Then I can't remember what the respawn time might be or maybe it is whatever the default is. Haven't looked in a while
[MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
Moderators: Scripting / Modding Moderators, Moderators for English X Forum
- Moderator (Script&Mod)
- Posts: 7461
- Joined: Mon, 15. Dec 03, 18:53
Re: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Tue, 19. Mar 24, 17:16
Re: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
Hello, folks I have a question. Which settings should I change if I want the Xenon to expand more aggressively? I've wiped out the Terrans and the Xenon have taken over the Asteroid Belt, but they are taking their sweet time populating the rest of the Sol System. Thank you.
- Moderator (Script&Mod)
- Posts: 7461
- Joined: Mon, 15. Dec 03, 18:53
Re: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
Increase the amount of ships as much as you can for xenon if you haven't already. The factions only expand if they have enough ships but eventually there is a ceiling. If you already increased the number of ships to the max in the settings than you can try editing the scripts and increasing the ships even more.carlos8643 wrote: ↑Fri, 22. Mar 24, 22:23 Hello, folks I have a question. Which settings should I change if I want the Xenon to expand more aggressively? I've wiped out the Terrans and the Xenon have taken over the Asteroid Belt, but they are taking their sweet time populating the rest of the Sol System. Thank you.
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Tue, 19. Mar 24, 17:16
Re: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
Thank you. Just as I posted the question, I noticed Mars and Jupiter turning red, so I guess I'm in the right track.BlackRain wrote: ↑Sat, 23. Mar 24, 14:50Increase the amount of ships as much as you can for xenon if you haven't already. The factions only expand if they have enough ships but eventually there is a ceiling. If you already increased the number of ships to the max in the settings than you can try editing the scripts and increasing the ships even more.carlos8643 wrote: ↑Fri, 22. Mar 24, 22:23 Hello, folks I have a question. Which settings should I change if I want the Xenon to expand more aggressively? I've wiped out the Terrans and the Xenon have taken over the Asteroid Belt, but they are taking their sweet time populating the rest of the Sol System. Thank you.
- Posts: 25
- Joined: Sun, 4. Oct 20, 22:18
Re: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
Hey, im new to x4 modding and hope you could explain me some stuff in your mod
i read you explanation about that <set_value name="$ExistingDestroyerThreshold" exact="60"/> this part defines how many of this job are build, or better how many or this job are ordered, so if i understand that correct in this case the xenon would orrder 60 times this job? or did i miss anything?
and what also confuse me when i look that job in the the job.xml i find this
so this part here " <quota galaxy="5" cluster="2"/>" does that limit the amount of this job? like this job only exist 5 times in the whole galaxy and maximal 2 times in a cluster? or for what are these quota for?
i hope you can clear up my confusion for that
Code: Select all
<cue name="job_activate_XenonApocalypse" instantiate="true" checktime="player.age + 300s" checkinterval="10min">
<check_value value="md.FOCWsetup.Settings.$activateXenonApocalypse == 1"/>
<find_ship name="$XenonApocalypse" job="'xenon_destroyer_apoc'" space="player.galaxy" multiple="true"/>
<set_value name="$numship" exact="$XenonApocalypse.count"/>
<set_value name="$totalxenship9" operation="add" exact="0"/>
<set_value name="$ExistingDestroyerThreshold" exact="60"/>
<do_if value="$totalxenship9 gt $ExistingDestroyerThreshold * 2">
<set_value name="$totalxenship9" exact="0"/>
<do_if value="($numship + $totalxenship9) lt $ExistingDestroyerThreshold">
<find_station name="$XenonShipyard" space="player.galaxy" functional="true" multiple="false">
<match canbuildships="true"/> <match owner="faction.xenon"/>
<request_job_ship job="'xenon_destroyer_apoc'" name="this.$Requested_Job_Ship" requester="$XenonShipyard" zone="$"/>
<set_value name="$totalxenship9" operation="add" exact="1"/>
<do_else><set_value name="$totalxenship9" operation="add" exact="1"/>
<cancel_cue cue="job_activate_XenonApocalypse"/>
<remove_value name="$XenonApocalypse"/>
<remove_value name="$XenonShipyard"/>
and what also confuse me when i look that job in the the job.xml i find this
Code: Select all
<job id="xenon_destroyer_apoc" name="{40000,9}" startactive="false">
<modifiers commandeerable="true"/>
<category faction="xenon" tags="[factionlogic, military, destroyer]" size="ship_xl"/>
<quota galaxy="5" cluster="2"/>
<location class="galaxy" macro="xu_ep2_universe_macro" faction="xenon" relation="self" comparison="exact"/>
<environment buildatshipyard="true"/> <encounters id="ship_cluster"/>
<select faction="xenon" tags="[military, destroyer]" size="ship_xl"/>
<owner exact="xenon" overridenpc="true"/>
<subordinate job="xenon_fighter_escort_heavy"/>
<subordinate job="xenon_frigate_addescort_m"/>
<subordinate job="xenon_destroyer_moreescort"/>
i hope you can clear up my confusion for that
- Moderator (Script&Mod)
- Posts: 7461
- Joined: Mon, 15. Dec 03, 18:53
Re: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
Hello, the first block of code you are showing with <set_value name="$ExistingDestroyerThreshold" exact="60"/> is the maximum allowed fleets of this type which will be ordered. They are not ordered at once and it may never even reach this amount, it depends. Basically each of these is on a timer and every time the script fires, it orders the fleet but only if it does not exceed the maximum allowed amount.Valinir wrote: ↑Mon, 1. Apr 24, 18:06 Hey, im new to x4 modding and hope you could explain me some stuff in your modi read you explanation about that <set_value name="$ExistingDestroyerThreshold" exact="60"/> this part defines how many of this job are build, or better how many or this job are ordered, so if i understand that correct in this case the xenon would orrder 60 times this job? or did i miss anything?Code: Select all
<cue name="job_activate_XenonApocalypse" instantiate="true" checktime="player.age + 300s" checkinterval="10min"> <conditions> <check_value value="md.FOCWsetup.Settings.$activateXenonApocalypse == 1"/> </conditions> <actions> <find_ship name="$XenonApocalypse" job="'xenon_destroyer_apoc'" space="player.galaxy" multiple="true"/> <set_value name="$numship" exact="$XenonApocalypse.count"/> <set_value name="$totalxenship9" operation="add" exact="0"/> <set_value name="$ExistingDestroyerThreshold" exact="60"/> <do_if value="$totalxenship9 gt $ExistingDestroyerThreshold * 2"> <set_value name="$totalxenship9" exact="0"/> </do_if> <do_if value="($numship + $totalxenship9) lt $ExistingDestroyerThreshold"> <find_station name="$XenonShipyard" space="player.galaxy" functional="true" multiple="false"> <match canbuildships="true"/> <match owner="faction.xenon"/> </find_station> <request_job_ship job="'xenon_destroyer_apoc'" name="this.$Requested_Job_Ship" requester="$XenonShipyard" zone="$"/> <set_value name="$totalxenship9" operation="add" exact="1"/> </do_if> <do_else><set_value name="$totalxenship9" operation="add" exact="1"/> <cancel_cue cue="job_activate_XenonApocalypse"/> </do_else> <remove_value name="$XenonApocalypse"/> <remove_value name="$XenonShipyard"/> </actions> </cue>
and what also confuse me when i look that job in the the job.xml i find thisso this part here " <quota galaxy="5" cluster="2"/>" does that limit the amount of this job? like this job only exist 5 times in the whole galaxy and maximal 2 times in a cluster? or for what are these quota for?Code: Select all
<job id="xenon_destroyer_apoc" name="{40000,9}" startactive="false"> <modifiers commandeerable="true"/> <category faction="xenon" tags="[factionlogic, military, destroyer]" size="ship_xl"/> <quota galaxy="5" cluster="2"/> <location class="galaxy" macro="xu_ep2_universe_macro" faction="xenon" relation="self" comparison="exact"/> <environment buildatshipyard="true"/> <encounters id="ship_cluster"/> <ship> <select faction="xenon" tags="[military, destroyer]" size="ship_xl"/> <owner exact="xenon" overridenpc="true"/> </ship> <subordinates> <subordinate job="xenon_fighter_escort_heavy"/> <subordinate job="xenon_frigate_addescort_m"/> <subordinate job="xenon_destroyer_moreescort"/> </subordinates> </job>
