[Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

Post by Betelgeuse97 »

SnickerZ wrote: Sun, 27. Oct 24, 15:32 Hey, i realy enjoy the mod. Great work with it. :)
i recently updated to 3.0 and started a new playthrough again. I noticed a few issues with my playthrough. I was wondering if these are caused by my old install and persisted to the updated version, so i loaded up my save and galaxy into a clean install. They still persisted

Issues were the following:
- Fleets that were set to partol certain sectors or my personal sectors running off into random sectors they were not assigned to while executing an order to attack a ship in a sector in another direction. I think they might sometimes have a wrong path calculated to the target sector that includes a jumpbeacon placed in a sector far away (this also happened to me in 2.6 playthroughs)
- Fleets on patrol not applying the ship types outlined in the autoresponse settings. One of my partol fleets is set to only react to "Big an Huge ships" and reacts to pirate TMs roaming into my sectors
- Fleets not applying the retreat settings in the fleet menu. I have a few TMs in hostile territories chasing freighters. They are set to retreat when M7 ships appear and instead the fleetcommander engages it.
- Workers at outposts disregarding the distance limit set inn the outposts station settings menu

Does anyone else have these problems, or is it a me issue?
Also, in the Renegade plot, when i need to input the 3 part code into the console after scanning the ship, it fails the mission and launches the pirates. Even tho i input the code in just the way i got it.
(might also just be too stupid and there might be an aditional layer to this thing that i just did not get xdd)
1. I'd think this may be why. They'll try to take the shortest path.
2. TMs count as big ships. Big ships = M6, TM. Huge ships = all capital ships (M1, M2, M7, TL). As such, since your fleet settings react to big ships, TMs will be targeted.
3. By any chance, did you set your fleet ratio to "no retreat"?
4. Sectors that have a jump beacon don't count against the distance limit. So if your station in sector A (origin) and your beacons are in both sector A and sector B (normally 5 jumps away), sector B is treated as if it's 0 jumps away.

For the code, enter it without spaces or dashes. For example, if part 1 of your code is ABCD; part 2 is 1234; and part 3 is FFFF, you enter your code as "ABCD1234FFFF". I forgot if the code is case-sensitive, but if it is, enter exactly as you see the code but without any spaces or dashes. If not, try the code with either all uppercase or all lowercase.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

Post by SnickerZ »

Betelgeuse97 wrote: Mon, 28. Oct 24, 06:25
SnickerZ wrote: Sun, 27. Oct 24, 15:32 Hey, i realy enjoy the mod. Great work with it. :)
i recently updated to 3.0 and started a new playthrough again. I noticed a few issues with my playthrough. I was wondering if these are caused by my old install and persisted to the updated version, so i loaded up my save and galaxy into a clean install. They still persisted

Issues were the following:
- Fleets that were set to partol certain sectors or my personal sectors running off into random sectors they were not assigned to while executing an order to attack a ship in a sector in another direction. I think they might sometimes have a wrong path calculated to the target sector that includes a jumpbeacon placed in a sector far away (this also happened to me in 2.6 playthroughs)
- Fleets on patrol not applying the ship types outlined in the autoresponse settings. One of my partol fleets is set to only react to "Big an Huge ships" and reacts to pirate TMs roaming into my sectors
- Fleets not applying the retreat settings in the fleet menu. I have a few TMs in hostile territories chasing freighters. They are set to retreat when M7 ships appear and instead the fleetcommander engages it.
- Workers at outposts disregarding the distance limit set inn the outposts station settings menu

Does anyone else have these problems, or is it a me issue?
Also, in the Renegade plot, when i need to input the 3 part code into the console after scanning the ship, it fails the mission and launches the pirates. Even tho i input the code in just the way i got it.
(might also just be too stupid and there might be an aditional layer to this thing that i just did not get xdd)
1. I'd think this may be why. They'll try to take the shortest path.
2. TMs count as big ships. Big ships = M6, TM. Huge ships = all capital ships (M1, M2, M7, TL). As such, since your fleet settings react to big ships, TMs will be targeted.
3. By any chance, did you set your fleet ratio to "no retreat"?
4. Sectors that have a jump beacon don't count against the distance limit. So if your station in sector A (origin) and your beacons are in both sector A and sector B (normally 5 jumps away), sector B is treated as if it's 0 jumps away.

