wtf is this??? why this game traders is so strange?

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Re: wtf is this??? why this game is so stupid?

Post by Zagreus86 »

GCU Grey Area wrote: Sat, 16. Mar 24, 17:48
Could still do with a bit more info to diagnose what the problem is. Since it's an internal logistics matter it seems likely that the problem has arisen due to how storage is configured at station 2 - i.e. it's possible that there was only enough room for 16 units so that's all that could be transported. Presumably 'all auto' means that the station's still running on default automatic settings for storage configuration? This is not necessarily the best setting for all circumstances, particularly if it's a warehouse station without any production modules. A more thorough description of station 2 may be helpful to work out what's gone wrong.

The problem of "strange" transportation by autotraders is solved by the construction of intermediate hubs of goods (trade stations of primary and intermediate goods). And transfer autotraders to station traders... 100% time - full cargo
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Re: wtf is this??? why this game traders is so strange?

Post by Hector0x »

I think the overall quantity of the economy and how much goods actually need to be moved around often gets overestimated.

There are so many freighters which only carry very few units at a time. If you would introduce a minimum profit margin there would be so many ships which are simply unnecessary and who would wait idle most of the time. Overall traffic would go down significantly and people would complain that the game feels lifeless.

So its better to haul the 16 Quantum tubes.
Imperial Good
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Re: wtf is this??? why this game traders is so strange?

Post by Imperial Good »

I personally think a "biggest volume" mode would solve a lot of this. Currently all auto traders use what I like to call "first found" where they take the first trade that meets the price requirement that they find, which is mostly based on proximity from what I have observed. With biggest volume they would take the trade with the biggest buy/sell order that meets the price requirement irrespective of distance.

Although not ideal for profit, such logic would focus on throughput which is largely what late game becomes all about. Using it, the only time L traders would make small shipments is if there are no big buy orders in range, or if there is only a small sell order available.

In theory a hybrid approach could be used where traders look for the first found trade that will completely fill them, only taking the largest if no such trade could be found. This could perform better than just "biggest volume" and possibly re-use existing code, but going a pure "biggest volume" approach could potentially allow for other optimisations.
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