i hope you can clear up my confusion for that
As for the second block of code which is from jobs.xml, the <quota galaxy="5" cluster="2"/> is not used at all in this mod so it does nothing. Normally, jobs.xml would define how many fleets/ships are allowed in a galaxy and in a cluster by doing this but it doesn't impact the ships from FOCW so you can ignore it.
If you want more Escort ships for each fleet though, you can edit this part:
<subordinate job="xenon_fighter_escort_heavy"/>
<subordinate job="xenon_frigate_addescort_m"/>
<subordinate job="xenon_destroyer_moreescort"/>
and just add more, for example:
<subordinate job="xenon_fighter_escort_heavy"/>
<subordinate job="xenon_fighter_escort_heavy"/>
<subordinate job="xenon_frigate_addescort_m"/>
<subordinate job="xenon_frigate_addescort_m"/>
<subordinate job="xenon_destroyer_moreescort"/>
<subordinate job="xenon_destroyer_moreescort"/>
Just doubled the amount of escorts/subordinates. Or you can play with it to add whatever you want.
- Posts: 25
- Joined: Sun, 4. Oct 20, 22:18
Re: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
ah ok, i guess i was right then with my thoughts what each part of the code does, thank you very much for your answer
- Posts: 1031
- Joined: Fri, 20. Jul 18, 23:20
Re: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
Having a bit of trouble getting the right balance. I've restarted a few games and each time XEN and TEL are almost instantly at war within 30 minutes. In a recent game, the XEN just steamrolled TEL in Ianaums Zura and were already building defense platforms in Hatikvah's Choice III before the first hour was up. I adjusted the parameters in focwsetup.xml and started a new game. This time, within 20 minutes TEL had 3 battleships invading Matrix #451 and took it over (map color change) without breaking a sweat (do lizard people sweat?).
Here's my config. What I'm looking for is a more balanced approach with slightly more aggressive Xenon than vanilla. I have an i5 13600 with an RTX 3060 if that matters:
Here's my config. What I'm looking for is a more balanced approach with slightly more aggressive Xenon than vanilla. I have an i5 13600 with an RTX 3060 if that matters:
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Xenon Miners and Xenon Energy Transport ships? 1 for Yes and 0 for No -->
<set_value name="$activateXenminers" exact="2" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Xenon fighters? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activateXenfighter" exact="2" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Xenon Capital ships? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activateXencapital" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional fighters for all factions? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<!-- only covers factions: arg, ant, tel, par, hop -->
<set_value name="$activateallfactionsfight" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Capital ships for all factions? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<!-- only covers factions: arg, ant, tel, par, hop -->
<set_value name="$activateallfactionscap" exact="1" />
<!-- Activate Additional Large fleets, heavy on the capital ships and I recommend only using these if you are using deadair fill which automatically fills shipyards with resources when they are low, I would also set it relatively high for filling resources -->
<!-- Either 1 for on, or 0 for off -->
<set_value name="$activateArglargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateAntlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activatetellargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activatezyalargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activatecurblargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateGODlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateHOPlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateTRINlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateTERRANlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateXENlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateHATlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateMINlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateFRFlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateBORlargefleets" exact="0" />
<!-- The following are additional settings for even more ships. These are in addition to the previous settings. This may impact your performance, so please keep in mind your PC system. Do not turn on if your PC can't handle more ships -->
<!-- Turn on additional Xenon Carriers for Defense? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateXencardefend" exact="1" />
<!-- Turn on additional Xenon Carriers for Attack? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateXencarattack" exact="1" />
<!-- Turn on additional Xenon Carriers for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateXendesattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Argon Carrier fleet? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateargcar" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Paranid Carrier fleet? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateparcar" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Holy Order Defense fleet? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateholcar" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Teladi Carrier fleet? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatetelcar" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Antigone fleet? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateantcap" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Hatikvah fleets? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatehatcap" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Argon Carriers for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateargcarattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Paranid Carriers for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateparcarattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Holy Order Carriers for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateholcarattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Teladi Carriers for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatetelcarattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Antigone fleets for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateantattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Hatikvah fleets for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatehatattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Ministry Defense fleets? 0 for No, 1 for light, 2 for medium, 3 for heavy -->
<set_value name="$activatemincap" exact="1" />
<!-- Turn on additional Ministry Squadrons? These are squadrons led by a frigate, 0 for No, 1 for light, 2 for medium, 3 for heavy -->
<set_value name="$activateminsquad" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Zyarth fighters? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatezyarthfight" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Zyarth Capital ships? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$zyarthcap" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Free Families fighters? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatefreefight" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Free families Capital ships? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$freecap" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Court fighters? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatecourtfight" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Court Capital ships? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$courtcap" exact="1" />
<!-- Turn on additional Court Destroyers? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatecourtmore" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Zyarth Carriers? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatezyarthcar" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on Zyarth Carriers for Attacking player when enemy? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatezyarthplay" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on Free Families Destroyers for Attacking player when enemy? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatefreeplay" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional fleets for all factions, these usually include multiple destroyers, frigates and many fighters. These are in addition to all other options and are extra ships for more carnage, 0 off, 1 on -->