For the code, enter it without spaces or dashes. For example, if part 1 of your code is ABCD; part 2 is 1234; and part 3 is FFFF, you enter your code as "ABCD1234FFFF". I forgot if the code is case-sensitive, but if it is, enter exactly as you see the code but without any spaces or dashes. If not, try the code with either all uppercase or all lowercase.
Ty for your answer. :)
As to the fleets running off: The issue is that it is not the shortest path. they run off towards presumibly a jump beakon that is let's say 7-8 jumps away and the sector the are trying to reach is right next to the starting location or at least much closer.
Okay, then the TM thing is def on me. Did not expect them to be "big ships". xdd
The Fleet ratio is set to 1:1 as i don't want them to fight through any resistance.
Did the calculations change to include Beakons in 3.0? iI somehow remember being troubled with the mod, in the beginning, because the agennts and traders would not use my Beakons to calculate the distance. :gruebel:

okay... i did not think, the dashes would not be part of the code :o should have tried that, rather than swapping numbers in the code for letters, like it's 2010 :D
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

Post by SPQR13 »

SnickerZ wrote: Mon, 28. Oct 24, 09:31 Did the calculations change to include Beakons in 3.0? iI somehow remember being troubled with the mod, in the beginning, because the agennts and traders would not use my Beakons to calculate the distance. :gruebel:

okay... i did not think, the dashes would not be part of the code :o should have tried that, rather than swapping numbers in the code for letters, like it's 2010 :D
Can you specify your question about agents? Your agent doesn’t perform a job even if distance is very close and he obviously should do it OR vice versa he is trying to do the job in a sector that is very distant from his homebase and he shouldn’t fly there considering his jump distance limit?
Cause my agents work just perfect in all my previous and current galaxies (and that’s hundreds of in-game hours).
Last edited by N8M4R3 on Fri, 8. Nov 24, 14:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

Post by Betelgeuse97 »

I updated A1CHEMIZT's Kha'ak mod to go with Renegades, and it contains some QoL for his original mod. It also fixes an issue with the large capital ships if you use ZMap to randomize your ship stats.

  • Unzip the addon/scripts folder to your game's root directory.
  • TShips.txt and TBullets.txt must go to addon/types if you don't use ZMap. If you use ZMap, put TShips.txt and TBullets.txt in your ZMap folder instead.
Google Drive location: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dw058F ... drive_link
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

Post by SnickerZ »

SPQR13 wrote: Tue, 29. Oct 24, 11:45
SnickerZ wrote: Mon, 28. Oct 24, 09:31 Did the calculations change to include Beakons in 3.0? iI somehow remember being troubled with the mod, in the beginning, because the agennts and traders would not use my Beakons to calculate the distance. :gruebel:

okay... i did not think, the dashes would not be part of the code :o should have tried that, rather than swapping numbers in the code for letters, like it's 2010 :D
Can you specify your question about agents? Your agent doesn’t perform a job even if distance is very close and he obviously should do it OR vice versa he is trying to do the job in a sector that is very distant from his homebase and he shouldn’t fly there considering his jump distance limit?
Cause my agents work just perfect in all my previous and current galaxies (and that’s hundreds of in-game hours).
It was about my agents performing jobs outside of the range that i expected (i.e. getting e-cells from a sector 6 jumps away without counting a beacon). But that's not rlly a big issue. I was just wondering if anyting changed.

What's more annoying is that my raid groups are not retreating. Played again after a bit of a break and was tempering around a bit with the game (full clean reinstall and so on). The probelm still persists, that they stay in the sector they want to patrol according to the command to monitor and keep attacking ships in there.
I swapped from TMs to fighters, thinking it might be an issue with them being carriers, but that changes nothing.
I was looking around in the scripts to find why they are not reacting to any increasing enemy presence once they have determined a sector to "defend". They seem to avoid sectors with too many enemys when determening where to go, but don't retreat, once on route.

The calculation for the fleet strength when responding as well as the calculations for the retreat via "Fleet retreat settings" are both handled by the "Mayhem.Monitor.FleetControl" script, or am i mistaken?

I'm not very well versed with X3 scripting and have never written complex scripts, so it might be a bit ignorant and this might be more stupid than helpful, but i'm at my witt's end.
In line 378 in the ingame Script Editor or line 327 in X-Studio (does seem to cut out the lines with Iterators and some other things, but have not found any other program in my scramble to copy the code)

Code: Select all

* Retreat from large enemy groups.
$hasEnemikes = size of array $enemies
if $hasEnemies
* Sector is hot: retreat if necessary.
if $fleetLeader != [PLAYERSHIP]
I think, there might be a typo in the "$hasEnemikes", since i don't see the variable used anywhere else in the script.
Also, i don't see any other line inn the script that gives a value to "$hasEnemies" and since that then gets checked to initiate the retreat calculation, it will not do the loop if the variable had no value assigned.

But changing that did not solve my fleet not retreating problem for some reason, so it'll prob not be the issue :(
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

Post by SheepleShooter »

This sound like a fun and challenging continuation! I'm still finishing Zero Hour but I was wondering if there is any way to use a map from Zero Hour. Perhaps after generating the first new map during installation?

