[WIP][Mod]TaterTrader v4- An Autotrade Alternative

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Re: [WIP][Mod]TaterTrader v4- An Autotrade Alternative

Post by chh2tx »

Baldamundo wrote: Fri, 26. Mar 21, 10:34 Does this mod work with the mimic order?
They do. However, I’m still monitoring performance. I’m not sure if they perform at the same level or just how it reports trade sales is different due to the fleet.

It looks like fleet trade orders may not show as included where they normally do, where it tells you how much is expected to come in from upcoming trades. It seems like that may only include out of fleet sales. Outside of that, it appears to work..it’s just really hard to measure impact..if any.
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Re: [WIP][Mod]TaterTrader v4- An Autotrade Alternative

Post by chh2tx »

Any chance we can get the two new factions added to trade ban options? PIO and TER?
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Re: [WIP][Mod]TaterTrader v4- An Autotrade Alternative

Post by DeadAirRT »

chh2tx wrote: Mon, 29. Mar 21, 00:23 Any chance we can get the two new factions added to trade ban options? PIO and TER?
At this point, trade restrictions are a far cleaner and better option than all the bool options on the trader. I've only kept the ones on there in case some people like them still.
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Re: [WIP][Mod]TaterTrader v4- An Autotrade Alternative

Post by blackstaer »


I'm using the script and loving it, but when I use the sinza all the traders are suck, after a while, in search for trade.
I search everywhere but couldn't find anything about that problem.
I'm pretty sure I did something wrong and hope you fine people can enlighten me.
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Re: [WIP][Mod]TaterTrader v4- An Autotrade Alternative

Post by 12vh3 »

the traider ignoring the global travel ban list.
i just saw that a traider always if i cancel all orders and he searches new ones, take a route which goes through multiple banned sectors.
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Re: [WIP][Mod]TaterTrader v4- An Autotrade Alternative

Post by DeadAirRT »

12vh3 wrote: Tue, 15. Jun 21, 01:03 the traider ignoring the global travel ban list.
i just saw that a traider always if i cancel all orders and he searches new ones, take a route which goes through multiple banned sectors.
Steam or GitHub version?

What options do you have selected on his orders? It's he a free trader, assigned to a fleet, or station?
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Re: [WIP][Mod]TaterTrader v4- An Autotrade Alternative

Post by Dethhand »

I tried to automate the Build Storage supply by TaterTrader. It works fine as long as I do not Blacklist the usual Factions. If I use a Blacklist of all notable Factions on the Build Storage it does not get supplied. (Working as intended, as far as I understand.)
Now if I do not misunderstand the "Free Trade" option, should circumvent the Blacklist. But it looks like the search for the buyers and sellers does not even start, because in the logs only the following entry is repeatedly printed: "Banned Faction Count: 0"

Trader Home: Same Sector as the station
Max gate distanze to sell: 0
Enable Trade Bans: false
Copy Presets: true
Preset: Station Building Wares
Owned Station Sell Mod: 200
Free Trade: false (does supply the Wharf in the same sector or the Build Storage if no Blacklist is set)
Free Trade: true (does not supply the Wharf or the Build Storage)
(Things not listed = default)
Version: Github (DeadAir)

Postet a potential fix at the DeadAir Mods threat.
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Re: [WIP][Mod]TaterTrader v4- An Autotrade Alternative

Post by ChristopherS »

Not 100% on this one, but I think I've found an issue.

So this mod works, most of the time. If a ship finds a trade, goes to buy the items, take them to the sale location, only to find they don't need them anymore, then the ship will just sit and wait. It says "finding trade", but my ship has been waiting with an almost full cargo of 43k worth of items, unable to find anything. Does anyone know what I must do to help my ship find a new trade if this happens to them, or must it be a manual sale at this point?

EDIT: So I found and did a manual trade and then this ship did start trading again.
Thought provoking signature.

Christopher - Sometimes sarcastic, sometimes grumpy, always pedantic.
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Re: [WIP][Mod]TaterTrader v4- An Autotrade Alternative

Post by Wozzlebatneo Breau »

I love this Mod. Is it still being maintained?
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Re: [WIP][Mod]TaterTrader v4- An Autotrade Alternative

Post by BlackRain »

Wozzlebatneo Breau wrote: Sat, 16. Oct 21, 07:53 I love this Mod. Is it still being maintained?
Just been trying to see if this works and it doesn't appear to be working. Just wait for trade and search for trade but never finding any actual trades.
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Re: [WIP][Mod]TaterTrader v4- An Autotrade Alternative

Post by Scoob »

BlackRain wrote: Sat, 16. Oct 21, 20:14
Wozzlebatneo Breau wrote: Sat, 16. Oct 21, 07:53 I love this Mod. Is it still being maintained?
Just been trying to see if this works and it doesn't appear to be working. Just wait for trade and search for trade but never finding any actual trades.
I'm using it currently and it's working just fine with many profitable trades being made using L-Class Freighters currently - I have three on the go. The only setting I generally change is the "home" sector - and buy/sell distance, then I send it on its way. It's usually off and trading within a minute, though I guess that depends on what the player has discovered in regards to trade opportunities.