<set_value name="$activatemorefleets" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Hatikvah squadrons for defense, 0 for no, 1 yes. These squadrons include frigates and fighters -->
<set_value name="$activatemorehatsquads" exact="0" />
<!-- Not enough Xenon? Add more here! Large destroyer fleets with frigate and fighter escorts, 0 for no, 1 for yes-->
<set_value name="$activatemoreXenonCaps" exact="0" />
<!-- Large Frigate squadrons with many fighter escorts, 0 for no, 1 for yes -->
<set_value name="$activatemoreXenonfrigates" exact="0" />
<!-- Activate EVEN MORE XENON for a Xenon Apocalypse, be prepared for a lot of mayhem (maybe, I hope?) 0 for no, 1 for yes-->
<set_value name="$activateXenonApocalypse" exact="0" />
<!-- Options for BORON SHIPS, only turn on if you have BORON DLC -->
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Boron fighter squads? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activateboronfighters" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional boron Destroyer fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$borondestroyers" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional boron Carrier Fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 to turn on. -->
<set_value name="$activateboroncarrier" exact="0" />
<!-- Do you want to activate even more boron fleets? Put 0 to turn off and 1 to turn on -->
<set_value name="$activateborondefensefleets" exact="0" />
<!-- Options for TERRAN SHIPS, only turn on if you have Terran DLC -->
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Terran fighter squads? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activateterranfighters" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Terran Destroyer fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$terrandestroyers" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Terran Carrier Fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activateterrancarrier" exact="0" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Terran Battleship Fleets? Put 0 to turn off and 1 to turn on -->
<set_value name="$activateterranbattleship" exact="0" />
<!-- Do you want to activate even more Terran fleets? Put 0 to turn off and 1 to turn on -->
<set_value name="$activateterrandefensefleets" exact="0" />
<!-- Options for TRINITY SHIPS -->
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Trinity fighter squads? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatetrinityfighters" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Trinity Destroyer fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$trinitydestroyers" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Trinity Carrier Fleets? Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for on. -->
<set_value name="$activatetrinitycarrier" exact="0" />
<!-- Do you want to activate even more Trinity fleets? This adds many new Trinity fleets. Put 0 to turn off and 1 to turn on -->
<set_value name="$activatetrinitymore" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Trinity fleets for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatetrinityattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Options for VIGOR SHIPS -->
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Vigor Large fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatevigordestroyer" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Vigor fighter squads? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatevigorfighters" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate even more Vigor fleets? This adds many new Vigor fleets. Put 0 to turn off and 1 to turn on -->
<set_value name="$activatevigormore" exact="0" />
<!-- Double the amount of Yaki that are built in your game? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateyakibuild" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to have Yaki ships that are spawned and not built at a shipyard? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateyakispawn" exact="0" />
<!-- Do you want to activate XENON SPAWNED SHIPS. Choose the options below, put a 0 to turn off and a 1 to turn on. -->
<set_value name="$activateXenspawneddestroyerfleet" exact="0" /> <!-- This will activate Xenon Destroyer fleets that spawn. They are accompanied by a dozen or so fighters and a few frigates -->
<set_value name="$activateXenspawnedcarrierfleet" exact="0" /> <!-- This will activate Xenon I fleets that spawn. They are accompanied by a couple dozen or so fighters and a several frigates -->
<set_value name="$activateXenspawnedminers" exact="0" /> <!-- This will activate Xenon Miners and Energy Transports that will spawn. There are several for each that spawn and they will spawn every few minutes up to a total of 6 for each. Once 6 for each is reached, no more spawn until destroyed. -->
<set_value name="$activateXenminers" exact="2" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Xenon fighters? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activateXenfighter" exact="2" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Xenon Capital ships? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activateXencapital" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional fighters for all factions? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<!-- only covers factions: arg, ant, tel, par, hop -->
<set_value name="$activateallfactionsfight" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Capital ships for all factions? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<!-- only covers factions: arg, ant, tel, par, hop -->
<set_value name="$activateallfactionscap" exact="1" />
<!-- Activate Additional Large fleets, heavy on the capital ships and I recommend only using these if you are using deadair fill which automatically fills shipyards with resources when they are low, I would also set it relatively high for filling resources -->
<!-- Either 1 for on, or 0 for off -->
<set_value name="$activateArglargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateAntlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activatetellargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activatezyalargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activatecurblargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateGODlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateHOPlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateTRINlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateTERRANlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateXENlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateHATlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateMINlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateFRFlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateBORlargefleets" exact="0" />
<!-- The following are additional settings for even more ships. These are in addition to the previous settings. This may impact your performance, so please keep in mind your PC system. Do not turn on if your PC can't handle more ships -->
<!-- Turn on additional Xenon Carriers for Defense? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateXencardefend" exact="1" />
<!-- Turn on additional Xenon Carriers for Attack? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateXencarattack" exact="1" />
<!-- Turn on additional Xenon Carriers for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateXendesattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Argon Carrier fleet? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateargcar" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Paranid Carrier fleet? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateparcar" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Holy Order Defense fleet? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateholcar" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Teladi Carrier fleet? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatetelcar" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Antigone fleet? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateantcap" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Hatikvah fleets? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatehatcap" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Argon Carriers for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateargcarattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Paranid Carriers for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateparcarattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Holy Order Carriers for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateholcarattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Teladi Carriers for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatetelcarattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Antigone fleets for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateantattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Hatikvah fleets for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatehatattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Ministry Defense fleets? 0 for No, 1 for light, 2 for medium, 3 for heavy -->