I think it adds a layer of fun to play on an unknown map but it is a bit of a gamble as to whether it is a good one or not. Is there a place players exchange fun maps?
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

Post by SheepleShooter »

Also, is there anyway to make it more obvious that a faction is invading you? Currently, I don't receive any message or alert....I was expecting a message that X faction is claiming X sector etc. I know I can see it in the Ministry of War section but that requires manual checking every so often.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

Post by SheepleShooter »

I just started a new game for the first time and might have an error with Trading Stations - all of them are missing a lot of items? Some only list Black Crystals and Ore (plus one or two missiles) and others only Black Crystals, Ore, and Meat (plus one or two missiles). I thought perhaps the available items are supposed to expand as the game progresses or is this a bug?
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

Post by Negmek »

SheepleShooter wrote: Tue, 31. Dec 24, 14:22

For sure there gotta be more than three items in a trade station, but i think they are suposed o not have all the oods possible. I think each corporation has heir own pool of resources they trade, but i never paid any attention to it. Just assign some traders and let them figure it out. Being able o automate all this micromanagement is an absolutely brilliant thing about this mod.
SheepleShooter wrote: Sun, 8. Dec 24, 15:09
Pretty sue you recieve a warning when they declare war on you. Other than that you have to pay manual attention to movement of their fleets. Thats a thing that is not automated unfortunately.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

Post by alexuyk »


Is there a way to keep all fighters (and m6) docked (aside from removing homebase off them)?
I want to use them, but while there are capital ships around fighters are just a waste of resources. :(
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

Post by Negmek »

alexuyk wrote: Thu, 2. Jan 25, 03:58
I think if you remove them from the fleet and/or unassign their homebase after they are landedon the carrier, they ont be doing any automated order. At least thats what id try, but homebase may reset automatically if they are landed. (oh wait im blind >> (aside from removing homebase off them))

But i wouldnt want to keep them docked, i prefer to assign them to a wing and manually move them in a position to flank the enemy or cut off their retreat path or just send them in some time after the main fight has started. Basically manually controlling them (and frankly all of the ships in big battles) is the way you should be preventing them from dying.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

Post by alexuyk »

Negmek wrote: Thu, 2. Jan 25, 04:09
alexuyk wrote: Thu, 2. Jan 25, 03:58
I think if you remove them from the fleet and/or unassign their homebase after they are landedon the carrier, they ont be doing any automated order. At least thats what id try, but homebase may reset automatically if they are landed. (oh wait im blind >> (aside from removing homebase off them))

But i wouldnt want to keep them docked, i prefer to assign them to a wing and manually move them in a position to flank the enemy or cut off their retreat path or just send them in some time after the main fight has started. Basically manually controlling them (and frankly all of the ships in big battles) is the way you should be preventing them from dying.
I am at the lategame and have a lot of carriers, and controlling fighters without a homebase is a PITA (
Now I remember that all of my Mayhem playthroughs ended at this point.
Mayhem fighter behavior is to park themselves in the firing range of a target and start pewing at it. With the way capship guns work - every salvo is a dead fighter :evil:

I am trying to fix the game for me this time.
But 20 hrs in, and I cannot find what on earth is calling ship.cmd.support on homebased fighters.

My plan is to restrict mayhem.task.support off ships with [owner]=[player] and then maybe hack in ADS attack commands. Or, at least, hack in a player-controlled toggle to it.
Best result I've got so far is by placing a race check in the ship.cmd.support itself (and unearthing carrier command menu) -- no more "supporting" but now fighters get a brain reset every 45 or so seconds (command:none) :( :(

Can someone point me to the source of ship.cmd.support calls?
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

Post by SheepleShooter »

Negmek wrote: Wed, 1. Jan 25, 21:27
SheepleShooter wrote: Tue, 31. Dec 24, 14:22

For sure there gotta be more than three items in a trade station, but i think they are suposed o not have all the oods possible. I think each corporation has heir own pool of resources they trade, but i never paid any attention to it. Just assign some traders and let them figure it out. Being able o automate all this micromanagement is an absolutely brilliant thing about this mod.
It is definitely a bug. Race 9 and 12 Trading Station only have Black Crystals, Meat, Ore, and Chaff. Race 3 and 10 are the same but without Meat. Race 7 is the same as 3 and 10 but adds Firestorm Torpedos. Race 5 is completely empty; no listed inventory at all.
I didn't have this issue with Zero Hour. I redid the Renegades installation but the same issue persists. Anyone have any ideas where to start debugging?? I'm doing a chaotic start and this trading deficit is going to make it that much more challenging...
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

Post by Negmek »

alexuyk wrote: Thu, 2. Jan 25, 11:20
For me this is also annoying because when i assign them to a wing and tell them to do something, the carrier homebase orders then override wing orders, so they refuse to do my orders until i remove the homebase.

