[Index] List of Vanilla safe mods.

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[Index] List of Vanilla safe mods.

Post by Aro »

List of vanilla safe mods that do not mark your save as ***modified*** (they will allow steam achievements and upload stats). Could be added to a sticky.

Tested all of these by making an all-in-one cat&dat pair. No problems. In fact, think it sped my game up noticeably...
Certain mods have been skipped due to being included in the v2.7 update.

I've listed the version that was tested, some of these do not have versions listed so treat the "?" as v.1.0.

Aldrin Asteroid
Resized Aldrin Big Rock, someone else : v.?
Shrink the MEGA HUGE ROCK in Aldrin.

Lower Poly Asteroids, halo112358 : v.2.04
Offers two options to reduce the complexity of asteroids.

Asteroids from X2 into X3-TC, TEKing66 : v.1.x
Holy Asteroids Batman! No really, them there asteroids have holes just like the ones from previous games. So much fun.
Has now added some changes similar to the lower poly asteroids and applied Aldrin giant moon shrinkage cream.
Conflict: Lower Poly Asteroids. If you want to use both mods ensure that the Holy Asteroids are in a later cat/dat. Example would be Lower Poly Asteroids in 10.cat/10.dat and Holy Asteroids is in 11.cat/11.dat.

Advanced Comlex-Hub, Saetan : v.2.0 beta 1
Modifies the complex hub to have an internal hangar for fighters and two docks for capital ships.

-- These conflict so choose only one. --
more performant complex tubes, Saetan : v.?
Changes the tubes to have less of a performance hit.

TCM Tubeless_Complex_Mod, laux : v.07.01.07
Completely remove complex connectors.
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

YS-HUD-Mod, Samuel Creshal : v.1.5
Changes the HUD to resemble the old one from early X²TR screenshots.

Menu Background Disabler, Killjaeden : v.?
Removes the items from the X3TC startup screen, keeps the star backdrop.

No-Ad-Sign-Mod, Killjaeden : v.?
No more advertising signs.

Remove Missile Warning Beeps, OOZ662 : v.?
Removes the launched at you and the proximity beeps of missiles.
Remove Enemy Warning Beep, OOZ662 : v.?
Removes the proximity alert when an enemy comes near.

Know of a mod that can go in a vanilla game? Make a post to point it out!

Need to check status;
can certain weapon edits work, mainly hit effects
Mk3 Trader Log

Extra stuff that could be used as information or ignored if it confuses you (this is a long title isn't it).
Interesting comment:
http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php? ... 53#3281153
Killjaeden wrote:Selfmade Tubelessmod in few steps:

-Create a folderstructure in your gamedirectory that looks like

Code: Select all

[...]X3 Terran Conflict\objects\v\
-Now create a txt file in that folder.

Code: Select all

/# these aren't the tubes you're looking for
-Save as "10445.txt"
-Rename the fileextension from ".txt" to ".bod"
-Copy it 2 times and rename both new files as "10446.bod" and "10447.bod"

That's it :D
Last edited by Aro on Sat, 24. Jul 10, 23:23, edited 15 times in total.
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Post by Killjaeden »

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Post by jlehtone »

Cycrow's explanation.
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Post by X2-Eliah »

What exactly is meant by 'vanilla-safe' here? Mods that don't make the *modified* tag? mods that don't change gameplay/balance? Mods that don't add new stuff, but fix old?
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Re: List of Vanilla safe mods.

Post by OOZ662 »

Aro wrote:OOZ662
(Note: Can't get this to download.) Removes the proximity alert when an enemy comes near.
That's been fixed recently. :P Sorry about that.
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Post by Killjaeden »

jlehtone wrote:Cycrow's explanation.
in the end the hole thread is "obsolete" because modders do/likely know...
players on the other side... don't know what the difference between md, mod and script is :P
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Post by creidiki »

I take offence to that! I'm a modder (technically) and I still don't know the difference! :gruebel: :wink:
I am not as think as you drunk I am.
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Post by Saetan »

[MOD] Terraformer Hub (Bug-Fix) ... as far as I know, they (Egosoft) still didn't fix it.
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Post by jlehtone »

Killjaeden wrote:in the end the hole thread is "obsolete" because modders do/likely know...
players on the other side... don't know what the difference between md, mod and script is :P
Every modder started at some point, without knowing before that. They have to obtain the knowledge some way. And look at UniTrader's post in that linked thread; a seasoned modder still unsure whether there are files unknown to him in the latest game that are guaranteed to ***modified***.

