[Script] Point 2 Point Patrol [Beta 2 : 09/04/2010]

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[Script] Point 2 Point Patrol [Beta 2 : 09/04/2010]

Post by ITFUncleDave »

English | Français

:arrow: Point 2 Point Patrol

The stock Egosoft patrol script is all fine and well, but sometimes you just
need more control over the exact route that your ships take and what
they do on the way. This script aims to provide that.

:arrow: Requires
Cycrow's Plugin Manager

:arrow: Download
(.zip or .rar available on request)

Beta 2 only includes the ship command, the full release will also include a version
for use on Wings.


[ external image ]

Mirror 1 (Lnkr.it)

[ external image ]

:arrow: Well that's fine Dave, but what does it actually DO?
The stock Egosoft patrol script allows you to select sectors and will then send
the ship to patrol those sectors via every single gate and station. THIS script
allows you to specify each waypoint, and more.

[ external image ]

[ external image ]

Main Menu

[ external image ]

Add Point
Selecting this allows you to choose a sector and a point to add as a waypoint.

Clear Points (Confirmation window)
Selecting this will clear all waypoints.

[ external image ]

Range to engage enemies at (Between 10K - 100K)
This allows you to select the range that your patrolling ship will engage
enemies at, an enemy will not be engaged if it is not within sensor range
of player owned ships/stations/sats.

After Reaching Final Point
Allows you to specify what the patrolling ship does after reaching the final point.

Examples of usage:

Your ship is patrolling 4 gates in a sector. The better choice would be "Resume from First Point".
The patrol would look like this: N E S W N E S W

Your ship is patrolling 4 sectors. The better choice woudl be "Resume from Last Point".
The patrol would look like this: Hatikvah's Faith, Aladna Hill, Akeela's Beacon, Legend's Home, Akeela's Beacon, Aladna Hill, Hatikvah's Faith.

Begins the patrol.
The patrolling ship must have Patrol Command Software.

[ external image ]

:arrow: Resources Used
Text Files:

Text Pages Modified:

Command Slots:

:arrow: Languages
Currently the only supported languages are English (44) and French (33). If anyone wants to translate feel free to throw me a PM and we'll arrange something.

Please note that the .spk linked to on this page contains the English version only, others may be found in their respective threads.

:arrow: Suggestions
Suggestions/feature requests are welcome.

:arrow: Thanks to
Cycrow & Gazz for helping me understand ship commands :o
Dryzdale for suggesting this to me.
Phlt for the French translation
Last edited by ITFUncleDave on Mon, 12. Apr 10, 03:00, edited 13 times in total.
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Post by ITFUncleDave »

:arrow: Changelog

Currently Developing: Beta 3
Changes so far:

- Working on the Wing Command
- Added Presets such as "Add all gates"


Beta 2

- Changed equipment requirement to Patrol Command Software only (Makes a bit more sense, eh?)
- It seems while testing i took out the code that would prevent the patrolling ship from attacking enemies outside of the player's sensor range, i've put it back in.
- The last chosen value of "Range in KM to engage enemies at" is now remembered by each ship the command is run on.
- Minor changes to facilitate translation.
- Added some funky info lines to give information about the ship using the command, JUST IN CASE YOU FORGET WHAT YOUR SHIP'S NAME, CLASS, AND TYPE ARE.... seriously.


Beta 1
Last edited by ITFUncleDave on Fri, 9. Apr 10, 23:32, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by TSM »

Here is your link to your file over at Filefront please pm me on here next time so we can speed up the process when you have uploaded.
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Post by ITFUncleDave »

Alright, thanks for delivering the link, i wasn't aware you were on the X3 Filefront staff.
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Post by TSM »

ITFUncleDave wrote:Alright, thanks for delivering the link, i wasn't aware you were on the X3 Filefront staff.
I am X3 Filefront staff :lol:
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Post by paulwheeler »


I've been hoping someone would improve the patrol scripts. I will test this when I can.

Nice one! :)
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Post by ITFUncleDave »


Beta 2

- Changed equipment requirement to Patrol Command Software only (Makes a bit more sense, eh?)
- It seems while testing i took out the code that would prevent the patrolling ship from attacking enemies outside of the player's sensor range, i've put it back in.
- The last chosen value of "Range in KM to engage enemies at" is now remembered by each ship the command is run on.
- Minor changes to facilitate translation.
- Added some funky info lines to give information about the ship using the command, JUST IN CASE YOU FORGET WHAT YOUR SHIP'S NAME, CLASS, AND TYPE ARE.... seriously.
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Post by NOO3TASTIC »

Thanks UncleDave. It's what I have been looking for.

I would like to request a feature. If possible can you please add an option for Patrol Ships to engage and destroy enemy stations?

Reason why I need it is because my Osaka+Boreas patrol is holding down Xenon Sector 472 OOS pretty nicely after I cleaned the sector and destroyed Xenon Station & Shipyard. A constant Xenon migration is happening from Zyarth's Dominion and Grand Exchange and I have 4 fully loaded Capital Ships defending those sectors and stopping said Xenon migration. But once these stations re-spawn again patrol ships won't engage them unless I use Defend Sector command manually. Problem with Defend Sector command is that it stops after every enemy ship/station is destroyed and vanilla patrol sectors command don't engage stations at all.
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Post by ITFUncleDave »

Ah, i forgot about stations. I'll add an option for that.
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Post by russbo »

Great stuff Uncledave, but didn't Lucike already do this in the German forum with his Security and Rescue Services:
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Post by AtomicDryad »

russbo wrote:Great stuff Uncledave, but didn't Lucike already do this in the German forum with his Security and Rescue Services:
Lucike scripts are great for adding functionality via paid employees. Scripts like this are good, simpler alternatives. Software automaton tends to be cheaper per hour, and huge advances in that technology are likely to arrive far sooner than a large permanent presence in space...so I imagine such automaton gets used alot in the X-Universe.

Of course, in the X-Universe, excessive use of automaton has led them fill in other traditionally human roles....such as genocidal dictators, but hey.
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Post by paulwheeler »

I have to agree with the paid employees thing. Too much hassle for me. I'd rather everything was simple like this - better for fps too.

I have a request for this script, I don't know if its possible.

Can there be a setting where you can limit what ship type patroling ships will respond to?

That way you can have a wing of M3s patrolling for enemy M3s, a wing of M5s patrolling for enemy M5s etc. I always hate watching my patrolling M6s trying to catch a single M5 flying through the sector.
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Post by ITFUncleDave »

AtomicDryad wrote: Lucike scripts are great for adding functionality via paid employees. Scripts like this are good, simpler alternatives. Software automaton tends to be cheaper per hour, and huge advances in that technology are likely to arrive far sooner than a large permanent presence in space...so I imagine such automaton gets used alot in the X-Universe.

Of course, in the X-Universe, excessive use of automaton has led them fill in other traditionally human roles....such as genocidal dictators, but hey.
Exactly my thinking when i started this project.

@paul: I'm actually working on that now, i was gonna add it in with the Wing command but i could put it into Beta 3 along with maz's request, the wing command is probably gonna take a while longer to complete since i'm adding quite alot to it.
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Post by paulwheeler »

ITFUncleDave wrote:
AtomicDryad wrote:

@paul: I'm actually working on that now, i was gonna add it in with the Wing command but i could put it into Beta 3 along with maz's request, the wing command is probably gonna take a while longer to complete since i'm adding quite alot to it.
Any chance of putting it in a standard attack script as well while you're at it? :D I wish I could order my wing of M4's to attack only M4s.

At the moment if you send a wing or a ship to attack a target, as soon as they destroy it the wing will just go after the next nearest enemy - which is usually a K in my case. It just stops you from using fighters at all. I want to be able to order a wing of M4s just just attack other M4s or M3s and thats it, while I concentrate on the capital ships.

The combat commands are desperately in need of an overhaul.
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Post by ITFUncleDave »

That would be the command "Attack..." ? I could change it to use the function from my script, so you configure what to attack in my script's options for the ship you're going to use, then the attack script could read the values.
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Post by paulwheeler »

Yes thats the one. I'd love to be able to command a wing to "Attack...M4s"!
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Post by Sorkvild »

This script has good potential, I'm buying it :)
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Post by cecil101 »

Cannot seem to DL it. The Filefont gives you a run around and the other download link appears to be broken. I didn't notice that there was a newer version so i'm assuming Beta 2 is the most recent. ANy thoughts or suggestions because this is my dream mod :P
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Post by MegaBurn »

Link on the French thread works, no idea if its translated, haven't tested it yet...

http://www.3enfamille.net/Scripts_Franc ... Beta2_.spk

An alternative is Lucike's Security and Rescue Service (SRS), see his script pack thread. I'm only planning on using P2PP in niche cases, like ships running scripts which conflict with SRS.
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Post by cecil101 »

The link you posted works great! As well as the mod. FYI: it is in English.

thank you :)

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