But, you can unset homebase for the entire wing in one go (so all the fighters in the fleet), and then by adding them back to the fleet you automatically reassign their homebase, so this is relatively low micromanagement (still annoying but payable) ((i havent done this in half a year though, didnt play for a bit))
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

Post by Negmek »

SheepleShooter wrote: Thu, 2. Jan 25, 11:48
I just tested chaotic mode specifically (checked only one station) and i get normal goods. The only thing i can think of is you either installing or generating the map with some mistakes, such as not running cleanup, maybe? But if you alreay have read all the instructions carefully then idk
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

Post by alexuyk »

Whew, fixed supporting addiction of fighters. Was overlooking a piece of code in carrier repair...

There is a bug by the way -- non-terran memory research stations are able to research terran ships via backlog.
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

Post by alexuyk »

SheepleShooter wrote: Tue, 31. Dec 24, 14:22 Hi
I just started a new game for the first time and might have an error with Trading Stations - all of them are missing a lot of items? Some only list Black Crystals and Ore (plus one or two missiles) and others only Black Crystals, Ore, and Meat (plus one or two missiles). I thought perhaps the available items are supposed to expand as the game progresses or is this a bug?
Negmek wrote: Thu, 2. Jan 25, 12:02
SheepleShooter wrote: Thu, 2. Jan 25, 11:48
I just tested chaotic mode specifically (checked only one station) and i get normal goods. The only thing i can think of is you either installing or generating the map with some mistakes, such as not running cleanup, maybe? But if you alreay have read all the instructions carefully then idk

Had the same issue.
Mid playthrough all the trading stations became like this. Pirate bases had 2-3 wares listed as well.
Also they are packing energy cells for some reason - judging by the script that shoulnd't be the case.

Adding wares back with cheat menu didn't help , nor running initialize script on them - inventory didn't change. I guess something is constantly changing their inventory back.
Nuked them all with cheat menu and they respawned with normal inventory but zero stock :( . Also nuked alot of my traders with them, so atm I'm piling up a script to do that gentlier.

Dunno what caused it. Loaded a save like 5 hrs earier - trading stations were fine (but, they had waste along normal wares, for some reason). All I did in that period is re-enabled Renegades
(I hated them on medium difficulty - they were killing sattelites all over the map and way too often. Turns out they are fine on Hard - random enemy M6 near your outpost is completely OK. Maybe they are attacking traders as well but good luck with my 252 m/s Orinoccos)
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Re: [Mayhem 3] Renegades 3.0

Post by SheepleShooter »

alexuyk wrote: Sun, 5. Jan 25, 17:30
SheepleShooter wrote: Tue, 31. Dec 24, 14:22 Hi
I just started a new game for the first time and might have an error with Trading Stations - all of them are missing a lot of items? Some only list Black Crystals and Ore (plus one or two missiles) and others only Black Crystals, Ore, and Meat (plus one or two missiles). I thought perhaps the available items are supposed to expand as the game progresses or is this a bug?
Negmek wrote: Thu, 2. Jan 25, 12:02
SheepleShooter wrote: Thu, 2. Jan 25, 11:48
I just tested chaotic mode specifically (checked only one station) and i get normal goods. The only thing i can think of is you either installing or generating the map with some mistakes, such as not running cleanup, maybe? But if you alreay have read all the instructions carefully then idk

Had the same issue.
Mid playthrough all the trading stations became like this. Pirate bases had 2-3 wares listed as well.
Also they are packing energy cells for some reason - judging by the script that shoulnd't be the case.

Adding wares back with cheat menu didn't help , nor running initialize script on them - inventory didn't change. I guess something is constantly changing their inventory back.
Nuked them all with cheat menu and they respawned with normal inventory but zero stock :( . Also nuked alot of my traders with them, so atm I'm piling up a script to do that gentlier.

Dunno what caused it. Loaded a save like 5 hrs earier - trading stations were fine (but, they had waste along normal wares, for some reason). All I did in that period is re-enabled Renegades
(I hated them on medium difficulty - they were killing sattelites all over the map and way too often. Turns out they are fine on Hard - random enemy M6 near your outpost is completely OK. Maybe they are attacking traders as well but good luck with my 252 m/s Orinoccos)
I haven't checked with Pirate Stations. With some troubleshooting, I have discovered that for me at least, the Trading Station issue starts when the notification on the screen appears stating 'more OCV Invader fleets arrive in this chaotic galaxy!' which is only a few minutes into the game. If you have a trading station inventory open you can see the inventory change as soon as that notification appears. I briefly ran a peaceful start and it didn't have this issue. Perhaps the same script runs in a non-chaotic game later on and creates issues then as well?

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