[Feedback / Feature Request] Limit search on specific game section

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Old Drullo321
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[Feedback / Feature Request] Limit search on specific game section

Post by Old Drullo321 »

I visit the wiki to only search for info on a specific game, in this case X4. Therefore if i use the search bar available on the X4 main page (see screenshot) it only shows results for X4. However, the search bar is only available on this page and if you are on any other page, only the top right general search box is available, which to my knowledge always shows result from the complete wiki, which isn't helpful at all.

The only way to circumvent this issue is to always have a tab open with the X4 main page and use that search box. That is a bit cumbersome. I would like to see improvements to the general search to only search in the specific game area you are currently in (or any other option to improve this behaviour).

If I have overlooked a feature, please inform me how to have a better user experience.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/11C2cN6 ... o3slx/view
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Stoats not Goats
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Re: [Feedback / Feature Request] Limit search on specific game section

Post by Stoats not Goats »

Hi Drullo, I did have a look into this and I don't know if that is possible unfortunately (though I find XWiki documentation can be a bit tricky to find so I might have missed it). Would more relevant links between pages be useful for navigation do you think or do you have other ideas for how things could be more accessible?
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