<set_value name="$activatemincap" exact="1" />
<!-- Turn on additional Ministry Squadrons? These are squadrons led by a frigate, 0 for No, 1 for light, 2 for medium, 3 for heavy -->
<set_value name="$activateminsquad" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Zyarth fighters? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatezyarthfight" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Zyarth Capital ships? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$zyarthcap" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Free Families fighters? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatefreefight" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Free families Capital ships? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$freecap" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Court fighters? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatecourtfight" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Court Capital ships? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$courtcap" exact="1" />
<!-- Turn on additional Court Destroyers? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatecourtmore" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Zyarth Carriers? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatezyarthcar" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on Zyarth Carriers for Attacking player when enemy? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatezyarthplay" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on Free Families Destroyers for Attacking player when enemy? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatefreeplay" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional fleets for all factions, these usually include multiple destroyers, frigates and many fighters. These are in addition to all other options and are extra ships for more carnage, 0 off, 1 on -->
<set_value name="$activatemorefleets" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Hatikvah squadrons for defense, 0 for no, 1 yes. These squadrons include frigates and fighters -->
<set_value name="$activatemorehatsquads" exact="0" />
<!-- Not enough Xenon? Add more here! Large destroyer fleets with frigate and fighter escorts, 0 for no, 1 for yes-->
<set_value name="$activatemoreXenonCaps" exact="0" />
<!-- Large Frigate squadrons with many fighter escorts, 0 for no, 1 for yes -->
<set_value name="$activatemoreXenonfrigates" exact="0" />
<!-- Activate EVEN MORE XENON for a Xenon Apocalypse, be prepared for a lot of mayhem (maybe, I hope?) 0 for no, 1 for yes-->
<set_value name="$activateXenonApocalypse" exact="0" />
<!-- Options for BORON SHIPS, only turn on if you have BORON DLC -->
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Boron fighter squads? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activateboronfighters" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional boron Destroyer fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$borondestroyers" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional boron Carrier Fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 to turn on. -->
<set_value name="$activateboroncarrier" exact="0" />
<!-- Do you want to activate even more boron fleets? Put 0 to turn off and 1 to turn on -->
<set_value name="$activateborondefensefleets" exact="0" />
<!-- Options for TERRAN SHIPS, only turn on if you have Terran DLC -->
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Terran fighter squads? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activateterranfighters" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Terran Destroyer fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$terrandestroyers" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Terran Carrier Fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activateterrancarrier" exact="0" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Terran Battleship Fleets? Put 0 to turn off and 1 to turn on -->
<set_value name="$activateterranbattleship" exact="0" />
<!-- Do you want to activate even more Terran fleets? Put 0 to turn off and 1 to turn on -->
<set_value name="$activateterrandefensefleets" exact="0" />
<!-- Options for TRINITY SHIPS -->
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Trinity fighter squads? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatetrinityfighters" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Trinity Destroyer fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$trinitydestroyers" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Trinity Carrier Fleets? Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for on. -->
<set_value name="$activatetrinitycarrier" exact="0" />
<!-- Do you want to activate even more Trinity fleets? This adds many new Trinity fleets. Put 0 to turn off and 1 to turn on -->
<set_value name="$activatetrinitymore" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Trinity fleets for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatetrinityattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Options for VIGOR SHIPS -->
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Vigor Large fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatevigordestroyer" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Vigor fighter squads? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatevigorfighters" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate even more Vigor fleets? This adds many new Vigor fleets. Put 0 to turn off and 1 to turn on -->
<set_value name="$activatevigormore" exact="0" />
<!-- Double the amount of Yaki that are built in your game? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateyakibuild" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to have Yaki ships that are spawned and not built at a shipyard? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateyakispawn" exact="0" />
<!-- Do you want to activate XENON SPAWNED SHIPS. Choose the options below, put a 0 to turn off and a 1 to turn on. -->
<set_value name="$activateXenspawneddestroyerfleet" exact="0" /> <!-- This will activate Xenon Destroyer fleets that spawn. They are accompanied by a dozen or so fighters and a few frigates -->
<set_value name="$activateXenspawnedcarrierfleet" exact="0" /> <!-- This will activate Xenon I fleets that spawn. They are accompanied by a couple dozen or so fighters and a several frigates -->
<set_value name="$activateXenspawnedminers" exact="0" /> <!-- This will activate Xenon Miners and Energy Transports that will spawn. There are several for each that spawn and they will spawn every few minutes up to a total of 6 for each. Once 6 for each is reached, no more spawn until destroyed. -->
- Moderator (Script&Mod)
- Posts: 7461
- Joined: Mon, 15. Dec 03, 18:53
Re: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
This is very tough, it depends on too many variables. Just like you are seeing. Every time you start a new game, different things could happen. You could try starting a new game without all the Xenon ships active and then activate them later so it takes time to build them. Don't activate any extra teladi ships too.user1679 wrote: ↑Sat, 6. Apr 24, 23:22 Having a bit of trouble getting the right balance. I've restarted a few games and each time XEN and TEL are almost instantly at war within 30 minutes. In a recent game, the XEN just steamrolled TEL in Ianaums Zura and were already building defense platforms in Hatikvah's Choice III before the first hour was up. I adjusted the parameters in focwsetup.xml and started a new game. This time, within 20 minutes TEL had 3 battleships invading Matrix #451 and took it over (map color change) without breaking a sweat (do lizard people sweat?).
