[#2976] Racing Engine Blueprints - Unable to Confirm For Now

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[#2976] Racing Engine Blueprints - Unable to Confirm For Now

Post by Jcary1404 »

My save game (see below) is from 7.10 HF1, English, custom game start.

I have been trying to figure out which Engine Blueprint I’m missing (“1 unknown blueprints”). From using the custom game start generator, I think I’ve identified the missing BP as the S Racing Engine Mk1.

I am coming to you to figure out if it is a bug that I’m missing the S Racing Engine Mk1 but have the S Racing Engine Mk2. I have acquired the Dart and believe I have unlocked all the Timelines sandbox features.

Savegame (let me know if I uploaded the file wrong, first time sharing on the forum): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dkv9xO ... sp=sharing

If it’s not a bug, is there any way to get the S Racing Engine Mk1 in this save?
Last edited by Tranxalive on Mon, 11. Nov 24, 17:36, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Adding Unable to Confirm For Now to the title, because I can't confirm the issue at the moment.
Alan Phipps
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Re: Racing Engine Blueprints

Post by Alan Phipps »

My S Racing Engine Mk1 BP came after finding the Elite Sport and researching it at the PHQ in my normal game. That ship was notified in player messages as available to find in a new sector a while after the first tier Timelines race mission was completed.
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Re: Racing Engine Blueprints

Post by Jcary1404 »

I was thinking something like that may be the case, but I believe I have found and researched all the racing ships in this save.

Edit: just confirmed I have research completed for Theseus sport, kestrel sport, and elite sport. I have all those ships, plus the dart, but it doesn't seem like there is a research option for the dart (in my save at least).
Alan Phipps
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Re: Racing Engine Blueprints

Post by Alan Phipps »

Is there any chance that you gained some of those ships in an earlier version such as 7.00 when there may have been various BP release issues that 7.1 + HF1 may have addressed? Just a theory mind.
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Re: Racing Engine Blueprints

Post by Jcary1404 »

Yes I gained them during 7.0. Maybe that's the issue? I would have hoped 7.10 BP fixes would have been retroactive :|
Alan Phipps
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Re: Racing Engine Blueprints

Post by Alan Phipps »

If that's is the case then I also would expect the devs to have intended that affected saves would be fixed too. It's best now to hope that the devs check the save you linked.
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Re: Racing Engine Blueprints

Post by Jcary1404 »

Agreed. Thank you for your help as well!
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Re: Racing Engine Blueprints

Post by Jcary1404 »

Not sure if a Dev ever had an opportunity to take a look at this. Just wondering if this is as intended or a bug with the racing engine BP's.

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Re: [#2976] Racing Engine Blueprints - Unable to Confirm For Now

Post by Tranxalive »

Thanks for bumping the thread! This almost got lost in the endless tide of issues. :)

For some reason I can't even build any of the racing ships, my limit is 0, despite having done the missions. I've reset my Timelines save and will go through that properly, in order to hopefully properly save my stuff.

I'll have to go through Timelines a little bit at a time, since I have to focus on other reports.
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Re: [#2976] Racing Engine Blueprints - Unable to Confirm For Now

Post by GReaper »

Hi everyone!

Just to confirm: it seems I have the same issue. I completed Timelines DLC, then got the ships in my free playthrough and yesterday I found out I was missing one engine blueprint and noticed, as Jcary1404, that I'm missing S Racing Engine MK1 (I have MK2 version). Just in case it helps, I haven't played any beta or so, just fully released versions and a bit later than Timelines was released.

I understand this is not a critical issue, just wanted to put on the table another case. If you need saved games or something, just let me know!

Thank you very much for your great effort! I really love X4 (and the series itself). :D
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Re: [#2976] Racing Engine Blueprints - Unable to Confirm For Now

Post by CBJ »

Please don't wait to be asked for a savegame. We pretty much always need one in order to be able to do anything, so not providing it just delays things. The forum rules explain how.
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Re: [#2976] Racing Engine Blueprints - Unable to Confirm For Now

Post by GReaper »

Hi again!

You're right, I should have provided it before. Here is the save and some more useful info to take a look at the issue:

Savegame, DxDiag and VulkanInfo: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... drive_link

Game version: 7.1

Language: Spanish

Play start: don't know the name, but I've been playing the same since the beginning :)

Regarding the issue:

- There's a missing engine blueprint (unknown). I tried to manually match them with a list I found and I'm missing the "S Racing Engine MK1".
- I've never taken part on any beta
- I've played Timelines short after release
- I've been always playing the same single player free roam game

In case some more info is needed, just let me know and I'll be pleased to help!

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