I know there are various versions of this as it was taken over by another modder, here's the Github link to the one I'm currently using.

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Re: [WIP][Mod]TaterTrader v4- An Autotrade Alternative

Post by BlackRain »

Scoob wrote: Sun, 17. Oct 21, 15:35
BlackRain wrote: Sat, 16. Oct 21, 20:14
Wozzlebatneo Breau wrote: Sat, 16. Oct 21, 07:53 I love this Mod. Is it still being maintained?
Just been trying to see if this works and it doesn't appear to be working. Just wait for trade and search for trade but never finding any actual trades.
I'm using it currently and it's working just fine with many profitable trades being made using L-Class Freighters currently - I have three on the go. The only setting I generally change is the "home" sector - and buy/sell distance, then I send it on its way. It's usually off and trading within a minute, though I guess that depends on what the player has discovered in regards to trade opportunities.

I know there are various versions of this as it was taken over by another modder, here's the Github link to the one I'm currently using.

That is strange because I have the latest version as far as I can tell and I tried it on several ships (with many stations in satellite range) and it never traded despite waiting a while. I will look into it then.
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Re: [WIP][Mod]TaterTrader v4- An Autotrade Alternative

Post by Scoob »

BlackRain wrote: Sun, 17. Oct 21, 19:21
That is strange because I have the latest version as far as I can tell and I tried it on several ships (with many stations in satellite range) and it never traded despite waiting a while. I will look into it then.
Could there be some conflict with a mod you're using that I'm not? For the record, here's my complete mod list for my current game:

- Better Kill Credit
- Better Piracy
- Disable Encounters
- Faction War Economy Enhancer
- Mules and Warehouses Extended
- SCA Use All
- Mod Support API's (SirNukes - using v1.87)
- Tater Trader (v1.15 downloaded on 29th July 2021)
- True Piracy
- X4 Fire and Smoke
- XR Ship Pack (VRO version)

Nothing crazy in that list and the only other trading-class mod is Mules. I've used Tater Trader on both M and L-Class ships just fine in a v4.1 game. I literally set the order, only dragging the two range sliders up to (usually) 6 and picking a home sector, if the ship isn't already in the desired sector and thus not automatically set.

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Re: [WIP][Mod]TaterTrader v4- An Autotrade Alternative

Post by Jaskan »

Seems to be working perfectly here, got recent update too according to steam.
Early days of testing though
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Re: [WIP][Mod]TaterTrader v4- An Autotrade Alternative

Post by Dani_Gecko »

In my Save, I encountered a rather annoying problem and I can't figure out if I am doing it wrong or if the mod is faulty. Disclaimer: It's probably me... I am on the latest version GoG gives me - 4.10(a) with both DLCs and a few other mods.

//EDIT: I would like to point out, that this is not, how it always is. it only happens some times and I can't say what changes for it to happen vs not happening.

So what I got is a few Boas assigned to two stations making Hullparts and Claytronics. Their trade ware is set to HP + EC and CL + EC respectively.
I am sitting in Nopileos I and building stations there, so I set the traders to 0/0 for buy/sell distance, set their home to the station directly, enable distance pen:yes, %-pen is 10, buy mod is 0, sell mod is 200 (to encourage them to fill the orders of my station first without clicking through the banlist) and nothing else is checked.
now they go about selling 55 HP at a time - got a free cargo hold, enough funds on the constructing station.
Also, if I am not explicitly banning SCA, they go trade with them in Nopileos II, even though I have set the jump distance to zero. What am I doing wrong? Please help!
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Re: [WIP][Mod]TaterTrader v4- An Autotrade Alternative

Post by fraeulein78 »

I found out the that tatertrading does not increase the captain's and crew's skills over time. Possible to change this?
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Re: [WIP][Mod]TaterTrader v4- An Autotrade Alternative

Post by Baconnaise »

fraeulein78 wrote: Wed, 31. Jul 24, 20:12 I found out the that tatertrading does not increase the captain's and crew's skills over time. Possible to change this?
Deadair took over maintaining this mod. You can find the updated one on his github.


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