modding question

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Cursed Ghost
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modding question

Post by Cursed Ghost »

Ok so quick question how come I can't get the game to let me equip laser tower weapons?

So as I mention I'm trying to mod the weapon compatibility of the argon titan so that I can equip laser tower weapons so I opened up the x2 editor by double shadow went to cat4 opened TCockpits and saved to c:\temp\types\TCockpits.txt

Now if I've understood right to add laser tower weapons to the list of weapons that can be equipped you take the excising values

Code: Select all

Then add the value for the laser tower (2097152) to it like so and save the change

Code: Select all

Trouble is no matter what I try I can't get this to work.

First I tried just adding the TCockpits.txt file to the mod folder and loading the game no joy

Next I tried creating a types folder inside the mods folder and moving the TCockpits.txt inside that again I loaded the game and again no joy

So Next I loaded up in the x2 editor loaded c:\temp\types\TCockpits.txt hit save backed out of the types folder and saved as TCockpits.pck I then placed the TCockpits.pck file in the mods folder loaded the game and again no joy

I next tried opening c:\temp\types\TCockpits.txt in the x2 editor backing out of the types folder and saving as but I just got an error the x2 editor wouldn't save as a cat

So how exactly do I get this working because I'm pretty sure I've I done the modification correctly but for some reason I just can't seem to get the game to load it so clearly I'm doing something wrong so what gives ?
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Re: modding question

Post by Zeron-mk7 »

You need wit X2 Editor, into the file TCockpits add into the each ship turret view (SS_COCKPIT_A_FRONT/RIGHT/REAR/LEFT/UP/DOWN) - Laser tower weapon - from Available lasers list into the Compatible lasers.
Here are test mod, where done it: Test mod

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