Here's my config. What I'm looking for is a more balanced approach with slightly more aggressive Xenon than vanilla. I have an i5 13600 with an RTX 3060 if that matters:
SpoilerShow<!-- Do you want to activate additional Xenon Miners and Xenon Energy Transport ships? 1 for Yes and 0 for No -->
<set_value name="$activateXenminers" exact="2" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Xenon fighters? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activateXenfighter" exact="2" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Xenon Capital ships? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activateXencapital" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional fighters for all factions? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<!-- only covers factions: arg, ant, tel, par, hop -->
<set_value name="$activateallfactionsfight" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Capital ships for all factions? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<!-- only covers factions: arg, ant, tel, par, hop -->
<set_value name="$activateallfactionscap" exact="1" />
<!-- Activate Additional Large fleets, heavy on the capital ships and I recommend only using these if you are using deadair fill which automatically fills shipyards with resources when they are low, I would also set it relatively high for filling resources -->
<!-- Either 1 for on, or 0 for off -->
<set_value name="$activateArglargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateAntlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activatetellargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activatezyalargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activatecurblargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateGODlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateHOPlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateTRINlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateTERRANlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateXENlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateHATlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateMINlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateFRFlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateBORlargefleets" exact="0" />
<!-- The following are additional settings for even more ships. These are in addition to the previous settings. This may impact your performance, so please keep in mind your PC system. Do not turn on if your PC can't handle more ships -->
<!-- Turn on additional Xenon Carriers for Defense? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateXencardefend" exact="1" />
<!-- Turn on additional Xenon Carriers for Attack? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateXencarattack" exact="1" />
<!-- Turn on additional Xenon Carriers for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateXendesattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Argon Carrier fleet? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateargcar" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Paranid Carrier fleet? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateparcar" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Holy Order Defense fleet? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateholcar" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Teladi Carrier fleet? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatetelcar" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Antigone fleet? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateantcap" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Hatikvah fleets? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatehatcap" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Argon Carriers for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateargcarattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Paranid Carriers for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateparcarattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Holy Order Carriers for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateholcarattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Teladi Carriers for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatetelcarattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Antigone fleets for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateantattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Hatikvah fleets for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatehatattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Ministry Defense fleets? 0 for No, 1 for light, 2 for medium, 3 for heavy -->
<set_value name="$activatemincap" exact="1" />
<!-- Turn on additional Ministry Squadrons? These are squadrons led by a frigate, 0 for No, 1 for light, 2 for medium, 3 for heavy -->
<set_value name="$activateminsquad" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Zyarth fighters? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatezyarthfight" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Zyarth Capital ships? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$zyarthcap" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Free Families fighters? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatefreefight" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Free families Capital ships? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$freecap" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Court fighters? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatecourtfight" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Court Capital ships? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$courtcap" exact="1" />
<!-- Turn on additional Court Destroyers? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatecourtmore" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Zyarth Carriers? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatezyarthcar" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on Zyarth Carriers for Attacking player when enemy? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatezyarthplay" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on Free Families Destroyers for Attacking player when enemy? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatefreeplay" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional fleets for all factions, these usually include multiple destroyers, frigates and many fighters. These are in addition to all other options and are extra ships for more carnage, 0 off, 1 on -->
<set_value name="$activatemorefleets" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Hatikvah squadrons for defense, 0 for no, 1 yes. These squadrons include frigates and fighters -->
<set_value name="$activatemorehatsquads" exact="0" />
<!-- Not enough Xenon? Add more here! Large destroyer fleets with frigate and fighter escorts, 0 for no, 1 for yes-->
<set_value name="$activatemoreXenonCaps" exact="0" />
<!-- Large Frigate squadrons with many fighter escorts, 0 for no, 1 for yes -->
<set_value name="$activatemoreXenonfrigates" exact="0" />
<!-- Activate EVEN MORE XENON for a Xenon Apocalypse, be prepared for a lot of mayhem (maybe, I hope?) 0 for no, 1 for yes-->
<set_value name="$activateXenonApocalypse" exact="0" />
<!-- Options for BORON SHIPS, only turn on if you have BORON DLC -->
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Boron fighter squads? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activateboronfighters" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional boron Destroyer fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$borondestroyers" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional boron Carrier Fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 to turn on. -->
<set_value name="$activateboroncarrier" exact="0" />
<!-- Do you want to activate even more boron fleets? Put 0 to turn off and 1 to turn on -->
<set_value name="$activateborondefensefleets" exact="0" />
<!-- Options for TERRAN SHIPS, only turn on if you have Terran DLC -->
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Terran fighter squads? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activateterranfighters" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Terran Destroyer fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$terrandestroyers" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Terran Carrier Fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activateterrancarrier" exact="0" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Terran Battleship Fleets? Put 0 to turn off and 1 to turn on -->
<set_value name="$activateterranbattleship" exact="0" />
<!-- Do you want to activate even more Terran fleets? Put 0 to turn off and 1 to turn on -->
<set_value name="$activateterrandefensefleets" exact="0" />
<!-- Options for TRINITY SHIPS -->
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Trinity fighter squads? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatetrinityfighters" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Trinity Destroyer fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$trinitydestroyers" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Trinity Carrier Fleets? Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for on. -->
<set_value name="$activatetrinitycarrier" exact="0" />
<!-- Do you want to activate even more Trinity fleets? This adds many new Trinity fleets. Put 0 to turn off and 1 to turn on -->
<set_value name="$activatetrinitymore" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Trinity fleets for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatetrinityattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Options for VIGOR SHIPS -->
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Vigor Large fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatevigordestroyer" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Vigor fighter squads? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatevigorfighters" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate even more Vigor fleets? This adds many new Vigor fleets. Put 0 to turn off and 1 to turn on -->
<set_value name="$activatevigormore" exact="0" />
<!-- Double the amount of Yaki that are built in your game? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateyakibuild" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to have Yaki ships that are spawned and not built at a shipyard? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateyakispawn" exact="0" />
<!-- Do you want to activate XENON SPAWNED SHIPS. Choose the options below, put a 0 to turn off and a 1 to turn on. -->
<set_value name="$activateXenspawneddestroyerfleet" exact="0" /> <!-- This will activate Xenon Destroyer fleets that spawn. They are accompanied by a dozen or so fighters and a few frigates -->
<set_value name="$activateXenspawnedcarrierfleet" exact="0" /> <!-- This will activate Xenon I fleets that spawn. They are accompanied by a couple dozen or so fighters and a several frigates -->
<set_value name="$activateXenspawnedminers" exact="0" /> <!-- This will activate Xenon Miners and Energy Transports that will spawn. There are several for each that spawn and they will spawn every few minutes up to a total of 6 for each. Once 6 for each is reached, no more spawn until destroyed. -->
By the way in your settings you have <!-- Do you want to activate additional Xenon Miners and Xenon Energy Transport ships? 1 for Yes and 0 for No -->
<set_value name="$activateXenminers" exact="2" />
This is wrong, 2 isn't a valid choice.
Maybe try keeping the defense carrier for Xenon but not the attack carriers. Also, you might need to tweak the numbers and give Xenon more defense carriers.
- Posts: 1031
- Joined: Fri, 20. Jul 18, 23:20
Re: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
Thanks for catching my typo. I'm going to try giving everyone the extra fighters but not capital ships and see how it goes. I can always activate the capital ships later once factions have had a little more time to mature.BlackRain wrote: ↑Sun, 7. Apr 24, 17:24This is very tough, it depends on too many variables. Just like you are seeing. Every time you start a new game, different things could happen. You could try starting a new game without all the Xenon ships active and then activate them later so it takes time to build them. Don't activate any extra teladi ships too.user1679 wrote: ↑Sat, 6. Apr 24, 23:22 Having a bit of trouble getting the right balance. I've restarted a few games and each time XEN and TEL are almost instantly at war within 30 minutes. In a recent game, the XEN just steamrolled TEL in Ianaums Zura and were already building defense platforms in Hatikvah's Choice III before the first hour was up. I adjusted the parameters in focwsetup.xml and started a new game. This time, within 20 minutes TEL had 3 battleships invading Matrix #451 and took it over (map color change) without breaking a sweat (do lizard people sweat?).
Here's my config. What I'm looking for is a more balanced approach with slightly more aggressive Xenon than vanilla. I have an i5 13600 with an RTX 3060 if that matters:
SpoilerShow<!-- Do you want to activate additional Xenon Miners and Xenon Energy Transport ships? 1 for Yes and 0 for No -->
<set_value name="$activateXenminers" exact="2" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Xenon fighters? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activateXenfighter" exact="2" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Xenon Capital ships? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activateXencapital" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional fighters for all factions? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<!-- only covers factions: arg, ant, tel, par, hop -->
<set_value name="$activateallfactionsfight" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Capital ships for all factions? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<!-- only covers factions: arg, ant, tel, par, hop -->
<set_value name="$activateallfactionscap" exact="1" />
<!-- Activate Additional Large fleets, heavy on the capital ships and I recommend only using these if you are using deadair fill which automatically fills shipyards with resources when they are low, I would also set it relatively high for filling resources -->
<!-- Either 1 for on, or 0 for off -->
<set_value name="$activateArglargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateAntlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activatetellargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activatezyalargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activatecurblargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateGODlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateHOPlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateTRINlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateTERRANlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateXENlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateHATlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateMINlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateFRFlargefleets" exact="0" />
<set_value name="$activateBORlargefleets" exact="0" />
<!-- The following are additional settings for even more ships. These are in addition to the previous settings. This may impact your performance, so please keep in mind your PC system. Do not turn on if your PC can't handle more ships -->
<!-- Turn on additional Xenon Carriers for Defense? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateXencardefend" exact="1" />
<!-- Turn on additional Xenon Carriers for Attack? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateXencarattack" exact="1" />
<!-- Turn on additional Xenon Carriers for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateXendesattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Argon Carrier fleet? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateargcar" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Paranid Carrier fleet? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateparcar" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Holy Order Defense fleet? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateholcar" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Teladi Carrier fleet? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatetelcar" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Antigone fleet? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateantcap" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Hatikvah fleets? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatehatcap" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Argon Carriers for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateargcarattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Paranid Carriers for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateparcarattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Holy Order Carriers for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateholcarattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Teladi Carriers for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatetelcarattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Antigone fleets for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateantattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Hatikvah fleets for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatehatattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Ministry Defense fleets? 0 for No, 1 for light, 2 for medium, 3 for heavy -->
<set_value name="$activatemincap" exact="1" />
<!-- Turn on additional Ministry Squadrons? These are squadrons led by a frigate, 0 for No, 1 for light, 2 for medium, 3 for heavy -->
<set_value name="$activateminsquad" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Zyarth fighters? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatezyarthfight" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Zyarth Capital ships? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$zyarthcap" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Free Families fighters? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatefreefight" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Free families Capital ships? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$freecap" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Court fighters? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatecourtfight" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Court Capital ships? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$courtcap" exact="1" />
<!-- Turn on additional Court Destroyers? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatecourtmore" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Zyarth Carriers? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatezyarthcar" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on Zyarth Carriers for Attacking player when enemy? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatezyarthplay" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on Free Families Destroyers for Attacking player when enemy? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatefreeplay" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional fleets for all factions, these usually include multiple destroyers, frigates and many fighters. These are in addition to all other options and are extra ships for more carnage, 0 off, 1 on -->
<set_value name="$activatemorefleets" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Hatikvah squadrons for defense, 0 for no, 1 yes. These squadrons include frigates and fighters -->
<set_value name="$activatemorehatsquads" exact="0" />
<!-- Not enough Xenon? Add more here! Large destroyer fleets with frigate and fighter escorts, 0 for no, 1 for yes-->
<set_value name="$activatemoreXenonCaps" exact="0" />
<!-- Large Frigate squadrons with many fighter escorts, 0 for no, 1 for yes -->
<set_value name="$activatemoreXenonfrigates" exact="0" />
<!-- Activate EVEN MORE XENON for a Xenon Apocalypse, be prepared for a lot of mayhem (maybe, I hope?) 0 for no, 1 for yes-->
<set_value name="$activateXenonApocalypse" exact="0" />
<!-- Options for BORON SHIPS, only turn on if you have BORON DLC -->
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Boron fighter squads? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activateboronfighters" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional boron Destroyer fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$borondestroyers" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional boron Carrier Fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 to turn on. -->
<set_value name="$activateboroncarrier" exact="0" />
<!-- Do you want to activate even more boron fleets? Put 0 to turn off and 1 to turn on -->
<set_value name="$activateborondefensefleets" exact="0" />
<!-- Options for TERRAN SHIPS, only turn on if you have Terran DLC -->
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Terran fighter squads? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activateterranfighters" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Terran Destroyer fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$terrandestroyers" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Terran Carrier Fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activateterrancarrier" exact="0" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Terran Battleship Fleets? Put 0 to turn off and 1 to turn on -->
<set_value name="$activateterranbattleship" exact="0" />
<!-- Do you want to activate even more Terran fleets? Put 0 to turn off and 1 to turn on -->
<set_value name="$activateterrandefensefleets" exact="0" />
<!-- Options for TRINITY SHIPS -->
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Trinity fighter squads? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatetrinityfighters" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Trinity Destroyer fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$trinitydestroyers" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Trinity Carrier Fleets? Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for on. -->
<set_value name="$activatetrinitycarrier" exact="0" />
<!-- Do you want to activate even more Trinity fleets? This adds many new Trinity fleets. Put 0 to turn off and 1 to turn on -->
<set_value name="$activatetrinitymore" exact="0" />
<!-- Turn on additional Trinity fleets for attacking player owned sectors? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activatetrinityattackpla" exact="0" />
<!-- Options for VIGOR SHIPS -->
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Vigor Large fleets? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatevigordestroyer" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate additional Vigor fighter squads? You can also choose from the following settings. Keep 0 to turn off, Put 1 for light, Put 2 for medium, Put 3 for heavy. This setting may impact performance depending on what setting you choose. -->
<set_value name="$activatevigorfighters" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to activate even more Vigor fleets? This adds many new Vigor fleets. Put 0 to turn off and 1 to turn on -->
<set_value name="$activatevigormore" exact="0" />
<!-- Double the amount of Yaki that are built in your game? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateyakibuild" exact="1" />
<!-- Do you want to have Yaki ships that are spawned and not built at a shipyard? 0 for No, 1 for Yes -->
<set_value name="$activateyakispawn" exact="0" />
<!-- Do you want to activate XENON SPAWNED SHIPS. Choose the options below, put a 0 to turn off and a 1 to turn on. -->
<set_value name="$activateXenspawneddestroyerfleet" exact="0" /> <!-- This will activate Xenon Destroyer fleets that spawn. They are accompanied by a dozen or so fighters and a few frigates -->
<set_value name="$activateXenspawnedcarrierfleet" exact="0" /> <!-- This will activate Xenon I fleets that spawn. They are accompanied by a couple dozen or so fighters and a several frigates -->
<set_value name="$activateXenspawnedminers" exact="0" /> <!-- This will activate Xenon Miners and Energy Transports that will spawn. There are several for each that spawn and they will spawn every few minutes up to a total of 6 for each. Once 6 for each is reached, no more spawn until destroyed. -->
By the way in your settings you have <!-- Do you want to activate additional Xenon Miners and Xenon Energy Transport ships? 1 for Yes and 0 for No -->
<set_value name="$activateXenminers" exact="2" />
This is wrong, 2 isn't a valid choice.
Maybe try keeping the defense carrier for Xenon but not the attack carriers. Also, you might need to tweak the numbers and give Xenon more defense carriers.
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Sat, 27. Mar 21, 23:39
Re: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
Does anyone know if FOCW works with the 7.0 beta?
- Moderator (Script&Mod)
- Posts: 7461
- Joined: Mon, 15. Dec 03, 18:53
Re: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
This mod will always work, you never have to worry about it not working (except for maybe some strange super rare circumstances if any?)
- Posts: 1031
- Joined: Fri, 20. Jul 18, 23:20
Re: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
So that seemed to do the trick. There have been several minor skirmishes around the map but removing the extra capital ships has allowed the Xenon (and Yaki) to expand a little without being overwhelmed while also not letting them steamroll over everyone. It seems to have made the universe even more dangerous, I was flying around Path to Profit in my little Elite Sentinel when I ran into a K guarding some mining ships. Was kinda random but fun because it makes exploring less boring.
- Posts: 15
- Joined: Sun, 4. Oct 15, 23:57
Re: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
Just installed the mod on a 7.00 beta 4 savegame (my save is around 120 hours).
I did set almost everything to 1 (light) for all factions except HOP/PAR that in my opinion already have too many fleets in my playthrough.
I added carriers, fighters and destroyers to all factions.
I only added more fighters to Xenon because in my game they already use a ton of I/K, but nothing else, to attack. I didn't gave them the possibility of building more miners/transports. I'll see if i change this in the future.
I only used the "1=light" setting for everything, never 2 or 3, and NO magical spawns for anyone.
I do not use any of the Deadair's mods. I AM the one filling the holes in each faction's economy. I don't want any magic spawns of ships or wares.