Furthermore, observe how some of the S&M Community are well versed in the ways of the scripts, but unfamiliar with both MD and mods. Or the MD deity, who does not admit knowing the other two. And the 3D modelers, who ask how to get the models to show ingame. Specialized experts.

And the users ... some of them do read and know even if they themselves do not write. They have to read from somewhere. Even the basic user loves to see a list of names of "whatever" (as they might refer to scripts, mods, and MD) that does not inflict that "Tech Support thinks that they know that your bug may not be due to vanilla" marker.

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Post by Aro »

Also people that stick to vanilla and never venture over will have no idea. Some of these could help out their games.
Will be keeping a bunch of these on my games now that I know of them.

Also indicates what could be changed in the future. Wonder how to save the HUD files so that they work myself.
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Post by dbrowdy »

Awesome list, thank you!!

Although, I'm really not sure if that complex hub one is still *vanilla* even though it doesn't mark it as modded...seems a little like cheating to give it capship docks...
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Post by OOZ662 »

dbrowdy wrote:seems a little like cheating to give it capship docks...
Seems like nerfing to keep a TL from being able to dock at suck a massive structure, but that's just me.
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Post by dbrowdy »

OOZ662 wrote:
dbrowdy wrote:seems a little like cheating to give it capship docks...
Seems like nerfing to keep a TL from being able to dock at suck a massive structure, but that's just me.
Fair enough, we all have our opinions. I just think that's a fundamental change in gameplay, a true modification, versus the other stuff that's mostly graphics and audio. I think it's odd that a change that significant could sneak by without a modified tag, that's all.
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Post by Saetan »

dbrowdy wrote:Although, I'm really not sure if that complex hub one is still *vanilla* even though it doesn't mark it as modded...seems a little like cheating to give it capship docks...
Btw., the main reason for me to mod that complex hub was exactly to show, that the *modified*-tag is (imho) not really usefull, as there are game affecting modifications possible, without getting *modified*. ;-)
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Post by dbrowdy »

Saetan wrote: Btw., the main reason for me to mod that complex hub was exactly to show, that the *modified*-tag is (imho) not really usefull, as there are game affecting modifications possible, without getting *modified*. ;-)
HA! So the author agrees with me. lol

Seriously though, I think the modified tag IS useful. However this may just be a case of something that needs to be tweaked (like leave the others as they are, but make this one modified). Then again, there are other mods that give the modified tag that I don't think should...like the ones that change the color of ship trails. *shrug* Guess we just gotta leave it to the devs to decide.

On a side note, is there a chance that they might change it to make any of these mods give the modified tag, thus "invalidating" my game down the line? Have they ever done something like that or given the impression that they might?
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Post by TTD »

Not to my knowledge,but they have incorporated scripts that had been unsigned,thus making it necessary to remove the one you installed in order to update properly,iirc.
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"Vanilla" mods (i.e. no ***modified*** tag)

Post by Futt »

Heya pilots,

Long time lurker, first time poster, die-hard spacesim fan here. I was wondering if there is a list somewhere of "mods" that can be run with Vanilla X3TC without giving you the ***modified*** tag? My Google-Fu fails me I'm afraid.

I recall seeing one or two complex-related mods (tube remover among others) that fit that description, but are there more?

Thanks in advance!
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Post by TSM »

Here you go.
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Post by Futt »

Perfect!! Just what I was looking for.

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Post by TEKing66 »


I am going to be changing my mod some time an the near future.
Regrettably, when version 1.6 is released it stands a good chance of not being "Vanilla Safe" any longer.

Version 1.5 is still vanilla safe, and I well keep it available.
This will allow those who wish to play with the mod, yet still have a vanilla game to do so.

The reasons are explained in detail on the OP of my mod thread.
Link is in my sig.
My mods for X3TC & X3AP

Been with the X-series from the beginning. If it happens in the X_Universe I've been there done that several times over.

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