X4 7.10 suddenly freezes in windowed mode

This forum provides information on obtaining access to Public Beta versions of X4: Foundations allowing people running those versions to provide feedback on their experiences.

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X4 7.10 suddenly freezes in windowed mode

Post by HeythereHithere »

I can't get it to resume without crashing the game.
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Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: X4 7.10 suddenly freezes in windowed mode

Post by CBJ »

With absolutely zero information to work with, there's not much we can do to help you here. Please see the forum rules for the basic information you'd need to provide us with in order for us to have any chance of helping you.
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Re: X4 7.10 suddenly freezes in windowed mode

Post by HeythereHithere »

How can I get this information after went back in with full screen mode?

My advice is try it yourself it did it multiple times in both types of windowed mode. I am not a Egosoft employee and don't get paid to do Egosoft QC. The real issue with the software industry is instead of doing QC via "use cases" the industry relies on "users" (really customers) instead of doing the work yourselves. I have worked in multiple industries like chemicals and pharma where letting the customer do QC may result in death of customers and other stakeholders. Unfortunately software providers are not as diligent or excellent, do better.
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Joined: Tue, 29. Apr 03, 00:56

Re: X4 7.10 suddenly freezes in windowed mode

Post by CBJ »

If we'd been able to reproduce this ourselves then we'd have fixed it. The point of a Public Beta is to get player feedback and to find situations that don't happen when the game is played internally. If you don't want to test the Public Beta then nobody is forcing you to, but if you are going to post in these forums then the rules at the top of the forum make it very clear what information you need to provide in order for your post to be useful. The forum rules also make it clear that this is not a place for commentary about the development process.

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