[#2340][7,00 Beta 6] ANT attaking HOP albeit they aren't any longer hostiles - Explained.

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[#2340][7,00 Beta 6] ANT attaking HOP albeit they aren't any longer hostiles - Explained.

Post by Pesanur »

Since the end of the Paranid PLOT, ANT and HOP didn't attack any longer each other (in fact in the Encyclopedia says that they although are still enemies, they aren't any longer hostiles to each other), but since I relinked Atiyah Misfortune to the ANT and Faulty Logic to the HOP, the Antigone started to try to size Faulty Logic, building stations and sending fleets to attack HOP stations. I'm Already defeated some ANT fleets and destroyed several of the stations that they try to build in order to help the HOP.
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Re: [7,00 Beta 6] ANT attaking HOP albeit they aren't any longer hostiles

Post by Pesanur »

Sorry, I'm forgot to attach the save, so I put the link now.

https://1drv.ms/u/s!An3feJbv1gLazlxun81 ... u?e=v0eMa4
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Re: [7,00 Beta 6] ANT attaking HOP albeit they aren't any longer hostiles

Post by Pesanur »

And I'm also forgot to mention that the hostilities are only in Faulty Logic, in True Sight is all in peace.
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Re: [#2340][7,00 Beta 6] ANT attaking HOP albeit they aren't any longer hostiles

Post by Gimbutz »

Thank you for the report, and sorry for the long wait!

The situation in the save you linked seems to be as expected: in the Paranid plot, there's no change in the relation between ANT and HOP. They're always at -20. This relation shows up as "enemies" (not "hostile") in the encyclopedia, like you said, because they don't fight each other indiscriminately - they only attack each other's military targets. This relation, -20, is the relation you'll see most of the time when two factions are at war.

Whether fights are actually breaking out, also depends on whether the faction's own "faction logic" is currently performing an invasion in a given sector. In your case, it looks like the factions are clashing in Faulty Logic.
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