Tested all of these by making an all-in-one cat&dat pair. No problems. In fact, think it sped my game up noticeably...
Certain mods have been skipped due to being included in the v2.7 update.
I've listed the version that was tested, some of these do not have versions listed so treat the "?" as v.1.0.
Aldrin Asteroid
Resized Aldrin Big Rock, someone else : v.?
Shrink the MEGA HUGE ROCK in Aldrin.
Lower Poly Asteroids, halo112358 : v.2.04
Offers two options to reduce the complexity of asteroids.
Asteroids from X2 into X3-TC, TEKing66 : v.1.x
Holy Asteroids Batman! No really, them there asteroids have holes just like the ones from previous games. So much fun.
Has now added some changes similar to the lower poly asteroids and applied Aldrin giant moon shrinkage cream.
Conflict: Lower Poly Asteroids. If you want to use both mods ensure that the Holy Asteroids are in a later cat/dat. Example would be Lower Poly Asteroids in 10.cat/10.dat and Holy Asteroids is in 11.cat/11.dat.
Advanced Comlex-Hub, Saetan : v.2.0 beta 1
Modifies the complex hub to have an internal hangar for fighters and two docks for capital ships.
-- These conflict so choose only one. --
more performant complex tubes, Saetan : v.?
Changes the tubes to have less of a performance hit.
TCM Tubeless_Complex_Mod, laux : v.07.01.07
Completely remove complex connectors.
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
YS-HUD-Mod, Samuel Creshal : v.1.5
Changes the HUD to resemble the old one from early X²TR screenshots.
Menu Background Disabler, Killjaeden : v.?
Removes the items from the X3TC startup screen, keeps the star backdrop.
No-Ad-Sign-Mod, Killjaeden : v.?
No more advertising signs.
Remove Missile Warning Beeps, OOZ662 : v.?
Removes the launched at you and the proximity beeps of missiles.
Remove Enemy Warning Beep, OOZ662 : v.?
Removes the proximity alert when an enemy comes near.
Know of a mod that can go in a vanilla game? Make a post to point it out!
Need to check status;
can certain weapon edits work, mainly hit effects
Mk3 Trader Log
Extra stuff that could be used as information or ignored if it confuses you (this is a long title isn't it).
Interesting comment:
http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php? ... 53#3281153
Killjaeden wrote:Selfmade Tubelessmod in few steps:
-Create a folderstructure in your gamedirectory that looks like-Now create a txt file in that folder.Code: Select all
[...]X3 Terran Conflict\objects\v\
-Enter:-Save as "10445.txt"Code: Select all
/# these aren't the tubes you're looking for
-Rename the fileextension from ".txt" to ".bod"
-Copy it 2 times and rename both new files as "10446.bod" and "10447.bod"
That's it