20 21 - Asteroid
20 22 - Asteroid
20 23 - Asteroid
20 24 - Asteroid
20 25 - Nacelle
20 26 - Nacelle
20 27 - Gate
20 28 - Asteroid
20 29 - Unknown Object
20 30 - Ship Debris
20 31 - Unknown Object
20 32 - Unknown Object
20 33 - Unknown Object
20 34 - Navigational Beacon
20 35 - Unknown Object
20 36 - Unknown Object
20 37 - Unknown Object
20 38 - Station Debris
20 39 - Station Debris
20 40 - Station Debris
20 41 - Station Debris
20 42 - Station Debris
20 43 - Ship Debris
20 44 - Unknown Object
20 45 - Unknown Object
20 46 - Unknown Object
20 47 - Unknown Object
20 48 - Xenon Wreckage
20 49 - Xenon Wreckage
20 50 - Xenon Wreckage
20 51 - Xenon Wreckage
20 52 - Xenon Wreckag
20 53 - Xenon M0 Wreck
20 54 - Cryo Tank
20 55 - Crate
20 56 - Unknown Object
20 57 - Destroyed Station
20 58 - Destroyed Station
20 59 - Unknown Object
20 60 - Unknown Object
20 61 - Unknown Object
20 62 - Unknown Object
20 63 - Unknown Object
20 64 - Unknown Object
20 65 - Unknown Object
20 66 - Unknown Object
20 67 - *** UNDEFINED ***
20 68 - Unknown Object
20 69 - Unknown Object
20 70 - *** UNDEFINED ***
20 71 - *** UNDEFINED ***
20 72 - *** UNDEFINED ***
20 73 - *** UNDEFINED ***
20 74 - *** UNDEFINED ***
20 75 - *** UNDEFINED ***
20 76 - *** UNDEFINED ***
20 77 - *** UNDEFINED ***
20 78 - *** UNDEFINED ***
20 79 - *** UNDEFINED ***
20 80 - Unknown Object
20 81 - Gate
20 82 - Station Debris
20 83 - Goner Temple
20 84 - Goner Temple
20 85 - Goner Temple
20 86 - Goner Temple
20 87 - Goner Temple
20 88 - *** UNDEFINED ***
20 89 - *** UNDEFINED ***
20 90 - *** UNDEFINED ***
20 91 - Xenon Wreckage
20 92 - *** UNDEFINED ***
20 93 - Ship Debris
20 94 - Ship Debris
20 95 - Ship Debris
20 96 - Ship Debris
20 97 - Ship Debris
20 98 - Ship Debris
20 99 - Ship Debris
20 100 - Ship Debris
20 101 - Ship Debris
20 102 - Ship Debris
20 103 - *** UNDEFINED ***
20 104 - *** UNDEFINED ***
20 105 - Gate
20 106 - Gate Production Complex
20 107 - *** UNDEFINED ***
20 108 - *** UNDEFINED ***
20 109 - Ship Debris
20 110 - Ship Debris
20 111 - Ship Debris
20 112 - Ship Debris
20 113 - Ship Debris
20 114 - Ship Debris
20 115 - Ship Debris
20 116 - Ship Debris
20 117 - Ship Debris
20 118 - Ship Debris
20 119 - Ship Debris
20 120 - Ship Debris
20 121 - Ship Debris
20 122 - Ship Debris
20 123 - Ship Debris
Maintype 28 : (Asteriod / Debris)
Code: Select all
Mtype: Stype: Object Class: Name:
28 0 - Asteroid
28 1 - Asteroid
28 2 - Asteroid
28 3 - Asteroid
28 4 - Asteroid
28 5 - Asteroid
28 6 - Asteroid
28 7 - Asteroid
28 8 - Asteroid
28 9 - Asteroid
28 10 - Asteroid
28 11 - Debris
28 12 - Debris
28 13 - Debris
28 14 - Debris
28 15 - Debris
28 16 - Debris
28 17 - Debris
28 18 - Debris
28 19 - Debris
28 20 - Debris
Maintype 29 : (Dock Wreck)
Code: Select all
Mtype: Stype: Object Class: Name:
29 0, 46 - Station Debris
Maintype 30 : (Facrory Wreck)
Code: Select all
Mtype: Stype: Object Class: Name:
30 0, 438 - Station Debris
Maintypes and Subtype continued below: