[Script] Logain Industries Global Production Report v3 - 25/09/2010

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Logain Abler
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[Script] Logain Industries Global Production Report v3 - 25/09/2010

Post by Logain Abler »

Logain Industries Global Production Report (GPR) v3 25-09-2010

:arrow: Introduction:
Logain Industries Global Production Report shows the current state of your global production network.

Version 3 is an AL Plug-in because there is a background task which collects all the production details and saves them to the AL Plug-in global variable. The menus call these values rather than build them from scratch each call.

Version 3 is only compatible with PMv7.
There has been no changes since the Beta version

:arrow:Download Links:
StormMage Link
via Google Code

Required Utilities:
FDNv7 requires Community Plugin Configuration by Cycrow.

Install script files:
Use Plugin Manager by Cycrow link to install the script .spk file
Manually install files from the script.zip. This link contains a guide for installing script files manually.
Great guide also by Cycrow link

Turn on AL Plugin:
Great guide by LV shows how to turn on an AL Plug-in link

:arrow:Game Resources
Script uses file 9916-L044 for text strings.

:arrow: Thanks
Many thanks to all who have contributed with comments & suggestions on this post, or the people who have answered my many questions.
Big thanks to StormMagi for providing ftp access and hosting for my mods :)

Last edited by Logain Abler on Fri, 10. Jun 11, 08:48, edited 11 times in total.
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Post by mark_a_condren »


Looks good so far.

Will this give a report of your Complex production as well, with a breakdown of the production if any linked factories have 'stalled' ?

I think you can take this idea far if you want.

And, just what will the 'Ware Summary' include?

Could prob use some more color though ..... sorry, just had to throw that in :D .

Logain Abler
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Post by Logain Abler »

mark_a_condren wrote:LA

Looks good so far.

Will this give a report of your Complex production as well, with a breakdown of the production if any linked factories have 'stalled' ?

I think you can take this idea far if you want.

And, just what will the 'Ware Summary' include?

Could prob use some more color though ..... sorry, just had to throw that in :D .

The first section of the Ware Summary will list all the factories and Production Modules producing the ware.

The second section will list factories and Production Modules that require the ware.

The report works with Production Modules, the pic on the OP is a mix of standard factories and Modules.

You and your color :wink: , if there's an issue the field will be Orange.

Logain Abler
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Post by Logain Abler »

Logain Industries Global Production Report (GPR) v2 - 19/04/2010

Version 2 Released. See OP for details & link

Changes from v1
Updated to work with PMv6

v2 is only compatible with X3:TC 2.5
v2 is only compatible with PMv6, using GPR v1 with PMv6 will cause a game freeze

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Post by feygan »

Is this going to be made compatable with pmv7 at any point?
Logain Abler
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Post by Logain Abler »

feygan wrote:Is this going to be made compatable with pmv7 at any point?
Yes, once I've sorted out the shipyard issue I'll be updating GPR.

Logain Abler
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Post by Logain Abler »

As theres been no reported issues with PM & FDN I’ve started to rebuild GPR from scratch.

The old GPR could be very processor demanding, especially with large production and PM. To address this and still keep menu updates without killing the game I’ve approached GPR differently.

GPR will run as an AL plug-in (as I do love them) which when started will build arrays holding all the required details. A task will then start which cycles through the players whole estate (Factories, Complexes and if installed PM) updating the global arrays over time. The larger the production estate the greater the time between updates.

I currently have the main menu up and running with factories and PM (I don’t use Complexes so will add this last) with wares grouped by type and I’m working on the detailed production menu for individual wares. I also plan to add an additional menu which displays the stock levels for a ware.

Logain Abler
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Post by Logain Abler »

New look Main Menu:
[ external image ]

The main change visually is the Make & Used columns which shows you what is total factories/modules making or using a ware and out of the total which are active [Total | Active].

The wares are now grouped and divided by type.

Logain Abler
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Post by Logain Abler »

mark_a_condren wrote:God Damn, look at all that color :thumb_up:

I need to fit yellow & red in for you :wink:
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Post by mark_a_condren »

I need to fit yellow & red in for you :wink:
Don't forget,

B - Blue
A - lightish Grey
W - White
K - Black
Z - Darker Grey

Logain Abler
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Post by Logain Abler »

GPR Beta

I've finally found time to finish off the new version of GPR compatible with PM v7 and greater.

I looks similar and does the same however how it work has been completely re-built to hopefully improve performance.

It is now a AL Plug-in (as I do love them) because there is a background task which collects all the production details and saves them to the AL Plug-in global variable. The menus then call these values rather than build them from scratch each call and for the dynamic menu every few seconds.

Like FDN & PM you will requires Community Plugin Configuration by Cycrow.

I'm classing this as a beta to get feedback any issue and to see if the task runs none obstructively in the background.

Once I'm happy the OP will be updated.

Download via Google Code


Edit: The larger your production empire the longer between updates, especially with several PM's running.

When first turned on the collection task will run straight through without any waits so don't be alarmed if there is a slight pause.
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Post by Coruskane »

I've ha problems with the .spk of the beta. SPK eplorere is unable to extract it, an the plugin manager oesnt o anything with it when installe. Any chance of a .zip?
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Post by TrixX »

Sorry on a colour related note, can the stock text colours be edited via a script? Mainly asking cos I am having major issues with menu colours and my UI...

Thanks for the GPR Beta though :)
"If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original."
Sir Ken Robinson
Logain Abler
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Post by Logain Abler »

TrixX wrote:Sorry on a colour related note, can the stock text colours be edited via a script? Mainly asking cos I am having major issues with menu colours and my UI...

Thanks for the GPR Beta though :)

The colour used by the menu can be changed in the t file, I generally use the following for my menus:

<t id="9000">\033G%s\033X</t>
<t id="9001">\033R%s\033X</t>
<t id="9002">\033Y%s\033X</t>
<t id="9003">\033C%s\033X</t>
<t id="9004">\033O%s\033X</t>

Logain Abler
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Post by Logain Abler »

Logain Industries Global Production Report (GPR) v3 25-09-2010

As there have been no reported issues, the Beta is now v3.

The OP has been updated. The new links include both the files & .spk version.

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Post by Requiemfang »

This can still be used with the older version of the PM and FDN mods correct? I tried using the older version of this and it caused an infinite loop to happen.
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Post by ragamer »

Hello LA, I just cannot live with your nice report tool to balance my Empire, but I have a few issues with your lastest version:

1) There are a couple of "write to logfile #9918" (At lines 218 & 235) on the Complex Search Loop in the "plugin.LI.GPR.Search.V2". After 2 or 3 hours of gametime (with around 100 stations in complexes) the Log grows and the game starts to visibly stutter. If I comment this 2 "write to log" operations the stuttering completely dissapears (The logfile at this moment was ramping up above 10Mb size :)).

2) Somehow the reported total ammounts of wares (The "Total Stock" column) are far higher than what they should. I use Gazz Complex Cleaner Mod, so I have the feeling at the way your script works that it may be scanning the same stations multiple times (one in the isolated station check and another in the complex hub check), but is just an impression, nothing solid I can tell you in detail. For example, in my empire, Ecell count in GPR says I have 27M... While using Marcon enterprises gives me around 800k (which manually adding is around the correct number). I don't have PM nor FDN mods, just basic stations and "Gazz processed" nice looking complexes.

EDIT: Point 2) is only affecting CERTAIN wares. I'm creating a list, ATM.

EDIT2: After checking the list 2) is affecting all wares that can be used as intermediate products/resources in some factory/complex.
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Post by ragamer »

K, after checking throughfully the GPR, it's failing in more than 1 area. I repeat that I have Gazz CC installed so most my Factories are "compacted". But at the same time, the default Ego cycle report has no issues and other Empire reporting tools neither (for example Lucike's CAG Administration panel when asking for complex stats on production / consumption).

As most Builders I calculate my food / energy cycles very accurately to prevent having an excess production were I don't need it, that's why ALL my complex have food excess exactly 0... And that's what Lucike's (And manual calculation shows)... Meanwhile...

...GPR show a systematic lack of consumers in the following products:

- Bofu (It's k with Bogas)
- Meatsteak Cahoonas (It's k with Argnu)
- Rastar Oil (It's k with Chelts)
- Energy Cells (It's k with Crystals)

This is the sample of the wares I use on my modest Empire. Notice that I analyzed this when ALL factory cycles are active (ie everything on green on GPR report) so, in theory, all cycles are taken into account.

The funny thing is that the RAW production figures are ALWAYS accurate... It's only the resource accounting what's wrong.

I know that you are very busy, LA, as most good scripters... So I will try to find the reasson and post it here if I have the luck of stumbling upon it.
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