1 hour in game after adding the mod, my save where the universe was really slow, the economy stall, the wares prices low, no invasion or conflicts at all...Became a wonderful mess ! Some Yaki groups started attacking my stations in TEL, ZYA and HOP Space. They even attacked my factories in a sector i took from the XEN.
ANT and HOP were having a huge fight with multiple L/XL ships in Second Contact : Flashpoint.
ZYA retook one of their systems to ARG.
All of that in ONE hour, NO SETA ! It gave me the same feeling that you have in the first hour of a new game, when there are conflicts everywhere. And i noticed absolutely no drop in my FPS.
THIS IS HUGE. This mod really made my savegame become interesting again after 120 hours of building factories everywhere that barely made money because none of the factions were loosing/building ships. This is everything i've ever dreamed of in X4 since release. I don't get why these settings aren't in vanilla.
Thanks a lot to the author. And if anyone wants my settings, here they are : (just copy/paste them into your focwsetup.xml or download the file and replace the original)
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Sat, 27. Mar 21, 23:39
Re: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
BlackRain, do you know if we still need to add Deadair jobs to the Xenon? I remember in 6.X there was a theory that something was off with Xenon production and you made a few posts explaining how you could apply some of the Deadair jobs/ware code to the Xenon. I remember doing that in 6.X and it made the Xenon an absolute total menace. Is the current theory that the Xenon need this adjustment or will normal FOCW setting be sufficient to make them a threat?
- Moderator (Script&Mod)
- Posts: 7461
- Joined: Mon, 15. Dec 03, 18:53
Re: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
The reason for adding deadair was just the inability of the AI factions to sufficiently supply their shipyards with resources to keep up with increased production. If you have added a heavy amount of additional fleets to the Xenon, it might be wise to still keep it for just the Xenon. I just let deadair work for every faction, I do not mind that resources get cheated in, it makes for a more lively game in my opinion so I just let it go and adjust the settings to my liking. I am still using it so I didn't even test 7.0 without it honestly. I would also recommend starting a new game with the Xenon and the Zyarth patriarchy having the extra ships (this way they spawn at new game start) and then add whatever other settings you want to the other factions (so that they have to build the new fleets and do not start with them). Zyarth will probably need the extra ships to fight the Xenon, other factions should be fine without the extra ships initially. You could also add just fighters to every other faction initially and add the capital fleets later.xxlordsothxx wrote: ↑Sat, 22. Jun 24, 07:15 BlackRain, do you know if we still need to add Deadair jobs to the Xenon? I remember in 6.X there was a theory that something was off with Xenon production and you made a few posts explaining how you could apply some of the Deadair jobs/ware code to the Xenon. I remember doing that in 6.X and it made the Xenon an absolute total menace. Is the current theory that the Xenon need this adjustment or will normal FOCW setting be sufficient to make them a threat?
- Moderator (Script&Mod)
- Posts: 7461
- Joined: Mon, 15. Dec 03, 18:53
Re: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
I wanted to share some settings which I have experienced working pretty well.
When you start a new game, I only activated fighters for all factions but I allowed Zyarth Patriarchy to have all additional options which means extra capital ships, large fleets, fighters, etc. I also gave the xenon a little bit more ships here and there. After playing the game for several hours, I then start to activate some of the additional fleets but not all and then after a few more hours activate more of the additional fleets and large fleets for all factions. I do not give Vigor, Ministry, Boron or Terran more ships. I would only give Terran more ships if I have them going to war with everyone, otherwise they don't really need them. Boron do not need more ships usually and neither does Vigor unless you want to fight them or something. Also, for Teladi, I would not give them any extra large fleets or anything otherwise they become too strong. Just give them the basic stuff.
This works pretty well and creates a good experience and a lot of interesting fights.
When you start a new game, I only activated fighters for all factions but I allowed Zyarth Patriarchy to have all additional options which means extra capital ships, large fleets, fighters, etc. I also gave the xenon a little bit more ships here and there. After playing the game for several hours, I then start to activate some of the additional fleets but not all and then after a few more hours activate more of the additional fleets and large fleets for all factions. I do not give Vigor, Ministry, Boron or Terran more ships. I would only give Terran more ships if I have them going to war with everyone, otherwise they don't really need them. Boron do not need more ships usually and neither does Vigor unless you want to fight them or something. Also, for Teladi, I would not give them any extra large fleets or anything otherwise they become too strong. Just give them the basic stuff.
This works pretty well and creates a good experience and a lot of interesting fights.
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Fri, 30. Nov 18, 18:31
Re: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
The only thing that doesn't work is the crisis event with this mod.
I tried it several times with and without the mod.
The only thing that doesn't work is the crisis event with this mod.
I tried it several times with and without the mod.
- Moderator (Script&Mod)
- Posts: 7461
- Joined: Mon, 15. Dec 03, 18:53
Re: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
Not sure what you mean, I don't see how this mod could affect the crisis events. This does not in any way change anything in the base game. This mod only adds additional ships to the game, all of which are created by this mod.Pokals1985 wrote: ↑Wed, 10. Jul 24, 11:45 Hello
The only thing that doesn't work is the crisis event with this mod.
I tried it several times with and without the mod.
- Posts: 10
- Joined: Sat, 20. Jul 24, 17:24
Re: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2
I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. I have the mod activated and loading fine (I see the FOCW welcome message in the logbook just fine). It just doesn't seem like any changes I made have an impact. I keep bumping up the Xenon and they refuse to attack. So, as a test, I changed the diplomacy settings to see if I could tell if anything changed.
Nothing changed. I didn't even bother changing the default player faction settings because this was a test and I don't mind if it overwrote everything. It didn't overwrite anything though. What am I missing?
Code: Select all
<set_value name="$diplomacyplayer" exact="1" />
<set_value name="$diplomacyallfactions" exact="1" />
<set_faction_relation faction="faction.terran" otherfaction="faction.argon" value="-1"/> <!-- Default faction relation is -0.011-->
<set_faction_relation faction="faction.argon" otherfaction="faction.terran" value="-1"/>